Blog campur-campur

CEK DARAH ANDA, Normalkah...?

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Normalkah ……?
• Kolesterol
• Fungsi Hati
• Fungsi Ginjal
• Kadar Gula Darah Saya …..?

Kolesterol yang tinggi dalam darah (Dislipidemia) merupakan factor yang berperan sebbagai penyebab aterosklerosis yang akhirnya dapat menyebabkan Penyakit Jantung Koroner ( PJK ) dan stroke. Setiap orang dewasa berumur > 20 Tahun dianjurkan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan kadar kolesterol darah secara berkala.
Perkiraan Biaya
Pemeriksaan Kolesterol Lengkap Rp 170.500,-
Pemeriksaan terdiri dari :
1. Kolesterol Total
2. Kolesterol HDL
3. Kolesterol LDL
4. Trigliserida

Diabetes Melitus adalah penyakit menahun yang ditandai dengan kadar glukosa darah yang melebihi nilai normal akibat kekurangan hormone insulin terganggu. Kadar gula darah yang tinggi lama – kelamaan dapat menyebabkan kerusakan dan gangguan fungsi berbagai jaringan dan organ tubuh. Penelitian terbaru menyebutkan penyebab DM terbanyak pada saat ini adalah karena gaya hidup yang tidak sehat.
Perkiraan Biaya
Pemeriksaan Kadar Gula Darah Rp 213.000,-
Pemeriksaan terdiri dari :
1. Gula Darah Puasa
2. Gula Darah 2 jam setelah makan
3. HbAIC

Liver/Hati adalah organ tubuh yang bila kerusakannya tidak parah tidak akan menimbulkan gejala. Untuk mengetahui adanya gangguan fungsi hati harus dilakukan pemeriksaan panel fungsi secara berkala.
Perkiraan Biaya
Pemeriksaan Fungsi Hati Rp 127.000,-
Pemeriksaan terdiri dari :
3. Gamma GT
4. Fosfatase Alkali

Ginjal merupakan organ penting yang menyaring darah dan membuang zat-zat sisa dan racun dari dalam tubuh. Infeksi ginjal dan gangguan fungsi ginjal bila tidak ditangani cepat dan tepat dapat menyebabkan kerusakan organ dan gagal ginjal.
Perkiraan Biaya
Pemeriksaan Fungsi Ginjal Rp 125.500,-
Pemeriksaan terdiri dari :
1. Ureum
2. Creatinine
3. Asam Urat
4. Urine Lengkap

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Layanan Western Union

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Kini layanan pengiriman dan penerimaan uang dari luar negeri ke Indonesia sudah semakin mudah. Western Union (WU) memberikan keuntungan bagi anda dalam melakukan transaksi pengiriman dan penerimaan uang untuk/dari keluarga maupun kerabat anda.

Keuntungan bertransaksi WU
  1. BEBAS BIAYA. Bebas biaya materai dan administrasi untuk setiap transaksi penerimaan uang.
  2. CEPAT. Uang anda dapat segera diterima di tempat tujuan setelah pengiriman berhasil dilakukan.
  3. MUDAH. Anda dapat melakukan transaksi penerimaan hanya dengan menunjukkan KTP dan mengisi aplikasi tanpa harus memiliki rekening bank.
  4. AMAN. Hanya penerima yang ditunjuk yang dapat menerima kiriman uang anda dan setiap pengiriman dilindungi sistem keamanan kelas dunia dengan adanya Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN), yang berlaku sebagai nomor identitas transaksi anda.
Cara Pengiriman Uang
  1. Datang ke bank yang berafiliasi dengan WU terdekat dan melengkapi formulir Pengiriman Uang.
  2. Menyerahkan formulir Pengiriman Uang yang sudah dilengkapi, kartu identitas asli yang masih berlaku, beserta uang yang akan dikirim kepada petugas Bank Danamon.
  3. Anda akan mendapatkan tanda terima pengiriman uang yang dilengkapi dengan MTCN.
  4. Pengirim harus segera memberitahukan kepada Penerima perihal nomor MTCN, jumlah uang yang dikirim, dan informasi bahwa uang tersebut dapat diambil di lokasi layanan WU terdekat.
Cara Penerimaan Uang
  1. Penerima mendapatkan informasi dari Pengirim perihal: MTCN dan jumlah uang yang akan diterima.
  2. Silahkan datang ke kantor bank yang berafiliasi dengan WU terdekat sebagai salah satu pilihan lokasi layanan WU.
  3. Penerima melengkapi formulir Penerimaan Uang serta menunjukkan kartu identitas yang masih berlaku. Kemudian petugas bank akan memproses transaksi.
  4. Penerima akan menerima uang tunai berikut bukti tanda terima penerimaan uang.
Mudah bukan?

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Erotika dalam karya fiksi

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Oleh Mulyo Sunyoto

Ketika masih duduk di bangku sekolah menengah pertama, eseis Goenawan Mohamad sudah membaca novel George Orwell yang berjudul "1984" dalam versi aslinya.
"Saya baca terutama di bagian-bagian yang memuat deskripsi erotik," katanya. Pengalaman Goenawan tentu tidaklah istimewa. Karena pembaca pada umumnya secara naluriah tak akan melewatkan bagian penggambaran perilaku erotik ketika menikmati karya fiksi.

Itu sebabnya para novelis menjadikan deskripsi perilaku erotik sebagai bagian tak terpisahkan dari totalitas cerita. Ada pengarang yang menjaga agar deskripsi mengenai perilaku erotik itu jangan sampai terjerumus ke dalam klasifikasi pornografis. Ada pengarang yang tak mempedulikan batas-batas klasifikasi itu.

Jika tujuan penggambaran atau deskripsi mengenai perilaku erotis itu adalah untuk merangsang naluri seksual pembaca, seperti dijelaskan Webster`s New Explorer Dictionary, penggambaran itu bisa dikategorikan sebagai pornografi.

Dalam novel terbaru Ayu Utami "Bilangan Fu", misalnya, deskripsi perilaku erotik jelas tidak dimaksudkan untuk merangsang seksual pembaca karena sang pengarang tak membuat deskripsi jasmaniah-harfiah. Sebaliknya, Ayu sengaja mengaburkan adegan erotik lewat bahasa metaforik, yang sebetulnya bisa saja dianggap lebih merangsang fantasi seksual pembaca.

Di halaman 38 novel setebal 531 pagina itu, Ayu membahasakan adegan seks dengan pilihan kata berikut:
"Di dalam kamar kubiarkan Marja memicu kudanya untuk berlari lebih cepat lagi. Kubiarkan ia menaji si kuda dengan sanggurdinya yang tak berbelas kasih. Ia mengucapkan segala sumpah serapah yang terdengar oleh seluruh dunia dan kata-kata kotor pada kuda yang mulai kehilangan kontrol."

Diksi metaforik dalam pasase itu seperti "kuda", "menaji", "sanggurdi," digunakan pengarangnya untuk menghindari lukisan-lukisan verbal-vulgar yang biasa digunakan kalangan pengarang novel picisan.

Tak vulgar

Sementara itu dalam "God of Small Things", bahasa harfiah dipakai oleh Arundhaty Roy untuk melukisan percintaan erotik antara Ammukuty, seorang janda, dengan jejaka yang digandrunginya, Velutha. Meskipun bisa dicap pornografis, deskripsi tentang percintaan erotis yang digubah Arundhaty jauh dari kesan porno yang vulgar.
Kenapa? Sebab Arundhati meletakkan adegan erotik itu dalam bingkai situasi yang tegang. Sang lelaki dalam ancaman disiksa warga setempat karena nekat bercinta dengan wanita dari kasta tinggi sementara dia sendiri dari golongan sudra.

Bahasa harfiah yang melukisan tubuh manusia yang sedang bercinta antara lain diwujudkan dalam kalimat berikut: "Ammu menjulurkan lidahnya dan mengecapkannya di ceruk kerongkongan lelaki itu. Di cuping telinganya. Ia menarik kepala lelaki itu ke arahnya, dan mencium mulutnya. Ciuman berkabut...."

Namun, untuk adegan hubungan intim, Arundhati tidak seharfiah saat ia melukiskan adegan ciuman, yang menurut banyak kalangan belum "porno banget", meskipun Lembaga Sensor Film (LSF) suka menggunting pita seluloid yang berisi adegan ciuman.
Inilah deskripsi Arundhaty untuk adegan "porno" yang disampaikan dalam diksi dan frasa metaforik:
"Sepasang mata yang berkabut menatap sepasang mata yang berkabut dalam tatapan mesra, dan seorang wanita yang berkilauan membuka dirinya pada seorang lelaki yang berkilauan. Wanita itu selebar dan sedalam sungai di saat banjir. Lelaki itu menyelam ke dalam airnya. Wanita itu dapat merasakan lelaki itu bergerak semakin dalam dan semakin dalam di dalam dirinya. Sibuk sekali. Hingar bingar..."

Fiksi yang menguraikan perilaku erotis dengan bahasa yang denotatif, menurut kritikus Milan Kundera, tidak akan sedahsyat yang menggunakan kiasan atau metafora. Terkait dengan metafora, pengarang Putu Wijaya mengamini Kundera. Putu selalu menghadirkan tamsil, ibarat, kiasan dan metafora dalam fiksi-fiksi gubahannya. Semua medium ekspresi itu diramu dan disampaikan untuk menghadirkan pekabaran yang memukau.

Para pengarang tak henti-hentinya mengeksplorasi dan mencita bahasa metaforik, termasuk ketika mereka mendeskripsikan perilaku erotis dalam karya-karya fiksi mereka.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

ARS: Alternatif Remittance System Rawan Digunakan Teroris

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Pengiriman uang alternatif (alternatif remittance system/ARS) dan pengiriman uang secara elektronik (wired transfer) diindikasikan masih menjadi sarana para pelaku kejahatan semisal aksi pencucian uang (money laundering) dan penggalian pendanaan untuk aksi terorisme.

Hal itu terungkap dalam konferemsi pers APEC Seminar on Securing Remittance and Cross Borders Payment from Terorist Use, yang diadakan oleh Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK) bekerja sama dengan Asia Pasific Economic Cooperation (APEC) di Jakarta, Rabu (22/10).

Menurut Public Relation PPATK M Natsir Kongah MS dalam perkembangannya, jasa alternatif pengiriman uang dapat disalahgunakan karena ARS tidak terdeteksi dalam sistem keuangan.

Dari data yang dikeluarkan oleh APEC, Indonesia menduduki peringkat keempat dari lima besar pengiriman atau penerimaan uang ke dalam negeri, dibawah China, Meksiko dan Filipina. "Pada tahun 2006 jumlah pengiriman yang masuk ke Indonesia setara dengan 1,6 persen GDP," kata Natsir.

