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Showing posts with label tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tips. Show all posts

Daftar Alamat Kantor Urusan Agama - Kantor KUA DKI Jakarta

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Daftar Alamat Kantor Urusan Agama - KUA Jakarta ini kami berikan untuk berbagai keperluan anda. Siapa tahu Anda belum tahu lokasi atau lupa lokasi KUA di wilayah Anda tinggal. Berikut ini alamat dan nomor telepon KUA di Jakarta

A. Jakarta Pusat

  1. KUA Kec. Menteng Jl. Pegangsaan Barat No.14 Menteng Telp. 331817
  2. KUA Kec. Senen Jl. Kalibaru IV Gg.II No.36 Telp. 4258264
  3. KUA Kec. Gambir Jl. Pembangun 11 Taman Petojo Utara Telp. 6338623
  4. KUA Kec. Cempaka Putih Jl. Cmpk Putih Tengah XIII/10 Telp. 4258244
  5. KUA Kec. Kemayoran Jl. Serdang No.3 Kemayoran Telp. 4259950
  6. KUA Kec. Sawah Besar Jl. Mangga Dua Dalam No.10 Telp. 6016889
  7. KUA Kec. Tanah Abang Jl. Mutiara No.2 Karet Tengsin Telp. 5743823
  8. KUA Kec. Johar Baru Jl. Tanah Tinggi IV / 86B Telp. 4257980

Tips Menulis Surat Cinta Romantis

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Saat menulis surat cinta, jujur adalah hal yang pertama dan utama. Seseorang yang benar-benar mencintai Anda mungkin akan dapat mengetahui apakah Anda sedang berpura-pura. Pastikan dia tahu itu hanya untuknya, hanya dari Anda. Hindari klise dan generalisasi, karena mereka canggung dan tidak romantis.

Mulailah dari rahasia kecil Anda sendiri dan lelucon kecil yang hanya Anda berdua yang tahu. Pastikan dia tahu itu hanya untuknya, hanya dari Anda. Hindari kata-kata yang klise dan terlalu general, karena dia akan berpikir itu tidak romantis.

Cara Memeluk Wanita Tercinta Dengan Romantis

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Selalu ada cara yang asik untuk bersikap romantis. Tips Cara Memeluk Wanita Tercinta Dengan Romantis tersedia di sini.

Sama seperti ada berbagai jenis ciuman, sudah tentu ada berbagai jenis pelukan. Orang tua memeluk anaknya tidak sama seperti orang memeluk pacarnya. Ini biasanya yang aman untuk memeluk di depan umum, jadi ini adalah cara yang bagus untuk menunjukkan kasih sayang kepada seseorang yang istimewa terutama istri tercinta di mana pun Anda berada.


  1. Bersantai diri sendiri dan mencoba untuk melakukan hal yang sama untuk orang yang ingin memeluk. Percakapan bagus dan beberapa tertawa dapat mengalihkan pikiran Anda dari setiap kegelisahan dan kegugupan. 

Ide Kado Ulang Tahun Untuk Suami

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Sebuah kado ulang tahun suami begitu sangat istimewa untuk istri mereka. Bila hari ini adalah hari ulang tahun suami Anda, namun Anda belum memutuskan tentang hadiahnya, jangan khawatir. Ini adalah era modern dan serba teknologi, internet benar-benar dapat membantu untuk memilih sebuah hadiah ulang tahun untuk suami yang indah. Mereka menyediakan berbagai macam piliihan hadiah ulang tahun yang indah. Ada hadiah yang umum untuk diharapkan seperti makanan lezat buatan Anda sendiri, sebuah rangkaian bunga mawar, dan pilihan warna indah busana anda. Ini adalah kesempatan emas untuk menarik suami Anda seperti malam bulan madu seksi.

Di sini kita bicarakan tips kado untuk suami yang berlaku secara universal. Anda juga dapat mempertimbangkan jenis hadiah ulang tahun untuk satu sama lain.

Kehadiran orang-orang tercinta membuat ulang tahun yang lebih khusus dan hadiah yang indah yang diberikan kepada mereka pada hari ulang tahun mereka dapat membuat hari mereka lebih unik dan tak terlupakan. Tapi memilih hadiah yang tepat adalah pekerjaan yang paling membosankan. Apa yang biasanya istri lakukan adalah pergi ke sebuah toko yang penuh dengan hadiah ulang tahun dan pilih salah satu yang menarik bagi mereka yang paling. Tapi itu berakhir dengan hadiah yang sama setiap waktu dalam setiap kesempatan untuk memberikan ucapan ulang tahun suami, bunga, kit cukur, jam tangan, dompet, parfum dll Jadi mengapa tidak mencoba sesuatu yang kreatif untuk membuat suami Anda lebih bahagia dan merasa istimewa di kedatangan ulang tahun? Artikel ini adalah semua tentang beberapa hadiah yang unik dan romantis yang dapat disajikan pada hari ulang tahun suami.

Sebuah keranjang penuh hadiah bisa menjadi salah satu hadiah terbaik kado ultah untuk suami Anda di hari ulang tahunnya. Untuk membuatnya merasa istimewa pada hari ulang tahunnya, Anda hanya dapat membeli keranjang hadiah dan menaruh semua hal-hal favoritnya di dalamnya seperti cokelat dalam, parfum dll Untuk memberikan keranjang hadiah tampilan romantis, Anda juga bisa melampirkan kartu aku mencintaimu mengungkapkan semua perasaan Anda untuknya. Anda dapat membungkus semua hal dengan kertas warna cerah yang akan membuatnya terlihat lebih unik. Ini hadiah kecil dapat berbicara semua perasaan Anda untuk dia dan dia pasti akan menyukai hadiah pada hari ulang tahunnya.

Tips Kecantikan untuk Wanita Usia 30 ke Atas

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Ini ada Tips Kecantikan untuk Wanita Usia 30 ke Atas yang sumbernya dari Ehow.Co.Uk. Tulisan ini disponsori oleh sabun penghilang jerawat buatan Indonesia asli.

Merawat kulit Anda sangat penting dalam usia 30-an.
Bayangkan kembali masa remaja, ketika dokter memperingatkan bahwa tidak makan dengan benar atau berolahraga terlalu dini akan berpengaruh kepada usia kulit dan tubuh Anda. Aktifitas makan semangkuk besar es krim cokelat fudge doubel dan diikuti tidur siang, sungguh bukan kegiatan yang baik. Sekarang Anda berusia lebih dari 30, Anda berharap telah mendengarkan saran dokter Anda. Wanita di usia 30 ke atas dapat memanfaatkan beberapa tips kecantikan untuk menjaga kulit mereka dan menampilkan keindahan alami mereka.

Jika Anda berada di usia 20-an atau 30-an, pelembab akan memberikan beberapa perlindungan yang Anda butuhkan untuk menjaga kulit dari penuaan dini. Karena sinar matahari yang berlebihan merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengeringkan kulit, pelembab dengan SPF (Sun Protection Factor) terbaik kerja. Minum air merupakan cara lain untuk menjaga kulit terhidrasi. Anda harus minum setidaknya delapan sampai 10 delapan ons gelas air sehari untuk menjaga Anda sehat berseri.

Rawat rambut dan Makeup
Tarik keluar gambar diri Anda dari 20 tahun yang lalu. Jika Anda masih mengenakan buram sama biru eye shadow dan mil-tinggi sarang lebah, mungkin sudah saatnya untuk perubahan. Anda harus memperbarui rambut dan make-up setiap dua tahun. Make-up dan gaya rambut berubah secara dramatis selama musim, sehingga untuk melihat dan merasakan yang terbaik, mengikuti tren. Ini tidak berarti bahwa sebagai seorang wanita 37 tahun dengan wajah bulat Anda harus meniru yang dipotong pixie seperti usia 20 tahun. Ini berarti memperbarui tampilan Anda untuk meningkatkan keindahan Anda dalam memberikan penampilan cantik hari ini.

