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Tanggapan: Masyarakat Tradisional Vs. Kapitalis = Pembangunan

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Tulisan 1 (pertama) dari 2 (dua) tulisan.
Tanggapan artikel Masyarakat Tradisional Vs. Kapitalis = Pembangunan
Tulisan Mr. Abdul Wahab Kiak

Pertama-tama aku akan mengenalkan background dan pola berpikirku. Aku telah bekerja di bidang System Integrator selama lebih dari 14 tahun.
Dalam memberikan solusi, metode yang kupakai adalah Engineering. Suatu metode pemecahan masalah yang menggunakan analisa dari seluruh hal-hal yang saling berkaitan.
Permasalahan yang diselesaikan tanpa analisa yang lengkap, hanya akan menyimpan permasalahan yang menggunung. Yang terlihat bisa dijalankan untuk sementara, namun akan gagal untuk ke depannya.

Berbicara mengenai pembangunan pada sektor kehutanan. Hal yang mendasar adalah kita harus mengetahui seluruh potensi hutan yang ada, berikut seluruh sumber daya alam pendukungnya dan yang paling penting adalah sumber daya manusianya. Ketika bicara tentang semua hal ini, tentunya kita memerlukan analis-analis dalam bidangnya.
Aku tidak pernah setuju pada sebuah keputusan yang tidak didasari oleh analisa yang tepat dan akurat. Apalagi keputusan yang hanya diputuskan oleh seseorang tanpa alasan yang komprehensif. Please dong ah, kita sekarang hidup di alam yang penuh teknologi modern, teknologi yang dibangun dengan proses analisa yang mendalam sehingga sebuah teknologi, dari yang sederhana sampai yang canggih dan rumit sekalipun dapat diterima oleh seluruh lapisan masyarakat di seluruh dunia. Aku contohkan misalnya satu set tool box, furnitur dengan disain modern, handphone, sampai prosesor komputer yang proses pembuatannya sangat2 rumit dll. Amazing isn't it!

Maaf saudara, sekarang bukan waktunya lagi seorang pejabat pengambil keputusan bisa berlagak layaknya manusia super yang berwibawa di seluruh jagad raya. Aku sering tertawa membaca tulisan2 di prasasti2 kuno yang terlalu memuji seorang raja secara hiperbolis yang jelas kebangetan tapi mampu mempengaruhi masyarakat yang berpendidikan rendah.

Berikut adalah para analis yang dibutuhkan dalam pembangunan sektor kehutanan.
1. Analis Antropologi/Budaya/Adat Istiadat/Agama
2. Analis Hukum, Teritorial dan keamanan
3. Analis Kehutanan dan Perkebunan
4. Analis Politik
5. Analis Sumber Daya Manusia
6. Analis Resiko
7. Analis Komunikasi/Hubungan Kemasyarakatan
8. Analis Keuangan/Finansial
9. Analis Perpajakan
10. Analis Operasional
11. Analis Akuntansi
11. Analis Kualitas
12. Analis Kepatuhan (Compliance)
13. Analis Teknologi
14. Analis Produk
15. Analis Pemasaran dan penjualan
16. ...dll yang belum terpikirkan

Para analis di atas adalah panita yang merumuskan masalah, memberikan ide, memberikan batasan-batasan, memberikan arahan, mencari kesepakatan dan mencari keputusan.
Masalah teknis produksi, pemasaran, penjualan dan pemeliharaan tidak dicantumkan di sini, karena scope tersebut adalah sesuatu hal kompleks yang lain lagi.

Ingat!, hutan adalah pemberian Tuhan, bukan buatan manusia. Maaf, bukan maksud menggurui tapi memang inilah yang ada dalam otakku.
Sekali lagi saudaraku, janganlah keputusan yang sangat penting ini dibebankan/dibiarkan kepada satu orang/satu golongan saja. Agama mengajarkan kita untuk menyerahkan setiap persoalan kepada ahlinya bukan kepada orang yang tidak paham apalagi yang sok paham. Untuk itu, hindarilah pemujian yang berlebihan kepada seseorang atau golongan tertentu. Mari kita ubah paradigma tersebut bersama-sama yaa.

Masyarakat Tradisional Vs. Kapitalis = Pembangunan
sebelumnya aku akan membuat definisi Masyarakat Tradisional, Kapitalis dan Pembangunan. Ketiga hal ini aku sebut entiti, setiap entiti punya karakter/sifat yang berbeda sehingga penanganan dan pemecahan masalahnya pun berbeda.
Namun patut diingat bahwa ulasan aku berasal dari berita-berita umum yang ada, sehingga point of viewnya jelas berbeda dengan orang2 yang menghadapinya secara langsung.

Berbicara masyarakat tradisional pasti berbicara masalah struktur masyarakat adat. Sebagai orang yang hidup di era modern seperti sekarang, aku sangat jauh dari mengerti mengenai struktur adat. Ditambah dengan paham nasionalis dan demokratis yang aku anut, sebagai orang yang hanya diberi pengertian bahwa aku adalah orang dan manusia Indonesia yang harus hidup dengan ideologi Pancasila, aku tidak akan mengkotak-kotakan suku bangsa yang satu dengan yang lain. Namun aku sangat menghargai penduduk asli yang telah sepaham menganggap bahwa tanah kelahirannya adalah haknya mereka, meskipun bukan mereka yang membuatnya (mohon dibaca dengan pikiran terbuka dan modern).
Oke, mari kita lanjutkan. Aku menganggap struktur yang sekarang ada harus dijaga namun TETAP harus dikembangkan, disesuaikan dan dialokasikan sumber dayanya untuk menghadapi kompetisi global.
Kenapa aku bicara kompetisi? Karena dalam agama kita ditekankan untuk tidak iri dan dengki, namun diwajibkan untuk menuntut ilmu setinggi-tingginya untuk bersaing dalam perdagangan, menolak riba dan mencari ridha Allah SWT seluas-luasnya.
Sebuah tim (struktur adat) yang kaku tidak akan mampu menghadapi variasi kompetisi yang berbeda-beda. Karena tiap potensi kehutanan di suatu daerah pasti berbeda dengan yang lainnya. Semua pihak yang terkait harus jujur menyatakan potensi dirinya, tidak boleh ada yang merasa superior jika kita bicara sumber daya. Pandangan hanya penguasa yang mengerti akan keadaan teritorialnya adalah pandangan yang lemah dan sulit diterima oleh masyarakatnya saat ini. Sebagai profesional, mungkin aku bisa sarankan untuk merombak tatanan struktural yang ada dengan tetap melibatkan nafas budaya yang dianut meskipun itu pasti ditentang oleh 'masyarakatnya'.
Dari sini diharapkan semua pihak akhirnya sadar, aware akan potensinya dan mensosialisasikan kepada masyarakat lainnya di seluruh Indonesia. Sehingga jika ternyata ada pihak masyarakat dari daerahlain menyatakan bisa membantu, kita tidak perlu lagi bantuan dari negara lain.

Sob, segitu dulu ya, karena aku mau ngurusin pendaftaran sekolah anak. Aku akan teruskan tulisan ini di posting berikutnya.

Cheers, frizzy.

Google Adsense Analysis 4 - Riwayat Pembayaran Kedua

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Ini adalah laporan riwayat pembayaran per tanggal 5 Februari 2009. Hasilnya si cukup lumayan buat pemula seperti aku. Tapi yaa itu sob, deg-degan ni, bener bisa payout lagi gak yaa???

Mohon pencerahan kepada mpu-mpu blogger yang sudah pada sukses.
Terima kasih aku haturkan kepada semua yang mendukung blogku ini, spesial kepada clicker bloggerousss, yang sudah memberikan kliknya tanpa diminta (atau memang dah janjian upsshhh).

Cheers, frizzy.

Do good for Indonesia and become guest blogger on

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Do good for Indonesia and become guest blogger on
To members of Official Indonesian Bloggers Group
Enda Nasution
Today at 4:20pm

Thanks to Mike Aquino the editor for Southeast Asia Travel section on and one of our invited blogger that came to Pesta Blogger 2008. is one of the oldest source on the Internet and recently become a part of the New York Times Company

By become as a guest blogger on the site your post will be read by a lot of visitor from US and around the worl AND you are doing something good for Indonesia because you are promoting the country and specially the places that you love.

So, interested?
Here’s how you can become a guest blogger on Southeast Asia Travel
* Write something about the not-so-familiar places of Indonesia, places that they think foreigners should visit instead of the regular tourist spot.
* Write in English doesn’t have to be perfect, but has to be very descriptive with a lot of information
* You can submit several posts
* Each post should have at least three supporting images.
* Each post should recommend at least three places to stay.
* Each post should have info on how to get there/get around/leave.

