Blog campur-campur

Contraception Methods

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

There are two important reasons for choosing a contraception method. Usually patient choose a contraception which have less side-effect. Side-effects of using contraception are such as becoming fat, thin, got a headache and etc. These side-effects can happen to everyone but with less possibility which is about 2 - 3 %. There are some contraception methods such as sterilization, contraception pills, injection, IUD, contraception barrier method, another method and calendar method. The Rank of Failure Ratio of Contraception Methods sorted from less failure ratio to high failure ratio as below:

1. Sterilization.
This method have the least side-effect. The failure ratio of sterilization is about 2 - 6/100. 000 patient in a year.Sterilization on women is usually called MOW ( medis operatif wanita ) or tubectomy and on men is called MOP (medis operatif pria ) or vasectomy.Sterilization on men is done by making a blockage on the vasdeferens. By doing this, sperm route to the ovum is blocked, so the sperm won't be able to reach the ovum. Women and men can use this method. The blockage process is done outside the testicles so sterilization won't have a dangerous side-effect and safer.

2. Contraception pills.
Contraception Pills contain normal hormone in the women's body and this hormon make the condition of women's body similar to the condition of pregnancy. The failure ratio of contraception pills is about 1%.Pills method is intended for a neat person and someone who have a good memory.Patient must eat the pill regularly in order to make it work. There are many kind of pills such as pills which produced by BKBN, it's very cheap, pills with blue and gold square (lingkaran biru and emas) which is subsidized by the state, or pills with less doses and it's expensive. Don't use pills if the woman had abnormal bleeding. Someone who have a varices is also not permitted to use these pill because contraception pills can disturb the cycle of blood.

3. Injection.
There are many period of injection such as 1 month, 2 month or 3 month.Injection also contains sexual hormone of a woman, so it will disturb the cycle of menstruation but don't worry about that. Usually a woman thinks that menstruation blood is a dirty blood so she thinks that irregular menstruation can have bad effects or psychomatic disease such as headache.

4. IUD
IUD is similar to injection but have longer period of time.The period is about 1 year until 3 years. IUD is done by inserting a cylastic tube into the uterus. A cylastic tube must be taken out if the period is over. The side-effects of IUD is similar to the side-effects of injection.

5. Contraception barrier method (condoms or diaphragms)
The failure ratio of contraception barrier method is about 3 - 30 %.Condoms can be used for variations in sexual performance and can prevent sexual transmitted diseases. There are many kinds of condom. There is a condom which have texture for sexual variations or there is a condom which can be used as the extension of a penis.Diaphragm is a round elastic rubber which is inserted inside the vagina to prevent sperm from getting in the uterus.

6. Another method
Another method is using spermicyde to kill sperm so it can't fertilize the ovum. A spermicyde is chemical substance which can kill sperm. Women can use a vagina tablet, which have function similar to the function of a spermicyde.

7. Calendar method
This method have the biggest failure ratio. The manner of this method is by paying attention to the cycle of menstruation and the end of fertile period. Sometimes this method is used together with condom's method. Condom is used during the fertile period and calendar method is used during the infertile period. Calender method is intended for a woman who have a regular menstruation.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Top digital camera - compact

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

1. Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T700 (silver)
Part smart-looking snapshot camera, part 4GB portable digital photo album, the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T700 will satisfy those who like showing off their pictures as much as they like taking them.
Review date: Aug 18, 2008
Overall score: 8.0 (4.0 stars) Excellent

2. Canon PowerShot SD870 IS (Black)
While the Canon PowerShot SD870 IS doesn't have an optical viewfinder or manual exposure controls, it captures beautiful images with its wide, 3.8x optical zoom lens and ranks among the top compact cameras we've seen.
Review date: Aug 29, 2007
Overall score: 8.0 (4.0 stars) Excellent

3. Canon PowerShot SD850 IS
The Canon PowerShot SD 850 IS has just about everything you'd want in a point-and-shoot.
Review date: Jun 5, 2007
Overall score: 8.0 (4.0 stars) Excellent

4. Canon PowerShot SD790 IS
For most people, the excellent photo quality of the Canon PowerShot SD790 IS will more than make up for any slight performance deficiencies or minor shortcomings.
Review date: Jul 8, 2008
Overall score: 7.8 (3.5 stars) Very good

5. Canon PowerShot SD950 IS
Canon's SD950 IS looks great and can take very nice images, but the digital camera's whopping 12 megapixels will leave you waiting between shots.
Review date: Sep 19, 2007
Overall score: 7.8 (3.5 stars) Very good

6. Canon PowerShot SD750 (silver)
The Canon PowerShot SD750 has an attractive design, large LCD, and excellent photo quality for an ultracompact.
Review date: Apr 4, 2007
Overall score: 7.8 (3.5 stars) Very good

7. Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T200 (black)
Though still a solid camera, the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T200's touch-sensitive LCD and lower image quality present a step back from its excellent predecessor.
Review date: Nov 12, 2007
Overall score: 7.7 (3.5 stars) Very good

8. Canon PowerShot SD1100 IS (Brown)
Canon's SD1100 IS adds optical image stabilization to last year's hit SD1000, while delivering just as impressive image quality.
Review date: Mar 5, 2008
Overall score: 7.6 (3.5 stars) Very good

9. Fujifilm FinePix F50fd
The Fujifilm FinePix F50fd should please most snapshooters and its above-average exposure controls should appeal to advanced photographers, too.
Review date: Oct 9, 2007
Overall score: 7.5 (3.5 stars) Very good

10. Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W130 (Black)
The W130's quick performance and decent image quality make it a solid follow-up to the W90, and a good choice for a pocket point-and-shoot camera.
Review date: Feb 21, 2008
Overall score: 7.4 (3.5 stars) Very good

11. Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T70 (Silver)
The ultracompact Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T70 packs impressive performance and image quality into a sexy little camera body, but its touchy touch screen left us a tad teed.
Review date: Feb 13, 2008
3 stars Overall score: 7.4 (3.5 stars) Very good

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Pain reliefs

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:
  1. Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Celebrex: The Whole Story. NSAIDs are effective treatments for arthritis. But in some people they may cause stomach bleeding or heart trouble.
  2. Fighting Inflammation With Steroids. Corticosteroids cut arthritis inflammation by suppressing your immune system. But this may put you at higher risk for infection and other problems.
  3. Narcotics for Arthritis Pain: Are They Safe?. Narcotics are strong and effective pain relievers. But they may increase your risk of liver damage, and can be addictive if not used as directed.
  4. Biologics: New Drugs for Rheumatoid Arthritis. These drugs are derived from genes, and suppress a part of your immune system. But people with key chronic illnesses can't take them.
  5. DMARDs: Modifying the Course of Rheumatoid Arthritis. These drugs are derived from genes, and suppress a part of your immune system. But people with key chronic illnesses can't take them.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Berpelukan yang bermanfaat

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Berpelukan....... (^_^)
Pernah dengar semboyan ini??? Bagi yg menonton Teletubies tak akan merasa janggal mendengarnya.
Ternyata berpelukan itu baik buat kesehatan....asal yg dipeluk org yg tepat yah........
Selamat membaca artikel kesehatan di bawah ini!