Sedangkan, dari mulai 2002 jumlah penerimaan uang yang masuk terus meningkat dimana pada 2002, jumlah uang yang masuk ke Indonesia sebanyak 1,259 juta dollar AS. Untuk 2003 mencapai 1,489 juta dollar AS. 2004 sebanyak 1,865 juta dollar AS, 2005 sejumlah 5,419 juta dollar AS. Dan 2006 berrtambahn menjadi 5,722 juta dollar AS. Sedangkan pada tahun lalu jumlahnya meningkat lagi menjadi 6 juta dollar AS.

Nantinya, diharapkan hasil dari seminar tersebut dapat membuahkan pemahaman yang lebih komprehensif bagi instansi terkait yang ada di Indonesia. Seperti kepolisian, kejaksaan, bea cukai maupun imigrasi. "Selain itu juga seminar ini untuk mendukung tugas dan fungsi PPATK sebagai financial intelegence unit," terang Natsir.

Seminar 2 hari ini diikuti oleh 100 peserta baik yang berasal dari instansi terkait di Indonesia maupun perwakilan dari negara anggota APEC.


Cheers, frizzy2008.

Ten Smart Travel Packing Tips

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

1. Plan ahead. Know what weather to expect and what your activities might be, then pack the right clothes for the climate and your events. Ignore the urge to add in “but what if…” items.

2. Pack less. Pack only 3 pair of quick-drying underwear that can be washed out and dried overnight: one to wear, one to wash, and a spare. Expect to wear each outer clothing item more than once. Choose versatile pieces that can be worn in different combinations.

3. Pack a “go-anywhere” wardrobe. Take clothes that blend in with the local population and provide safety from those who target tourists. For instance: modest necklines for women, long pants or skirts, and shirts with a collar and sleeves.

4. Pack easy-care clothes that you love. To ensure that you will look and feel great on your trip, choose clothes from your closet that still appear fresh at the end of a long day. If things wrinkle at home, they will surely wrinkle while traveling.

5. Take comfortable shoes. You will not have a good time if your feet hurt. Three pairs of shoes are the maximum for most trips: one to wear and two to pack.

6. Choose the right bag for the trip. Structured bags with wheels protect the contents and offer independence in airports, while unstructured bags without wheels are generally easier to squish into small places, as in the trunk of a car.

7. Know the current airline luggage rules. To avoid additional fees and confusion at the airport, understand how many pieces of luggage may be checked, plus the maximum dimensions and allowable weight for each bag. Call your airline or check for the latest information.

8. Pack smart. Use smart packing tricks to fit items into your luggage in the most space-efficient way, and to provide easy visibility during security checks. For example, group small items in see-through containers or in self-sealing plastic bags. Pack less to speed the security check process—an over packed bag takes longer to manually inspect and is more difficult to repack.

9. Travel light. Wheels are helpful on smooth terrain, but you must still be able to carry your bag on rough streets and up and down stairs. Two smaller bags are easier to manage than one larger bag, although changing airline checked baggage rules might make this cost more. Lighten up cosmetics and toiletries; these often make up half of the bag weight. Travel and sample-sized items are a good trick, as is transferring the amount needed into a small container. Dual duty products such as moisturizer plus sunscreen eliminate one entire bottle.

10. Use or pack a lock. Today’s airport security requires luggage to be unlocked, but pack a lock so you can secure your bag at your destination. Or purchase a new TSA-approved lock—a combination lock that is set by the owner with TSA holding the master key—and lock while traveling.

The moral to the story is if you follow these simple guidelines, you will have the freedom to go everywhere — independently and comfortably — and travel will indeed be the relaxing break you anticipate.

©2008 Susan Foster, Smart Travel Press, P.O. Box 25514, Portland, OR 97298-0514,

Cheers, frizzy2008.

True story of Stanford University

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Untrue story:

The Stanfords visited several great universities of the East to gather ideas. An urban legend, widely circulated on the Internet but untrue, describes the couple as poorly-dressed country bumpkins who decided to found their own university only after being rebuffed in their offer to endow a building at Harvard. They did visit Harvard's president but were well-received and given advice on starting a new university in California. From the outset they made some untraditional choices: the university would be coeducational, in a time when most were all-male; non-denominational, when most were associated with a religious organization; and avowedly practical, producing "cultured and useful citizens" when most were concerned only with the former.

True story:
taken from

The Birth of the University

In 1876, former California Governor Leland Stanford purchased 650 acres of Rancho San Francisquito for a country home and began the development of his famous Palo Alto Stock Farm. He later bought adjoining properties totaling more than 8,000 acres. The little town that was beginning to emerge near the land took the name Palo Alto (tall tree) after a giant California redwood on the bank of San Francisquito Creek. The tree itself is still there and would later become the university's symbol and centerpiece of its official seal.

The Stanford Family

Leland Stanford, who grew up and studied law in New York, moved West after the gold rush and, like many of his wealthy contemporaries, made his fortune in the railroads. He was a leader of the Republican Party, governor of California and later a U.S. senator. He and Jane had one son, who died of typhoid fever in 1884 when the family was traveling in Italy. Leland Jr. was just 15. Legend has it that the grieving couple said to one another after their son's death, "the children of California shall be our children," and they quickly set about to find a lasting way to memorialize their beloved son.

The Stanfords visited several great universities of the East to gather ideas. An urban legend, widely circulated on the Internet but untrue, describes the couple as poorly-dressed country bumpkins who decided to found their own university only after being rebuffed in their offer to endow a building at Harvard. They did visit Harvard's president but were well-received and given advice on starting a new university in California. From the outset they made some untraditional choices: the university would be coeducational, in a time when most were all-male; non-denominational, when most were associated with a religious organization; and avowedly practical, producing "cultured and useful citizens" when most were concerned only with the former.

The prediction of a New York newspaper that Stanford professors would "lecture in marble halls to empty benches" was quickly disproved. The first student body consisted of 559 men and women, and the original faculty of 15 was expanded to 49 for the second year. The university’s first president was David Starr Jordan, a graduate of Cornell, who left his post as president of Indiana University to join the adventure out West.

The Stanfords engaged Frederick Law Olmsted, the famed landscape architect who created New York’s Central Park, to design the physical plan for the university. The collaboration was contentious, but finally resulted in an organziation of quadrangles on an east-west axis. Today, as Stanford continues to expand, the university’s architects attempt to respect those original university plans.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

The Wealthy Use Google, The Poor Use Yahoo

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Talk about a digital divide. Hitwise recently performed some analysis of the traffic patterns on the Google (NSDQ: GOOG) and Yahoo (NSDQ: YHOO) search engines. Google users tended to be older and spend more money online. Yahoo users, conversely, were often younger and spent less money online. Which is the better audience to have?

Why is it that Google users are likely to be older and spend more and the opposite for Yahoo? Is it the blend of services available? The result Hopkins finds of highly-indexed Google users being 55+ seems odd to me. My parents fall into that age bracket and hardly use the Internet for more than the most casual searches. Meanwhile, my peers, ranging from 25 to 40, seem to have adopted more of Google's services than our parents have. So when Hitwise says Yahoo users are younger, does that mean younger than 25? Younger than 20? Are teenagers the biggest users of Yahoo services?

Why would Microsoft want to buy a company that caters to teenagers? Granted, the 18-34 advertising bracket is highly coveted, as younger people are falling into the purchasing patterns they will likely follow for the rest of their lives. But older people, 34-54, generally have more disposable income.

taken from
Cheers, frizzy2008.

Depkominfo Selanggarakan Instalasi Open Source Software Secara Massal

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Kementerian Ristek dan Depkominfo menyelenggarakan instalasi Open Source Software (OSS) secara massal pertama di Indonesia untuk 288 unit laptop. Setelah proses instalasi selesai, ke-288 laptop tersebut akan menjalankan aplikasi OpenOffice secara massal pertama di Indonesia, di mana setiap 3-4 laptop dijalankan oleh seorang peserta.

"Ini akan dicatatkan di MURI (Museum Rekor Dunia Indonesia -red)," kata Asisten Deputi Pendayagunaan dan Pemasyarakatan Iptek Kementerian Ristek Kemal Prihatman di sela proses instalasi massal Open Source Software di Jakarta, Sabtu (2/8). Dalam kesempatan itu, MURI juga mencatatkan hotspot dengan akses SSID terbanyak dalam satu waktu secara bersamaan dan konten blog terbanyak dalam waktu tiga jam.

Sementara itu, Pakar Telematika Onno W Purbo yang juga merupakan panitia acara itu mengatakan ada dua filosofi diselenggarakannya kegiatan pencatatan.
"Kita ingin tanamkan bahwa meng-install software open source itu mudah dan yang kedua kita ingin tanamkan bahwa menulis dalam blog itu juga mudah," katanya.

Kemal mengatakan sejak penandatanganan kesepakatan bersama penggunaan OSS di 18 Kementerian/Departemen pada Indonesia Go Open Source (IGOS) Summit Mei 2008 lalu perkembangan open source sangat positif.
"Namun memang tergantung kesiapan dari bagian di masing-masing instansi, ada yang masih proses dan ada yang sudah menggunakan," katanya.

Untuk Kementerian Ristek sudah 100 persen untuk server dan 95 persen desktop yang telah menggunakan OSS, sisanya tetap menggunakan software proprietari karena memang belum ada penggantinya. Sedangkan Dirjen Aplikasi Telematika Depkominfo Cahyana Ahmadjayadi mengatakan, pemassalan OSS di Departemen Kominfo khususnya di Dirjen Aplikasi Telematika sudah 98 persen dan dua persen dengan proprietari.

Semangat OSS sudah dimulai di Indonesia sejak 30 Juni 2004 dengan deklarasi lima instansi pemerintah yakni, Kementerian Ristek, Depkominfo, Depdiknas, Depkum dan HAM serta Kementerian PAN disusul dengan diluncurkannya OSS versi Indonesia IGOS Nusantara pada 12 Juli 2005, ujarnya. Kementerian Ristek, kata Kemal, juga sedang mempersiapkan delapan aplikasi khusus untuk Kementerian/Departemen seperti aplikasi inventaris kantor, aplikasi kepegawaian, aplikasi pengelolaan anggaran, hingga aplikasi pelayanan publik. Aplikasi tersebut nantinya bisa di-download di web Depkominfo dan bersifat customized karena terbuka untuk dimodifikasi, ujarnya.

Perangkat lunak open source sudah disediakan secara gratis oleh pemerintah dan merupakan pengganti perangkat lunak berbayar (proprietari) yang di pasaran cukup mahal seperti Microsoft.

taken from
Cheers, frizzy2008.

Ten ways to tell it’s not SOA

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Are we having fun yet? I’ve talked plenty about companies implementing JBOWS (Just a Bunch of Web Services) versus full-throttle SOA, but is there a way to tell the difference?