Pertimbangkan Mengenakan sebuah Foundation
Seperti kita menyelesaikan ke 30-an kami, kulit cenderung membentuk bercak-bercak hitam, noda dan garis-garis halus. Kabar baiknya adalah bahwa masalah ini dapat diperbaiki dengan dasar yang tepat. Gunakan sabun muka yang lembut untuk melindungi kulit Anda dari kerusakan akibat sinar matahari. Terapkan foundation ke leher Anda, juga, karena ini adalah tempat lain yang rentan terhadap noda dan penuaan dini. Untuk memperbaiki masalah kusam, kulit mati, gunakan foundation wajah menerangi untuk sehat bercahaya. Untuk meningkatkan efek ekstra, gunakan concealer atau bubuk mencerahkan. Hati-hati ketika menerapkan, concealer yang berlebihan dapat membuat berantakan dan terlihat palsu.

Review Karangan Bunga Murah Jakarta

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Ada informasi menarik tentang review karangan bunga murah Jakarta.

Mas Eko dari Semarang memberikan review untuk produk karangan bunga murah di Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Beliau merekomendasikan sebuah toko bunga online yang bisa anda percaya dalam menyediakan layanan prima pengiriman karangan bunga berkualitas.

Karangan bunga ucapan selamat adalah cara yang tepat untuk merayakan keberhasilan suatu tujuan. Jika pengirim ingin mengucapkan selamat kepada seseorang yang dekat dengannya, dia bisa mengirim sebuah karangan bunga dengan catatan tulisan tangan yang melekat padanya. Tapi ketika datang ke lingkup profesional seperti kolega, karyawan atau majikan maka pengirim dapat mengambil bantuan dari toko bunga profesional karena mereka akan dapat membantu dalam memilih rangkaian bunga yang paling tepat.

Pengirim dapat memilih berbagai jenis bunga sebagai bunga ucapan selamat. Misalnya, jika mengirim untuk memuji kekasihnya  maka karangan bunga mawar merah yang sempurna untuk acara ini. Dalam kasus ini, pengirim ingin mengucapkan selamat kepada seorang kenalan atau teman yang tidak terlalu dekat, akan lebih baik untuk mengatakan dengan mawar putih. Mawar kuning harus digunakan untuk teman-teman yang adalah bagian paling penting dari kehidupan seseorang. Dalam kasus ini, pengirim ingin membahagiakan mitra bisnisnya maka dia dapat mengirim anggrek mahal selamat bunga.

Tips untuk Mengurangi Bau Badan

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Tips untuk Mengurangi Bau Badan

Bau badan membuat penasaran para ilmuwan. Dalam satu percobaan, peneliti dari Vanderbilt University di Nashville, Tenn menemukan bahwa orang bisa mencium bau pakaian dan tahu mana kerabat dekat telah memakainya, bahkan jika mereka tidak melihat relatif dalam bulan. Para ahli menyimpulkan bahwa bau badan dipengaruhi oleh variabel lingkungan seperti diet tetapi juga oleh faktor lain, termasuk genetika.

Jika Anda memiliki bau badan, namun, Anda mungkin kurang tertarik pada "mengapa" dan lebih tertarik pada "bagaimana." Cara menyingkirkan itu bau badan secara privasi rumah Anda sendiri.

Berikut adalah lima saran untuk mengurangi bau badan, juga dikenal sebagai bromhidrosis.

1. Pastikan tubuh selalu bersih

Mandilah sedikitnya sekali sehari - lebih jika diperlukan - dan Anda akan menghilangkan bau keringat serta mengurangi jumlah bakteri pada kulit Anda. Gunakan sabun penghilang bau badan.

Keringat sendiri hampir tidak berbau. Tapi ketika bakteri mikroskopis yang hidup secara alami pada kulit Anda dengan campuran keringat, mereka berkembang biak dengan cepat. Dan mereka cukup meningkatkan bau beberapa saat mereka berada di hal. Jadi cuci sampai bersih, khususnya daerah rawan berkeringat, dapat mengurangi bau badan.

Jika Anda berkeringat biasanya, Anda mungkin memiliki lebih banyak masalah dengan bau badan daripada mereka yang benar-benar memiliki keringat berlebihan, yang disebut hiperhidrosis. Itu karena ketika orang berkeringat berlebihan, keringat cenderung untuk mencuci menghilangkan bakteri penyebab bau.

2. Gunakan Sabun antibakteri

Pilih sabun mandi antibakteri. Teliti mencuci dengan sabun antibakteri akan mengurangi jumlah bakteri, pada gilirannya mengurangi bau.
Carilah kata-kata "antibakteri" pada kemasannya.

3. Handuk kering seluruh badan

Setelah mandi, pastikan Anda mengeringkan diri Anda sepenuhnya. Handuk dari hati-hati, karena dipastikan bahwa area berkeringat deras secara sempurna kering.
Bakteri yang menyebabkan bau badan memiliki waktu yang sulit berkembang biak pada kulit Anda jika itu kering.

4. Gunakan Deodoran atau Antiperspirant

Setelah Anda bersih dan kering, gunakan deodoran antiperspiran yang kuat atau di ketiak Anda. Sedangkan deodoran tidak mencegah berkeringat, mereka menutupi bau bakteri pada kulit Anda. Antiperspirant mengandung aluminium klorida, zat kimia yang mengurangi berkeringat, dan sering juga mengandung deodoran. Atau bisa juga dengan menggunakan sabun untuk menghilangkan bau badan.

Deodoran dan antiperspirant kuat sekarang tersedia di atas meja. Carilah produk yang mengatakan pada label mereka kekuatan yang lebih tinggi karena bahan.

Jika Anda pikir Anda membutuhkan bantuan lebih banyak lagi, Anda mungkin ingin meminta dokter Anda tentang antiperspirant resep.

Oleskan deodorant atau antiperspirant dua kali sehari, pagi dan malam hari. Jika itu terlalu banyak untuk diingat, lebih baik untuk menerapkan sekali pada malam hari, dari sekali di pagi hari.

5. Pastikan isi lemari anda bersih

Berganti pakaian sering ketika Anda berkeringat berat. Pakaian bersih membantu menjaga bau badan turun.

Jangan lupa untuk mengganti kaus kaki Anda juga, terutama jika Anda cenderung memiliki bau kaki. Gunakan bubuk deodoran di sepatu Anda, ganti sol sering, dan bertelanjang kaki jika memungkinkan.

Mudah-mudahan tips ini berguna untuk optimasi website anda

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Berikut ini adalah checklist yang harus kita periksa dalam website/blog kita untuk dapat mendobrak pasar di internet dengan baik.

Apakah Anda menggunakan frase kata kunci yang sangat terfokus, bukan kata kunci yang terlalu umum?
Apakah Anda mengoptimalkan halaman selama 1-2 hanya frase kata kunci?
Apakah Anda menggunakan kata kunci daerah, jika sesuai?
Apakah Anda menggunakan versi terpanjang dari frase kata kunci anda?
Apakah Anda menggunakan nama produk tertentu dan jasa sebagai kata kunci?