Seberapa sering anda memeluk suami, pacar, adik atau sahabat anda?
Sering, jarang atau malah tidak pernah. Hmmm, berpelukan itu ternyata penting lho. Sebuah penelitian menunjukkan stres bisa berkurang hanya dengan berpelukan. Masa sih?
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dikeluarkan oleh jurnal Psychosomatic Medicine, pelukan hangat dapat melepaskan oxytocin, hormon yang berhubungan dengan perasaan cinta dan kedamaian. Hormon tersebut akan menekan hormon penyebab stres yang awalnya mendekam di tubuh.

Untuk melakukan penelitian ini, Dr Karen Grewen, peneliti asal Universitas North Carolina mengumpulkan 38 pasangan dalam satu tempat.
Ke-38 pasangan tersebut diminta untuk membicarakan hal-hal bahagia yang pernah mereka alami. Mereka juga diminta untuk menonton sebuah film romantis selama lima menit kemudian berpelukan selama 20 detik.
Sebelum semua kegiatan di atas dilakukan, Dr Karen dibantu rekan-rekannya melakukan pengukuran terhadap tekanan darah, tingkat stres dan jumlah hormon oxytocin. Hasilnya, tingkat stres semua orang yang diteliti berkurang. Hormon penyebab stres, cortisol dan
norepinephrine, menurun jumlahnya karena tergantikan oleh hormon oxytocin. Dan hasil akhirnya bisa memberikan kontribusi untuk kesehatan jantung anda.
Penelitian tersebut juga menunjukan wanita lebih responsif untuk memeluk pasangannya. Menurut Dr Karen, hal itu terjadi karena oxytocin lebih memiliki hubungan dekat dengan hormon estrogen yang diproduksi wanita.

Dalam kehidupan nyata hormon oxytocin ini bisa tercipta di sebuah perkawinan yang sehat. Artinya pernikahan tersebut bukanlah pernikahan yang sering diwarnai percekcokan bahkan kekerasan.
"Tidak semua orang memiliki pernikahan yang membahagiakan. Tapi kualitas dari hubungan pernikahan itu bisa menjadi tolak ukur kesehatan seseorang," urai Grewen,

Seorang ahli jantung yang berasal dari American Heart Association, Dr. Nieca Goldberg menambahkan penjelasan Grewen di atas.
"Inti dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menunjukan bahwa dukungan secara emosional dan psikologis bisa berpengaruh pada kesehatan jantung dan pikiran," jelasnya.

"Wanita yang tidak bahagia dalam pernikahannya, memiliki kecenderungan lebih tinggi untuk terkena serangan jantung. Kurangnya dukungan terhadap mereka berdampak negatif untuk kesehatan," tambah Goldberg lagi.
Dari hasil penelitian Dr Karren kita juga jadi tahu berteman dengan orang yang memiliki jenis kelamin sama bisa mengurangi tingkat stres pikiran. "Teman, hewan peliharaan bisa meningkatkan jumlah hormon oxytocin dan ini tentu suatu hal yang positif," imbuhnya.
So, pelukan nggak selalu harus didapat dari pasangan. Buat anda yang jomblo alias single, pelukan dengan teman atau kucing kesayangan juga bisa mengurangi stres. Selamat berpelukan.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Matsushita - National Panasonic Founder

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

My fave hero: Konosuke Matsushita

"the god of management"

Early life

Konosuke Matsushita was born in 1894 in the farming village of Wasa in Wakayama Prefecture, the son of a landlord. Poor investment decisions by his father in rice speculation ruined the family's finances, and Matsushita was sent to Osaka to work at a very young age.

In 1910, at the age of 16, Matsushita was taken on as a wiring assistant at the Osaka Electric Light Company. In 1915, he would marry Mumeno Iue.

Matsushita wanted to market a new light socket he had invented, and so in 1918, at the age of 23, he founded Matsushita Electric Appliance Factory with his first employees being himself, Mumeno, and Mumeno's brother, Toshio Iue. His company almost went bankrupt until a large order came in for electric fan parts. He used the money to expand production and drop prices for his lamp sockets, a strategy that paid off.

Matsushita used the trademark ‘National’ on Matsushita products, and dropped prices to make his lamp a mass-market product. Matsushita also used national newspaper advertising, an unusual form of marketing in Japan in the 1920s.

Matsushita and the post-war period

In post-war Japan, the company came under severe restrictions imposed on large Japanese companies by the Allies. Matsushita was in danger of removal as president, but was saved by a favourable petition signed by 15,000 employees.

In 1947, Konosuke lent his brother-in-law Toshio an unutilized manufacturing plant to manufacture bicycle lamps, which eventually became Sanyo Electric.

From 1950 to 1973, Matsushita's company became one of the world’s largest manufacturers of electrical goods, sold under well-known trademarks including Panasonic and Technics. Matsushita retired in 1973. Since 1954, Matsushita also gained a significant shareholding in manufacturer JVC by forming an alliance[1]. It still retains a 50% share today.

In retirement, Matsushita focused on developing and explaining his social and commercial philosophies, and wrote 44 published books. One of his books, entitled “Developing a road to peace and happiness through prosperity”, sold over four million copies.

Chronic lung problems lead to his death of pneumonia on 27 April 1989, at the age of 94. He died with personal assets worth US$3 billion, and left a company with US$42 billion in revenue business.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

My girl's story: Sri Mulyani

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Diambil dari

Mata kuliah akuntansi sering kali membuat mahasiswa pusing tujuh keliling. Menkeu Sri Mulyani mengakui dirinya sempat tidak menyukai salah satu mata kuliah itu. Malah kalau dirinya jadi akuntan, mungkin tak pernah menjadi menkeu.

"Akuntansi itu it's not my favourite waktu kuliah nilai saya itu 6 sampai 6,5 tapi saya selalu amazed dengan akuntansi ini karena kanan kirinya harus balanced. Saya bingung bagaimana bisa seperti itu, tapi ke depan makin lama saya makin suka, mungkin saya telat sukanya, tapi saya beruntung, kalau saya jadi akuntan mungkin saya tidak akan menjadi menkeu," ujarnya.
Hal itu disampaikannya saat membuka Konferensi Sektor Publik di Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta, Rabu (23/7/2008).

Akuntabilitas dalam pembuatan laporan keuangan negara itu penting dan sebagai menkeu dirinya kita bertanggung jawab untuk mengelola keuangan negara agar bisa dijalankan dengan baik.
"Meskipun saya sebagai menkeu ini bukan seorang akuntan. Kita punya tanggung jawab untuk membuat publik sektor lebih baik, dan yang paling penting itu adalah sisi keuangannya," ujarnya.

Kehadiran lembaga pengawas seperti BPK yang menggerayangi tiap sisi keuangan di negara ini tentunya diperlukan.
"Karena kalau Anda punya power kalau tidak ada yang ngecek maka akan ada korupsi pasti. Kekuasaan itu itu so delicious dan it's so tempting, bahkan lebih enak dari coklat atau nasi uduk, karena itu bagus kalau ada BPK yang mengaudit sisi keuangan," ujarnya.