Here are a few clues that you may be not quite as service-enabled as you thought:

1) If a vendor tells you that you need to buy a suite to get to SOA… it’s not SOA. SOA means complete freedom from suites and integrated packages.

2) If a vendor is trying to sell you hardware… it’s not SOA. Enough said.

3) If you’re sending out email inquiries or making phone calls to find out what services are out there…. it’s not SOA. Registries and repositories are essential for service discovery and validation.

4) If nobody’s sharing services… it’s not SOA. You can have all the standardized services you can handle, but if it’s services within silos and nothing more, then it’s services in silos.

5) If developers and integrators are not being incented or persuaded to reuse services and interfaces… it’s not SOA. Without incentives or disincentives, they will keep building their own stuff.

6) If your CIO is clueless about what’s going on with shared services… it’s not SOA. To truly function, SOA-based infrastructures need to cross organizational boundaries, and it takes someone at the management level to bring these efforts together. Otherwise, again, it’s services in silos.

7) If the IT department is running the whole show… it’s not SOA. Sorry IT folks, but SOA needs to have the business heavily involved in the effort as well.

8) If it only runs one operating system or platform… it’s not SOA. SOA has nothing to do with any single OS.

9) If it replicates a SOA in place elsewhere… it’s not SOA. Every company has unique business requirements and processes, and no two SOAs will be alike.

10) If you have to rewrite or redesign code to make things run right… it’s not SOA. SOA is supposed to make rewrites unnecessary.

Qualifier: of course, there’s no such thing as a perfect SOA — the important thing is the fact a company is working toward service orientation at some level.

by Joe McKendrick
(Source of inspiration — James Governor’s “15 Ways to Tell It’s Not Cloud Computing“)
Cheers, frizzy2008.

Travel Essentials in Indonesia

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

How to get in and get out of Indonesia


The principal gateways for entry to Indonesia are Jakarta and Bali. Flights from neighbouring countries also stop in several Indonesian cities. Singapore has some of the cheapest flights to Indonesia and is a major travel hub in the region, so it may be cheaper to fly to Singapore, from where you can enter Indonesia by air or ship. From Penang in Malaysia, you can take a short flight or ferry to Medan in Sumatra.

The number of carriers servicing Indonesia has waned over the past few years. Nevertheless the glut of alliances between carriers means there are still enough options.
Air France,
Air New Zealand,
Air Paradise,
Australian Airlines,
ANA (All Nippon Airways),
Cathay Pacific,
China Airlines,
China Southern Airlines,
Eva Airlines,
Garuda Indonesia,
JAL (Japan Airlines),
KLM (Royal Dutch Airlines),
MAS (Malaysia Airlines),
Northwest Airlines,
Philippine Airlines,
Singapore Airlines,
Silk Air,
Thai Airways,

Jakarta’s Soekarno-Hatta International Airport is spacious, modern and efficient, but only has a few good and shopping outlets. Bali’s smaller Ngurah Rai International Airport is slightly more interesting. Shopping is also overpriced here but more varied than at Soekarno-Hatta. In peak tourist seasons when a few jumbos land, it is standing room only and queues are long. Standard duty-free items are on sale at both airports.

Bali is the major gateway to Australia, with almost all flight to/from Indonesia routed via Denpasar. Direct flight connect Denpasar with Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Darwin. Garuda and Qantas used to be the only carriers competing on most of these runs, but a couple of new outfits strated in 2003. Air Paradise flies from Melbourne and Perth, and Australian Airlines (operated by Qantas) from Sydney and Melbourne. Other direct flights to Indonesia are Perth – Jakarta and Sydney – Jakarta (both Australian Airlines).

If your tourist pass is running out and you’d like to return to Indonesia, Darwin is not your only Australin short-hop destination option. Christmas island in Australia’s Indian ocean Territories is only 360 km away from Jakarta, and there’s a weekly return charter-flight, which at the time of research departed Saturday from both Jakarta and Christmas island.

There are no direct flight between Indonesia and New Zealand; however, Air New Zealand, Garuda and Qantas connect Auckland with Denpasar via Sidney, Melbourne or Brisbane.

Flight Centre (0800 243 544; has an office in Auckland and many branches throughtout the country. Also checkout deals in the travel section of the New Zealand Herald.

There are no direct flights from the USA, but there are plenty of options that involve a stopever in another Asian destination, such us Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore or Malaysia. If you are traveling from east coast USA, it’s better to travel via either Frankfurt or Amsterdam.

If you are also visiting others parts of Asia, some good deals can be organized (eq, there are cheap tickets between the US west coast and Singapore with stopovers in Bangkok for very little extra money). However, be careful during the peak travel seasons (June to August, and Chinese New Year) because seats will be hard to come by unless reserved months in advance.

US websites worth checking out for lowcost flight include, and .

Getting discount tickets in Canada is much the same as in the USA – shop around until you find a good deal. Again, you’ll probably have to fly into Hong Kong or Singapore (or Europe from the east coast) and carry on from there to Indonesia.

The UK
There are no direct flights to Indonesia from the UK; however, there are plenty of airlines offering services via Europe, Asia and/or the Middle East. Discount air travel is big business in London. Advertisements for many agencies appear in the travel pages of weekend broadsheet newspapaer, in Time Out, the Evening Standard and in the free managazine TNT.

There are plenty of travel agencies worth checking for fares. STA Travel (0870 - 160 0599; has branches across the country. Other reputable agencies are Trailfinders (0207 – 938 3939;; Flight Centre (0870 – 890 8099; and ebookers (0870 – 010 7000;

STA Travel has offices throughout the region. Check out its website at for office locations and contact details. Nouvelles Frontieres ( also has branches throughout Europe.

France has a network of travel agencies that can supply discount tickets. OUT Voyages (08 20 81 78 17; and Voyageurs du Monde (01 42 86 16 40, 08 25 30 02 90; have branches throughout the country and offer some of the best services and deals.

Recommended travel agencies in Germany include STA Travel (01805-456 422; which has branches in major cities across the country.

In Italy, CTS Viaggi (840-501 150; is a student and youth specialist with branches in major cities.

In Spain, recommended agencies include Usit Unlimited (902 252 575; and Barcelo Viajes (902 116 226;, both with branches in major cities.

In the Netherlands, NBBS Reizen (0900-10 20 300; is a stalwart agent.

All the following air fares are for one-way travel.

The most popular flight is from Penang to Medan in Sumatra with Malaysia. Malaysia Airlines also flies Medan – Kuala Lumpur and Pontianak – Kuching.

Bouraq and Merpati both have flights from Manado to Davao in the Philippines, but you need an onward or return ticket to enter the Philippines. Philippine Airlines flies Manila – Jakarta.

Silk Air flies into several cities including Medan, Padang, Pekanbaru, Palembang, Manado, Makassar, Mataram, Balikpapan and Solo.


Most sea links are between Malaysia and Sumatra. Confortable, high-speed ferries between Penang (Malaysia) and Belawan (near Medan, Sumatra) are one of the most popular ways to reach Indonesia. The other main ferry connection is between Dumai (Sumatra) and Melaka (Malacca). From Johor Bahru in southern Malaysia, daily ferries run to Batam and Bintan islands in Sumatra’s Riau islands. From east-coast Kalimantan, speedboats depart every morning from Tarakan to Nunukan and from Nunukan to Tawau.

A popular way to reach Indonesia is via the Riau islands in Sumatra. The main stepping stones are the islands of batam and Bintan, both only a short high-speed ferry ride from Singapore. From Batam, speedboats travel through ro Pekanbaru on the Sumatran mainland. From Bintan, Pelni ships run to Jakarta and other destinations, and other ships go from Bintan to Jakarta.


There are three possible land crossings into Indonesia. It’s possible to cross by road at Entikong, between Kalimantan and Sarawak (eastern Malaysia); get your visa in advance.

The border crossing between West and East Timor at Motoain was open at the time of research; a visa in required when traveling from East to West Timor.

The road from Jayapura of Sentani in Indonesia to Vanimo in Papua New Guinea can be crossed, depending on the current political situation. A visa is required if traveling into Indonesia.

by Indonesia Trekking

Whatever you bring, make sure you to pack light & within the baggage restrictions on your air ticket. Airlines are becoming more stringent & do impose hefty charges for excess baggage!

  • Passport valid for at least 6 months from date of departure and must have at least 1 completely blank page (no stamps, nothing) upon arrival in Indonesia for Indonesian Immigration to attach the visa on arrival. Otherwise, you will be denied entry into Indonesia
  • Tickets, itinerary, travel insurance policy and any travel vouchers
  • Visa (if necessary) – for most countries including Australia, NZ and USA a US$25 30-day tourist visa is issued on arrival into Indonesia, payable in most currencies, or by credit card.
  • Money – change some cash into Indonesian Rupiah before you leave home or at the airport when you arrive in Indonesia. There are ATM’s at all airports, cities and main towns in Indonesia. Change AU$400 minimum per two weeks stay, less for boat trips. Travellers cheques are becoming more and more difficult to change outside major centres, so cash, preferably new 50 or 100 dollar notes and a credit or cash card enabling you use ATM’s are the go. Make sure you have RP 100,000 left over at the end of your trip for airport departure tax when leaving Indonesia.
  • Ticket or document wallet to store you valuables.
  • A sense of humor and an open mind – Indonesia has a very different culture to us and things don’t always go to plan. These two qualities will ensure you get the most from your travel experience and they don’t weigh anything!