Dimana menempatkan Keywords
Apakah Anda menggunakan frase kata kunci Anda di awal semua tag, termasuk judul, deskripsi, judul, dll?
Apakah Anda menggunakan frase kata kunci Anda pada awal teks tubuh Anda?
Apakah Anda menggunakan tag judul?
Apakah Anda menggunakan tag META deskripsi jika sesuai untuk mesin ini?
Apakah Anda dengan menggunakan judul tag, mungkin dalam format lulus?
Apakah Anda menggunakan frase kata kunci Anda untuk membuat teks link yang efektif?
Apakah Anda overusing frase kata kunci anda?
Apa kata kunci Anda berat untuk halaman?
Apakah halaman Anda dekat dengan root domain?
Apakah Anda menggunakan frase kata kunci Anda di tes ALT serta menggambarkan grafik?
Apakah nama Anda pada halaman setelah frase kata kunci anda?
Jika halaman tersebut dalam sebuah subdirektori, nama kau subdirektori setelah frase kata kunci?
Apakah Anda mengubah nama gambar Anda untuk mencerminkan frase kata kunci?
Apakah Anda menggunakan subdomain?
Apakah nama domain frase kata kunci anda?
Apakah Anda menggunakan kata kunci dalam

Titles and Descriptions
Apakah Anda tag judul menawan dan dirancang untuk membawa lalu lintas?
Apakah Anda frase kata kunci yang digunakan menuju awal tag?
Apakah Anda tag ditulis dengan huruf kapital tag memulai, dan diikuti oleh semua huruf kecil, kecuali jika Anda menggunakan kata benda?
Apakah Anda menggunakan nama perusahaan Anda di judul tag bukan frase kata kunci? Jangan!
Judul Anda mudah dibaca?
Apakah deskripsi tag menawan dan dirancang untuk menarik bisnis?
Apakah tag deskripsi Anda mudah dibaca?
Pertama teks pada halaman Anda tepat sebagai halaman deskripsi dalam hasil mesin pencari?

Apakah Anda menghubungkan ke semua halaman yang penting situs Anda dari halaman ini?
Jika Anda memiliki domain tambahan, apakah Anda terhubung ke halaman itu juga, jika mereka terkait dalam konten?
Apakah Anda menghubungkan ke situs populer yang berhubungan dengan isi situs Anda?
Apakah Anda menggunakan teks link yang efektif saat menghubungkan baik dan menonaktifkan situs Anda?
Apakah Anda menggunakan peta situs yang berisi link ke semua halaman yang penting dari situs Anda? Jika demikian, apakah Anda menambahkan beberapa konten ke halaman juga?
Apakah Anda bekerja ke arah pembangunan yang baik, kokoh link terkait popularitas?

Mulailah berpikir bahwa kompetitor anda mungkin berbuat lebih baik dari anda sekarang.


SEO Tips: Common places to use keyword phrase

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Where are some common places to use your researched keyword phrase?
Here are just a few easy things you can do right on your page:
  • Title tag** with your keyword phrase used prominently toward the beginning of the tag
  • Description META tag** with KW phrase prominentlyKeyword META tag* with KW phrase toward the beginning. Please Don't "stuff" this tag with a Lot of keywords but use the main keyword phrase and a few synonyms. Use misspellings if you like.
  • In your keyword Meta tag, try to use important supporting terms that actually appear on the page.
  • Watch out for over using your keywords repeatedly - most people tend to really over do it.
Other places on the page to use your keyword phrase include:
  • Header tags
  • Body text beginning with the KW phrase.
  • Try to use the KW phrase more toward the beginning of each paragraph IF you can and IF it makes sense so that your content still reads well
Gak usah panik dalam mengimplementasikan SEO, yang penting adalah selalu membuat artikel yang berbobot dan enak dibaca oleh para visitor.
Silahkan ikuti terus tips-tipsku yaa.

Cheers, frizzy.

Mari bermain Tag Clouds

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Menjawab permintaan beberapa teman blogger untuk membuat Tag Clouds seperti My Blog Categories. Silahkan lihat informasi di bawah ini.

Untuk implementasinya, para sobat harus menghilangkan tanda $ (dolar). Ini aku pakai agar bisa tampil dalam posting, secara aku gak tau cara lain menampilkannya.

<b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='My Blog Categories' type='Label'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:title'>
<h2 align='center' style='font-size:98%;'><data:title/></h2>
<div align='center' class='widget-content'>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<div id='flashcontent'>Blogumulus by <a href=''>Roy Tanck</a> and <a href=''>Amanda Fazani</a></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var so = new SWFObject(&quot;;, &quot;tagcloud&quot;, &quot;260&quot;, &quot;200&quot;, &quot;7&quot;, &quot;#ffffff&quot;);
// uncomment next line to enable transparency
//so.addParam(&quot;wmode&quot;, &quot;transparent&quot;);
so.addVariable(&quot;tcolor&quot;, &quot;0x333333&quot;);
so.addVariable(&quot;mode&quot;, &quot;tags&quot;);
so.addVariable(&quot;distr&quot;, &quot;true&quot;);
so.addVariable(&quot;tspeed&quot;, &quot;100&quot;);
so.addVariable(&quot;tagcloud&quot;, &quot;<tags><b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'><a expr:href='data:label.url' style='15'><></a></b:loop></tags>&quot;);
so.addParam(&quot;allowScriptAccess&quot;, &quot;always&quot;);
<b:include name='quickedit'/>

*Thanks to marcellino agatha for the encode/decode tips
Tulisan warna biru adalah kode asli widget label dari blogger, sedangkan tulisan warna hijau adalah kode tambahan untuk membuat Tag Clouds.
Sekali lagi, harap para sobat menghilangkan tanda $ (dolar) sebelum menyisipkan di kode html blog anda.

Cheers, frizzy

52 relaxing, stress-free ideas

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

52 relaxing, stress-free ideas

When did everyday life become so hard? Between work or school, household chores, typical errands, raising a family and maintaining general sanity, days are packed to the gills with more than even Wonder Woman could handle! To combat all those days brimming with things to do, people to see and places to be, we have some ideas for fun, relaxing and enjoyable ideas for you. These calming activities might give you the peace of mind and solace your life is missing.
Rent DVDs of a TV series

1. Play catchup: Rent DVDs for a whole season of a hit show you've missed out on to catch up on the buzz.

2. Buy yourself a bouquet of your favorite flowers and have them delivered.

3. Go to the park and swing. See how high you can go.

4. Take a nap or go to bed early. No lie -- if you are feeling completely zonked from a tough week, your body will love you for it.

5. Brew a cup of tea and drink it out of a proper teacup with saucer.

6. Make some popcorn and have a themed mini-movie marathon. Watch five or six flicks starring your favorite actor, set in a special city, or with a storyline that always makes you smile.

7. Take your car to be detailed -- inside and out -- while you read or listen to music in the waiting area.

8. Buy a cool colored lightbulb and really view the world -- or the room at least -- with a rose-colored (or blue, or purple) tint.

9. Take a long bath with an gloriously indulgent and fragrant bubble bath.

10. Determine a maximum amount of money that you are "allowed" to spend and go shopping for new shoes. And a purse. And clothes...

11. Listen to soft, soothing music... or, if you really need to get out some frustration, make that rock 'n' roll or hard core. Loud.

12. Make some "comfort food." Cupcakes, cookies, cakes, pies... anything sweet and scrumptious is fair game!

13. Take an entire night to be a complete couch potato. Have take-out delivered, walk around in your PJs, and just enjoy having nothing to do.

14. Make a gratitude list. Think of the many people, things and life happenings for which you're really grateful.

15. Go on a boat ride. Canoe, sailboat, yacht, kayak -- it matters not the kind of boat, but that you have a nice, relaxing time on the water.

16. Do something small that will make your life simpler. Make a duplicate set of keys so you don't have to panic if you lose them during the morning rush. Buy a pen on a cord and stick it on your fridge so it won't disappear. Get rid of all the lingerie you never wear so you don't have to sift through it every day.

17. Give yourself a nice pedicure to pamper yourself and to get your toes in shape for sandals.

18. Go get two coffees: one for you, and one to be hand-delivered to a friend or co-worker.

19. Put on comfy clothes and snuggle up with a stack of good books.

20. Download some of the favorite songs from your youth, and see if you can still remember the lyrics well enough to sing along.

21. Stop and smell the roses. Or the laurel, freesia, primroses, daphne.

22. Look through old photo albums to remember where you've been and all you've done. Explore your artistic side

23. Exercise! Go for a run, walk, jog, ride your bike, use a hula hoop or any other athletic activity that's fun and rewarding to you.

24. Add a little comfort to your life -- whether that means faux-sheepskin covers for your car or a big, soft bath towel for you.