Mike will pick ten best blog entries in English, which he will feature on his blog and in a separate article inside (”Top Ten ‘Hidden’ Spots in Indonesia”).
While English-only bloggers are welcome to join, he’ll take a closer look at non-English bloggers.
Runners-up will still be featured in a blog entry of their own.
Once you are finish, post the link to your entry on the comment section of this post:

This gig came with bags of kudos, heart warming tools knowing that you do something good for the country and GIANT bragging rights. :D
What are you waiting for? Start writing now!

Cheers, frizzy.

Consider Indonesia!

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Consider Indonesia!

Are you aware that Indonesia currently ranks number five worldwide in Export Success Stories? And number one in Southeast Asia?
Wouldn't you like your company to share in that success?

Here's a few fact that you might not be aware of:
* Indonesia is the world's fourth largest country, with a population of over 230 million.
* Indonesia's GDP is growing at over 6% annually, and is expected to reach 6.8% this year.
* Indonesia has by far the largest economy in Southeast Asia.
* Indonesia is the world's third largest democracy, with a thriving open economy.

Isn't this a market your clients ought to consider?

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Options Trading

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

7 Reasons Why You Should Consider Options Trading!

1. You can make more money – faster – in a bad economy
2. Good economies are still a cash-cow
3. There is no overhead
4. No employees
5. No boss breathing down your neck
6. You can do it from anywhere in the world...all you need is a laptop
7. You can get started on a shoestring

Complex or Simple?
Option trading isn't a fad or gimmicky business that will be here today and gone tomorrow. It is a proven investing technique that has been used for more than 70 years by the “super-wealthy” to exploit market swings for 100% to 500% gains in a matter of weeks. I'm talking about institutional investors, hedge fund managers, and private equity have all used options to make a fortune.

Despite a wide-spread belief that options are complicated, they are actually very simple. Sure there are those who believe in “efficient markets” and employ sophisticated “option pricing models” that are theoretically “fool-proof”.

But it was reliance on these “fail-safe” models that caused the collapse of Long Term Capital Management in 98' and once again damn near brought down the “house” as the sophists behind these pricing models divided up sub-prime mortgage paper and “miraculously” turned it into AAA paper.

The only thing we've learned through all of this, is that the “efficient market theory” isn't efficient at all, and eventually blows up in your face.
Markets are NOT efficient. How can they be when they are made up of a bunch of tightly-wound human “creatures” whose emotions of greed and fear often hit ten on the Richter scale?

When you understand that the market constantly gyrates back and forth between these two emotional extremes, using options to grow wealthy becomes a very simple and predictable process.
It may come as a shock, but greed & fear are patterned and repeat over and over in every every market.....and in every time frame, from a one-minute chart to a multi-year chart. I'll tell you all about it in just a moment. But first a word from the worlds richest man.

by someone which I forgot, sorry
Cheers, frizzy.

Selamat Pagi Bulan Februari

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Selamat pagi sobat semua. Ini aku tulis pada tanggal 1 Februari 2009 pukul 1:37 am.
Semoga semua sobat bloggerous sehat wal afiyat, terus giat berkarya dan makin cinta akan persahabatan.
Mulai hari ini aku launching project baru di, sebagai wadah berekspresi berikutnya. Semua yang ingin berpartisipasi akan aku terima dengan terbuka.

Love your visiting, your friendship and your posting...

Cheers, frizzy.

Lawyer Responsibilities

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

In most countries, particularly civil law countries, there has been a tradition of giving many legal tasks to a variety of civil law notaries, clerks, and scriveners. These countries do not have "lawyers" in the American sense, insofar as that term refers to a single type of general-purpose legal services provider; rather, their legal professions consist of a large number of different kinds of law-trained persons, known as jurists, of which only some are advocates who are licensed to practice in the courts. It is difficult to formulate accurate generalizations that cover all the countries with multiple legal professions, because each country has traditionally had its own peculiar method of dividing up legal work among all its different types of legal professionals.

Notably, England, the mother of the common law jurisdictions, emerged from the Dark Ages with similar complexity in its legal professions, but then evolved by the 19th century to a single dichotomy between barristers and solicitors. An equivalent dichotomy developed between advocates and procurators in some civil law countries, though these two types did not always monopolize the practice of law as much as barristers and solicitors, in that they always coexisted with civil law notaries.
Several countries that originally had two or more legal professions have since fused or united their professions into a single type of lawyer. Most countries in this category are common law countries, though France, a civil law country, merged together its jurists in 1990 and 1991 in response to Anglo-American competition. In countries with fused professions, a lawyer is usually permitted to carry out all or nearly all the responsibilities listed below.

Oral argument in the courts
Arguing a client's case before a judge or jury in a court of law is the traditional province of the barrister in England, and of advocates in some civil law jurisdictions. However, the boundary between barristers and solicitors has evolved. In England today, the barrister monopoly covers only appellate courts, and barristers must compete directly with solicitors in many trial courts. In countries like the United States that have fused legal professions, there are trial lawyers who specialize in trying cases in court, but trial lawyers do not have a de jure monopoly like barristers.
In some countries, litigants have the option of arguing pro se, or on their own behalf. It is common for litigants to appear unrepresented before certain courts like small claims courts; indeed, many such courts do not allow lawyers to speak for their clients, in an effort to save money for all participants in a small case. In other countries, like Venezuela, no one may appear before a judge unless represented by a lawyer. The advantage of the latter regime is that lawyers are familiar with the court's customs and procedures, and make the legal system more efficient for all involved. Unrepresented parties often damage their own credibility or slow the court down as a result of their inexperience.

Research and drafting of court papers
Often, lawyers brief a court in writing on the issues in a case before the issues can be orally argued. They may have to perform extensive research into relevant facts and law while drafting legal papers and preparing for oral argument.
In England, the usual division of labour is that a solicitor will obtain the facts of the case from the client and then brief a barrister (usually in writing). The barrister then researches and drafts the necessary court pleadings (which will be filed and served by the solicitor) and orally argues the case.

Advocacy (written and oral) in administrative hearings
In most developed countries, the legislature has granted original jurisdiction over highly technical matters to executive branch administrative agencies which oversee such things. As a result, some lawyers have become specialists in administrative law. In a few countries, there is a special category of jurists with a monopoly over this form of advocacy; for example, France formerly had conseil juridiques (who were merged into the main legal profession in 1991). In other countries, like the United States, lawyers have been effectively barred by statute from certain types of administrative hearings in order to preserve their informality.

Client intake and counseling (with regard to pending litigation)
An important aspect of a lawyer's job is developing and managing relationships with clients (or the client's employees, if the lawyer works in-house for a government or corporation). The client-lawyer relationship often begins with an intake interview where the lawyer gets to know the client personally, discovers the facts of the client's case, clarifies what the client wants to accomplish, shapes the client's expectations as to what actually can be accomplished, begins to develop various claims or defenses, and explains his or her fees to the client.
In England, only solicitors were traditionally in direct contact with the client. The solicitor retained a barrister if one was necessary and acted as an intermediary between the barrister and the client. In most cases a barrister would be obliged, under what is known as the "cab rank rule", to accept instructions for a case in an area in which they held themselves out as practising, at a court at which they normally appeared and at their usual rates.

Legal advice
Legal advice is the application of abstract principles of law to the concrete facts of the client's case in order to advise the client about what they should do next. In many countries, only a properly licensed lawyer may provide legal advice to clients for good consideration, even if no lawsuit is contemplated or is in progress. Therefore, even conveyancers and corporate in-house counsel must first get a license to practice, though they may actually spend very little of their careers in court. Failure to obey such a rule is the crime of unauthorized practice of law.
In other countries, jurists who hold law degrees are allowed to provide legal advice to individuals or to corporations, and it is irrelevant if they lack a license and cannot appear in court. Some countries go further; in England and Wales, there is no general prohibition on the giving of legal advice. Sometimes civil law notaries are allowed to give legal advice, as in Belgium. In many countries, non-jurist accountants may provide what is technically legal advice in tax and accounting matters.

Protecting intellectual property
In virtually all countries, patents, trademarks, industrial designs and other forms of intellectual property must be formally registered with a government agency in order to receive maximum protection under the law. The division of such work among lawyers, licensed non-lawyer jurists/agents, and ordinary clerks or scriveners varies greatly from one country to the next.

Negotiating and drafting contracts
In some countries, the negotiating and drafting of contracts is considered to be similar to the provision of legal advice, so that it is subject to the licensing requirement explained above. In others, jurists or notaries may negotiate or draft contracts.
Lawyers in some civil law countries traditionally deprecated "transactional law" or "business law" as beneath them. French law firms developed transactional departments only in the 1990s when they started to lose business to international firms based in the United States and the United Kingdom (where solicitors have always done transactional work).