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Info yang mungkin berguna

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

  • Karbon atau arang kayu yang biasa digunakan untuk memasak sate adalah media yang baik untuk memurnikan air dari pencemar logam seperti zat besi yang biasa mencemari air di perkotaan, karena arang kayu memiliki pori-pori yang mampu mengadsorpsi ion logam yang terdapat dalam air.
  • Pengolahan air minum dengan cara dimasak hanya cocok untuk air minum dari sumber yang belum tercemar, sedangkan untuk daerah perkotaan dan industri dimana airnya telah tercemar, pengolahan air minum dengan cara dimasak hanya dapat membunuh kuman tapi tidak menghilangkan bahan kimia berbahaya yang terdapat didalamnya, perlu pengolahan lebih lanjut agar air yang tercemar dapat dimunum, seperti dengan cara destilasi, adsorpsi, penukar ion atau menyaringnya dengan menggunakan membran semipermiable.
  • Mercury adalah logam yang berbentuk cair pada temperatur kamar, mercury akan menjadi padat bila diberi tekanan sebesar 7.640 atm atau 7,7 juta milibar.
  • Sejak zaman Belanda para petani kita sudah mengenal pupuk Z.A. (zwavelzuur amonium) yang tiada lain adalah amonium sulfat, (NH4)2 SO4. Pupuk Z.A. hanya mengandung 21 % berat nitrogen. Akan tetapi harganya lebih murah dari urea, serta dapat menyumbangkan unsur S (belerang) yang juga esensial bagi tumbuh-tumbuhan. Hanya penggunaan pupuk Z.A. yang terlalu banyak akan menyebabkan tanah bersifat asam.
  • Alkohol dapat bersifat sebagai asam. Alkohol mirip air dalam hal bersikap sebagai suatu basa dan menerima sebuah proton (menghasilkan suatu alkohol terprotonkan, ROH2+). Seperti air pula, suatu alkohol dapat bersikap sebagai asam dan melepaskan sebuah proton (menghasilkan ion alkoksida, RO-). Seperti air, alkohol adalah asam atau basa yang sangat lemah, untuk alkohol murni atau alkohol dalam air, kesetimbangan ionisasi terletak di sebelah kiri (di daerah alcohol takterionkan).
    Dalam larutan encer dalam air, alcohol mempunyai pKa yang kira-kira sama dengan pKa air. Namun dalam keadan murni (tak ada air) alkohol-alkohol jauh lebih lemah daripada air. Nilai pKa methanol murni sekitar 17, dan alkohol-alkohol lain lebih lemah lagi. Sebagai perbandingan untuk air murni pKa = 15,7 (bukan 14, yakni pKw).
    Satu alasan mengapa alkohol murni mempunyai keasaman yang lebih rendah adalah karena alkohol mempunyai tetapan dielektrik yang lebih rendah. Karena mereka kurang polar, alcohol kurang mampu mendukung ion dalam larutan daripada molekul air. Dalam larutan-air yang encer, alkohol mempunyai nilai pKa yang kira-kira sama seperti air.
  • Sabun dapat bereaksi dengan ion logam seperti ion besi, ion kalsium, ion magnesium dan lainnya, sehingga sifat sabunnya berkurang, yaitu tidak dapat mengikat lemak.Oleh sebab itu sabun tidak cocok digunakan dengan menggunakan air sadah dan air yang tercemar ion logam seperti besi. Untuk air yang banyak mengandung ion logam sebaiknya digunakan ditergent.
  • Cell bahan bakar hidrogen, menggunakan hidrogen sebagai anode dan oksigen sebagai katoda. Elektron dalam fuel cell berasal dari hidrogen yang mengalir dari anoda menuju katoda sehingga dihasilkan arus listrik. Oksigen bereaksi dengan hidrogen yang kekurangan elektron menghasilkan air. Cell bahan bakar hidrogen merupakan penghasil listrik yang rendah polusi karena produk akhirnya adalah air, yang bukan zat pencemar.
  • Gas alam dapat disimpan dalam bentuk cairan dengan cara diberi tekanan tinggi. Gas alam dalam bentuk cair 600 kali volumenya lebih kecil dibandingkan dalam bentuk gas. Jadi dengan tempat yang sama dalam bentuk cairan, gas alam 600 kali lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan bentuk gas dengan volume yang sama.
  • Helium adalah salah satu unsur gas mulia yang digunakan untuk menggantikan udara pada pernafasan penyelam atau orang lain yang bekerja dibawah tekanan tinggi, dengan campuran helium 80 % dan Oksigen 20 %. Terlalu lama terkena udara yang dimampatkan dapat menimbulkan narkose nitrogen, yang salah satu efeknya adalah halusinasi, yang oleh penyelam dikenal sebagai pesona bawah laut, para penyelam yang terpesona demikian tak mampu memperhatikan tindakan-tindakan pengamanan dan mungkin akan tenggelam. Helium disarankan sebagai pengganti nitrogen karena helium kurang larut dalam darah dibandingkan nitrogen. Selagi penyelam kembali ke tekanan atmosfer, melarutnya gas nitrogen akan membentuk gelembung-gelembung gas yang sangat kecil dalam darah, yang menimbulkan “ tekukan” yang terasa nyeri dan berbahaya.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

At CERN, computers to tackle the Big Bang

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

GENEVA--The CERN Computer Center is the number-crunching hub that powers the physics research lab's quest to discover the nature of the universe.

A formidable 8,000 servers housing 40,000 Intel processor cores provide the grunt to help crack the petabytes of data spewed out from CERN's cutting-edge particle accelerators, based here. Editors' note: This story was originally published on as a photo gallery. Click here to see all the images.)

About half of these cores will be used to deal with data from the 17-mile-long Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which will generate about 15 petabytes of data by colliding protons with protons.

The computer center will provide only about 20 percent of the processing power used to examine the LHC data, with the rest coming from the LHC Computing Grid, a dedicated network of more than 100,000 processors.

Scientists hope the LHC will offer a "glimpse" at the Higgs Boson, a particle thought to give mass to the universe.

The LHC will produce up to 600 million particle collisions per second. To store the huge amount of data the LHC produces, the center houses 8 petabytes of hard disks and 18 petabytes of magnetic tapes. This will increase to 16 petabytes of disc and 30 petabytes of tape by the end of the year.

Even this is insufficient to store the vast amounts of the raw data produced by the LHC, so its four detectors--which each look for different particles and energy signatures--have built-in electronics and smaller computer centers that analyze petabytes of data per second they collect and that throw away the bulk of the information not of interest to the physicists.

The data that's left is sent on to the computer center and its racks of servers.

"A lot of processors are devoted to data processing for physics. We are collecting a tremendous amount of data from the collision points," said Jean Michel Jouanigot, head of network services at CERN.

CERN switching points.

The computing center holds 1,500 10-gigabit ports for data exchange and 70,000 1-gigabit ports for information flow among CERN sites. These are just some of the switching points.
(Credit: CERN)
Once the data arrives at the center it is immediately stored and reprocessed before being made available to 7,000 physicists in 33 countries via the LHC grid.

The grid is linked to the center through dedicated 10-gigabit-per-second connections. It can handle about 50,000 users at once, sharing out bandwidth and processing power between scientists.

"The grid is a worldwide collaboration through many hundreds of sites and will get information through very powerful networks," Jouanigot said.

CERN serves as an Internet exchange point and is one of the oldest in Europe.

Within the computing center itself, the data exchange is handled by 1,500 10-gigabit ports, while information flow within CERN's various sites is handled by 70,000 1-gigabit ports.

by Nick Heath of reported from London.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

The emotional effects of acne

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

You've been anticipating — and possibly dreading — the "big day" for weeks. The nature of the event isn't important; it may be a first date, an important job interview, or your own birthday party. You try to hide behind hair or heavy make-up. But you can't ignore the face in the mirror.

Sound familiar? For acne sufferers all over the world, these scenarios are all too common. Even routine social interactions — a day at the office, a trip to the market — can be a nightmare of stress and self-loathing. Yet, due to the "merely cosmetic" nature of acne vulgaris, these very real emotions are widely dismissed as oversensitivity. Clear-faced friends and co-workers say, "Really, it looks worse to you."

And they're probably right. But they're missing an important point: Acne is as much about how you feel as how you look. Over the years, the research methods and medical treatments may have changed, but the answers to the question "how does your acne make you feel?" have remained alarmingly constant: Ugly. Angry. Dirty. Depressed. These answers are consistent across gender lines, age barriers and national borders.

What is being done?

Every year, millions of dollars are devoted to the medical study and treatment of acne; millions more are spent on the development and marketing of over-the-counter remedies. Comparatively little energy, however, has been spent determining the psychological and social effects of the condition. Consider the following statement:

There is no single condition which causes more psychic trauma, more maladjustment between parent and children, more general insecurity and feelings of inferiority and greater sums of psychic suffering than does acne vulgaris.1

Made by Sulzberger and Zaidems in a 1948 article, this statement rings true today. Despite acne's limited impact on overall patient health, several studies have concluded that it produces a similar degree of emotional stress to skin conditions causing significant physical disability. The implications are fairly obvious: Acne hurts more on the inside. So why is it so easy for people to dismiss these feelings as vanity?

The problem of measuring emotion.

The difficulty lies not in validating acne's negative affects, but in quantifying them. For years, researchers have been struggling to find an accurate means of measurement for this particular kind of study. Scientists use psychometrics to measure conditions of the mind, but have yet to develop a scale for evaluating the psychological effects of physical conditions such as acne. And the use of psychometric scales for evaluating acne patients has been largely inconclusive.

Why? Emotional symptoms — depression, anger, low self-esteem — are influenced by an incredible number of variables. So it's difficult to know for sure whether one's depression is caused by acne alone or a combination of factors, ranging from trouble in school to on-the-job stress. At the moment, the best way to understand the psychosocial effects of acne seems surprisingly simple: Listen.

The power of patient testimony.

Until science develops an accurate scale, the best way for us to learn about acne's emotional effects is from the patients themselves. The following passages are excerpted from verbatim quotes taken during a 1995 study in San Francisco.2 In dramatic contrast with the psychometric questionnaires used in the past, patients were asked open-ended questions and encouraged to answer at length.

It has been many years since I have looked in a mirror. I comb my hair using a silhouette on the wall to show the outline of my head. I have not looked myself in the eyes in years, and that is painful to not be able to do that, and that is a direct result of acne.

When my acne got more severe, I began to really examine more things, become more aware of social norms, what is acceptable, what is attractive. That is when I began to have lower self-esteem; it made me become more of an introvert. It made me want to avoid certain occasions. 'Ask her out? Well, maybe not. She won't be interested because of how I look.

It's associated with being dirty, and I hate that, because it's not at all like that. I inherited it from my mother, and she is always telling me that she had the exact same thing, and that it will go away. I am mad that I inherited it from her. My dad makes me feel bad because he never had bad skin when he was younger, so he doesn't understand.

My mother doesn’t know what she has done to hurt me. If I ate fatty foods, she would criticize. If I ate spicy food — which Thai food is, they are all spicy — she would say that because I ate spicy food, that was why I had pimples. She kept telling me how ugly my face was, and no one was going to marry me if I had bad-looking skin. And that really hurts me.

I know I am so insecure in this way — but if I go into a store, I won't buy candy, even if I really want it. I think in my mind that people are looking at what I am buying, and thinking, 'Oh, she eats junk. No wonder she has so many zits on her face.

From just this small sample, it's easy to see the wide-ranging emotional impact of acne on those who suffer from it. These accounts of family conflict, social withdrawal and deep private suffering are, according to the patients, the direct result of their acne.

While it's hard to measure the impact of this condition, the message within these testimonies is clear: Acne can cause profound emotional suffering. Of course, if you live with acne, this isn’t news — but it may be helpful to know you’re not alone.

And there’s good news, too. We now know more about the treatment of acne than ever before. There is a wide range of acne treatments available, and there’s a good chance you’ll be able to find a regimen that works for you. More about acne treatments.

1 Sulzberger MB and Zaidems SH, “Psychogenic factors in dermatological disorders,” Medical Clinicians of North America, 1948, Vol. 32, p. 669.