Sekarang BPK sudah memeriksa keuangan negara, dan bahkan pernah menemukan 3.000 rekening liar di depertemen. "Saya tidak mau kalah, melihat hal ini saya marah, saya cari di tiap departemen ternyata saya menemukan 30.000 rekening liar," ujarnya.

Laporan keuangan pemerintah, menurut Sri Mulyani memang masih jauh dari sempurna, namun dia tidak suka kalau ada yang menyebut laporan keuangan pemerintah amburadul.
"Saya legowo kalau penilaian disclaimer, tapi saya benci kalau dibilang amburadul, karena disclaimer itu pasti ada alasannya. Mungkin masyarakat bertanya kenapa 4 tahun disclaimer tapi menkeunya tidak diganti-ganti saya katakan walaupun tiap tahun menkeunya diganti, laporan keuangan tetap disclaimer," ujarnya.

***Hmm, jangan marah ya bu, saya jadiin cewek saya di blog ini.
Tetap semangat!!! anda penyelamat negara ini.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Sang Maestro: Ni Ketut Canin

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Kalian pasti salut sama Ni Ketut Canin.

Penonton juga dibuat terkejut begitu menyaksikan sang penari utama ternyata sudah berusia lanjut, 85 tahun, namun penampilannya tetap saja prima. "Penampilannya luar biasa sekali. begitu juga dengan penarinya," kata Haruko Konishi, salah seorang penonton.

Selama dua jam, sang empu tari, bersama cucunya, Ni Wayan Sekariani dan cicitnya, Sri Maharyeni, membawakan tarian sakral Joged Pingitan. Sebuah tarian yang kian langka di Bali, karena hanya bisa disaksikan di dua desa saja, Desa Tegunungan dan Desa Sukawati.

Ungkapan seperti sugoi (luar biasa, hebat" ataupun amazing (menakjubkan) banyak keluar dari bibir para penonton yang baru saja menyaksikan penampilan Ni Ketut Cenik di sebuah aula di Gedung Bunka-Hoso, Tokyo, Selasa (16/9) malam. Sambil bertepuk tangan yang cukup lama, para penonton itu bangun dari kursinya dengan terus menatap ke arah Ni Ketut Cenin, yang bersama kelompoknya, perlahan-lahan meninggalkan panggung.

Komentar kekaguman tersebut memang merupakan kalimat yang paling pantas diucapkan untuk mengekspresikan kekaguman sekitar 200 penonton Tokyo, yang malam itu memadati media Plus Hall, di gedung Bunka-Hoso. Ribuan pengunjung Jepang sebelumnya mulai dari Osaka, Nagoya, Kyoto hingga Matsue sudah lebih dulu dibuat tepesona.

Penampilan dari perempuan kelahiran Banjar Pekandelan, Desa Batuan, Gianyar, menjadi istimewa, tidak saja penampilannya yang lincah, tetapi juga karena sang maestro melibatkan cucunya Ni Wayan Sekariani dan cicitnya Sri Maharyeni yang tampil tidak kalah energiknya. Sedangkan putranya, I Nyoman Budi Artha, yang juga pimpinan rombongan, bertindak selaku salah seorang pemusik gamelan.

Sama seperti tari Bali lainnya yang dinamis dan atraktif, ketiganya pun menari dengan lincah diiringi musik gamelan yang tidak kalah ramainya. Begitu gamelan berbunyi, dengan sigap NI Ketut Cenik menari, meliukkan badan dengan anggun, mengikuti irama musik. Saat menari seolah ada roh dari kekuatan tari itu yang hinggap dan membuatnya menjadi muda kembali.

Tarian yang menampilkan enam tokoh itu kemudian ditutup dengan tarian yang berkisah mengenai Calonarang. Sebuah cerita yang bersumber cerita rakyat mengenai kemenangan kebaikan atas kejahatan. Tarian yang dibawakan secara bergiliran itu ternyata mampu menahan penonton untuk tidak beranjak dari duduknya hingga pertunjukan berakhir.

Tari Joged Pingitan sendiri semakin tidak populer di kalangan generasi muda Bali, bahkan kian langka, karena hanya ada di pedesaan. Itu pun hanya terdapat di dua desa saja, salah satunya di Gianyar. Menurut I Nyoman Budi Artha, putra dari Ni Ketut Cenik,tarian tersebut berfungsi sebagai tarian wali, tarian ritual bagi sang dewa. Jadi bukan sembarang tarian.

"Bagi dodong (nenek) tari ini juga merupakan tarian untuk memuja dewa, jadi tidak bisa sembarangan," ujar Sekariani. Itu sebabnya sebelum membawakan tarian, baik pemusik, dan penari mengawalinya dengan sembahyang lebih dulu. Bahkan ruang tempat pertunjukan pun harus disucikan dulu.

Menurut Ni Wayan Sekariani, Jogged Pingitan salah satu penyebabnya karena tarian ini memiliki tingkat keahlian yang lebih sulit. Penarinya harus mampu membawakan gerakan tarian laki-laki yang tegas, namun juga mampu memadukannya dengan gerakan lembut dari tarian perempuan.

"Seiring dengan transformasi zaman, Joged Pingitan kini tinggal di desa-desa saja. Begitu juga dengan penarinya yang kian sulit ditemukan. Makanya kami, bersama Ni Ketut Cenik, giat mewariskan tarian ini ke generasi selanjutnya agar tidak hilang," katanya.

diambil dari

Cheers, frizzy2008.

French-Indonesian Science and Technology Program

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

French-Indonesian Science and Technology Program

The Government of the Republic of France in conjunction with the Indonesian Government has established the NUSANTARA Program. NUSANTARA is jointly managed by the Indonesian State Ministry for Research and Technology (RISTEK) and its French counterparts, the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (MAEE) and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR) but should encompass projects by any research centre irrespective of its administrative attachment.

The objective of NUSANTARA is to promote and support scientific and technological cooperation between French and Indonesian researchers in both public and private sectors.

Will be eligible to NUSANTARA any research laboratories from universities, public sector research institutes and companies.
The programme is open to the following areas of research:
• Biotechnologies including its applications to health (emerging infectious diseases and bio security, hepatitis virus, human avian influenza, H5N1, vector-borne diseases, etc.), food safety and resilience, as well as agronomy (consumption pattern, production, supply, land conversion, etc.)
• Information and communication technologies: Wimax technologies, open technology hardware, open source software, content development, network communication technology, standardization, and certification.
• Preservation of the environment: animal and vegetal biodiversity; water, land, climactic changes, oceanography
• Assessment and prevention of natural risks and or disaster management – including early warning system which involve geological, seismic, volcanic, climactic, geomagnetic sciences
• Energy including renewable energy (Nuclear Power Plant, coal power plant, geothermal, marine current energy, biomass, biofuel, solar-cell, etc.)
• Transportation: mass-rapid transportation, multi-moda transportation, linear motor car, maglev technology, long-span bridge, shipbuilding, air transportation system, etc.
• Human and Social sciences

It should be noted that both French and Indonesian partners have to apply to their respective agencies in charge of the management of the NUSANTARA programme.
If one of the two partners failed to apply or sent his application after the deadline, no funding would be granted to either partner.