Conveyancing is the drafting of the documents necessary for the transfer of real property, such as deeds and mortgages. In some jurisdictions, all real estate transactions must be carried out by a lawyer (or a solicitor where that distinction still exists). Such a monopoly is quite valuable from the lawyer's point of view; historically, conveyancing accounted for about half of English solicitors' income (though this has since changed), and a 1978 study showed that conveyancing "accounts for as much as 80 percent of solicitor-client contact in New South Wales." In most common law jurisdictions outside of the United States, this monopoly arose from an 1804 law that was introduced by William Pitt the Younger as a quid pro quo for the raising of fees on the certification of legal professionals such as barristers, solicitors, attorneys and notaries.
In others, the use of a lawyer is optional and banks, title companies, or realtors may be used instead. In some civil law jurisdictions, real estate transactions are handled by civil law notaries. In England and Wales a special class of legal professional–the licensed conveyancer–is also allowed to carry out conveyancing services for reward.

Carrying out the intent of the deceased
In many countries, only lawyers have the legal authority to do drafting of wills, trusts, and any other documents that ensure the efficient disposition of a person's property after death. In some civil law countries this responsibility is handled by civil law notaries.
In the United States, the estates of the deceased must be administered by a court through probate. American lawyers have a profitable monopoly on dispensing advice about probate law (which has been heavily criticized).

Prosecution and defense of criminal suspects
In many civil law countries, prosecutors are trained and employed as part of the judiciary; they are law-trained jurists, but may not necessarily be lawyers in the sense that the word is used in the common law world. In common law countries, prosecutors are usually lawyers holding regular licenses who simply happen to work for the government office that files criminal charges against suspects. Criminal defense lawyers specialize in the defense of those charged with any crimes.

taken from Wikipedia.
Cheers, frizzy.

Let's be inspired

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

What Virgin does…

I’m not good at theory. Almost everything I’ve learned, I’ve learned by doing. However, Muhammad’s opinions excite me. They confirm a lot of the gut feelings I’ve developed about business over the years. And topping my list of gut feelings is this: business has to give people enriching, rewarding lives, or it’s simply not worth doing.

I think of our Virgin brand as one of the premier ‘way of life’ brands in the world. Whether you’re in the United States, Australia and New Zealand, Japan, South Africa, India, Europe, Russia, South America or China, the Virgin brand means something. The Virgin brand is about enjoying life to the full. By offering customers excellent value for money in so many areas of their lives, we aim to make them happier.
Most businesses concentrate on one thing, and for the best of reasons: because their founders and leaders care about one thing, above all others, and they want to devote their lives to that thing. They’re not limited in their thinking. They’re focused. The conventional wisdom at business school is that you stick with what you know. Of the top twenty brands in the world, nineteen ply a well-defined trade.
Coca-Cola specialises in soft drinks, Microsoft’s into computers, Nike makes sports shoes and gear. The exception in this list is Virgin – and the fact that we’re worth $5 billion and counting really gets up the noses of people who think they know ‘the rules of business’ (whatever they are). We’re the only one of the top twenty that has diversified into a range of business activities, including airlines, trains, holidays, mobile phones, media – including television, radio and cable – the Internet, financial services and healthcare.
Hopefully what I’ve written here is relevant to your business no matter what sector you are in.

taken from

Cheers, frizzy.

Sensasi Seks di Tempat Umum

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

La Rose Djayasupena - Belanda
Hoi Zev en KoKiers,

Untuk sebagian orang seks di muka umum mungkin sangat mengerikan dan memalukan melakukannya, tetapi untuk sebagian orang justru adalah suatu sensasi yang tak ternilai sangat indah dan menyenangkan untuk melakukannya.

Biasanya, kita dengan pasangan, pertama memulainya dengan sekedar ciuman saja sambil berpelukan di muka umum dan tanpa disadari saking enak dan nikmatnya.. ceilee..malah ciuman pun berubah tidak hanya sekedar cap..cup.. cap.. cup..hingga memainkan lidah masing-masing sampai muter dan merem-melek segala, padahal kita saat itu sebenarnya lagi berada di tempat umum, paling orang yang lewat hanya geleng-geleng kepala sambil senyum-senyum.

Di Belanda melakukan hubungan intim sangat mudah di tempat umum atau ruangan terbuka, sensasinya...hhmm.. ehem..ehem..bener - bener mengasyikan dan menyenangkan.<--original posting.

Cheers, frizzy.


Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Following are some (possibly overlapping) representative reasons for and benefits of virtualization.

* Virtual machines can be used to consolidate the workloads of several under-utilized servers to fewer machines, perhaps a single machine (server consolidation). Related benefits (perceived or real, but often cited by vendors) are savings on hardware, environmental costs, management, and administration of the server infrastructure.
* The need to run legacy applications is served well by virtual machines. A legacy application might simply not run on newer hardware and/or operating systems. Even if it does, if may under-utilize the server, so as above, it makes sense to consolidate several applications. This may be difficult without virtualization as such applications are usually not written to co-exist within a single execution environment (consider applications with hard-coded System V IPC keys, as a trivial example).
* Virtual machines can be used to provide secure, isolated sandboxes for running untrusted applications. You could even create such an execution environment dynamically - on the fly - as you download something from the Internet and run it. You can think of creative schemes, such as those involving address obfuscation. Virtualization is an important concept in building secure computing platforms.
* Virtual machines can be used to create operating systems, or execution environments with resource limits, and given the right schedulers, resource guarantees. Partitioning usually goes hand-in-hand with quality of service in the creation of QoS-enabled operating systems.
* Virtual machines can provide the illusion of hardware, or hardware configuration that you do not have (such as SCSI devices, multiple processors, ...) Virtualization can also be used to simulate networks of independent computers.
* Virtual machines can be used to run multiple operating systems simultaneously: different versions, or even entirely different systems, which can be on hot standby. Some such systems may be hard or impossible to run on newer real hardware.
* Virtual machines allow for powerful debugging and performance monitoring. You can put such tools in the virtual machine monitor, for example. Operating systems can be debugged without losing productivity, or setting up more complicated debugging scenarios.
* Virtual machines can isolate what they run, so they provide fault and error containment. You can inject faults proactively into software to study its subsequent behavior.
* Virtual machines make software easier to migrate, thus aiding application and system mobility.
* You can treat application suites as appliances by "packaging" and running each in a virtual machine.
* Virtual machines are great tools for research and academic experiments. Since they provide isolation, they are safer to work with. They encapsulate the entire state of a running system: you can save the state, examine it, modify it, reload it, and so on. The state also provides an abstraction of the workload being run.
* Virtualization can enable existing operating systems to run on shared memory multiprocessors.
* Virtual machines can be used to create arbitrary test scenarios, and can lead to some very imaginative, effective quality assurance.
* Virtualization can be used to retrofit new features in existing operating systems without "too much" work.
* Virtualization can make tasks such as system migration, backup, and recovery easier and more manageable.
* Virtualization can be an effective means of providing binary compatibility.
* Virtualization on commodity hardware has been popular in co-located hosting. Many of the above benefits make such hosting secure, cost-effective, and appealing in general.
* Virtualization is fun.
* Plenty of other reasons ...

Generically speaking, in order to virtualize, you would use a layer of software that provides the illusion of a "real" machine to multiple instances of "virtual machines". This layer is traditionally called the Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM).

There are many (often intertwined) high-level ways to think about a virtualization system's architecture. Consider some scenarios:
A VMM could itself run directly on the real hardware - without requiring a "host" operating system. In this case, the VMM is the (minimal) OS.

A VMM could be hosted, and would run entirely as an application on top of a host operating system. It would use the host OS API to do everything. Furthermore, depending on whether the host and the virtual machine's architectures are identical or not, instruction set emulation may be involved.
From the point of view of how (and where) instructions get executed: you can handle all instructions that execute on a virtual machine in software; you can execute most of the instructions (maybe even some privileged instructions) directly on the real processor, with certain instructions handled in software; you can handle all privileged instructions in software ...
A different approach, with rather different goals, is that of complete machine simulation. SimOS and Simics, as discussed later, are examples of this approach.
Although architectures have been designed explicitly with virtualizationWhy Virtualization in mind, a typical hardware platform, and a typical operating system, both are not very conducive to virtualization.

As mentioned above, many architectures have privileged and non-privileged instructions. Assuming the programs you want to run on the various virtual machines on a system are all native to the architecture (in other words, it would not necessitate emulation of the instruction set). Thus, the virtual machine can be run in non-privileged mode. One would imagine that non-privileged instructions can be directly executed (without involving the VMM), and since the privileged instructions would cause a trap (since they are being executed in non-privileged mode), they can be "caught" by the VMM, and appropriate action can be taken (they can be simulated by the VMM in software, say). Problems arise from the fact that there may be instructions that are non-privileged, but their behavior depends on the processor mode - these instructions are sensitive, but they do not cause traps.

Cheers, frizzy.


Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Virtualization Management
Virtualization technologies can deliver sea-changing benefits to your organization. But, as Thomas Bittman, Gartner analyst, adroitly noted, "Virtualization without good management is more dangerous than not using virtualization in the first place."
As an organization's computing environment gets more virtualized, it also gets more abstract. Increasing abstraction can increase complexity, making it harder for IT staff to control their world and undermining the benefits of virtualization.

Integrating physical and virtual management enables you to realize the full promise of virtualization while minimizing its risks. An integrated approach is critical because all IT infrastructures—even those with a significant amount of virtualization—include both virtual and physical components. Even if you have a management system that effectively handles virtualized systems, if it doesn't manage physical systems you will still have to manage many separate "islands"—and you will consume much more time and resources than you would with a management system that can handle all your assets. By using comprehensive virtualization management technology, you keep complexity at a minimum and streamline operations. A common virtualization management environment reduces training, ensures uniform policy application and simplifies maintenance.

Effective physical and virtual management can optimize the benefits of using virtualization technologies. This includes monitoring and managing hardware and software in a distributed environment. By allowing operations staff to monitor both the software running on physical machines and the physical machines themselves, it lets them know what's happening in their environment. It also lets them respond appropriately, running tasks and taking other actions to fix problems that occur.

Another unavoidable concern for people who manage virtualized, distributed environments is installing software and managing how that software is configured. While it's possible to perform these tasks by hand, end-to-end virtualization management technology can automate and accelerate this process.

Tools that work in both the physical and virtual worlds are highly effective and attractive. Yet think about an environment that has dozens or even hundreds of VMs installed. How are these machines built, changed and depreciated? And how are other VM-specific management functions performed? Addressing these questions requires a comprehensive toolset that includes managing virtualized hardware. Among other benefits, it can help operations staff choose workloads for virtualization, create the VMs that will run those workloads, and transfer the applications to their new homes.

Server Virtualization
For most IT people, the word "virtualization" conjures up thoughts of running multiple operating systems on a single physical machine. This is hardware virtualization, and while it's not the only important kind of virtualization, it is unquestionably the most visible today.
The core idea of hardware virtualization is simple: Use software to create a virtual machine that emulates a physical computer. This creates a separate OS environment that is logically isolated from the host server. By providing multiple VMs at once, this approach allows running several operating systems simultaneously on a single physical machine.

Rather than paying for many under-utilized server machines, each dedicated to a specific workload, server virtualization allows consolidating those workloads onto a smaller number of more fully-used machines. This implies fewer people to manage those computers, less space to house them, and fewer kilowatt hours of power to run them, all of which saves money.
Server virtualization also makes restoring failed systems easier. VMs are stored as files, and so restoring a failed system can be as simple as copying its file onto a new machine. Since VMs can have different hardware configurations from the physical machine on which they're running, this approach also allows restoring a failed system onto any available machine. There's no requirement to use a physically identical system.

Application Virtualization
In a physical environment, every application depends on its OS for a range of services, including memory allocation, device drivers, and much more. Incompatibilities between an application and its operating system can be addressed by either server virtualization or presentation virtualization. But for incompatibilities between two applications installed on the same instance of an OS, you need application virtualization.
Applications installed on the same device commonly share configuration elements, yet this sharing can be problematic. For example, one application might require a specific version of a dynamic link library (DLL) to function, while another application on that system might require a different version of the same DLL. Installing both applications creates a situation, where one of them overwrites the version required by the other causing the application to malfunction or crash. To avoid this, organizations often perform extensive compatibility testing before installing a new application, an approach that's workable but quite time-consuming and expensive.

Application virtualization solves this problem by creating application-specific copies of all shared resources. The configurations an application might share with other applications on its system—registry entries, specific DLLs, and more—are instead packaged with it and execute in the machine's cache, creating a virtual application. When a virtual application is deployed, it uses its own copy of these shared resources.
Application virtualization makes deployment significantly easier. Since applications no longer compete for DLL versions or other shared aspects of their environment, there's little need to test new applications for conflicts with existing applications before they're rolled out. And these virtual applications can run alongside ordinary, installed applications—so not everything needs to be virtualized, although doing so avoids many problems and decreases the time end-users spend with the helpdesk trying to resolve them. An effective application virtualization solution also enables you to manage both virtual applications and installed applications from a common interface.

Storage Virtualization
Generally speaking, storage virtualization refers to providing a logical, abstracted view of physical storage devices. It provides a way for many users or applications to access storage without being concerned with where or how that storage is physically located or managed. It enables the physical storage in an environment to be shared across multiple application servers, and physical devices behind the virtualization layer to be viewed and managed as if they were one large storage pool with no physical boundaries.

Virtualizing storage networks enables two key additional capabilities:
* The ability to mask or hide volumes from servers that are not authorized to access those volumes, providing an additional level of security.
* The ability to change and grow volumes on the fly to meet the needs of individual servers.

Essentially, anything other than a locally attached disk drive might be viewed in this light. Typically, storage virtualization applies to larger SAN (storage area network) arrays, but it is just as accurately applied to the logical partitioning of a local desktop hard drive, redundant array of independent disks (RAID), volume management, virtual memory, file systems and virtual tape. A very simple example is folder redirection in Windows, which lets the information in a folder be stored on any network-accessible drive. Much more powerful (and more complex) approaches include SANs. Large enterprises have long benefited from SAN technologies, in which storage is uncoupled from servers and attached directly to the network. By sharing storage on the network, SANs enable highly scalable and flexible storage resource allocation, high efficiency backup solutions, and better storage utilization.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Load Balancing

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In computer networking, load balancing is a technique to spread work between two or more computers, network links, CPUs, hard drives, or other resources, in order to get optimal resource utilization, maximize throughput, and minimize response time. Using multiple components with load balancing, instead of a single component, may increase reliability through redundancy. The balancing service is usually provided by a dedicated program or hardware device (such as a multilayer switch).
It is commonly used to mediate internal communications in computer clusters, especially high-availability clusters.

For Internet services
One of the most common applications of load balancing is to provide a single Internet service from multiple servers, sometimes known as a server farm. Commonly load-balanced systems include popular web sites, large Internet Relay Chat networks, high-bandwidth File Transfer Protocol sites, NNTP servers and DNS servers.
For Internet services, the load balancer is usually a software program which is listening on the port where external clients connect to access services. The load balancer forwards requests to one of the "backend" servers, which usually replies to the load balancer. This allows the load balancer to reply to the client without the client ever knowing about the internal separation of functions. It also prevents clients from contacting backend servers directly, which may have security benefits by hiding the structure of the internal network and preventing attacks on the kernel's network stack or unrelated services running on other ports.
Some load balancers provide a mechanism for doing something special in the event that all backend servers are unavailable. This might include forwarding to a backup load balancer, or displaying a message regarding the outage.
An alternate method of load balancing which does not necessarily require a dedicated software or hardware node, is called round robin DNS. In this technique, multiple IP addresses are associated with a single domain name (i.e.; clients themselves are expected to choose which server to connect. Unlike the use of a dedicated load balancer, this technique is not "transparent" to clients, because it exposes the existence of multiple backend servers. The technique has other advantages and disadvantages, depending on the degree of control over the DNS server and the granularity of load balancing which is desired.
A variety of scheduling algorithms are used by load balancers to determine which backend server to send a request to. Simple algorithms include random choice or round robin. More sophisticated load balancers may take into account additional factors, such as a server's reported load, recent response times, up/down status (determined by a monitoring poll of some kind), number of active connections, geographic location, capabilities, or how much traffic it has recently been assigned. High-performance systems may use multiple layers of load balancing.
In addition to using dedicated hardware load balancers, software-only solutions are available, including open source options. Examples of the latter include the Apache web server's mod_proxy_balancer extension and the Pound reverse proxy and load balancer.

An important issue when operating a load-balanced service is how to handle information that must be kept across the multiple requests in a user's session. If this information is stored locally on one back end server, then subsequent requests going to different back end servers would not be able to find it. This might be cached information that can be recomputed, in which case load-balancing a request to a different back end server just introduces a performance issue.
One solution to the session data issue is to send all requests in a user session consistently to the same back end server. This is known as "persistence" or "stickiness". A large downside to this technique is its lack of automatic failover: if a backend server goes down, its per-session information becomes inaccessible, and sessions depending on it are lost.
Assignment to a particular server might be based on a username, client IP address, or random assignment. Due to DHCP, Network Address Translation, and web proxies, the client's IP address may change across requests, and so this method can be somewhat unreliable. Random assignments must be remembered by the load balancer, which creates a storage burden. If the load balancer is replaced or fails, this information can be lost, and assignments may need to be deleted after a timeout period or during periods of high load, to avoid exceeding the space available for the assignment table. The random assignment method also requires that clients maintain some state, which can be a problem, for example when a web browser has disabled storage of cookies. Sophisticated load balancers use multiple persistence techniques to avoid some of the shortcomings of any one method.
Another solution is to keep the per-session data in a database. Generally this is bad for performance since it increases the load on the database: the database is best used to store information less transient than per-session data. (Interestingly, to prevent a database from becoming a single point of failure, and to improve scalability, the database is often replicated across multiple machines, and load balancing is used to spread the query load across those replicas.)
Fortunately there are more efficient approaches. In the very common case where the client is a web browser, per-session data can be stored in the browser itself. One technique is to use a browser cookie, suitably time-stamped and encrypted. Another is URL rewriting. Storing session data on the client is generally the preferred solution: then the load balancer is free to pick any backend server to handle a request.