2 Koo, John, MD, “The psychosocial impact of acne: Patients’ perceptions,” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 1995, Vol. 32, p. 26–30.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

VoIP & 4G Wireless Legal Tanpa Perlu Pemerintah

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Sumber: Onno W. Purbo

VoIP atau di kenal sebagai internet telepon nampaknya merupakan momok bagi regulator & banyak operator telekomunikasi. Di satu sisi, harus di akui bahwa regulator & operator mengakui secara terselubung bahwa teknologi ini memungkinkan terbentuknya infrastruktur telekomunikasi yang murah. Di sisi lain, biasanya pemerintah & operator konvensional takut luar biasa tidak dapat memperoleh masukan pajak dan keuntungan karena pelanggan yang melarikan diri ke jasa VoIP.

Kalau kita buka-bukaan, pemerintah & operator sudah banyak kecolongan oleh jasa VoIP gratisan yang di operasikan oleh Anton Raharja cs di VoIP Rakyat Teknologi yang digunakan jauh di atas operator telekomunikasi Indonesia karena mengadopsi protokol SIP yang merupakan basis Next Generation Network (NGN)& 4G. Hanya XL yang hari ini menggunakan NGN kepada corporate customer XL. Jasa Anton cs di VoIP Rakyat telah berhasil mengkaitkan banyak corporate untuk dapat saling menelepon melalui Internet, hal ini cukup mudah di deteksi dari Online Phone yang terpampang di, ada PT. Lippo Cikarang, CGD IT Solutions, Zyrex Computer, PT. UFOAkses, ITENAS, PT. Berkat Usaha Jaya, PT. BITA, PT. TEL PP, PT. Agung Raya, dan masih banyak lagi karena nomor VoIP yang terdaftar sudah mendekati 50.000 nomor. Seorang Rakyat biasa Anton Raharja telah berhasil memberikan solusi murah bagi bangsa ini, tanpa bantuan pemerintah.

Integrasi VoIP Rakyat ke saluran telkom dan selular pun telah mulai dilakukan di bantu oleh beberapa pihak ke tiga, seperti, Tentunya telepon ke telkom dan selular tidak gratis, harus membayar ke pihak ke tiga tersebut.

Nokia Indonesia bahkan telah mengembangkan software untuk Nokia seri E agar dapat mengunakan jasa VoIP ini secara mudah pada Nokia E61, E61i, E65, E90 & E50. Teknik ini merupakan cikal bakal 4G yang berhasil dengan baik di Indonesia, tidak banyak negara yang berhasil menjalankan 4G seperti Indonesia. Software Nokia Indonesia pun di kembangkan oleh software house Indonesia seperti intouch. Teknik ini di kalangan awam di kenal dengan handphone tanpa SIM CARD karena memang kita dapat menelepon tanpa perlu SIM card sama sekali. Tidak ada pulsa yang perlu di bayar untuk itu.

Berbagai supplier peralatan VoIP seperti Linksys maupun peralatan Indonesia seperti NetPhonic mulai berkembang mensupply kebutuhan telekomunikasi masa mendatang ini. Industri software & telekomunikasi Indonesia justru menjadi berkembang karena inovasi-inovasi yang terjadi dikarenakan pemerintah tidak berhasil memberikan solusi telekomunikasi murah pada rakyat Indonesia.

Apakah semua ini melanggar hukum? jawab singkat-nya TIDAK! Ijin pemerintah hanya dibutuhkan jika kita memberikan layanan VoIP kepada masyarakat secara komersial dan tersambung ke jaringan telkom. Selama VoIP di gunakan dari rakyat, untuk rakyat, oleh rakyat secara gratis dan hanya tersambung ke PABX kantor maka pemerintah tidak dibutuhkan.

Indahnya, semua ilmu dan teknologi VoIP NGN & 4G ini dapat di peroleh dengan mudah di berbagai buku, termasuk buku 3G dan buku VoIP Cikal Bakal Telkom Rakyat yang di terbitkan oleh InfoKomputer dan majalah CHIP. Di dukung oleh berbagai roadshow dan seminar seperti di IndoComtech 2007.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

IP Address Location Check

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Have you ever wondered "what is my IP address"?
Or thought about IP block addresses that belong to a specific country?

Maybe you are Looking for IP Address Locations or simple try to find easy way and learn more about protocols and TCP IP?
Have you ever used a web-based IP address lookup tool to find the geographical location of an IP address?
Maybe you are looking for an IP address location or you simply wish to learn more about how networking protocols, like UDP and TCP/IP, work?
We can help with all of this and more.

Using IP Address Location is free. It is the fastest, easiest and most precise way to search and find the exact location of any IP address, OS, DNS, country, country code and contry flag. Furthermore, we have integrated Geolocator and a world map to display your results by city and country. Our IP database is updated every 48 hours so you can be sure the information we provide is up to date.

Our web based IP Lookup tool has analyzed your IP address and and detected next informations about your computer:
My IP Address

My Host Address (DNS Lookup)
Proxy Server Detection:
No Proxy detected or you use High Anonymous Proxy

Country - Flag - Code Country
Indonesia ID

Guessed City

English (United States)

Operating System
NT 5.1 (Windows XP)
Cheers, frizzy2008.

Waroeng Unagi

Diceritakan oleh Nanik

Aku gak pernah tau tempat makan ini sampe suatu hari temenku, Atik, ngajakin ke sini. Sebenernya dia juga gak tau persis lokasinya. Tapi, berbekal alamat dan beberapa kali nanya orang, dengan bonus kebablasan ampe Dago Pakar, akhirnya ketemu juga deh tempatnya.

Namanya kedengeran kejepang-jepangan gitu ya? Hmm, emang bener ternyata, menurut Atik, unagi itu bahasa Jepang-nya belut. Gak tau apa yang membuat dia pengen banget ke sini. Entah ngidam ato karena abis baca review tentang Waroeng Unagi di tabloid Saji.

Sampe sana jam 11-an. Kebetulan emang dah laper. Jadi cocoklah, pas laper, pas di tempat makan. Warungnya gak begitu luas, tapi terdiri dari dua lantai, di lantai dua dan tiga. Lante dua diramaikan ama tampang-tampang mahasiswa, lengkap dengan laptopnya. Emang di sini ada fasilitas hotspot. Standar kafe-kafe masa kini gitu loh. Kalo lante tiganya enggak begitu rame. Di sini menurutku lebih asik karena bisa melihat pemandangan di sekeliling warung dari ketinggian, meski pemandangannya gak begitu istimewa. Ada rumah2 penduduk di satu sisi, dan ada view kos-kosan di sisi laen. Sisi laennya lagi, kita bisa sedikit lebih jauh memandang...halah....

Karena gak ada ide tentang menunya, kami pesen menu yang paling direkomendasikan ajah. Atik pesen Godzilla Egg Rice dan aku pesen Unagi Rice Burger. Untuk minum, es teh lemon dan Mix Berry. Kami harus menunggu cukup lama untuk makanannya. Untung tingkat laperku belom terlalu parah, jadi masih bisa nunggu dengan sabar.
Unagi Rice Burger itu burger nasi dengan isian daging belut dan atasnya ditaburi rumput laut. Beras dan belutnya konon dari Jepang. Belutnya empuk dengan rasa dominan manis.Nasinya biasa aja, lembek2 gitu deh. Sebenernya gak ada bedanya ma makan makan nasi belut. Kek makan pecel lele ala Jawa Timur di warung tenda itu loh. Hehe. Seumur-mur baru kali ini aku makan belut selain dibikin kripik. Pesen menu ini juga karena penasaran aja, bukan karena doyan. Dan pertama kali menyuapkan irisan belut ke mulut, agak-agak gimana gitu.

Untuk Godzilla Egg Rice, tampilannya cantik banget. Intinya nasi goreng yang dibentuk bola, kira-kira seukuran bola tenis. Tekstur kulitnya seperti kroket, dibungkus tepung roti. Di dalemnya ada telur bulet. Nasi gorengnya kerasa banget saus tomat. Manis. Terlalu manis malahan. Menurutku, akan lebih nendang kalo ada rasa pedes-pedesnya.

Mix Berry, jus stroberi campur bluberi yang aku pesen, terlalu dominan stroberinya. Secara keseluruhan, boleh lah ide dan inovasi Waroeng Unagi. Kapan-kapan bisa datang lagi buat nyobain menu yang laen.

Waroeng Unagi
Jalan Bukit Dago Selatan No 4 Bandung

Cheers, frizzy2008.


Fahmi Rizwansyah says:


Category: Books
Genre: Reference

Buku terlaris bagi orang-orang yang menginginkan KEKUASAAN, mengamati KEKUASAAN atau ingin mempersenjatai diri mereka untuk melawan KEKUASAAN. Hasil karya yang tajam ini menyaring tiga ribu tahun sejarah kekuasaan ke dalam empat puluh delapan hukum yang dipaparkan dengan baik.

Dengan desain dan isi yang menarik, buku yang berani ini menggambarkan garis besar hukum-hukum kekuasaan dengan intisari yang sesungguhnya, menggabungkan filsafat Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, Carl von Clauserwitz dan para pemikir besar lainnya.