NUSANTARA applications are invited once every two years. The appointed Indonesian referees will assess Indonesian applications, while French referees will review French applications. A Joint Committee, consisting of French and Indonesian experts, who will meet alternatively in France and Indonesia, will execute the final selection.
The involvement of young researchers studying for a PhD, or pursuing post-doctoral research, is one of the most important selection criteria.
Projects having previously benefited from Nusantara funding are not eligible.

Project duration
The projects selected under the current call for proposals will normally last two years (2009 and 2010), support for the second year being subject to progress in the first.
To this effect, the project leader must submit request for the second year to the Attaché for Science in the French Embassy in Jakarta and to RISTEK before November 28, 2009. A financial report of how the money was spent or to be spent as the implementation of the project should be attached to the request. If substantial scientific results have been achieved in the first months of the running of the project, the project leader can highlight it in brief.

Final report
A final report should be sent at the latest three months after the completion of the projects to French Embassy and to RISTEK. The French partners will have to do so by downloading the relevant file on the PHC extranet and to affix to their online file once completed.

The programme will support the international travel and living expenses associated with participation in the research project. Funding does not extend to insurances, salaries and equipment expenses, and other activities/costs not eligible for support.
Funding is granted on an annual basis for two consecutive years. Funds must imperatively be used between January 1 and December 31 (in France) and between February 1of any given year. Any funds not used will be lost.
Support to French beneficiaries provided by the French Government in France is only for travel and living expenses:
-Living expenses: 110 euros pd in the limit of 10 days
-Travel expenses: reimbursement according to actual costs with a limit of 1100 for return fare between France and Indonesia

Support to Indonesian beneficiaries provided by the Indonesian Government in Indonesia is only for travel and living expenses to three-five (3-5) Indonesian beneficiaries in 2009. Such support is only intended for one (1) researcher per selected project in 2009, and it will cover:
-Living expenses or per diem for the maximum of 5 (five) days per person.
The per diem will refer to the per diem rates applied, according to the Indonesian Ministry of Finance in 2009.
-Travel expenses: a return economic fare between Indonesia and France, in accordance with the rates from the Indonesian Ministry of Finance in 2009.

How to Apply
Applicants could be applied on-line. French applicants should refer to the EGIDE website (
Indonesian applicants may contact; to request an application form. Applications must be must be received by the posted closing date with the covering letter from the institutions where the applicant is coming from.
Applications for Indonesian may be considered in any other format (PdF format) and send it to the above e-mail addresses.
For the first round of application, the following schedule will apply:
-Deadline for sending applications: November 28, 2008
-Announcement of results: January 31, 2009
-Start of projects: February, 2009

Contact Persons
M. Dominique Dubois
Attaché de coopération scientifique et technique
Service de coopération et d'action culturelle
Ambassade de France en Indonésie
Jl Panarukan n° 35, Menteng Jakarta 10310
Tél : +62 21 31 93 17 95
Mél :

Dr. Teguh Rahardjo
Deputy Minister for Research, S&T Programs
qq Ms. Nada Marsudi, Acting Director for International, S&T Programs
The State Ministry of Research and Technology, Republic of Indonesia
BPPT 2nd Building, 6th Floor, Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 8, Jakarta 10340
Tel. +62-21-316 9174/316 9198,
e-mail :;

Cheers, frizzy2008.


Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah, seperti penyakit jantung koroner dan stroke, merupakan penyebab utama kematian dan kesakitan di Indonesia. Sejalan dengan perubahab gaya hidup dengan pola makanan yang cenderung cepat saji dengan kandungan lemak tinggi serta kurang olahraga, maka penderita penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah makin meningkat, dan bahkan dijumpai kecenderungan usia yang lebih muda.
Dibutuhkan pemeriksaan untuk menilai resiko penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah, yaitu pemeriksaan profil lipid, Lp(a) dan hsCRP. Di samping itu, apabila telah timbul gejala awal serangan jantung seperti nyeri dada, dapat dilakukan pemeriksaan Troponin T yang spesifik untuk kerusakan otot jantung. Selain itu, apabila dicurigai adanya sumbatan pembuluh darah, pemeriksaan D-dimer dapat membantu penegakan diagnosis.

Profil Lipid
Pemeriksaan Profil Lipid meliputi pemeriksaan trigliserida, kolesterol total, kolesterol HDL dan kolesterol LDL. Kadar Trigliserida dan kolesterol total serat LDL tinggi merupakan factor resiko terjadinya penyakit jantung dan pembilih darah, sedangkan kolesterol HDL merupakan pelindung terhadap penyakit tersebut. Pemeriksaan profil lipid dengan penerapan rekomendasi NCEP-ATP yang baru, dengan metode Glycerol-blanking untuk pemeriksaan kadar trigliserida, serta pemeriksaan kolesterol HDL dan LDL secara direk, sehingga diharapkan memberikan hasil yang akurat.

Lp (a)
Lp(a) atau Lipoprotein a merupakan zat yang dibuat oleh hati, dan dapat berikatan dengan reseptor kolesterol LDL. Lp(a) merupakan factor resiko tersendiri untuk penyakit jantung koroner. Kadar optimal Lp(a) adalah <> 20 mg/dl dianggap berisiko untuk terjadinya stroke dan jika kadarnya > 30 mg/dl dianggap berisiko untuk penyakit jantung koroner. Kadar Lp(a) yang tinggi juga merupakan salah satu penyebab kadar klesterol LDL meningkat dan sulit turun walaupun telah diobati.

CRP (C-reactive protein) merupakan protein fase akut yang diproduksi oleh hati sebagai respon terhadap infeksi atau peradangan. Peradangan juga berperan dalam patogenesis terjadinya aterosklerosis, dan telah dibuktikan bahwa pemeriksaan CRP, terutama dengan metode yang sangat sensitive (highly sensitive/hsCRP), mendukung dalam identifikasi resiko terjadinya penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah. Orang-orang dengan kadar CRP normal tinggi mempunyai resiko yang lebih besar untuk terjadinya sindrom koroner akut dibandingkan mereka dengan kadar CRP normal rendah.

Troponin T
Troponin T cardiac (cTnT) merupakan suatu protein yang berasal dari tropomiosin pada sel otot jantung. Saat ini , cTnT dan cTnl dinaggap terbaik untuk diagnosis dan stratifikasi risiko infark sehingga menjadi pemeriksaan standar, disamping pemeriksaan EKG dan gejala klinik.
D-dimer merupakan hasil pemecahan fibrin yang merupakan bukti terjadinya pembekuan darah (thrombus). Jika terjadinya pembekuan berlebihan dapat timbul sumbatan pembuluh darah, dan ini dapat dideteksidengan peningkatan kadar D-dimer.