25. Enjoy a candlelit three-course meal, with your best china, a placemat and a cloth napkin.

26. Go on vacation. Whether you leave for a week or you actually only take a fifteen-minute walk around the block without your cell phone, sometimes an escape from reality is all it really takes to re-energize and rejuvenate yourself.

27. Buy a box of chocolates, and eat all your favorite ones first.

28. If you're home alone, close the blinds and walk around naked. No waistbands, no collars... it'll feel pretty good.

29. Go all day (or longer) without makeup. (Hey -- if celebrities can go out in public like that, you can, too.)

30. Get some friends together and play tennis or golf, toss the ball around or do something new and exciting in the world of sports.

31. Write down all the things on your mind that are stressing them out. Put the list away somewhere for later, and stop worrying about it for now.

32. Have a massage or another relaxing spa treatment or throw your own spa party.

33. Get together with your girlfriends to chat or to commiserate.

34. Try a brand new super-posh luxury shampoo and conditioner -- one that smells just heavenly.

35. Hire someone to come clean your home from top to bottom.

36. Upgrade something little but practical in your life. For example, swap your old scratched sunglasses for a stylish new pair or replace your faded, thinning bed sheets with some fabulous high-thread-count versions.

37. Imagine you won 10 million dollars, and write down all the delightful ways you'd spend it.

38. Take yourself on a picnic, complete with a blanket, a deli lunch and some fresh strawberries.

39. Find somewhere quiet and simply enjoy the silence.

40. Go outside, get comfortable on the ground or a chaise longue and just watch the sky go by.

41. Start making your dream real: Start researching hotels at an exotic destination, start checking out new kitchen countertop materials or test drive a fancy car.

42. Explore your artistic side: draw, paint, write or even make something out of paper maché.

43. Take a deep breath. Inhale slowly through your nose and fill your lungs (comfortably) as deeply as you can. Hold for about five seconds, and then exhale through your mouth. Repeat at least twice more.

44. Work on a challenging-but-still-fun jigsaw puzzle, preferably featuring a soothing scene.

45. Light some candles (including a couple with your favorite scent) and place them throughout the room. Give yourself a good giggle

46. Take yourself out to dinner at your favorite restaurant.

47. Visit a local body of water -- ocean, lake, reservoir or even a fountain -- and just chill out watching the water flow.

48. Meditate or try some calming visualization.

49. Go for a drive at dusk with the top down, sunroof open or windows down. Music optional.

50. Cross something niggling (but ultimately not vital) off your to-do list... even though you didn't get it done. Let it go.

51. Try one of the oldest de-stressing methods in the world: sex. The hormonal release can be profoundly relaxing.

52. Laughter is one of the best stress-busters of all. Whether by means of a movie, book or DVD of your favorite comedian, give yourself a good giggle!

No matter what types of activities – or lack thereof – refuel you and refresh you after a tough workday or workweek, remember that the best way to restore yourself and relax is only a good night's sleep away.

Cheers, frizzy

Acara Talk-Show Pakar Bisnis Internet

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Hari ini, sabtu tanggal 4 April 2009, bertempat di Toko Buku Leksika Gedung Giant Rawamangun, aku menghadiri lagi acara Talk-Show bersama Ali Akbar Pakar SEO dengan bintang tamu Peter Kohar, Jagoan Internet Joint Venture dan Habibie Afsyah, Jagoan Internet Marketing Affiliation. Acaranya semakin seru dengan dibukanya rahasia-rahasia kesuksesan sang pakar yang pengalamannya menambah inspirasi dan membuka intuisi bisnisku. Jadi makin semangat deh mengejar kesuksesan melalui internet.

I just wanna be better than now my friends...

Peter Kohar membeberkan rahasia kesuksesannya

Habibie Afsyah dan Sang Bunda yang selalu ditunggu-tunggu inspirasinya

Lihat rahasia lengkapnya dalam photo album di bawah ini:

Yang kepala botak ini numpang ngetop yaa...

Acara Talk-Show Internet for Money
Bersama Ali Akbar Pakar SEO
Setiap Hari Sabtu, pukul 16:00 - selesai
di Toko Buku Leksika
Gedung GIANT lantai 4 Rawamangun, Jakarta

Cheers, frizzy.

Kopdar sekaligus dapat ilmu dari pakar SEO

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Asiknya ketemu pakar SEO sekaligus kopi darat dengan para blogger

Halo sobat semua, sabtu lalu tanggal 21 Maret 2009, aku menghadiri acara talk-show pakar SEO, mas Ali Akbar di toko buku Leksika, gedung Giant lantai 4 dekat terminal Rawamangun. Acara talk-show ini dilakukan setiap hari sabtu dengan tema SHARING INTERNET for MONEY. Seharusnya dari sabtu minggu lalunya aku datang, tapi anakku masuk rumah sakit.

Acaranya seperti kursus tapi asik, dan menurutku sih acaranya bagus banget, para sobat blogger pasti suka. Dapat ilmu gratis sambil silaturrahmi bikin suasana hidup jadi semakin hidup.

Acara ini jadi semakin asik dengan dihadirkannya para tamu pengusaha-pengusaha web yang sukses dan mereka dengan sangat gamblang berbagi pengalaman mereka. Rencananya minggu depan atau tiga minggu lagi akan dihadirkan the Wonderboy of Amazon, Habibie Afsah, tergantung waktu luangnya.

Mr. Dedi Bharos, fotografer profesional

Untuk sobat-sobat blogger yang hari sabtu sorenya tidak ada acara, datang yuk ke acara ini. Kita kopi darat sambil mendapat ilmu yang sangat berguna.

Cheers, frizzy.

Mari bermain Micro Emulator

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Buat para sobat blogger yang ingin mencoba-coba aplikasi java micro yang biasanya dimainkan di handphone. Berikut ini aku berbagi micro emulator yang mampu bekerja sempurna menjalankan aplikasi, games misalnya, layaknya di handphone.
Aku juga sertakan contoh aplikasi berupa opera mini 3 dan opera mini 4. Seperti yang kita ketahui, browsing internet menggunakan opera mini mempunyai pengalaman unik yang berbeda dibandingkan bila kita menggunakan browser biasa seperti firefox, iexplorer, dan opera.
Silahkan download micro emulator dan opera mininya.

Oh ya, hampir lupa kalo prasyarat menggunakan micro emulator adalah kita harus menginstal Jave run time, bisa anda ambil di sini.

Apa sih asiknya?
Buat anda para blogger yang suka mengeluh alexanya lambat naik peringkat, opera mini dapat membantu. Karena opera mini bekerja menggunakan proxy dengan alamat ip address norwegia dan selalu berubah-ubah tiap kali kita load tanpa perlu pusing putus-sambung koneksi.
Contoh pengalaman:
  1., mulai tanggal 4 juli 2008 sekarang alexa di bawah 85ribu
  2., mulai tanggal 1 februari 2009 sekarang alexa di 505ribu
Kurang seru ah?
Iya memang lebih seru datang ke bazaarnya nokia dengan discount 80% kalau ada sih.
Mumpung ingat, micro emulator bisa kita load banyak sekaligus, secukup memori komputer kamu mampu dan berjalan bersama-sama. Klik aja berulang ulang microemulator.jar, paling-paling muncul lagi, muncul lagi. Yach, lumayan aja buat meningkatkan trafik yang gak jelas.

Kalo teknologi sudah tersedia dan gak ada larangan apa-apa, kenapa juga ngeluh ini-itu.
Kill them all, buddy!!!

Cheers, frizzy.

Unimportant Tips in blogspot

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Unimportant tips
Buat yang mau lihat atom/rss feeds untuk postingan, begini caranya:

Buat yang mau lihat atom/rss feeds untuk komentar, begini caranya:

Cara di atas secara default akan menghasilkan 25 feed terbaru.
Untuk merubahnya menjadi kurang atau lebih dari 25 feeds begini caranya:

What for?
Yaa kali aja perlu untuk audit trail postingan atau komentar dari blog kita atau sekedar senang-senang membaca pakai metode rss feed. Nggak haram kok baca blog pakai cara gini, lha wong hampir semua blogger menawarkan berlangganan rss feed, iya toh?!