Load balancer features
Hardware and software load balancers can come with a variety of special features.

* Asymmetric load: A ratio can be manually assigned to cause some backend servers to get a greater share of the workload than others. This is sometimes used as a crude way to account for some servers being faster than others.
* Priority activation: When the number of available servers drops below a certain number, or load gets too high, standby servers can be brought online
* SSL Offload and Acceleration: SSL applications can be a heavy burden on the resources of a Web Server, especially on the CPU and the end users may see a slow response (or at the very least the servers are spending a lot of cycles doing things they weren't designed to do). To resolve these kinds of issues, a Load Balancer capable of handling SSL Offloading in specialized hardware may be used. When Load Balancers are taking the SSL connections, the burden on the Web Servers is reduced and performance will not degrade for the end users.
* Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack protection: load balancers can provide features such as SYN cookies and delayed-binding (the back-end servers don't see the client until it finishes its TCP handshake) to mitigate SYN flood attacks and generally offload work from the servers to a more efficient platform.
* HTTP compression: reduces amount of data to be transferred for HTTP objects by utilizing gzip compression available in all modern web browsers
* TCP offload: different vendors use different terms for this, but the idea is that normally each HTTP request from each client is a different TCP connection. This feature utilizes HTTP/1.1 to consolidate multiple HTTP requests from multiple clients into a single TCP socket to the back-end servers.
* TCP buffering: the load balancer can buffer responses from the server and spoon-feed the data out to slow clients, allowing the server to move on to other tasks.
* HTTP caching: the load balancer can store static content so that some requests can be handled without contacting the web servers.
* Content Filtering: some load balancers can arbitrarily modify traffic on the way through.
* HTTP security: some load balancers can hide HTTP error pages, remove server identification headers from HTTP responses, and encrypt cookies so end users can't manipulate them.
* Priority queuing: also known as rate shaping, the ability to give different priority to different traffic.
* Content aware switching: most load balancers can send requests to different servers based on the URL being requested.
* Client authentication: authenticate users against a variety of authentication sources before allowing them access to a website.
* Programmatic traffic manipulation: at least one load balancer allows the use of a scripting language to allow custom load balancing methods, arbitrary traffic manipulations, and more.
* Firewall: Direct connections to backend servers are prevented, for security reasons

In telecommunications
Load balancing can be useful when dealing with redundant communications links. For example, a company may have multiple Internet connections ensuring network access even if one of the connections should fail.
A failover arrangement would mean that one link is designated for normal use, while the second link is used only if the first one fails.
With load balancing, both links can be in use all the time. A device or program decides which of the available links to send packets along, being careful not to send packets along any link if it has failed. The ability to use multiple links simultaneously increases the available bandwidth.
Major telecommunications companies have multiple routes through their networks or to external networks. They use more sophisticated load balancing to shift traffic from one path to another to avoid network congestion on any particular link, and sometimes to minimize the cost of transit across external networks or improve network reliability.

Relationship with failover
Load balancing is often used to implement failover — the continuation of a service after the failure of one or more of its components. The components are monitored continually (e.g., web servers may be monitored by fetching known pages), and when one becomes non-responsive, the load balancer is informed and no longer sends traffic to it. And when a component comes back on line, the load balancer begins to route traffic to it again. For this to work, there must be at least one component in excess of the service's capacity. This is much less expensive and more flexible than failover approaches where a single "live" component is paired with a single "backup" component that takes over in the event of a failure. In a RAID disk controller, using RAID1 (mirroring) is analogous to the "live/backup" approach to failover, where RAID5 is analogous to load balancing failover.

Network Load Balancing Services (NLBS)
is a proprietary Microsoft implementation of clustering and load balancing that is intended to provide high availability and high reliability, as well as high scalability. NLBS is intended for applications with relatively small data sets that rarely change (one example would be web pages), and do not have long-running-in-memory states. These types of applications are called stateless applications, and typically include Web, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), and virtual private networking (VPN) servers. Every client request to a stateless application is a separate transaction, so it is possible to distribute the requests among multiple servers to balance the load. One attractive feature of NLBS is that all servers in a cluster monitor each other with a heartbeat signal, so there is no single point of failure.

Configuration Tips:
* The network load balancing service requires for all the machines to have the correct local time. Ensure the Windows Time Service is properly configured on all hosts to keep clocks synchronized. Unsyncronized times will cause a network login screen to pop up which doesn't accept valid login credentials.
* The server console can't have any network card dialogue boxes open when you are configuring the "Network Load Balancing Manager" from your client machine.
* You have to manually add each load balancing server individually to the load balancing cluster after you've created a cluster host.
* To allow communication between servers in the same NLB cluster, each server requires the following registry entry: a DWORD key named "UnicastInterHostCommSupport" and set to 1, for each network interface card's GUID (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\WLBS\Parameters\Interface\{GUID})
* NLBS may conflict with some Cisco routers, which are not able to resolve the IP address of the server and must be configured with a static ARP entry.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Tren visitor

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Dunia maya memang keras ya sob...

Dasar memang modalku cuma blogwalking, jadi nasibnya ya seperti ini. Kalo lagi rajin dan konsentrasi, mestinya bisa dapat tinggi. Tapi waktu harus share dengan keluarga dan meninggalkan aktifitas blogging, tren visitor langsung menukik tajam.
Gak papa, teteup semangat, setelah ini aku akan menganalisa dan Mengapa mereka bisa sebegitu hebat trafficnya di
Harus belajar lagi ni!!! mohon bantuannya yaa para bloggerous.

Cheers, frizzy.

Pagerank from Google Official Site

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Technology Overview <--original posting, translated by google.
Tinjauan teknologi

We stand alone in our focus on developing the "perfect search engine," defined by co-founder Larry Page as something that, "understands exactly what you mean and gives you back exactly what you want."
Kami berdiri sendiri dalam kami fokus pada pengembangan "mesin pencari sempurna," ditetapkan oleh pendiri bersama Larry Page sebagai sesuatu yang "mengerti apa yang Anda maksud dan memberikan kembali apa yang Anda inginkan."
To that end, we have persistently pursued innovation and refused to accept the limitations of existing models.
Untuk itu, kami telah diikuti persistently inovasi dan menolak untuk menerima keterbatasan model yang ada.

As a result, we developed our serving infrastructure and breakthrough PageRank™ technology that changed the way searches are conducted.
Akibatnya, kami mengembangkan infrastruktur kami melayani dan terobosan teknologi PageRank ™ yang mengubah cara pencarian dilakukan.

From the beginning, our developers recognized that providing the fastest, most accurate results required a new kind of server setup.
Dari awal, kami mengakui bahwa pengembang menyediakan tercepat dan paling akurat hasil diperlukan baru jenis server.
Whereas most search engines ran off a handful of large servers that often slowed under peak loads, ours employed linked PCs to quickly find each query's answer.
Sedangkan kebanyakan mesin pencari berlari off segelintir dari server besar yang sering melambat di bawah beban puncak, kami bekerja terhubung ke komputer dengan cepat menemukan jawaban dari setiap pencarian.
The innovation paid off in faster response times, greater scalability and lower costs.
Inovasi yang dibayar di respon kali lebih cepat, lebih rendah biaya dan skalabilitas.
It's an idea that others have since copied, while we have continued to refine our back-end technology to make it even more efficient.
Ada ide yang lain ada sejak disalin, sementara kami telah berlanjut untuk memperbaiki kami kembali akhir teknologi agar lebih efisien.

The software behind our search technology conducts a series of simultaneous calculations requiring only a fraction of a second.
Perangkat lunak di balik teknologi pencarian kami melakukan serangkaian kalkulasi serentak hanya memerlukan beberapa detik.
Traditional search engines rely heavily on how often a word appears on a web page.
Tradisional mesin pencari sangat bergantung pada seberapa sering sebuah kata muncul di halaman web.
We use more than 200 signals, including our patented PageRank™ algorithm, to examine the entire link structure of the web and determine which pages are most important.
Kami menggunakan lebih dari 200 sinyal, kami termasuk paten algoritma PageRank ™, untuk memeriksa seluruh struktur link di web dan menentukan halaman yang paling penting.
We then conduct hypertext-matching analysis to determine which pages are relevant to the specific search being conducted.
Kami kemudian melakukan hypertext-matching analisis untuk menentukan halaman mana yang relevan dengan pencarian khusus yang dilakukan.