Anak adalah buah hati orang tua dan harapan bangsa dimasa mendatang. Oleh karena itu kesehatan anak sangat penting, dan sudah dimulai sejak dalam kandungan. Lakukan pemeriksaan untuk deteksi infeksi pada ibu hamil yang mungkin menyebabkan cacat bawaan atau infeksi bawaan pada bayi yang dikandungnya (ToRCH-Toxoplasmosis, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus (CMV), dan Herpes, Simplex Virus (HSV-1 dan HSV-2). Pada pasangan orang tua juga dapat diperiksa adanya kelainan darah bawaan dengan pemeriksaan elektroforesis hemoglobin dengan metode high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
Disamping itu, juga terdapat program untuk penapisan hipotiroid congenital, untuk deteksi dini adanya gangguan hormone tiroid yang dapat menyebabkan hambatan pada perkembangan anak.

Kanker adalah penyakit yang sangat ditakuti karena rasa nyeri dan kesakitan yang ditimbulkannya. Deteksi dini terhadap kanker dapat mendorong pada tindakan yang lebih awal, sehingga dapat membatasi perkembangannya. Berbagai parameter pemeriksaan petanda tumor dapat diperiksa di laboratorium, yaitu AFP sebagai petanda tumor hati, PSA untuk kanker Prostat, CEA untuk kanker saluran cerna, Ca 125 untuk kanker ovarium serta Ca 15-3 untuk kanker payudara dll.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Plan Your Honeymoon in Bali

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

By eHow Weddings Editor

The exotic beauty of Bali's people and landscape transport visitors to another time and place, where tradition is treasure. Enjoy artist mountain villages, manicured rice terraces, cleansing rivers, world-class diving, surfing and golf, and the amazing Balinese furniture and architecture.

Difficulty: Moderate

Things You’ll Need
  • Long Pants
  • Long-sleeved Shirts
  • Swimsuits
  • Local Guidebooks
  • Maps
  • Bottled Water
  • Airline Tickets
  • Golf Clubs
  • Surfboards
Be prepared, Bali is sheltered from the turmoil other parts of Indonesia can experience. Rich in natural and cultural beauty, the island offers myriad outdoor activities - but luxury and relaxation don't come cheap.

Stay in one of the deluxe Begawan Giri Estate villas in Ubud, Bali's famous artist and craftsperson town in the rice-terraced mountainous interior.

Stroll the sculpted gardens of Begawan Giri (Wise Man's Mountain), swim in placid pools and marvel at the luxurious carved wood furniture and villa architecture.

Enjoy the world-class golf and surfing beaches while renting an authentic Balinese villa through Bali Vacation Properties (see

Prepare for heat, humidity and mosquitoes (mostly at night). Wear light clothing and a bathing suit where appropriate, and long-sleeved shirts and long cotton pants at night to ward off possible malaria-infested mosquitoes (see Warnings).

Drink Bintang (Star) beer, Bali's own brew. Cool down in the shade and rehydrate with some bottled water whenever possible.

Tips & Warnings
  • If staying in an open air bungalow (recommended), make sure you have a bed with mosquito netting, and burn mosquito coils to keep the critters away.
  • Hire a day boat from Sanur to take you to the tiny island of Nusa Lembongan for fantastic snorkeling in the shallow bay.
  • Flag a bimo (taxi) and visit the lake and volcano regions and their many temples. A bimo can be as cheap as $10 per day.
  • Getting to Bali is usually your major expense, so eat and drink well as long as the U.S. dollar is strong against the rupiah.
  • Get a massage often (it costs as little as $5 per hour).
  • Check with your local county health agency to see if anti-malarial medication and any other shots are recommended.
  • Wear reef shoes/booties if you plan to surf or walk over the reef. Sea snakes live there, and cuts and scrapes can become infected if not scrubbed and kept clean.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Straight-through UTP cables: Cabling tips for network professionals

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

This part of our series will focus on the wiring of CAT5 cable because it is the most common type of UTP cable in the world. It's flexible, easy to install and very reliable when wired properly. We'll also cover wiring classic CAT1 phone cables. It is very important that you know exactly how to wire UTP cables. Cabling is the base of a solid network, and doing it correctly the first time will help you avoid hours of frustration and troubleshooting. On the other hand, if you are dealing with a poorly cabled network, this knowledge will help you to find the problem and fix it more efficiently.

Wiring UTP cables
We are now going to look at how UTP cables are wired. There are two popular wiring schemes that most people use today: the T-568A and T-568B. These differ only in which color-coded pairs are connected -- pairs 2 and 3 are reversed. Both work equally well, as long as you don't mix them. If you always use only one version, you're okay, but if you mix A and B in a cable run, you will get crossed pairs.

RJ-45 jack and plugUTP cables are terminated with standard connectors, jacks and punchdowns. The jack/plug is often referred to as a "RJ-45," but that is really a telephone company designation for the "modular eight-pin connector" terminated with the USOC pinout used for telephones. The male connector on the end of a patch cord is called a "plug" and the receptacle on the wall outlet is a "jack."
UTP color codes

As I've already mentioned, UTP has four twisted pairs of wires. The illustration shows the pairs and the color codes they have. As you can see, the four pairs are labeled. Pairs 2 and 3 are used for normal 10/100 Mbps networks, while pairs 1 and 4 are reserved. In Gigabit Ethernet, all four pairs are used.

The picture below shows the end of a CAT5 cable with an RJ-45 connector. These are used by all cables to connect to a hub or to your computer's network card. The picture below that shows a stripped CAT5 cable and identifies the four twisted pairs.

CAT5 cable with an RJ-45 connector stripped CAT5 cable

And don't think that UTP CAT5 cable only comes in one boring color -- those days are over! You'll find a wide range of choices today, as you can see below.
UTP CAT5 cable colors UTP CAT5 cable colors UTP CAT5 cable colors

T-568A and T-568B four-pair wiring
Ethernet is generally carried in eight conductor cables with eight-pin modular plugs and jacks. The connector standard is called "RJ-45" and is just like a standard RJ-11 modular telephone connector, except it is a bit wider to carry more pins.

Note: Keep in mind that the wiring schemes we are going to talk about are all for straight-through cables only.

The eight-conductor data cable contains four pairs of wires. Each pair consists of a solid colored wire and a white wire with a stripe of the same color. The pairs are twisted together. To maintain reliability on Ethernet, you should not untwist them any more than necessary (about 1 cm). The pairs designated for 10 and 100 Mbps Ethernet are orange and green. The other two pairs, brown and blue, can be used for a second Ethernet line or for phone connections.

There are two wiring standards for these cables, called "T568A" (also called "EIA") and "T568B" (also called "AT&T" and "258A"). They differ only in connection sequence -- that is, which color is on which pin, not in the definition of what electrical signal is on a particular color.