Additional tips
Script untuk memodifikasi recent comments, begini caranya:
// ----------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------
// This functions takes a blogger-feed in JSON
// format and displays it.
// ----------------------------------------

function showrecentcomments(json) {
for (var i = 0; i < entry =" json.feed.entry[i];" i ="=" k =" 0;" rel ="=" alturl ="[k].href;" alturl =" alturl.replace(" postlink =" alturl.split(" postlink =" postlink[0];" linktext =" postlink.split(" linktext =" linktext[5];" linktext =" linktext.split(" linktext =" linktext[0];" posttitle =" linktext.replace(/-/g," posttitle =";" commentdate =" entry.published.$t;" cdyear =" commentdate.substring(0,4);" cdmonth =" commentdate.substring(5,7);" cdday =" commentdate.substring(8,10);" monthnames =" new" comment =" entry.content.$t;" re =" /<\S[^">]*>/g;
comment = comment.replace(re, "");
if (showcommentdate == true) document.write((i+1)+' . Date: ' + cdday + ' '+ monthnames[parseInt(cdmonth,10)] + ' ' + cdyear + ' ');
document.write('' +[0].name.$t + ', commented');
if (showposttitle == true) document.write(' on: ' + posttitle);
if (comment.length <>' + comment + '

document.write(''+ comment.substring(0, numchars) + '...


<#$>var numcomments = 50;
var showcommentdate = true;
var showposttitle = true;
var numchars = 150;
var standardstyling = true;
<#$ src="">
*#$--> diganti dengan tag script yach.
Bisa diletakkan di postingan sehingga tidak mengganggu performance frontpage yang berguna juga untuk meningkatkan performance alexa rating kita.
Terima kasih untuk anda yang telah meluangkan waktu membaca tips yang gak penting ini.

Cheers, frizzy.

How to hug

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Hugs are an important expression of affection. By hugging someone, you remind them that you care about them and support them.
  • Approach the person. Depending on the person's relationship to you, you might want to approach differently:
  1. Family Hug: Approach kindly, but not too emotionally.
  2. Friend Hug (girls): Approach caringly, sometimes humorously, and smile.
  3. Friend Hug (guys): Approach quickly, usually not looking them in the eye.
  4. Crush Hug: Approach carefully, but do not seem shy. Smile slightly and perhaps say a caring word or two.
  5. Lover Hug: It doesn't matter who starts this; either can make it just as romantic. When approaching, put your hands on their shoulders and look them in the eyes. Say you love them, how much you care for them, and how much you are loving every second with them. Then fall into each other and hug with all your heart.
  • Embrace. Lean forward and wrap your arms around the person.
  1. Family Hug: You can keep talking when hugging; it will not ruin the momentum. Where you place your hands is not important; the hugged won't think it over too much. Press gently; it is not necessary to have head-contact. Stroke your hands quickly across the top of the hugged's back. Smile when letting go.
  2. Friend Hug (girls): Close your eyes and think about how much you love your friend when hugging. Press as much as you feel like. (But don't squish!) Do not clap the hugged on the shoulders or such; it's too masculine and some girls think you don't like them if you do it the guys' way.
  3. Friend Hug (guys): Embrace strongly, and clap each other on the top of your backs. If it's an emotional moment, keep in the hugged position for a brief moment and do not clap each other's backs.
  4. Crush Hug: Press the hugged warmly towards you. If you are a man, remember that it is more masculine and more protective to fold your arms under hers. Her arms should be around your neck, and you should be embracing her around the waist. When pressing her against you, you can lift her up a bit, pressing her chest and upper stomach against yours. Keep it in that position for a while, and then let go. Look her in the eyes when you separate and continue the conversation naturally.
  5. Lover Hug: 1) Males: Carefully sliding your hands down from her shoulders, put them on her waist and slide them around her lower back. Put your head on her shoulder and press her towards you for as long as you like. If you want to, you can give her a small massage with your hands, and try to warm her. When separating, you can look into her eyes, smile genuinely and, if the situation is fitting, kiss her. 2) Females: Extend your arms toward him and hold them around his neck and shoulders. Lean as close as possible and press your torso against his. In situations of extreme intimacy, interlocking your leg in his is appropriate. Avoid holding your arms below his shoulders and/or embracing strongly and tensely.
  • Don't hug too tightly. The best way to judge how tightly or loosely to hug is to let whomever you're hugging indicate what they want by how hard they squeeze. If they are soft, be soft back; if they like bear hugs and squeeze tightly, hug back the same way (but don't suffocate him/her).
  • Don't let go too early. A hug is a powerful way to communicate your caring for another person, as it can feel great and greatly improve one's mood. If someone hugs you, they may want a long, loving hug (maybe they are upset or down), so just go along with it and hug them until they let go or loosen their hold.

  • Be welcoming when you hug. If either of you requested the hug, then be warm and loving and just make it feel like the person you're hugging is safe from anything else and that the two of you are the only people that matter at the moment.
  • Make sure you're clean and showered.
  • Make eye contact, but also make sure to follow the movements of the other person, to avoid clumsy mishaps.
  • In a "manly hug", it is common to pat twice on the back before disengaging.
  • Do not confuse a lover hug with a friend hug. Things might get complicated and awkward.
  • Unless you've hugged the person before, don't hug them without asking first. In addition, use your best judgment in choosing when and where to hug someone. There are certain situations where one might be embarrassed to be seen hugging someone else.
  • Hug only when the person you want to hug has their arms out, they may not want to be hugged if their arms aren't out.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

LASIK Eye Surgery and Other Refractive Surgeries: An Updated Guide

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

LASIK surgery is one type of refractive surgery. Refractive surgery can eliminate the need for eyeglasses or contact lenses in people with these conditions:

* Nearsightedness
* Farsightedness
* Astigmatism (unevenly curved cornea)
* Presbyopia (age-related loss of sharp close-up focusing)

Done on both eyes, these procedures work by changing the eyes' focus to improve vision.

You might assume that refractive surgery is fairly new. But it goes back about 100 years! You're right, however, to think that today's state-of-the-art refractive surgery procedures are of more recent development. These newer techniques were first performed in the U.S. in 1978.
Types of Refractive Surgery

Three types of refractive surgery procedures are available. They include:

* Excimer laser procedures (including LASIK surgery)
* Artificial lens implantation
* Cornea reshaping procedures (including radial keratotomy, the first-used refractive surgery)

The Excimer Laser Used in LASIK Surgery

Developed in the 1980s, the excimer laser is computer-controlled.It gives eye surgeons the ability to remove precise amounts of tissue from the surface of the eye. This provides a high degree of safety and precision for laser-assisted procedures like LASIK.
LASIK Surgery Steps

LASIK is an abbreviation for "laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis." The steps of LASIK surgery include:

1. Eye numbing drops are given before surgery to prevent pain.
2. The eye surgeon creates a flap in the cornea. The surgeon may use either an instrument called a microkeratome or a femtosecond laser. The flap is folded back to reveal the cornea's midsection (stroma).
3. The excimer laser vaporizes part of the stroma.
4. The corneal flap is put back in place. It reattaches within a few minutes without sutures.
5. Eye drops or ointment is applied to aid healing.

Recovery from LASIK surgery is usually fast and painless.You may notice improved vision by the next day or sooner.
Procedures Related to LASIK Surgery

Doctors have developed other surgeries similar to the standard LASIK procedure. These include the following.