By combining overall importance and query-specific relevance, we're able to put the most relevant and reliable results first.
Dengan menggabungkan seluruh kepentingan dan relevansi permintaan khusus, kami dapat menempatkan yang paling relevan dan dapat dipercaya hasil pertama.

PageRank Technology: PageRank reflects our view of the importance of web pages by considering more than 500 million variables and 2 billion terms.
Teknologi PageRank: PageRank mencerminkan pandangan kami akan pentingnya halaman web dengan mempertimbangkan lebih dari 500 juta variabel dan 2 miliar istilah.
Pages that we believe are important pages receive a higher PageRank and are more likely to appear at the top of the search results.
Halaman yang kami percaya adalah penting halaman menerima PageRank yang lebih tinggi dan lebih mungkin untuk muncul di bagian atas hasil pencarian.

PageRank also considers the importance of each page that casts a vote, as votes from some pages are considered to have greater value, thus giving the linked page greater value.
PageRank juga mempertimbangkan pentingnya setiap halaman yang membuat suara, karena dinilai dari beberapa halaman dianggap memiliki nilai lebih besar, sehingga memberikan nilai lebih besar halaman yang terhubung.
We have always taken a pragmatic approach to help improve search quality and create useful products, and our technology uses the collective intelligence of the web to determine a page's importance.
Kami selalu melakukan pendekatan pragmatis pencarian untuk membantu meningkatkan kualitas dan menciptakan produk yang bermanfaat, dan kami akan menggunakan teknologi intelijen kolektif dari web untuk menentukan kepentingan halaman.

Hypertext-Matching Analysis: Our search engine also analyzes page content.
Hypertext-Pencocokan Analisis: Kami mencari mesin juga menganalisis konten halaman.
However, instead of simply scanning for page-based text (which can be manipulated by site publishers through meta-tags), our technology analyzes the full content of a page and factors in fonts, subdivisions and the precise location of each word.
Namun, daripada hanya sekadar membaca sepintas teks berdasarkan halaman (yang dapat dimanipulasi oleh penerbit situs melalui meta-tag), teknologi kami menganalisis keseluruhan konten halaman dan berbagai faktor berupa font, subdivisi, dan lokasi dari setiap kata.
We also analyze the content of neighboring web pages to ensure the results returned are the most relevant to a user's query.
Kami juga menganalisis konten halaman web di sekitarnya untuk memastikan hasil yang paling relevan dengan permintaan pengguna.

Our innovations don't stop at the desktop.
Inovasi kami tidak berhenti pada desktop.
To give people access to the information they need, whenever and wherever they need it, we continue to develop new mobile applications and services that are more accessible and customizable.
Untuk memberikan akses masyarakat ke informasi yang mereka butuhkan, kapanpun dan dimanapun mereka memerlukannya, kami terus mengembangkan aplikasi baru ponsel dan layanan yang lebih mudah dan dapat diatur.
And we're partnering with industry-leading carriers and device manufacturers to deliver these innovative services globally.
Dan kami bermitra dengan industri terkemuka operator dan produsen perangkat ini inovatif untuk memberikan layanan global.
We're working with many of these industry leaders through the Open Handset Alliance to develop Android, the first complete, open, and free mobile platform, which will offer people a less expensive and better mobile experience.
Kami bekerja dengan banyak pemimpin industri ini melalui Open Handset Alliance untuk mengembangkan Android, pertama selesai, terbuka, dan bebas platform mobile, yang akan menawarkan orang-orang yang lebih mahal dan kurang pengalaman mobile.

Life of a Google Query
The life span of a Google query normally lasts less than half a second, yet involves a number of different steps that must be completed before results can be delivered to a person seeking information.

Cheers, frizzy.

Selamat Hari Raya Imlek

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Selamat Hari Raya Imlek
Bagi sobat-sobat yang merayakannya.
Mari kita bersatu dengan semangat Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, bekerja keras bersama-sama menuju masyarakat adil makmur sejahtera kertaraharja.

Cheers, frizzy.

Review my blog, please...

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Mau minta tolong sama teman-teman blogger untuk mereview blogku. Mohon reviewnya ditulis di comment. Jenis reviewnya bebas bisa mencakup seperti di bawah ini:
  1. Design, mulai dari template, warna, layout, penempatan banner dll
  2. Content, mulai dari artikel, gambar, banner dll
  3. Attractiveness, mulai dari visitor interaction, reply response dll
  4. Dan semua yang bisa direview/dikomentari.
Review/comment yang telah disubmit tidak akan dihapus termasuk yang bersifat offensive, mengandung pornografi, mengandung SARA, kecuali yang bersifat kekanak-kanakan (resiko tanggung sendiri yaa).

Bagi teman-teman yang berminat aku review, hendaknya membuat judul posting yang sama atau mirip atau apa saja yang penting mengandung subject yang dikhususkan untuk review.
Tujuan saling mereview ini adalah untuk belajar membaca, mendengar dan menuliskan kembali apa yang ada dalam benak blogger, sekaligus berlatih untuk menjadi reviewer dalam rangka terjun ke dalam bisnis Paid To Review.
Semoga ide ini bisa diterima yaa. Kalau pun tidak? yaa namanya juga usaha...Peace!!! --slanker mode: on--

Lumayan buat ngisi waktu libur panjang, itu juga kalo gak direcokin oleh anggota keluarga yang lain.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Microsoft Business Intelligence Conference 2009

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

It's not just data anymore. It's a new form of energy.
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server 2007

Seperti biasa sob, kalo tidak ada makan-makan, bisa-bisa aku gak jadi datang ke acara ini...hihihi

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Alcohol Treatment

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Alcohol Fact Sheet
Alcohol (ethanol or ethyl alcohol) is one of the most commonly abused drugs in our society. Alcohol:
• Is a Central Nervous System depressant (slows down body reactions and general brain function)
• There are two kinds of alcohol:
o Ethyl - found in “beverage” alcohol (beer, wine, spirits and liquors). Ethyl is also present in “non-beverage” alcohol (rubbing alcohol, mouthwash, cooking wine)
o Methyl - found in solvents (paint removers, antifreeze, household products)

Short – Term Effects
• Sense of well being, euphoria and release of inhibitions and tension
• Drowsiness, dizziness and flushing
• Affected speech, balance, and vision
• At higher doses, the effects may be reversed (from euphoria to depression and suicidal behaviour)
• “Hangover” feeling (syndrome of fatigue, headache, nausea, vomiting, and shakiness)

Long – Term Effects
• Heavy drinking over a long period of time (more than 2 drinks per day) can lead to serious health problems such as:
o Stomach ulcers, disorders of the pancreas, liver damage/disease
o Sexual problems/impotence/reproductive problems
o Brain damage
o Certain types of cancer
o Heart disease
o Blackouts (loss of memory)
• Depression is common
• Disruptions in social, work and family life,
• Financial and legal problems

Dependence Potential
• Nervous system adapts to the presence of a chronic depressant and physical dependence develops
• Psychological dependence can also occur, in which users may experience anxiety and even panic when alcohol is not available
• Regular use leads to needing increased doses to produce the desired/same effect (tolerance)
• Regular users of alcohol may not appear to be drunk, but it still is not safe for them to drive a car or perform other tasks

• Withdrawal effects may range depending upon severity of physical dependence:
• Withdrawal symptoms may include and progress over three stages:
1. Tremulousness (the shakes), irritability, nausea and vomiting, difficulty sleeping. These symptoms may occur a few hours after drinking stops and peak within 24 to 48 hours and then subside in 2 or 3 days. This is the stage where alcohol hallucinations can occur
2. Convulsions (seizures) can develop within 24 to 48 hours after stopping heavy drinking. Convulsions can last from 5 to 20 days
3. Delirium tremens (DTs) is the most serious stage of alcohol withdrawal. Occur 4 or 5 days after heavy/prolonged drinking stops. A person can become extremely confused, agitated and disoriented, with dilated pupils, fever and rapid heart rate

*Drinking during pregnancy can result in birth of FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) children

The Addiction Centre aims to:
* Bridge the gap between addiction and physical/ psychiatric treatment services.
* Provide a bio-psycho-social assessment.
* Provide a treatment and referral service that encourages patients to be active participants in their treatment and take responsibility for their overall well-being.
* Provide a multi-dimensional model of care to meet the needs of our patients.
* Teach and train health care professionals about concurrent disorders.
* Evaluate assessments and interventions using standardized evaluation tools.

Scope of Service:
* Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday 08:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
* Assessment Clinics: Available at various times Monday to Friday.
* Individual and Group Therapy: Available at various times Monday to Friday.