T-568A is supposed to be the standard for new installations, while T-568B is an acceptable alternative. However, most off-the-shelf data equipment and cables seem to be wired to T568B. T568B is also the AT&T standard. In fact, I have seen very few people using T568A to wire their network. It's important not to mix systems, as both you and your equipment will become hopelessly confused.
Pin number designations for T568B
Note that the odd pin numbers (1, 3, 5 and 7) are always the white with a stripe of color. The wires connect to RJ-45 eight-pin connectors as shown below:
568B wiring method Pin number designations for T568B

Here we break out the color codes for T568B:

Pin 1: white/orange (pair 2) TxData +
Pin 2: orange (pair 2) TxData -
Pin 3: white/green (pair 3) RecvData+
Pin 4: blue (pair 1)
Pin 5: white/blue (pair 1)
Pin 6: green (pair 3) RecvData-
Pin 7: white/brown (pair 4)
Pin 8: brown (pair 4)

The wall jack may be wired in a different sequence, because the wires are often crossed inside the jack. The jack should either come with a wiring diagram or at least designate pin numbers. Note that the blue pair is on the center pins; this pair translates to the red/green pair for ordinary telephone lines which are also in the centre pair of an RJ-11 (green=white/blue, red=blue).
Pin number designations for T568A
The T568A specification reverses the orange and green connections so that pairs 1 and 2 are on the center 4 pins, which makes it more compatible with the telephone company voice connections. (Note that in the RJ-11 plug at the top, pairs 1 and 2 are on the center 4 pins.) The illustrations show the order of colors in T568A.
568A wiring method Pin number designations for T568A

Pin color codes for T568A in writing are as follows:

Pin 1: white/green (pair 3) RecvData+
Pin 2: green (pair 3) RecvData-
Pin 3: white/orange (pair 2) TxData +
Pin 4: blue (pair 1)
Pin 5: white/blue (pair 1)
Pin 6: orange (pair 2) TxData -
Pin 7: white/brown (pair 4)
Pin 8: brown (pair 4)

The diagram below shows the 568A and 568B in comparison:

568A vs 568B pinouts
Where are they used?
The most common application for a straight-through cable is a connection between a PC and a hub or switch. In this case, the PC is connected directly to the hub or switch, which will automatically cross over the cable internally, using special circuits. In the case of a CAT1 cable, which is usually found in telephone lines, only two wires are used. These do not require any special cross over since the phones connect directly to the phone socket.

CAT5 straight-through cable connecting PC to hub

The picture above shows a standard CAT5 straight-through cable used to connect a PC to a hub. You might expect the TX+ of one side to connect to the TX+ of the other side, but this is not the case. When you connect a PC to a hub, the hub will automatically x-over the cable by using its internal circuits. The result is that pin 1 from the PC (which is TX+) connects to pin 1 of the hub (which connects to RX+).This happens for the rest of the pinouts as well.

If the hub didn't cross over the pinouts using its internal circuits (this happens when you use the uplink port on the hub), then pin 1 from the PC (which is TX+) would connect to pin 1 of the hub (which would be TX+ in this case). So, no matter what we do with the hub port (uplink or normal), the signals assigned to the eight pins on the PC side of things will always remain the same. The hub's pinouts, however, will change depending whether the port is set to normal or uplink.

Balik dari libur lebaran

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Hai semuanya...
"Selamat hari raya Idul Fitri 1429 H"
"Mohon maaf lahir dan batin"
baru masuk kantor lagi, jadi baru bisa posting. Secara telkomsel flash lagi dibanned sama om google, jadi gak bisa ngupdate di rokum.
Cheers, frizzy2008.

Tua-tua keladi, Anggun C Sasmi

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Please enjoy...

Your 12 Most Embarrassing Beauty Questions

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

WebMD Feature from "Redbook" Magazine
By Amy M. Keller.

When the normal bacteria on your feet interact with moisture trapped in your socks and shoes, they emit stinky sulfurous byproducts, says Doris J. Day, M.D., an assistant professor of dermatology at New York University.

1. What causes foot odor?
The fix: Since dry feet equals odor-free feet, wear absorbent cotton socks with shoes made from breathable materials, like canvas and leather, and sprinkle Zeasorb - an over-the-counter drying powder - into your shoes every morning. Three nights a week, pour a pot of tea made with several regular (not herbal) tea bags into a basin, then soak your feet for five to 10 minutes. The tannic acid in tea temporarily inhibits sweat production. See your doctor if your feet are also red, swollen or scaly to make sure a bacterial or fungal infection isn't causing the smell.

2. Why does my breath smell despite constant brushing?
Although brushing will help prevent cavities (so don't stop scrubbing), it can only mask bad breath, since the problem really lies within your throat and tongue, not your teeth. When the bacteria in your mouth lose access to oxygen (which can happen when you use alcohol-based mouthwashes, take certain prescription medications for depression or high blood pressure or simply sit with your mouth shut for a long time), they emit smelly sulfur compounds, says Harold Katz, D.D.S., founder of The California Breath Clinic in Los Angeles; this is the same principle at work with foot odor. Eating garlic and onion also makes your breath stink because they contain - surprise - those same sulfur compounds.

The fix: Contrary to popular belief, a tongue scraper won't banish bad breath - sulfur compounds cannot be removed manually. Instead, keep your mouth oxygenated by drinking water throughout the day and using an over-the-counter oral rinse with chlorine dioxide in both the A.M. and the P.M. to neutralize sulfur compounds. (Try TheraBreath Oral Rinse.) Chewing on oxygen-rich vegetables, like parsley and celery, can also diminish odors. If these tricks don't work, see your dentist.

3. I've started to sweat through my blouses. Should I be worried?
Most likely there's nothing to fear, says Joseph L. Jorizzo, M.D., chairperson of dermatology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, NC. You probably just have a benign, hereditary tendency toward excessive sweating that can crop up at any age. But see your doctor to rule out an overactive thyroid, a low blood-sugar level and a number of other problems that can cause continual heavy sweating.

The fix: Before bed, towel-dry your armpits and apply the prescription antiperspirant solution Drysol (it contains a higher percentage of aluminum chloride - a drying agent - than regular deodorants do). Wash the solution off in the A.M. and don't reapply any deodorant. Repeat nightly. Still not satisfied? Ask your doctor about Botox injections - one treatment ($800 to $1,500) can paralyze sweat glands for six months to a year.

4. Every time I shave, I get a bumpy rash along my bikini line -- what's causing it?
A too-close shave or waxing can make hairs split and loop around just under the surface of the skin. As these off-kilter hairs grow, they push up against your skin, causing inflammation and redness, says Lawrence Moy, M.D., chief of dermatology at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center.

The fix: Put down your loofah; dermatologists now agree that rubbing the bumps to free trapped hairs will only make the problem worse. Instead, apply an OTC acetylsalicylic acid (a.k.a. aspirin) solution twice a day for two to seven days to gently exfoliate the top layer of your skin. (Try Soft Cell.) Once you shed this layer, the looped hairs will be able to poke through. A cortisone injection, administered by your dermatologist, will decrease inflammation in bigger bumps. If ingrown hairs are a persistent problem, you may want to consider laser treatment, which damages the hair follicles and prevents hair growth. You'll need about three treatments (each around $350) followed by a touch-up every six months to a year.

