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Showing posts with label analisa adsense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label analisa adsense. Show all posts

Answering Services

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

An answering service is only as good as its staff of customer service. If you have an answering machine to stop the service staff is directly responsible for communicating with your customers and can have a significant impact on company reputation and customer satisfaction. Although Answering Services improvements to increase friendly, knowledgeable staff loyalty to your brand and profits which result in May unprofessional representatives of the loss of customers and reputation. It is therefore important to assess staff performance of customer service before his secretary. The following criteria have been developed to help you achieve this goal, and helps make each call a major on answering telephone services.

  • Smiling and user behavior: When the representative customer service with a smile in a conversation with customers by telephone, his inflection and tone, and more welcoming and friendly. This makes the caller feel good and give people the impression that they are valued and respected, which in turn creates loyalty and reputation in the market.
  • Do not eat or drink during the debate, eat or drink while you answer a call, is unacceptable and irresponsible. You can call and well below the company reputation and the impact on customers.
  • Put calls to Park: Call center employees often put calls on hold with them on other lines or look forward information. However, this should be done politely. Tell your customers how they are transmitted, and the expected waiting time before a good impression of your company and your dedication to your customers.
  • Listening to customers: Delegates should listen to our customers and pay attention to their needs. You should rarely ask for repetition of information, such as the caller can irritate. Union representatives are also among its customers in how much attention has been heard repeatedly, the main points of the appellant.
  • Clarity of language and the solution: The representatives must speak clearly and fluently, so that customers understand what is said can. In addition, they should give a clear and unequivocal customer problems and not working around them.
  • Professionalism in the tone and language: the service representatives Secretariat should always speak with customers in a courteous and professional manner. While it is important that customers can feel comfortable and informal, in a language also give a bad impression of your business to your customers.
  • Review all cases before you terminate the Customer Service employees conversation covering all aspects of customer satisfaction surveys. Professional representatives to meet, take notes during the call to this need. Important information must be repeated, so that customers can understand.
  • Ending a call and joining Latest issue: representatives of the customer service professional will always explain to people what they would say, ask or too close clarified. You end the call if the customer terminates the call. Hang up the phone quickly, while the client is still speaking, a severe negative impact on the satisfaction of clients.

In-depth evaluation of personal secretarial services on the above criteria and you hire an answering services after the test, quality and efficiency of its customer service representatives. Before hiring a contractor to meet the prices of business telephone answering services to a corporate network For more information, please compare our voice mail service consultancy.

Google Adsense Analysis 4 - Riwayat Pembayaran Kedua

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Ini adalah laporan riwayat pembayaran per tanggal 5 Februari 2009. Hasilnya si cukup lumayan buat pemula seperti aku. Tapi yaa itu sob, deg-degan ni, bener bisa payout lagi gak yaa???

Mohon pencerahan kepada mpu-mpu blogger yang sudah pada sukses.
Terima kasih aku haturkan kepada semua yang mendukung blogku ini, spesial kepada clicker bloggerousss, yang sudah memberikan kliknya tanpa diminta (atau memang dah janjian upsshhh).

Cheers, frizzy.

Tren visitor

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Dunia maya memang keras ya sob...

Dasar memang modalku cuma blogwalking, jadi nasibnya ya seperti ini. Kalo lagi rajin dan konsentrasi, mestinya bisa dapat tinggi. Tapi waktu harus share dengan keluarga dan meninggalkan aktifitas blogging, tren visitor langsung menukik tajam.
Gak papa, teteup semangat, setelah ini aku akan menganalisa dan Mengapa mereka bisa sebegitu hebat trafficnya di
Harus belajar lagi ni!!! mohon bantuannya yaa para bloggerous.

Cheers, frizzy.

Google Adsense Analysis - 3

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Frizzy iseng lagi, nyoba-nyoba daftar adsense lagi untuk Gara-garanya habis chatting diskusi mengenai tips2 adsense dengan salah satu sobat blogger. Jadi terinspirasi deh, seberapa cepat si google approve registrasiku? Hasilnya? Ternyata diapprove gak sampai satu jam sob...

Kesimpulannya? aku serahkan kepada para bloggerous yang berminat...

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Mari bermain Keyword Valuation Tools

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Iseng-iseng aku nyari kata "Suggestion Keyword Tools" di google, kemudian sampailah aku ke, terus coba-coba deh...

Dari hasil di atas, ternyata tiap keyword mengandung nilai yang berbeda-beda. Waa, jadi harus pintar nyari keyword nih...

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Google Adsense Analysis - 2...lanjutan

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Ini adalah lanjutan report Google Adsense Analysis - 2. Karena cut time GA adalah jam 14:30 WIB, disesuaikan dengan waktu pacific, jadi report hari ini masih bisa diambil dan dianalisa sekarang.
Kalo menurut aku si, penghasilan hari ini cukup besar, bagaimana menurut bloggerous yang lain ya?

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Google Adsense Analysis - 2

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Di sini kita bandingkan lagi dengan report sebelumnya. Masih terlihat, bahwa nilai secara satuan dari penelusuran lebih besar daripada nilai konten.
Cheers, frizzy2008.

Google Adsense Analysis

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

ini adalah contoh report yang diambil dari aslinya. Di sini kita bisa melihat bahwa, google masih sangat mencintai search enginenya. Sehingga, nilai yang didapat dari 'Adsense untuk Penelusuran' jauh lebih tinggi dari 'Adsense untuk Konten', tapi ini cuma analisaku aja lhoo. Sang master GA di luar sana mungkin gak setuju ma aku.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Perkembangan riset adsense...sekedar share aja yaa

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Hari ini di report adsenseku muncul pemberitahuan jadwal pembayaran. Mudah-mudahan bisa dapat ceknya dan bisa dicairkan ya...(masih deg-degan mode: on).

Mohon pencerahan kepada mpu-mpu blogger yang sudah pada sukses.
Terima kasih aku haturkan kepada semua yang mendukung blogku ini, spesial kepada clicker bloggerousss, yang sudah memberikan kliknya tanpa diminta.

Cheers, frizzy2008