Adult Programs (Age 18 and older)
Description of Services

The Adult Program specializes in the assessment and treatment of adults with substance related issues and/or behavioural addiction combined with a major psychiatric and/or physical disorder (eg. chronic pain).

Each patient is provided with a case manager. The case manager meets with the patient at least once a week and coordinates the patient's treatment plan.
Treatment is multidisciplinary and may involve individual counselling, milieu therapy, group therapy, psychological assessment and testing, patient education about substance abuse and medications, pain assessment and management, social skills training, occupational assessment and counselling, recreation therapy, leisure counselling, and family therapy. Some medication treatment and monitoring is provided.

Treatment Includes:
Assessment Level I
Biopsychosocial assessment utilizing the Addiction Severity Index with case management and support by an interdisciplinary team. Outpatient Programs (Mon. to Fri.)
Groups are offered for individuals at varying levels of treatment readiness, from level II to level IV. Psychoeducational, insight-oriented cognitive behavioral, and support groups.
* Addiction Centre Level II Program Overview
* Addiction Centre Level III Program Overview
* Addiction Centre Level IV Program Overview

Specialized Groups
Addiction group therapy is offered for gambling, chronic pain, couples, nicotine dependence and open group for individuals experiencing a severe and persistent mental illness who can come to group as they please. Psychoeducational, insight-oriented cognitive behavioral, and support groups.

Individual and Family Psychotherapy
Therapy is supportive, cognitive behavioural, systemic, and uses motivational enhancement techniques.

Referral Service
After the assessment, treatment may include a referral to other appropriate community services (AADAC, Residential Programs, Detoxification & Stabilization, EFAP counselling and/or Psychiatric Services).

Claresholm Centre for Mental Health and Addictions
The Concurrent Disorders Residential Program at Claresholm is intended for individuals with concurrent disorders 18 and older who would benefit from residential treatment. For additional information click here

Addiction Network
The Addiction Network includes acute care and community based satellites. Each Addiction Network satellite provides enhanced consultation services to individuals presenting with a history of substance abuse/behavioural addiction concurrent with a significant psychiatric and/or medical diagnosis. Services are supported by a registered nurse, psychologist, and consulting family physician and/or psychiatrist.

Self Assessment
Question 1
In your life, which of the following substances have you ever used? (NON-MEDICAL USE ONLY) No Yes
a. Tobacco products (cigarettes, chewing tobacco, cigars, etc.)
b. Alcoholic beverages (beer, wine, spirits, etc.)
c. Cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)
d. Cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)
e. Amphetamine type stimulants (speed, diet pills, ecstacy, etc.)
f. Inhalants (nitrous, glue, petrol, paint thinner, etc.)
g. Sedatives or Sleeping Pills (Valium, Serepax, Rohypnol, etc.)
h. Hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, Special K, etc.)
i. Opioids (heroin, morphine, methadone, codeine, etc.)
j. Other - specify:

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Charter Aircraft Average Pricing

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Mungkin ada yang butuh pelayanan charter pesawat, ini ada artikel buat overview.

Charter Aircraft Average Pricing

King Air
Turbo Prop
Rate: $1200/hr
Block Speed: 230 Kts.
No. Of Passengers: up to 9
Range: 500 - 1000 sm
Lavatory: Yes
Hot/Cold Catering: Both

All the comfort of an Executive Jet at half the cost, a great airplane for medium trips spacious cabin. Has the same short field runway capability as the piston twins.

Light Jet
Rate: $1,850/hr
Block Speed: 330 Kts.
No. Of Passengers: 4-6
Range: 1500 sm
Lavatory: Yes
Hot/Cold Catering: Both

Luxurious, economic, the light jet category is perfect for one-day business meetings. If efficiency is important, this is the perfect aircraft and it includes all the amenities.

Medium Jet
Rate: $2,650/hr
Block Speed: 360 Kts.
No. Of Passengers: 6-8
Range: 2,500 sm
Lavatory: Yes
Hot/Cold Catering: Both

Our medium jet category enables you to take your marketing team or your family on long trips. Increase your productivity or even hold a meeting on board Time is Money.

Heavy Jet
Rate: $4,900/hr
Block Speed: 400 Kts.
No. Of Passengers: 12 to 15
Range: 4000 to 4900sm
Lavatory: Yes
Hot/Cold Catering: Both

The perfect airplane for coast-to-coast or global trips, New York to LA or New York to Europe Once you fly on One of these Jets you will never fly on the airlines again. Large spacious cabin ideal for setting up a mobile office, Along with the convenience of a personal flight attendant, you also will have access to on-board Flight Phone, Sat Phone, DVD, Internet and teleconferencing capabilities.

* The Above Hourly prices will vary up and down depending on the 135 operator, aircraft model and aircraft age including current fuel surcharges.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Cloud Computing

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

by some resources

Cloud computing provides a cost-effective architecture that has enabled new business models including Platform-as-a-Service (Paas) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). The financial crisis might spell good news for cloud providers up and down the stack. According recent articles, IDC predicts that the current economic crisis in the U.S. will contribute to cloud computing growth over the next five years and spending on IT cloud services will reach $42 billion by 2012. Frank Gens, senior vice president and chief analyst at IDC believes, "The disruptive vectors of the market will be among the highest growth sectors in 2009 as their advantages are magnified in a down economy, and suppliers who slow down their transformation will limit long-term viability and miss near-term growth."

John Horrigan at Pew Research offered this look at cloud adoption in the consumer space, which has been driving the growth of the big public platforms long before the economic downturn. As IT organizations are pressured to find yet more efficiency it will be interesting to see how quickly they find the confidence in providers to follow consumers to the cloud. At a snap poll of attendees conducted this week at Gartner’s Data Center Conference the results appear promising.

Cloud computing comes into focus only when you think about what IT always needs: a way to increase capacity or add capabilities on the fly without investing in new infrastructure, training new personnel, or licensing new software. Cloud computing encompasses any subscription-based or pay-per-use service that, in real time over the Internet, extends IT's existing capabilities.

Cloud computing is at an early stage, with a motley crew of providers large and small delivering a slew of cloud-based services, from full-blown applications to storage services to spam filtering. Yes, utility-style infrastructure providers are part of the mix, but so are SaaS (software as a service) providers such as Today, for the most part, IT must plug into cloud-based services individually, but cloud computing aggregators and integrators are already emerging.

InfoWorld talked to dozens of vendors, analysts, and IT customers to tease out the various components of cloud computing. Based on those discussions, here's a rough breakdown of what cloud computing is all about:

1. SaaS
This type of cloud computing delivers a single application through the browser to thousands of customers using a multitenant architecture. On the customer side, it means no upfront investment in servers or software licensing; on the provider side, with just one app to maintain, costs are low compared to conventional hosting. is by far the best-known example among enterprise applications, but SaaS is also common for HR apps and has even worked its way up the food chain to ERP, with players such as Workday. And who could have predicted the sudden rise of SaaS "desktop" applications, such as Google Apps and Zoho Office?

2. Utility computing
The idea is not new, but this form of cloud computing is getting new life from, Sun, IBM, and others who now offer storage and virtual servers that IT can access on demand. Early enterprise adopters mainly use utility computing for supplemental, non-mission-critical needs, but one day, they may replace parts of the datacenter. Other providers offer solutions that help IT create virtual datacenters from commodity servers, such as 3Tera's AppLogic and Cohesive Flexible Technologies' Elastic Server on Demand. Liquid Computing's LiquidQ offers similar capabilities, enabling IT to stitch together memory, I/O, storage, and computational capacity as a virtualized resource pool available over the network.

3. Web services in the cloud
Closely related to SaaS, Web service providers offer APIs that enable developers to exploit functionality over the Internet, rather than delivering full-blown applications. They range from providers offering discrete business services -- such as Strike Iron and Xignite -- to the full range of APIs offered by Google Maps, ADP payroll processing, the U.S. Postal Service, Bloomberg, and even conventional credit card processing services.

4. Platform as a service
Another SaaS variation, this form of cloud computing delivers development environments as a service. You build your own applications that run on the provider's infrastructure and are delivered to your users via the Internet from the provider's servers. Like Legos, these services are constrained by the vendor's design and capabilities, so you don't get complete freedom, but you do get predictability and pre-integration. Prime examples include's, Coghead and the new Google App Engine. For extremely lightweight development, cloud-based mashup platforms abound, such as Yahoo Pipes or

5. MSP (managed service providers)
One of the oldest forms of cloud computing, a managed service is basically an application exposed to IT rather than to end-users, such as a virus scanning service for e-mail or an application monitoring service (which Mercury, among others, provides). Managed security services delivered by SecureWorks, IBM, and Verizon fall into this category, as do such cloud-based anti-spam services as Postini, recently acquired by Google. Other offerings include desktop management services, such as those offered by CenterBeam or Everdream.