* Epi-LASIK uses a special instrument, the Epi-keratome, to create the corneal flap on the layer of cells covering the cornea (epithelium). Epi-LASIK is used in patients with corneas too thin to allow the standard LASIK surgery.
* Wavefront-guided LASIK creates a highly detailed "map" of how light moves through the eye. This shows even the subtlest distortions of focus. The goal is to reduce the chance of after-surgery problems such as glare, light "halos," and poor night vision.
* PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) corrects low to high nearsightedness, low to moderate farsightedness, and astigmatism. The eye surgeon removes the epithelium. Then the surgeon uses the excimer laser to reshape the cornea. Healing occurs with help from a "bandage contact lens" applied at the end of the procedure. Healing takes three to four days and may involve some discomfort. Full recovery may take several weeks. For these reasons, LASIK surgery has generally replaced PRK except for patients with corneas too thin for LASIK surgery.
* LASEK (later epithelial keratomileusis) is similar to PRK. The difference is that the surgeon replaces the epithelium after completing the surgery. LASEK may be recommended for people with thin corneas. As with PRK, healing may involve some discomfort.

Implant Refractive Surgery

Several types of refractive surgery rely on implants to help improve vision. These procedures include the following:

* Intrastromal corneal ring segment (INTACS) implants
* Phakic intraocular lenses (IOLs)
* Accommodative IOLs, multifocal IOLs, and refractive lens exchange

Each implant is described below.

* Intrastromal corneal ring segment (INTACS) implants. Semicircular pieces of plastic are implanted in the cornea. These objects are called INTACS (intrastromal corneal ring segments). They change the cornea's shape and adjust the person's power to focus. INTACS are inserted through a small corneal incision. The incision is closed with two small sutures, or stitches, typically removed two to four weeks later. If necessary, INTACS can be removed. The cornea returns to its original shape within a few weeks.
* Phakic IOLs. These areused for people whose degree of nearsightedness or farsightedness is too high for safe use of the excimer laser. The procedure is similar to cataract surgery except that the natural lens is not removed. The eye surgeon positions a vision-correcting plastic lens in front of the patient's natural lens, which is left in place to preserve reading vision. Because the eye is actually entered, phakic IOL surgery carries a higher risk of complications.
* Accommodative IOLs, multifocal IOLs, and refractive lens exchange. These implants areused to treat nearsightedness, farsightedness, and presbyopia. Vision-correcting, surgically implanted artificial lenses replace natural lenses. No corneal reshaping is done.

Surgery to Reshape the Cornea

Two surgical procedures are used to change the shape of the cornea, achieving vision correction. These procedures include the following:

* Conductive keratoplasty (CK) uses heat to reshape the cornea. The heat source may be a type of laser (not the excimer laser used in LASIK surgery). The heat is applied to the cornea's outer edge so it tightens and makes the cornea steeper. This can be used to correct farsightedness, presbyopia, and near-focus problems in people over age 40. CK causes little or no discomfort. It improves vision almost instantly. This effect may not last, however. Later re-treatment may be required.
* Radial keratotomy (RK) is the first form of refractive surgery used in the U.S. It has been largely replaced by LASIK surgery. RK may be chosen to correct very mild nearsightedness and astigmatism. The eye surgeon uses a diamond scalpel to make spoke-like (radial) cuts on the cornea. These cuts flatten and reshape the cornea. RK weakens the eye's structure, a primary reason it is seldom done now.

Who Can - and Cannot -- Have LASIK Surgery or Other Refractive Procedures?

Everyone considering refractive surgery should make the decision only after meeting with a refractive surgeon. General requirements include:

* Being age 18 or older
* Having healthy eyes
* Not needing a new eyeglass or contact lens prescription over the past year
* Having vision that refractive surgery can correct

Most forms of refractive surgery cannot be done on people who:

* Have a history of eye disease, including autoimmune disease, or previous eye injury
* Take certain prescription medications known to affect vision or corneal healing
* Are pregnant or nursing

Ask your surgeon about the risks of surgery as well as the benefits. That way, you can make a more informed decision. The outcome will be more likely to meet your expectations.

The Cost of LASIK Surgery

Most types of health insurance will not pay for refractive surgery. Only about 3% of LASIK surgery procedures cost less than $1000 per eye. The good news is that the cost seems to be coming down.

On average nationally in mid-2006, the cost of having LASIK surgery done on both eyes was $1950. Using wavefront technology or the "laser microkeratome" costs more. Price also varies slightly by region.

Be sure your surgeon makes clear what is and is not included in the price you are quoted. Ask, too, if you will have to pay more if you need follow-up visits or treatment for complications.

by webMD
Cheers, frizzy2008.

The World Of Touch

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

With more than 200 variations of massage, how do you know what's what, and what's best for you?

Almost anyone - from infants to seniors - can enjoy the benefits of a good massage.

Massage is one of the oldest healing arts. Chinese records dating back 3,000 years document its use. The ancient Hindus, Persians, and Egyptians applied forms of massage for many ailments, and Hippocrates wrote papers recommending the use of rubbing and friction for joint and circulatory problems.

Today, the benefits of massage are varied and far-reaching, says Les Sweeney, executive vice president of Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP). Massage therapy has proven beneficial for many chronic conditions, including low back pain, arthritis, bursitis, fatigue, high blood pressure, diabetes, immunity suppression, infertility, smoking cessation, depression, and more. And, as so many of us already know, massage also helps relieve the stress and tension of everyday living that can lead to disease and illness.

But with more than 200 variations of massage, bodywork, and somatic therapies, how do you know what's what, and what's best for you? First, a definition of the different therapy categories is in order, says Sweeney.

* Massage is the application of soft-tissue manipulation techniques to the body, generally intended to reduce stress and fatigue while improving circulation. It taps into the energy systems in the body.
* Bodywork includes various forms of touch therapies that may use manipulation, movement, and/or repatterning to affect structural changes to the body.
* Somatic, which means "of the body," is often used to describe a body/mind or whole-body approach as opposed to a physical perspective only.

According to William F. Burton, Jr., a professional massage therapist/bodyworker and co-owner of the Enraptured Day Spa in Philadelphia, most varieties of massage and bodywork therapies can be broken down into four broad categories:

1. Contemporary Western massage
2. Oriental methods
3. Structural/functional/movement integration
4. Non-Oriental energetic methods

Here's a brief explanation of some of the more common techniques of Western and Oriental massage.

Swedish massage: This is the predominant example of Western massage and is the most commonly used method in the United States. Developed in Sweden in the 1830s, it uses a system of long, gliding strokes, kneading, and percussion and tapping techniques on the more superficial layers of muscles. It is designed to increase circulation, which may improve healing and decrease swelling from an injury. This technique also results in generalized relaxation.

Neuromuscular massage : Trigger point massage and myotherapy are varieties of neuromuscular massage, which applies concentrated pressure on trigger points of pain and passive stretching of specific muscles.

Deep tissue massage : This approach is used to alleviate chronic muscle pain by reaching deeper muscles in problem areas.

Sports massage: This uses techniques similar to deep tissue massage but more specifically adapted to deal with the needs of athletes (both professional and the weekend variety); it's often used before or after athletic events as part of an athlete's training and to promote healing from injuries.

Manual lymph drainage massage: This approach improves the flow of lymph fluid with rhythmic strokes and is used primarily in conditions with poor lymph flow, such as edema.

Oriental methods of massage are based on the principles of Chinese medicine and the flow of energy or chi through the body's meridians, or energy points, says Burton. In Oriental massage techniques, pressure is applied by finger or thumb tips to predetermined points rather than by the sweeping broad strokes of Western massage.

There are more than a dozen varieties of Oriental massage and bodywork therapy, but the most common forms in the U.S. are acupressure, shiatsu, Jin Shin Jyutsu, and Jin Shin Do Bodymind Acupressure.

Acupressure and shiatsu : These are similar varieties of finger pressure massage, with pressure applied to specific points that correspond with acupuncture points. In acupressure and shiatsu, pressure is applied to specific points with the thumb, finger, and palm to release muscle tension and increase circulation. Acupressure is the more generic term used for this approach and shiatsu is the Japanese version.