Adapun ringkasan dari 48 Hukum Kekuasaan dimaksud adalah :
1. Jangan pernah terlihat lebih baik dari atasan anda;
2. Jangan pernah terlalu mempercayai teman, tetapi pelajarilah cara memanfaatkan musuh;
3. Sembunyikan niat anda;
4. Senantiasalah bicara lebih sedikit daripada yang diperlukan;
5. Begitu banyak hal tergantung dari reputasi - jagalah reputasi anda dengan nyawa anda;
6. Carilah perhatian berapapun harga yang harus dibayar;
7. Mintalah orang lai bekerja keras bagi anda, tetapi senantiasalah terima pujian atas kerja-keras mereka;
8. Usahakan agar orang lain mendatangi anda - pergunakanlah umpan bila perlu;
9. Raihlah kemenangan lewat tindakan anda, jangan pernah menang lewat perdebatan;
10. Infeksi : Hindarilah orang-orang yang tidak bahagia dan sial;
11. Usahakan agar orang lain tetap tergantung kepada anda;
12. Pergunakanlah kejujuran dan kemurahan hati selektif untuk memperdayakan korban anda;
13. Saat meminta bantuan, pancinglah kepentingan orang lain, jangan pernah pancing belas kasihan atau rasa syukur mereka;
14. Berperanlah sebagai seorang teman, bekerjalah sebagai seorang mata-mata;
15. Hancurkan musuh anda secara total;
16. Pergunakan ketidak-hadiran anda untuk meningkatkan respek dan penghormatan;
17. Usahakan agar orang lain selalu merasakan teror, kembangkan aura tak bisa ditembak;
18. Jangan bangun benteng untuk melindungi diri anda sendiri, isolasi adalah sesuatu yang berbahaya;
19.Ketahuilah siapa yang anda hadapi, jangan singgung perasaan orang yang salah;
20. Jangan berkomitmen kepada siapapun;
21. Berpura-puralah menjadi orang yang tolol untuk menangkap seseorang yang tolol - berilah kesan bahwa anda lebih bodoh dari sasaran anda;
22. Manfaatkan taktik menyerah, ubah kelemahan menjadi kekuasaan;
23. Himpun kekuatan anda;
24. Berperanlah sebagai seorang penghuni istana yang sempurna;
25. Ciptakan kembali diri anda sendiri;
26. Jagalah agar kedua tangan anda tetap bersih;
27. Permainkan kebutuhan orang lain untuk mempercayai sesuatu, untuk menciptakan pengikut setia;
28. Bertindaklah dengan berani;
29. Buatlah rencana hingga tuntas;
30. Berilah kesan bahwa prestasi anda tampaknya mudah sekali dicapai;
31. Kendalikan pilihan-pilihan anda : suruhla orang lain bermain dengan kartu yang anda bagikan;
32. Bermainlah sesuai dengan fantasi orang lain;
33. Ketahuilah kelemahan setiap orang;
34. Jadilah seorang bangsawan dengan cara anda sendiri - bersikaplah bak seorang raja agar diperlakukan seperti seorang raja;
35. Kuasailah seni memilih waktu yang tepat;
36. Sepelekan hal-hal yang tak bisa anda miliki : mengabaikan mereka adalah pembalasan dendam terbaik;
37. Ciptakan tontotan yang memikat;
38. Berpikirlah sesuka anda, tetapi bersikaplah seperti orang lain;
39. Aduk aduk air untuk menangkap ikan;
40. Bencilah segala hal yang diperoleh dengan cuma-cuma;
41. Hindarilah mengambil alih posisi seseorang yang hebat;
42. Serang si gembala, maka domba-dombanya pasti berhamburan;
43. Kenalilah hati dan pikiran orang lain;
44. Perdaya dan pancing amarah orang lain dengan efek cermin;
45. Sampaikan ceramah tentang kebutuhan untuk berubah , tetapi jangan pernah lakukan reformasi dalam terlalu banyak bidang kehidupan dalam waktu singkat;
46. Jangan pernah terlihat terlalu sempurna;
47. Jangan melebihi sasaran yang telah anda tentukan, dalam hal kemenangan, belajarlah untuk tahu kapan anda harus berhenti;
48. Jadilah seperti uap yang terbentuk.

Catatan :
Walau buku ini terlaris. Namun ada beberapa hukum dalam buku ini perlu pemikiran ulang dari kita secara pribadi, apakah dapat diterapkan atau tidak. Simak baik-baik, cernati tapi JANGAN DITERIMA BULAT-BULAT. Pikirkan ulang. Oce ?


Cheers, frizzy2008.

SOA Services are much more than a technical artifact

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

SOA Services are much more than a technical artifact. They are a solution to a business architecture requirement for shared services, and the business architecture needs to exist first, or at least be tacitly understood and described, in order for the service to have any lasting value.
So, first step in designing a SOA Service is to refer to the business process diagrams that your business architect has produced. For each interaction between roles, look for the data needed to make decisions. For example, if you are looking at the process flow for a new purchasing agreement, you may see steps where three different collaborating systems need data. Consider, for each system, what data they have and what data they need to get, from the flow, in order to do their work. Consider the timeliness of the connection, the direction of the flow (event-push, or call-pull).

You are collecting data for your service contract. Before you write the contract, however, you need to write out the "high level service design." This design starts with some key design questions that you must answer:

  • What is the responsibility of the service? This provides the basic description of WHY the service should exist. Services are expensive. If you cannot stand in front of an executive and make a purely business-oriented case for the existence of a service, you need to rethink it. You are doing something wrong.
  • What rules does the service own? This provides the basic scope of the service. In a well devised, Enterprise SOA, you will have a rule implemented in a relatively small number of services (hopefully in one service) which makes it easier to change that rule. This means that you need to describe the collection of rules owned by a service.
  • What style of EAI are you implementing? I've written about trusted services in the past, which is part of the "Messaging" style of loosely coupled services. The alternative is the "RPC (Remote Procedure Call)" style. If you are passing a block of self-describing and complete data to a service, and all that returns is "thanks... got it," then you are using the messaging style. If you are passing a command (with or without parameters) and are expecting either a set of data in response or an "OK... operation complete" message back, then you are using the RPC style. Note that RPC style services are more typical but, IMHO, less powerful because they assume a real-time binding between the interacting systems. In other words, with an RPC style interaction, if either system is unavailable, then the channel is not useful. With messaging style, both systems do not have to be running at the same time. Let me be clear on this point: it matters! If you are presenting an RPC-style service, you are not achieving the full benefits of loose coupling because of the real-time binding between systems.
  • Is the service itempotent? In other words, if a call to the service is duplicated, and instead of being called once, the service is called twice with identical parameters/payload, will the service detect the duplication and prevent any effects on the underlying systems? This is very important in messaging style services, but it turns up in RPC services as well. A service that provides idempotency is more loosely coupled than one that does not, but it also adds to the complexity of the service implementation.
  • What preconditions and postconditions apply to this service? Just as in use case development, you must be able to describe the factors that must be in place for this service to be used. Unlike typical use case development, however, you must describe the behavior of the service when these preconditions are not met. You also must describe the limitations and constraints of the service. For example, if a service is designed to be used only during a specific business process, then this must be described and included in the service design.
  • What actors may use this service and how will they be authenticated? There are two questions here. First question: define the actors and/or roles that a calling system may play or represent when calling this service. This is an optimistic statement, because you (a) may not know, and (b) may not want to limit your implementation. However, you need to consider all of the actors who can use the business rule that you are encapsulating. If one of those actors cannot use your service, you need to either find a suitable interaction where that actor can use the rule, or create another service that meets that actors needs (I prefer the former).
  • The second question above: "how will your actors be authenticated," must be answered. Too few people will take this into consideration in service design and that is a huge mistake. Even within the firewalls of the data center, it is imperative that the communications between systems be understood to be secure from mal-intentioned people. If your answer is "pray," then you may want to consider a new line of work.
  • What data elements will be required in order to call the service? Do not define the format of the calling sequence. Define the semantics of the data element itself. Is there an Enterprise-wide Unique identifier for the data item you are submitting? If there is a numeric value, what does it mean? At what point in a process is it meaningful?
  • What data elements will be returned by the service in its acknowledgement / receipt / return? Answer the same questions as the preceding question. Think of these questions as the services "data dictionary" but with more constraints. Data dictionaries describe data a rest. These points describe data in process. It's tougher.

OK. Now it is time to formalize your service contract. This is the more technically oriented part of the design. You will define the rules for interacting with the service. All of the points above were more concerned with the behavioral aspects of the service. Now you come to the technical aspects.
The data points you need for the service contract are:

  • What message format will the service use? Typical answers here include SOAP, Proprietary XML, and various RPC mechanisms.
  • What protocol will the caller use to communicate with the service? Typical answers here include HTTP and various RPC protocols.
  • What level of availability should the caller expect for the service? Will the service be available 24x7? Whats the service level agreement that the hosting team is willing to sign up for?
  • What is the expected interaction on the part of the caller when the service is not available? Should he call again later? Try again right away? Discard the call? Return an error to the calling system?
  • If the service call is part of an expected sequence of service calls, define the sequence. This may include call-back mechanisms. Note that call-back mechanisms require the reflected service to be as well defined as the initial service, using all of the rules described here.
  • What latency should the caller expect for the synchronous return from the service call? (In messaging systems, this is the time that the caller should expect to wait for the acknowledgement or receipt.)

These are the technical aspects of the service.
Once you have defined all of these points, you have the high level design of your service. You need to publish the service contract and all of the rest of the design elements above in a place where the calling systems (and their programmers / administrators / support teams) can get access to them.
And that's how you design a SOA Service.

by NickMalik
Cheers, frizzy2008.

Contraception Methods

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

There are two important reasons for choosing a contraception method. Usually patient choose a contraception which have less side-effect. Side-effects of using contraception are such as becoming fat, thin, got a headache and etc. These side-effects can happen to everyone but with less possibility which is about 2 - 3 %. There are some contraception methods such as sterilization, contraception pills, injection, IUD, contraception barrier method, another method and calendar method. The Rank of Failure Ratio of Contraception Methods sorted from less failure ratio to high failure ratio as below:

1. Sterilization.
This method have the least side-effect. The failure ratio of sterilization is about 2 - 6/100. 000 patient in a year.Sterilization on women is usually called MOW ( medis operatif wanita ) or tubectomy and on men is called MOP (medis operatif pria ) or vasectomy.Sterilization on men is done by making a blockage on the vasdeferens. By doing this, sperm route to the ovum is blocked, so the sperm won't be able to reach the ovum. Women and men can use this method. The blockage process is done outside the testicles so sterilization won't have a dangerous side-effect and safer.

2. Contraception pills.
Contraception Pills contain normal hormone in the women's body and this hormon make the condition of women's body similar to the condition of pregnancy. The failure ratio of contraception pills is about 1%.Pills method is intended for a neat person and someone who have a good memory.Patient must eat the pill regularly in order to make it work. There are many kind of pills such as pills which produced by BKBN, it's very cheap, pills with blue and gold square (lingkaran biru and emas) which is subsidized by the state, or pills with less doses and it's expensive. Don't use pills if the woman had abnormal bleeding. Someone who have a varices is also not permitted to use these pill because contraception pills can disturb the cycle of blood.

3. Injection.
There are many period of injection such as 1 month, 2 month or 3 month.Injection also contains sexual hormone of a woman, so it will disturb the cycle of menstruation but don't worry about that. Usually a woman thinks that menstruation blood is a dirty blood so she thinks that irregular menstruation can have bad effects or psychomatic disease such as headache.

4. IUD
IUD is similar to injection but have longer period of time.The period is about 1 year until 3 years. IUD is done by inserting a cylastic tube into the uterus. A cylastic tube must be taken out if the period is over. The side-effects of IUD is similar to the side-effects of injection.

5. Contraception barrier method (condoms or diaphragms)
The failure ratio of contraception barrier method is about 3 - 30 %.Condoms can be used for variations in sexual performance and can prevent sexual transmitted diseases. There are many kinds of condom. There is a condom which have texture for sexual variations or there is a condom which can be used as the extension of a penis.Diaphragm is a round elastic rubber which is inserted inside the vagina to prevent sperm from getting in the uterus.

6. Another method
Another method is using spermicyde to kill sperm so it can't fertilize the ovum. A spermicyde is chemical substance which can kill sperm. Women can use a vagina tablet, which have function similar to the function of a spermicyde.