6. Service commerce platforms
A hybrid of SaaS and MSP, this cloud computing service offers a service hub that users interact with. They're most common in trading environments, such as expense management systems that allow users to order travel or secretarial services from a common platform that then coordinates the service delivery and pricing within the specifications set by the user. Think of it as an automated service bureau. Well-known examples include Rearden Commerce and Ariba.

7. Internet integration
The integration of cloud-based services is in its early days. OpSource, which mainly concerns itself with serving SaaS providers, recently introduced the OpSource Services Bus, which employs in-the-cloud integration technology from a little startup called Boomi. SaaS provider Workday recently acquired another player in this space, CapeClear, an ESB (enterprise service bus) provider that was edging toward b-to-b integration. Way ahead of its time, Grand Central -- which wanted to be a universal "bus in the cloud" to connect SaaS providers and provide integrated solutions to customers -- flamed out in 2005.

Another cloud computing resources:
other resources can be found by searching with keyword "Cloud Computing"

Ini bukan gaya-gayaan sob, tapi ini adalah tren komputer ke depan, dimana kita harus bisa dan siap mengadopsinya.
Cheers, frizzy2008.

Gaul dan terminologinya

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Gue anak gaul nih --> konotasinya adalah anak muda yg mudah bergaul
Bergaullah dengan temanmu sebaik-baiknya --> nasehat orang tua pada anaknya waktu mau berangkat ke sekolah
Kita hidup dalam pergaulan modern --> pidato Presiden
Gaulilah istrimu/suamimu dengan sebaik-baiknya --> nasehat perkawinan

tapi gimana kalo begini yaa
Gue anak yang mudah digauli nih???
Gaulilah temanmu sebanyak-banyaknya????

Ada masukan gak sobbb, lagi mau gaul niiii...

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Dell - The Future of Computing Tour

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Pagi-pagi dah mampir ke Ritz Charlton, Pacific Place untuk menghadiri acara The Future of Computing Tour yang diselenggarakan oleh Dell Indonesia.
Seru banget acaranya, semua keynote speakernya berceramah dengan semangat mengenai produk-produk Dell untuk sistem komputasi masa depan.

Ok deh, habis kenyang makan-makan prasmanan gratis, balik kantor, meeting sama beberapa klien then posting the blog.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Network Security Appliances Overview

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Network Monitoring
The purpose of network monitoring is the collection of useful information from various parts of the network so that the network can be managed and controlled using the collected information. Most of the network devices are located in remote locations and they usually don't have directly connected terminals. Hence specialized tools are required to facilitate the network management application to monitor their status easily.

Bandwidth management
Heavy downloading can take its toll on network performance. Congestion and lack of responsiveness are often the result of large amounts of traffic being used by a small number of users. Sometimes even a single user can bring an entire network to a crawl as the internet gateway gets flooded with network traffic. By using Bandwidth management tools, the administrator can have full control over the network using tools to allocate desired bandwidth to specified users for specified tasks.

Traffic Analysis
Traffic analysis is the Inference or deduction of useful intelligence from patterns of observable characteristics of data flow(s), even when the data is encrypted or otherwise not directly available. The characteristics used for the evolution of such patterns include the identities and locations of the source(s) and destination(s), and the presence, amount, frequency, and duration of occurrence.

Penetration Testing
The portion of security testing in which the evaluators attempt to circumvent the security features of a system. The evaluators may be assumed to use all system design and implementation documentation, that may include listings of system source code, manuals, and circuit diagrams. The evaluators work under the same constraints applied to ordinary users. Ethical Hacking of a commissioned system is an integral part of penetration testing.

Vulnerability Analysis
Vulnerability analysis is the systematic examination of an AIS (Automated Information System for acquisition, storage, manipulation, control, display, transmission, or reception of data etc.) or product to determine the adequacy of security measures, identify security deficiencies, provide data from which to predict the effectiveness of proposed security measures, and confirm the adequacy of such measures after implementation.

Network audit
It is the process of assessing the various components and the operating environment of a computer network for vulnerabilities and other loopholes that might occur in the process of installing, configuring, or securing the network. This process may range from a relatively simple Automated audit to check a network for known vulnerabilities in the operating system through a black box or even a white box or manual audit to determine the network's overall status as compared to the prevailing "best practice".

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Selamat buat Anandita Puspitasari, pemenang Bloggership Pesta Blogger 2008

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Anandita Puspitasari (23), seorang peneliti junior di salah satu LSM berhasil menjadi penerima Bloggership pertama di Indonesia yang diluncurkan pada Pesta Blogger 2008 lalu.

"Ini adalah sebuah amanat, untuk lebih mengoptimalkan sumber daya yang saya miliki supaya bisa memberi manfaat lebih untuk masyarakat. Sedari awal, saya langsung merasa `klik` dengan tujuan program ini," kata Anandita Puspitasari atau Dita dalam siaran pers yang diterima ANTARA di Jakarta, Selasa

Dengan blognya yang beralamat di, dia dipilih sebaga pemenang oleh panitia seleksi yaitu Microsoft Indonesia dan "bapak blogger Indonesia" Enda Nasution.

Empat kandidat yang dikalahkan Dita yaitu Aulia Halimatussadiah (25 thn,, Bernardus Dian Adi Prasetyo (29,, Calvin Michael Sidjaja (22, dan Siwi Piranti Rahayu (21 thn, http://chiw,

Sebagai pemenang, Dita berhak mendapatkan hadiah sebesar Rp 15 juta, smartphone Windows Mobile, serta perjalanan selama 6 bulan ke 3 propinsi dengan biaya ditanggung Microsoft Indonesia.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Arsip-arsip Belanda di Indonesia Dibuka

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Sebuah situs arsip Belanda yang sangat menarik untuk Indonesia akan dibuka untuk para peneliti, demikian dilaporkan koresponden ANTARA di Belanda, Ronald Frisart, Selasa.
Arsip Belanda itu terdiri atas delapan puluh meter bahan arsip milik Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie (NIOD, Institut dokumentasi perang Belanda).

Arsip yang dapat dibuka lewat internet itu ( akan dipresentasikan pada tanggal 22 Januari di Amsterdam dan situs ini tidak hanya dalam bahasa Belanda, tetapi juga bahasa Inggris.
Dalam arsip-arsip di situs tersebut terdapat lukisan-lukisan, koran-koran Indonesia, dokumentasi pemerintah Belanda, buku harian dan catatan perkara.

Dokumentasi pemerintah Belanda dalam situs ini merupakan dokumentasi Belanda periode 9 Maret 1942 (kapitulasi KNIL/Belanda kepada Jepang), ketika tentara Jepang menguasai Indonesia sampai 15 Agustus 1945 (kapitulasi Jepang kepada tentara Sekutu).
Baca selengkapnya...

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Pandanganku tentang PRT

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Aku adalah penganut paham anti feodalisme. Ini pandanganku mengenai keberadaan PRT (Pembantu Rumah Tangga) di rumah.
  1. PRT adalah manusia, sama dengan majikan.
  2. Scope pekerjaannya harus jelas.
  3. PRT yang telah melewati masa probation, maka harus diperlakukan seperti pegawai.
  4. Jadwal dia bekerja, berlibur, mengambil cuti dan hak untuk bersenang-senang sebagaimana layaknya majikannya harus dihormati. PRT punya waktu privacy sendiri di luar jam kerja.
  5. Bahwa hidupnya seorang PRT itu tergantung dia sendiri bukan tergantung majikannya.
  6. Majikan hanya berhak menegur untuk kesalahan profesi dan majikan tidak berhak menggunakan anggota badannya secara langsung maupun tidak langsung menyakiti hati dan diri seorang PRT (sesuai dengan hukum UU KDRT dan Pidana)
  7. Jam kerja PRT harus mengikuti peraturan Depnaker.
  8. Majikan harus memberikan basic training dan tidak membiarkan seorang PRT mengerjakan sesuatu yang belum dia mengerti cara melakukannya. Dan majikan tidak berhak mengatakan bodoh kepada PRT untuk sesuatu hal diluar kemengertiannya. Kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh PRT harus dianalisa root causenya. Apakah karena lalai atau ketidaktahuan/ketidakmengertian.
  9. Reward dan punishment harus diterapkan namun majikan tidak boleh menerapkan aturan denda financial kepada PRT, kecuali kerusakan materi yang disebabkan oleh kelalaian profesi.
  10. Perlakuan lainnya adalah hal-hal yang sesuai dengan prinsip Pancasila dan UUD 1945.
Semoga pemikiran ini bisa membuka wacana pemahaman kebangsaan yang lebih luas dalam arti kita memperlakukan manusia Indonesia di dalam diri, keluarga dan masyarakat kita. PRT sangat bisa diterima sebagai profesi di luar negeri, dan tidak ada bukti PRT membuat bangkrut majikan.

Mana pandanganmu?!!!

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Cheers, frizzy2008.