Jin Shin Jyutsu: This approach comes from an ancient Japanese healing tradition that uses touch to restore the internal flow of energy through the body by releasing energetic blockages. In this therapy the touch is very light a holds each pressure point for several minutes.

Jin Shin Do Bodymind Acupressure: Developed by a California psychotherapist, this approach applies stronger acupressure on the points and for a longer period of time than does Jin Shin Jyutsu. It focuses on the deep release of muscular tension through gentle yet deep finger pressure.

Thai massage: At least 2,500 years old, Thai massage focuses on balancing energy. If you're receiving a Thai massage, you'll be placed into yoga-like postures while the "Sen" energy lines are compressed rhythmically with hands, thumbs, forearms, elbows, knees, and feet.

Tui Na: Tui Na has been used in China for more than 2,000 years. The combination of massage and manipulation techniques is designed to improve the flow of energy so the body can naturally heal itself.

The strokes that massage practitioners use also vary, as do their effects, says Burton. A few of the more common strokes and their effects include:

* Feather stroking: soothing/sedative (may be ticklish)
* Fan stroking: soothing
* Circular thumb stroking: loosens tight areas
* Kneading: loosens and stimulates
* Skin rolling: stimulates
* Compression/pressure: breaks down muscular adhesions
* Percussion: stimulates (fast); relaxes (slow)

If you have a certain technique in mind, ask the massage therapist about his or her training, suggests Jeanne Girard, a vice president of the American Massage Therapy Association and a massage therapist in Canon City, Colorado. "If the therapist doesn't have training in what you need, he or she will refer you to someone who does."

As beneficial as massage can be, there are some people who shouldn't have one, says James Dillard, MD, DC, L.Ac, Oxford Health Plans' medical director for complementary and alternative medicine and author of Chronic Pain Solution. "You want to have intact skin, muscles, bones, and tissues before having a massage," says Dillard. That means if you have any fractures, infections, active cancer, orthopaedic conditions, or skin problems, massage is a no-no until you've recovered.

When choosing a type of massage, know what's best for you, says Dillard. "Do you want a gentle, serene experience, or would you like more pressure?" Don't be afraid to communicate with the massage therapist, he adds. Tell the therapist about any medical conditions or concerns you have, and if you're uncomfortable at any point during the massage, let the therapist know.

To get the most benefit from the massage, try to relax for the rest of the day, Dillard says. "You want the glow to last."

Having a massage on your lunch hour and then going back to a stressful afternoon on the job is not a great idea, agrees Jeanne Girard. "Don't overtax your body."

Girard also suggests that you drink plenty of water before and after the massage to help flush out the toxins that massage loosens up. (One other piece of advice, courtesy of Dillard: If you do drink a lot of water before the massage, make sure you go to the bathroom before the massage!)

Stretching beforehand allows the therapist to get into your muscle tissue more easily, says Girard; when it's cold outside, a warm shower or bath beforehand will also loosen your muscles.

And just how often should you have a massage? That's easy, says Dr. Dillard. "As often as you can afford it!"

Thirty-three states require massage therapists to be licensed, says ABMP's Les Sweeney. To find a practitioner near you, you can visit ABMP's web site or the web sites of the American Massage Therapy Association, or the American Organization for Bodywork Therapies of Asia.

By Carolyn J. Strange
WebMD Feature
Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Dental Health: Braces and Retainers

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

If you have crooked teeth and/or a misaligned bite (an underbite or overbite), there are a variety of treatments that can help straighten your teeth, including braces and retainers.

Ask your dentist to refer you to an orthodontist, a dentist who specializes in correcting irregularities of the teeth.

The orthodontist will ask you questions about your health, conduct a clinical exam, gather impressions of your teeth, take photos of your face and teeth, and order X-rays of your mouth and head. An appropriate treatment plan is made based on analysis of the gathered information.

In some cases, a removable retainer will be all that's necessary. In other rare cases (especially when there is an extreme overbite or underbite), surgery may be necessary. In most cases, however, braces will be needed.

What Types of Braces Are Available?
If braces are indeed the solution for you, your orthodontist will prescribe an appliance specific for your needs. The braces may consist of bands, wires, and other fixed or removable corrective appliances.

Generally, there are three types of braces:

* Brackets: Made of stainless steel or clear or tooth-colored ceramic or plastic, brackets are bonded to the front of each tooth. Ceramic or plastic brackets are often selected for cosmetic reasons. Plastic brackets, however, may become stained and discolored by the end of treatment. Another disadvantage of ceramic or plastic brackets is that they cause more friction between the wire and brackets, which can increase treatment time.
* Lingual-type brackets: These are brackets that attach to the back of teeth, hiding the bracket from view.
* Traditional bands: These are the generally outdated "full metal-mouth" look, which consists of the use of metal brackets soldered to metal bands that wrap around each tooth.

Newer "mini-braces," which are much smaller than traditional braces, may be an option for some. Your orthodontist will discuss the various types of available braces with you and determine which might be the best option for you.
How Do Braces Work?

In their entirety, braces work by applying continuous pressure over a period of time to slowly move teeth in a specific direction. As the teeth move, the bony tooth socket reabsorbs and changes shape as pressure is applied.

Braces are made up of the following components:

* Brackets are the small squares that are bonded directly to each tooth with a special dental bonding agent or are attached to orthodontic bands. Brackets act like handles, holding the arch wires that move the teeth.
* Orthodontic bands are stainless steel, clear or tooth-colored materials that are cemented with dental bonding agents or cement to teeth. They wrap around each tooth to provide an anchor for the brackets. The clear or tooth-colored bands are more cosmetically appealing options but are more expensive than stainless steel. They are not used in all patients. Some people have only brackets and no bands.
* Spacers are separators that fit between teeth to create a small space prior to placement of orthodontic bands.
* Arch wires attach to the brackets and act as tracks to guide the movement of the teeth. Arch wires can be made of metal or be clear or tooth-colored.
* Ties are small rubber rings or fine wires that fasten the arch wire to the brackets. They can be clear, metal or colored.
* A buccal tube on the band of the last molar holds the end of the arch wire securely in place.
* Tiny elastic rubber bands, called ligatures, hold the arch wires to the brackets.
* Springs may be placed on the arch wires between brackets to push, pull, open or close the spaces between teeth.
* Two bands on the upper teeth may have headgear tubes on them to hold the facebow of the headgear in place. (A headgear is another tool used by orthodontists to aid in correcting irregularities of the teeth; see below)
* Elastics or rubber bands attach to hooks on brackets and are worn between the upper and lower teeth in various ways. They apply pressure to move the upper teeth against the lower teeth to achieve a perfect fit of individual teeth.
* Facebow headgear is the wire gadget that is used to move the upper molars back in the mouth to correct bite discrepancies and also to create room for crowded anterior teeth. The facebow consists of an inner metal part shaped like a horseshoe that goes in the mouth, attaching to buccal tubes, and an outer part that goes around the outside of the face and is connected to a headgear strap.

How Long Will I Have to Wear Braces?
The time required for treatment varies from person to person, depending on the severity of the problem; the amount of room available; the distance the teeth must travel; the health of the teeth, gums, and supporting bone; and how closely the patient follows instructions. On average, however, once the braces are put on, they usually remain in place for 1 to 3 years. After braces are removed, most patients will need to wear a retainer all the time for the first 6 months, then only during sleep for many years.

How Often Will I Need to See the Orthodontist During Treatment?
Your orthodontist will want to see you about every month or so in order to make sure that the braces are exerting steady pressure on your teeth. To create more tension and pressure on your teeth, your orthodontist will make adjustments in the wires, springs, or rubber bands of your braces. In some cases, braces alone aren't enough to straighten the teeth or shift the jaw. In these situations, an external appliance, such as a headgear may need to be worn at home in the evening or through the night.