7. Calendar method
This method have the biggest failure ratio. The manner of this method is by paying attention to the cycle of menstruation and the end of fertile period. Sometimes this method is used together with condom's method. Condom is used during the fertile period and calendar method is used during the infertile period. Calender method is intended for a woman who have a regular menstruation.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Top digital camera - compact

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

1. Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T700 (silver)
Part smart-looking snapshot camera, part 4GB portable digital photo album, the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T700 will satisfy those who like showing off their pictures as much as they like taking them.
Review date: Aug 18, 2008
Overall score: 8.0 (4.0 stars) Excellent

2. Canon PowerShot SD870 IS (Black)
While the Canon PowerShot SD870 IS doesn't have an optical viewfinder or manual exposure controls, it captures beautiful images with its wide, 3.8x optical zoom lens and ranks among the top compact cameras we've seen.
Review date: Aug 29, 2007
Overall score: 8.0 (4.0 stars) Excellent

3. Canon PowerShot SD850 IS
The Canon PowerShot SD 850 IS has just about everything you'd want in a point-and-shoot.
Review date: Jun 5, 2007
Overall score: 8.0 (4.0 stars) Excellent

4. Canon PowerShot SD790 IS
For most people, the excellent photo quality of the Canon PowerShot SD790 IS will more than make up for any slight performance deficiencies or minor shortcomings.
Review date: Jul 8, 2008
Overall score: 7.8 (3.5 stars) Very good

5. Canon PowerShot SD950 IS
Canon's SD950 IS looks great and can take very nice images, but the digital camera's whopping 12 megapixels will leave you waiting between shots.
Review date: Sep 19, 2007
Overall score: 7.8 (3.5 stars) Very good

6. Canon PowerShot SD750 (silver)
The Canon PowerShot SD750 has an attractive design, large LCD, and excellent photo quality for an ultracompact.
Review date: Apr 4, 2007
Overall score: 7.8 (3.5 stars) Very good

7. Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T200 (black)
Though still a solid camera, the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T200's touch-sensitive LCD and lower image quality present a step back from its excellent predecessor.
Review date: Nov 12, 2007
Overall score: 7.7 (3.5 stars) Very good

8. Canon PowerShot SD1100 IS (Brown)
Canon's SD1100 IS adds optical image stabilization to last year's hit SD1000, while delivering just as impressive image quality.
Review date: Mar 5, 2008
Overall score: 7.6 (3.5 stars) Very good

9. Fujifilm FinePix F50fd
The Fujifilm FinePix F50fd should please most snapshooters and its above-average exposure controls should appeal to advanced photographers, too.
Review date: Oct 9, 2007
Overall score: 7.5 (3.5 stars) Very good

10. Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W130 (Black)
The W130's quick performance and decent image quality make it a solid follow-up to the W90, and a good choice for a pocket point-and-shoot camera.
Review date: Feb 21, 2008
Overall score: 7.4 (3.5 stars) Very good

11. Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T70 (Silver)
The ultracompact Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T70 packs impressive performance and image quality into a sexy little camera body, but its touchy touch screen left us a tad teed.
Review date: Feb 13, 2008
3 stars Overall score: 7.4 (3.5 stars) Very good

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Pain reliefs

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:
  1. Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Celebrex: The Whole Story. NSAIDs are effective treatments for arthritis. But in some people they may cause stomach bleeding or heart trouble.
  2. Fighting Inflammation With Steroids. Corticosteroids cut arthritis inflammation by suppressing your immune system. But this may put you at higher risk for infection and other problems.
  3. Narcotics for Arthritis Pain: Are They Safe?. Narcotics are strong and effective pain relievers. But they may increase your risk of liver damage, and can be addictive if not used as directed.
  4. Biologics: New Drugs for Rheumatoid Arthritis. These drugs are derived from genes, and suppress a part of your immune system. But people with key chronic illnesses can't take them.
  5. DMARDs: Modifying the Course of Rheumatoid Arthritis. These drugs are derived from genes, and suppress a part of your immune system. But people with key chronic illnesses can't take them.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Berpelukan yang bermanfaat

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Berpelukan....... (^_^)
Pernah dengar semboyan ini??? Bagi yg menonton Teletubies tak akan merasa janggal mendengarnya.
Ternyata berpelukan itu baik buat kesehatan....asal yg dipeluk org yg tepat yah........
Selamat membaca artikel kesehatan di bawah ini!

Seberapa sering anda memeluk suami, pacar, adik atau sahabat anda?
Sering, jarang atau malah tidak pernah. Hmmm, berpelukan itu ternyata penting lho. Sebuah penelitian menunjukkan stres bisa berkurang hanya dengan berpelukan. Masa sih?
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dikeluarkan oleh jurnal Psychosomatic Medicine, pelukan hangat dapat melepaskan oxytocin, hormon yang berhubungan dengan perasaan cinta dan kedamaian. Hormon tersebut akan menekan hormon penyebab stres yang awalnya mendekam di tubuh.

Untuk melakukan penelitian ini, Dr Karen Grewen, peneliti asal Universitas North Carolina mengumpulkan 38 pasangan dalam satu tempat.
Ke-38 pasangan tersebut diminta untuk membicarakan hal-hal bahagia yang pernah mereka alami. Mereka juga diminta untuk menonton sebuah film romantis selama lima menit kemudian berpelukan selama 20 detik.
Sebelum semua kegiatan di atas dilakukan, Dr Karen dibantu rekan-rekannya melakukan pengukuran terhadap tekanan darah, tingkat stres dan jumlah hormon oxytocin. Hasilnya, tingkat stres semua orang yang diteliti berkurang. Hormon penyebab stres, cortisol dan
norepinephrine, menurun jumlahnya karena tergantikan oleh hormon oxytocin. Dan hasil akhirnya bisa memberikan kontribusi untuk kesehatan jantung anda.
Penelitian tersebut juga menunjukan wanita lebih responsif untuk memeluk pasangannya. Menurut Dr Karen, hal itu terjadi karena oxytocin lebih memiliki hubungan dekat dengan hormon estrogen yang diproduksi wanita.

Dalam kehidupan nyata hormon oxytocin ini bisa tercipta di sebuah perkawinan yang sehat. Artinya pernikahan tersebut bukanlah pernikahan yang sering diwarnai percekcokan bahkan kekerasan.
"Tidak semua orang memiliki pernikahan yang membahagiakan. Tapi kualitas dari hubungan pernikahan itu bisa menjadi tolak ukur kesehatan seseorang," urai Grewen,

Seorang ahli jantung yang berasal dari American Heart Association, Dr. Nieca Goldberg menambahkan penjelasan Grewen di atas.
"Inti dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menunjukan bahwa dukungan secara emosional dan psikologis bisa berpengaruh pada kesehatan jantung dan pikiran," jelasnya.

"Wanita yang tidak bahagia dalam pernikahannya, memiliki kecenderungan lebih tinggi untuk terkena serangan jantung. Kurangnya dukungan terhadap mereka berdampak negatif untuk kesehatan," tambah Goldberg lagi.
Dari hasil penelitian Dr Karren kita juga jadi tahu berteman dengan orang yang memiliki jenis kelamin sama bisa mengurangi tingkat stres pikiran. "Teman, hewan peliharaan bisa meningkatkan jumlah hormon oxytocin dan ini tentu suatu hal yang positif," imbuhnya.
So, pelukan nggak selalu harus didapat dari pasangan. Buat anda yang jomblo alias single, pelukan dengan teman atau kucing kesayangan juga bisa mengurangi stres. Selamat berpelukan.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Matsushita - National Panasonic Founder

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

My fave hero: Konosuke Matsushita

"the god of management"

Early life

Konosuke Matsushita was born in 1894 in the farming village of Wasa in Wakayama Prefecture, the son of a landlord. Poor investment decisions by his father in rice speculation ruined the family's finances, and Matsushita was sent to Osaka to work at a very young age.

In 1910, at the age of 16, Matsushita was taken on as a wiring assistant at the Osaka Electric Light Company. In 1915, he would marry Mumeno Iue.

Matsushita wanted to market a new light socket he had invented, and so in 1918, at the age of 23, he founded Matsushita Electric Appliance Factory with his first employees being himself, Mumeno, and Mumeno's brother, Toshio Iue. His company almost went bankrupt until a large order came in for electric fan parts. He used the money to expand production and drop prices for his lamp sockets, a strategy that paid off.

Matsushita used the trademark ‘National’ on Matsushita products, and dropped prices to make his lamp a mass-market product. Matsushita also used national newspaper advertising, an unusual form of marketing in Japan in the 1920s.

Matsushita and the post-war period

In post-war Japan, the company came under severe restrictions imposed on large Japanese companies by the Allies. Matsushita was in danger of removal as president, but was saved by a favourable petition signed by 15,000 employees.

In 1947, Konosuke lent his brother-in-law Toshio an unutilized manufacturing plant to manufacture bicycle lamps, which eventually became Sanyo Electric.

From 1950 to 1973, Matsushita's company became one of the world’s largest manufacturers of electrical goods, sold under well-known trademarks including Panasonic and Technics. Matsushita retired in 1973. Since 1954, Matsushita also gained a significant shareholding in manufacturer JVC by forming an alliance[1]. It still retains a 50% share today.

In retirement, Matsushita focused on developing and explaining his social and commercial philosophies, and wrote 44 published books. One of his books, entitled “Developing a road to peace and happiness through prosperity”, sold over four million copies.

Chronic lung problems lead to his death of pneumonia on 27 April 1989, at the age of 94. He died with personal assets worth US$3 billion, and left a company with US$42 billion in revenue business.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

My girl's story: Sri Mulyani

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Diambil dari

Mata kuliah akuntansi sering kali membuat mahasiswa pusing tujuh keliling. Menkeu Sri Mulyani mengakui dirinya sempat tidak menyukai salah satu mata kuliah itu. Malah kalau dirinya jadi akuntan, mungkin tak pernah menjadi menkeu.

"Akuntansi itu it's not my favourite waktu kuliah nilai saya itu 6 sampai 6,5 tapi saya selalu amazed dengan akuntansi ini karena kanan kirinya harus balanced. Saya bingung bagaimana bisa seperti itu, tapi ke depan makin lama saya makin suka, mungkin saya telat sukanya, tapi saya beruntung, kalau saya jadi akuntan mungkin saya tidak akan menjadi menkeu," ujarnya.
Hal itu disampaikannya saat membuka Konferensi Sektor Publik di Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta, Rabu (23/7/2008).

Akuntabilitas dalam pembuatan laporan keuangan negara itu penting dan sebagai menkeu dirinya kita bertanggung jawab untuk mengelola keuangan negara agar bisa dijalankan dengan baik.
"Meskipun saya sebagai menkeu ini bukan seorang akuntan. Kita punya tanggung jawab untuk membuat publik sektor lebih baik, dan yang paling penting itu adalah sisi keuangannya," ujarnya.