5. I've heard that spider veins are hereditary. My mom doesn't have them, so why do I?
Genetics isn't the only cause of these unsightly blue veins. Pregnancy and trauma to the leg (like bumping into something) can bring them on, says Esta Kronberg, M.D., a Houston, TX, dermatologist.

The fix: Though vitamin K cream has been touted by some as the next big thing in spider-vein treatment (possibly because of its ability to constrict blood vessels, which supposedly makes veins less visible), there's no way the molecules in the cream can penetrate the skin on your legs and be absorbed into your veins, says Jorizzo. The best option - with 95 percent of patients seeing improvement after one to three treatments (up to $300 per treatment, per leg) -- is still sclerotherapy, tiny injections of saline solution, which irritates veins and causes them to swell shut.

6. Are the bumps on my butt and on the backs of my arms pimples?
No. They're actually called keratosis pilaris - the cause is unknown, but some claim that it's a hereditary condition.

The fix: You can soften and help slough off bumps by rubbing them with a mixture of equal parts petroleum jelly and either water or cold cream. If that doesn't work, prescription Retin-A probably will, but it can irritate the surrounding skin. A better alternative: prescription LactiCare-HC Lotion 2 1/2%, which contains lactic acid to dissolve dead skin cells and hydrocortisone to soothe any acid-induced irritation. Rub lotion onto bumps twice a day until they clear up.

7. What's causing my toenail fungus?
Toenail fungus is actually athlete's foot (often picked up from shared showers or borrowed shoes) that has spread into your toenails.

The fix: The most effective treatment is a prescription antifungal pill like Lamisil or Sporanox, but be warned: These treatments are only 70 to 80 percent effective at best, and even when they work it takes nearly a year and a half for the toenail to fully grow out, says Day. Prevent a recurrence by wearing shower slippers every time you rinse off at the gym and by not borrowing shoes.

8. Why do my teeth look so dingy?
Smoking and excessive consumption of dark beverages (like coffee, tea, soda and red wine) are the main causes of stained teeth, says Lana Rozenberg, D.D.S., founder of the Rozenberg Dental Day Spa in New York City.

The fix: As with clothing stains, the longer discolorations remain on your teeth, the harder they are to remove - so keep up those twice-a-year dental visits. You can lighten your teeth several shades with a whitening toothpaste that contains carbamide peroxide, but use it only once a day to avoid drying out gum tissue. (Try Rembrandt Plus with Peroxide toothpaste.) Floss treated with the whitening agent silica has also been proven to polish away stains, which often form between teeth. (Try Johnson & Johnson Reach Whitening Floss.) For more dramatic results, your dentist can bleach your teeth up to eight shades brighter with a highly concentrated peroxide gel administered via laser ($800 to $1,500) or in a custom-fitted mouthpiece ($600 to $1,000) that you wear an hour a day for about 10 days, says Rozenberg. (Though drugstore bleaching kits are much less expensive, they aren't quite as effective -- the gel isn't as strong, and since the mouthpieces aren't created specifically for you, the gel can drip out of them and inflame your gums.)

9. Why do I have stretch marks?
You may suspect that the marks on your tummy, thighs or hips were caused by pregnancy or significant weight fluctuations. What you may not know, though, is that hormonal changes that occur during normal growth spurts can also cause your skin to stretch and scar, says Lawrence Moy, M.D. Red marks appear when your skin stretches and thins so much that you can see your blood flowing through the skin's thinned outer layers, says Joseph L. Jorizzo, M.D., When your skin stretches minimally or the stretched skin is thick, white marks result.

The fix: No treatment is guaranteed to remove stretch marks, but you can make them less noticeable. Try twice-daily applications of OTC Striae Stretch Mark Creme - several studies have confirmed that it can reduce red or white marks in about four weeks. Or ask your doctor about laser therapy ($450 to $700 per treatment), which can tone down the brightness of recently acquired red marks, or microdermabrasion ($50 to $150 per session), which can diminish the appearance of white marks.

10. Could there be a serious underlying cause for excess facial hair?
If you fight your follicles on a daily basis or sprout lots of hairs on your chin, see your doctor. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (a disorder characterized by high levels of male hormones) or an adrenal gland problem could be to blame. If you're moderately hairy (you tidy up your brows or upper-lip area once a month), you've probably just got your genes to thank.

The fix: Vaniqa - a new, odorless prescription cream- has recently been approved by the FDA to decrease light to heavy hair growth anywhere on the face ($50 for a two-month supply). Though it doesn't yield immediate results (you'll need to keep using your regular hair-removal methods at first), the cream blocks one of the enzymes responsible for hair growth, gradually slowing it down as long as you continue to use it, says Ken Washenik, M.D., director of dermatopharmacology at New York University School of Medicine. For those who don't respond to Vaniqa, six laser hair treatments ($150 each) can significantly decrease hair growth for months. A monthly electrolysis session for up to a year ($60 to $100 each) can remove hair permanently.

11. Why is my face so shiny?
If you are also losing hair and have stopped getting your period, a hormonal imbalance could be the culprit, and you should see your doctor. If not, your skin is just oversensitive to your male hormones (we all have them) - and this is triggering the production of excess oil. Another possibility: a too-harsh cleansing routine (some of you have written to us saying you use rubbing alcohol to nix shine!). Many derms believe that alcohol-based toners and gritty scrubs can overdry and irritate your skin and make it produce extra oil to compensate, says Doris J. Day, M.D.

The fix: Your best bet is to regulate oil without overdrying your skin. So in the morning, wash your face with an oil-free lotion cleanser, then rub on an alcohol-free toner. (Try Cetaphil Daily Facial Cleanser for Normal to Oily Skin and Bath & Body Works Bio Face Oil-Control Facial Toner.) Top with the OTC oil-absorbing gel Clinac OC. Sop up shiny spots throughout the day with blotting papers. (Try Hard Candy Shiny Sheets.) Repeat your A.M. routine - minus the gel - before bed. If you continue to shine, ask your dermatologist about Retin-A Micro. Less irritating than regular Retin-A, this prescription cream was created to treat acne but has also been proven effective against oiliness.

12. What causes hand warts?
The human papilloma virus is responsible for warts - but to get them you have to be both genetically predisposed and in close contact with an infected person, says Doris J. Day, M.D.

The fix: With a clean nail file, gently slough off the top layers of your warts daily to remove dead skin, says Day. (Do not use this nail file for anything but wart removal.) Then rub on over-the-counter Occlusal HP - its highly concentrated salicylic acid dissolves warts. If warts remain after several months, consult your dermatologist about other remedies, including laser therapy and liquid nitrogen treatments. Despite treatment, however, warts can come back. A warning: Be careful when engaging in sexual activity - though it's unlikely, hand warts can spread to your (or your partner's) genitals.

Taken from WebMD
Cheers, frizzy2008

Flu Glossary

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Medical terms related to the flu can be confusing. Here are brief definitions for common terms you may hear from your doctor or friends.

Antibacterial. Capable of killing bacteria or slowing their growth.