Will Braces Cause Pain?
Some of the adjustments your orthodontist may make to your braces may make your mouth feel sore or uncomfortable. When needed, over-the-counter pain relievers like Motrin or Tylenol can help relieve the pain. If you always experience a lot of pain after your braces are adjusted, talk to your orthodontist about it; he or she may be able to make the adjustments a bit differently.
Does the Age at Which I Get Braces Affect the Success of Treatment?

The mechanical process used to move teeth is the same at any age. So the benefits of orthodontic treatments are available to both children and adults who wish to improve their appearance and bite. The main differences between treatments in adults and children is that certain corrections in adults may require more than braces alone and the treatments may take longer because adult bones are no longer growing.

Can I Continue to Play Sports While Wearing Braces?
You can continue to participate in any sport you choose. When playing sports where there is a possibility of getting hit in the mouth, a specially designed mouthguard will need to be worn. The mouthguard, made of durable plastic, is designed to fit comfortably over your braces and will protect the soft tissues inside your mouth.

What Care Can I Expect After the Braces Come Off?
After your braces are taken off, your teeth will be thoroughly cleaned. Your orthodontist may want to take another set of X-rays and bite impressions to check how well the braces straightened your teeth and to see if any wisdom teeth have developed. If wisdom teeth are beginning to come in after your braces have been removed, your orthodontist may recommend the wisdom teeth be pulled to prevent your newly straightened teeth from shifting position in your mouth.

Your orthodontist will also fit you with a retainer. A retainer is a custom-made, removable appliance that help teeth to maintain their new position after braces have been removed. Retainers can also be used to treat minor orthodontic problems. The use of a retainer is a very important part of post-braces care. Retainers, which are typically made of rubber or clear plastic and metal wires that cover the outside surface of the teeth, need to be worn all the time for the first 6 months and then usually only during sleep. The time frame for wearing a retainer will vary from patient to patient. The reason why a retainer is needed is that even though braces may have successfully straightened your teeth, they are not completely settled in their new position until the bones, gums, and muscles adapt to the change. Also, after long periods of time, teeth tend to shift.

How Much Co Braces Cost?
The cost of braces varies, but you can expect the cost to be between $1,800 and $5,500. Some insurance carriers provide partial coverage for orthodontic treatment while others provide none at all. Check with your insurance provider for the specifics of what your policy covers.

by webMD
Reviewed by the doctors at The Cleveland Clinic Department of Dentistry.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Make Over Your Mouth

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

From a mere cleaning to tooth whitening to "smile design," a trip to the dentist can be a cosmetic experience these days.

If you're in the market for a makeover, there are many beauty specialists who can help you. You might turn to a hair stylist, cosmetic surgeon, or dermatologist. You probably wouldn't think of going to the dentist, yet dentists can do things for your appearance that no one else can.

It goes far beyond scraping the plaque off your choppers during a biannual checkup. "We have procedures where we can change the shape, size, and color of the teeth," says Michael Malone, a cosmetic dentist in Lafayette, La., and president of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.

Cosmetic dentistry isn't exactly a dental specialty. Those who call themselves cosmetic dentists usually do cleanings and drill cavities, too. They're just particularly interested in aesthetics, and they have extra training to do cosmetic procedures.

Tooth Whitening
The simplest and most common thing they do is tooth whitening. This is nothing new, but it is cheaper and easier today than it used to be.

"We were doing it 30 years ago," Malone says. "We were using at that time a very, very strong solution of hydrogen peroxide -- so strong that if it touched the lips or the gums it would actually injure a person."

In this type of tooth-whitening treatment, called "power bleaching," teeth are isolated with rubber dental dams, and the peroxide solution on the teeth is heated up with lamps.

"It worked, but it was so much trouble that very few people would go through it," Malone says. "Also, it was quite expensive because it took so long in the dental chair."

Power bleaching is still available, but there's a cheaper alternative. A new tooth-whitening technique uses lower-strength peroxides that are left on the teeth longer.

After the dentist makes sure your teeth are healthy enough for the treatment, you have an impression of your teeth taken, and the impression is used to make a tray that holds a peroxide gel on the teeth. You wear this tray at home for a few hours every day, over the course of one to five weeks.

The resulting brilliant whiteness still isn't cheap. Depending on where you live, a take-home tooth whitening can cost anywhere from $150-$1,000. An in-office bleaching tends to be more expensive.

'Smile Design'
Tooth whitening can be just the beginning. If you want to get serious, you can have your teeth and gums overhauled completely. "Smile design" is what San Francisco cosmetic dentist Jerry Bellen calls it.

"Smile design is looking at the positions of somebody's teeth, and how the teeth are framed by the lips," he says.

For example, if your gums show too much when you smile, that can be fixed. "We do what's called a gum lift," Bellen says. "The technical term for it is crown lengthening."

This is a surgery that can be done in the dentist's office, whereby the gums are pushed up so that more of the teeth show. "Surprisingly, there isn't much pain," Bellen says. "It's a fairly minor surgery."

You can also have your teeth shaped any way you want them to be. Bellen says that lengthening and rounding the edges of your front teeth can actually make you look younger. A lifetime of chewing (and especially of nail biting) wears down your teeth. Even after a facelift, worn teeth can add years to your appearance.

To shape a tooth, a cosmetic dentist may bond a resin or porcelain veneer or crown to it. Resin bonding is the older method. "It still is good and used a lot today," Malone says, but it doesn't last as long as porcelain, the newer material.

Resin may, in time, wear out or become discolored, whereas porcelain doesn't. The other difference is that resin bonding is done in the dentist's chair, usually in one visit. For a porcelain veneer, a mold is sent away to a dental lab to be made, then bonded on later.

In addition to shaping teeth attractively, a cosmetic dentist can give you pouty lips. "We take profile photographs of the lips," Bellen says, "If somebody wants a fuller lip, we can actually increase the bulkiness of the veneer," so that it pushes the lip outward.

Tetracycline stains can also be covered with veneers. "When tetracycline [a commonly used antibiotic] is given as a child, it tends to stain developing teeth," Bellen says. "It happens in bands -- striations across the teeth."

If your molars are a mess of metal fillings, that can be fixed by grinding them down and capping them with new porcelain crowns.

The Architecture of a Smile
Bellen says a cosmetic dentist can do just about anything needed to improve your smile, but he stresses the work must be carefully planned. "I go though a pretty detailed evaluation before I start any work at all," he says.

Your bite -- the way your teeth fit together when your mouth is closed -- is an important consideration. "You can put porcelain on everything and not pay attention to the bite, and have everything break down," Bellen says.

That means that before any veneers or crowns go on, your teeth may need to be realigned, and you may even need jaw surgery. "I, as a cosmetic dentist, will diagnose and plan the treatment," Malone says. Then he may involve other professionals, such as an orthodontist or an oral surgeon.

When teeth need to be realigned, it's usually an orthodontist who takes care of it. And you may not need braces. Many people can have their teeth straightened with the Invisalign system, which uses clear plastic "aligners" to gradually move the teeth around. Although it is widely accepted, "You cannot use Invisalign for every case that you can use braces for," Malone says.

Often the jaw can be repositioned without surgery, but sometimes an oral surgeon may need to join the team. As part of a "whole mouth rehabilitation," as Bellen terms it, some people need to have a severely recessed or protruding jaw corrected.

How much you want done depends on how much time you're willing to commit to it, and how much money you have at your disposal. Strictly cosmetic dental work isn't covered by insurance, and the cost can be steep. Veneers, for example, may cost as little as $250 and as much as $2,000 -- per tooth.

Again, you would be paying for a lot of time in the chair. Bellen says he sometimes works on a single patient for a full eight-hour day. What's more, the end result can take many months to accomplish. "There are cases I have in progress right now that have been going on for a year," he says.

But for some, an elaborate and costly production may be worth it in the end. "People smile more when they have nice-looking teeth," Bellen says. "Your whole face brightens up."

By Martin F. Downs
WebMD Feature
Reviewed by Cynthia Dennison Haines, MD

Cheers, frizzy2008.