Kehadiran lembaga pengawas seperti BPK yang menggerayangi tiap sisi keuangan di negara ini tentunya diperlukan.
"Karena kalau Anda punya power kalau tidak ada yang ngecek maka akan ada korupsi pasti. Kekuasaan itu itu so delicious dan it's so tempting, bahkan lebih enak dari coklat atau nasi uduk, karena itu bagus kalau ada BPK yang mengaudit sisi keuangan," ujarnya.

Sekarang BPK sudah memeriksa keuangan negara, dan bahkan pernah menemukan 3.000 rekening liar di depertemen. "Saya tidak mau kalah, melihat hal ini saya marah, saya cari di tiap departemen ternyata saya menemukan 30.000 rekening liar," ujarnya.

Laporan keuangan pemerintah, menurut Sri Mulyani memang masih jauh dari sempurna, namun dia tidak suka kalau ada yang menyebut laporan keuangan pemerintah amburadul.
"Saya legowo kalau penilaian disclaimer, tapi saya benci kalau dibilang amburadul, karena disclaimer itu pasti ada alasannya. Mungkin masyarakat bertanya kenapa 4 tahun disclaimer tapi menkeunya tidak diganti-ganti saya katakan walaupun tiap tahun menkeunya diganti, laporan keuangan tetap disclaimer," ujarnya.

***Hmm, jangan marah ya bu, saya jadiin cewek saya di blog ini.
Tetap semangat!!! anda penyelamat negara ini.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Sang Maestro: Ni Ketut Canin

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Kalian pasti salut sama Ni Ketut Canin.

Penonton juga dibuat terkejut begitu menyaksikan sang penari utama ternyata sudah berusia lanjut, 85 tahun, namun penampilannya tetap saja prima. "Penampilannya luar biasa sekali. begitu juga dengan penarinya," kata Haruko Konishi, salah seorang penonton.

Selama dua jam, sang empu tari, bersama cucunya, Ni Wayan Sekariani dan cicitnya, Sri Maharyeni, membawakan tarian sakral Joged Pingitan. Sebuah tarian yang kian langka di Bali, karena hanya bisa disaksikan di dua desa saja, Desa Tegunungan dan Desa Sukawati.

Ungkapan seperti sugoi (luar biasa, hebat" ataupun amazing (menakjubkan) banyak keluar dari bibir para penonton yang baru saja menyaksikan penampilan Ni Ketut Cenik di sebuah aula di Gedung Bunka-Hoso, Tokyo, Selasa (16/9) malam. Sambil bertepuk tangan yang cukup lama, para penonton itu bangun dari kursinya dengan terus menatap ke arah Ni Ketut Cenin, yang bersama kelompoknya, perlahan-lahan meninggalkan panggung.

Komentar kekaguman tersebut memang merupakan kalimat yang paling pantas diucapkan untuk mengekspresikan kekaguman sekitar 200 penonton Tokyo, yang malam itu memadati media Plus Hall, di gedung Bunka-Hoso. Ribuan pengunjung Jepang sebelumnya mulai dari Osaka, Nagoya, Kyoto hingga Matsue sudah lebih dulu dibuat tepesona.

Penampilan dari perempuan kelahiran Banjar Pekandelan, Desa Batuan, Gianyar, menjadi istimewa, tidak saja penampilannya yang lincah, tetapi juga karena sang maestro melibatkan cucunya Ni Wayan Sekariani dan cicitnya Sri Maharyeni yang tampil tidak kalah energiknya. Sedangkan putranya, I Nyoman Budi Artha, yang juga pimpinan rombongan, bertindak selaku salah seorang pemusik gamelan.

Sama seperti tari Bali lainnya yang dinamis dan atraktif, ketiganya pun menari dengan lincah diiringi musik gamelan yang tidak kalah ramainya. Begitu gamelan berbunyi, dengan sigap NI Ketut Cenik menari, meliukkan badan dengan anggun, mengikuti irama musik. Saat menari seolah ada roh dari kekuatan tari itu yang hinggap dan membuatnya menjadi muda kembali.

Tarian yang menampilkan enam tokoh itu kemudian ditutup dengan tarian yang berkisah mengenai Calonarang. Sebuah cerita yang bersumber cerita rakyat mengenai kemenangan kebaikan atas kejahatan. Tarian yang dibawakan secara bergiliran itu ternyata mampu menahan penonton untuk tidak beranjak dari duduknya hingga pertunjukan berakhir.

Tari Joged Pingitan sendiri semakin tidak populer di kalangan generasi muda Bali, bahkan kian langka, karena hanya ada di pedesaan. Itu pun hanya terdapat di dua desa saja, salah satunya di Gianyar. Menurut I Nyoman Budi Artha, putra dari Ni Ketut Cenik,tarian tersebut berfungsi sebagai tarian wali, tarian ritual bagi sang dewa. Jadi bukan sembarang tarian.

"Bagi dodong (nenek) tari ini juga merupakan tarian untuk memuja dewa, jadi tidak bisa sembarangan," ujar Sekariani. Itu sebabnya sebelum membawakan tarian, baik pemusik, dan penari mengawalinya dengan sembahyang lebih dulu. Bahkan ruang tempat pertunjukan pun harus disucikan dulu.

Menurut Ni Wayan Sekariani, Jogged Pingitan salah satu penyebabnya karena tarian ini memiliki tingkat keahlian yang lebih sulit. Penarinya harus mampu membawakan gerakan tarian laki-laki yang tegas, namun juga mampu memadukannya dengan gerakan lembut dari tarian perempuan.

"Seiring dengan transformasi zaman, Joged Pingitan kini tinggal di desa-desa saja. Begitu juga dengan penarinya yang kian sulit ditemukan. Makanya kami, bersama Ni Ketut Cenik, giat mewariskan tarian ini ke generasi selanjutnya agar tidak hilang," katanya.

diambil dari

Cheers, frizzy2008.

French-Indonesian Science and Technology Program

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

French-Indonesian Science and Technology Program

The Government of the Republic of France in conjunction with the Indonesian Government has established the NUSANTARA Program. NUSANTARA is jointly managed by the Indonesian State Ministry for Research and Technology (RISTEK) and its French counterparts, the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (MAEE) and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR) but should encompass projects by any research centre irrespective of its administrative attachment.

The objective of NUSANTARA is to promote and support scientific and technological cooperation between French and Indonesian researchers in both public and private sectors.

Will be eligible to NUSANTARA any research laboratories from universities, public sector research institutes and companies.
The programme is open to the following areas of research:
• Biotechnologies including its applications to health (emerging infectious diseases and bio security, hepatitis virus, human avian influenza, H5N1, vector-borne diseases, etc.), food safety and resilience, as well as agronomy (consumption pattern, production, supply, land conversion, etc.)
• Information and communication technologies: Wimax technologies, open technology hardware, open source software, content development, network communication technology, standardization, and certification.
• Preservation of the environment: animal and vegetal biodiversity; water, land, climactic changes, oceanography
• Assessment and prevention of natural risks and or disaster management – including early warning system which involve geological, seismic, volcanic, climactic, geomagnetic sciences
• Energy including renewable energy (Nuclear Power Plant, coal power plant, geothermal, marine current energy, biomass, biofuel, solar-cell, etc.)
• Transportation: mass-rapid transportation, multi-moda transportation, linear motor car, maglev technology, long-span bridge, shipbuilding, air transportation system, etc.
• Human and Social sciences

It should be noted that both French and Indonesian partners have to apply to their respective agencies in charge of the management of the NUSANTARA programme.
If one of the two partners failed to apply or sent his application after the deadline, no funding would be granted to either partner.

NUSANTARA applications are invited once every two years. The appointed Indonesian referees will assess Indonesian applications, while French referees will review French applications. A Joint Committee, consisting of French and Indonesian experts, who will meet alternatively in France and Indonesia, will execute the final selection.
The involvement of young researchers studying for a PhD, or pursuing post-doctoral research, is one of the most important selection criteria.
Projects having previously benefited from Nusantara funding are not eligible.

Project duration
The projects selected under the current call for proposals will normally last two years (2009 and 2010), support for the second year being subject to progress in the first.
To this effect, the project leader must submit request for the second year to the Attaché for Science in the French Embassy in Jakarta and to RISTEK before November 28, 2009. A financial report of how the money was spent or to be spent as the implementation of the project should be attached to the request. If substantial scientific results have been achieved in the first months of the running of the project, the project leader can highlight it in brief.

Final report
A final report should be sent at the latest three months after the completion of the projects to French Embassy and to RISTEK. The French partners will have to do so by downloading the relevant file on the PHC extranet and to affix to their online file once completed.

The programme will support the international travel and living expenses associated with participation in the research project. Funding does not extend to insurances, salaries and equipment expenses, and other activities/costs not eligible for support.
Funding is granted on an annual basis for two consecutive years. Funds must imperatively be used between January 1 and December 31 (in France) and between February 1of any given year. Any funds not used will be lost.
Support to French beneficiaries provided by the French Government in France is only for travel and living expenses:
-Living expenses: 110 euros pd in the limit of 10 days
-Travel expenses: reimbursement according to actual costs with a limit of 1100 for return fare between France and Indonesia

Support to Indonesian beneficiaries provided by the Indonesian Government in Indonesia is only for travel and living expenses to three-five (3-5) Indonesian beneficiaries in 2009. Such support is only intended for one (1) researcher per selected project in 2009, and it will cover:
-Living expenses or per diem for the maximum of 5 (five) days per person.
The per diem will refer to the per diem rates applied, according to the Indonesian Ministry of Finance in 2009.
-Travel expenses: a return economic fare between Indonesia and France, in accordance with the rates from the Indonesian Ministry of Finance in 2009.

How to Apply
Applicants could be applied on-line. French applicants should refer to the EGIDE website (
Indonesian applicants may contact; to request an application form. Applications must be must be received by the posted closing date with the covering letter from the institutions where the applicant is coming from.
Applications for Indonesian may be considered in any other format (PdF format) and send it to the above e-mail addresses.
For the first round of application, the following schedule will apply:
-Deadline for sending applications: November 28, 2008
-Announcement of results: January 31, 2009
-Start of projects: February, 2009

Contact Persons
M. Dominique Dubois
Attaché de coopération scientifique et technique
Service de coopération et d'action culturelle
Ambassade de France en Indonésie
Jl Panarukan n° 35, Menteng Jakarta 10310
Tél : +62 21 31 93 17 95
Mél :

Dr. Teguh Rahardjo
Deputy Minister for Research, S&T Programs
qq Ms. Nada Marsudi, Acting Director for International, S&T Programs
The State Ministry of Research and Technology, Republic of Indonesia
BPPT 2nd Building, 6th Floor, Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 8, Jakarta 10340
Tel. +62-21-316 9174/316 9198,
e-mail :;

Cheers, frizzy2008.