Antibiotics. Medicines that treat infections by killing bacteria; they have no effect on viruses, like the flu.

Antibiotic resistance. A condition in which bacteria adapt to an antibiotic medicine and become immune to it.

Antiviral agent. Medications that treat viral infections. Flu antivirals like Tamiflu or Relenza can be used to treat the flu (if given within 48 hours of becoming sick) or to prevent it in people at high risk.

Bacteria. Microscopic one-celled organisms, some of which can cause illness.

Bronchitis. Inflammation of the airways leading to the lungs; it can be caused by viruses or bacteria.

Common cold. An viral infection of the upper respiratory tract; colds are unrelated to influenza.

Germs. Any microbes, including viruses or bacteria.

Immune system. The group of organs and specialized cells in the body that protect against disease.

Immunity. Protection from disease.

Immunization. A way of making a person immune to a disease; specifically, vaccination.

Influenza. Also called the flu, a common but sometimes serious viral infection of the respiratory tract, causing congestion, fever, body ache, and other symptoms.

Microbe. A microscopic organism.

Nasal vaccine. A vaccination, like FluMist, that is inhaled through the nose, rather than injected.

Pneumonia. Inflammation of the lungs, causing fever, chills, cough, chest pain, and difficulty breathing, that is often caused by a virus or bacterial infection.

Reye's syndrome. A life-threatening brain disease that can follow infection with a virus, like the flu, and is most common in children; it’s associated with taking medicines containing aspirin.

Sinusitis. Swelling of the sinuses, especially the ones around the nasal passages; it might be caused by infection with a virus or bacteria.

“Stomach flu.” The informal name for gastrointestinal illnesses caused by any number of different microbes; it has no relation to actual influenza.

Vaccine. A substance, often given by injection, that protects against a disease; vaccines contain a dead or weakened version of a microbe, which spurs the immune system to recognize and destroy the living microbe during future infection.

Virus. A microscopic organism that invades living cells to reproduce; many, like influenza, cause illness.

Taken from WebMD
Cheers, frizzy2008.

Saatnya mengatur 'ACTION' hubungan anda

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Untuk wanita, gunakan alat deteksi kadar hormon LH (Luteinizing Hormone) pada air seni.
  1. Ketahui siklus haid anda, hitung dari hari pertama menstruasi sampai hari sebelum hari pertama menstruasi periode berikutnya.
  2. Tentukan kapan mulai test.
  3. Jika anda menginginkan kehamilan, lakukan hubungan intim 1 hingga 6 hari setelah 'masa subur'.
  4. Bila anda ingin menghindari kehamilan, hindari hubungan intim 1 hingga 6 hari setelah 'masa subur'.
  5. Jikalau hasil sudah negatif, anda dapat melakukan hubungan intim tanpa resiko kehamilan.
Hmm, aku adalah pria menikah, hal-hal ini sangat berguna buatku dan istriku.
Buat yang belum menikah? mungkin berguna juga yach...

by fertitest
Cheers, frizzy2008.

Recent Comments

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Cheers, frizzy2008.

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Fahmi Rizwansyah says:


13 Wajah Gerakan Syahwat Merdeka

Di dalam gelombang reformasi yang membawa perubahan politik sewindu yang lalu, sebuah arus besar digerakkan oleh kelompok permisif dan adiktif menumpang masuk ke tanah air kita. Arus besar itu, sesuai karakteristiknya, tepat disebut sebagai gerakan syahwat merdeka.

Tak ada sosok organisasi resminya, tapi jaringan kerja samanya mendunia, kapital raksasa mendanainya, ideologi gabungan melandasinya, dan banyak media massa jadi pengeras suaranya.

Ada tiga belas komponen dalam gerakan dengan seks sebagai jaringan pengikatnya ini:

PERTAMA adalah praktisi sehari-hari kehidupan pribadi dan kelompok dalam perilaku seks bebas hetero dan homo, terang-terangan dan sembunyi-sembunyi dan sebagian anti-pernikahan resmi.

KEDUA, penerbit majalah dan tabloid mesum, yang telah menikmati tiada perlunya SIUPP. Mereka menjual wajah dan kulit perempuan muda, lalu menawarkan jasa hubungan kelamin pada pembaca pria dan wanita lewat nomor telepon genggam.

KETIGA, produser, penulis skrip, dan pengiklan acara televisi syahwat. Seks siswa dengan guru, ayah dengan anak, siswa dengan siswa, siswa dengan pria paruh baya, siswa dengan pekerja seks komersial --ditayangkan pada jam prime time, kalau pemainnya terkenal. Setiap tayangan televisi, rata-rata 170 juta orang yang memirsa.

KEEMPAT, 4,200,000 (empat koma dua juta) situs porno dunia, 100,000 (seratus ribu) situs porno Indonesia di internet. Dengan empat kali klik di komputer, anatomi tubuh perempuan dan laki-laki, sekaligus cara berfungsinya, dapat diakses gratis, sama mudahnya dilakukan baik dari San Francisco, Timbuktu, Rotterdam, maupun Sidoarjo.

KELIMA, penulis, penerbit, dan propagandis buku syahwat 1/4 sastra dan 1/2 sastra. Di Malaysia, penulis yang mencabul-cabulkan karyanya penulis pria. Di Indonesia, penulis yang asyik dengan wilayah selangkang dan sekitarnya mayoritas penulis perempuan. Ada kritikus sastra Malaysia berkata: "Wah, Pak Taufiq, pengarang wanita Indonesia berani-berani. Kok, mereka tidak malu, ya?" Memang begitulah, RASA MALU ITU YANG SUDAH TERKIKIS, bukan saja pada penulis-penulis perempuan aliran s.m.s. (sastra mazhab selangkang) itu, melainkan juga pada banyak bagian dari bangsa.

KEENAM, penerbit dan pengedar komik cabul. Komik yang kebanyakan terbitan Jepang yang diterjemahkan itu tampak di kulit luar biasa saja, tapi di dalamnya banyak gambar hubungan badannya, misalnya (bukan main) antara siswa dan Bu Guru. Harganya Rp 2.000.

KETUJUH, produsen, pengganda, pembajak, pengecer, dan penonton VCD/DVD biru. Indonesia kini jadi surga besar pornografi paling murah di dunia. Angka resmi produksi dan bajakan 2 juta-20 juta keping setahun. Harga yang dulu Rp 30.000 sekeping, kini turun menjadi Rp 3.000. Luar biasa murah. Anak-anak SMA, SMP, bahkan SD kita bisa membelinya tanpa risi karena tak ada larangan peraturan pemerintah. Sesudah menonton, mereka ingin mencobakannya, dan akhirnya bisa terlibat prostitusi dan/atau aborsi.

KEDELAPAN, pabrikan dan konsumen alkohol. Minuman keras dari berbagai merek dengan mudah bisa diperoleh di pasaran. Kemasan botol kecil diproduksi, mudah masuk kantong celana, harga murah, dijual di kios tukang rokok di depan sekolah, remaja dengan bebas bisa membelinya. Di Amerika dan Eropa, batas umur larangan di bawah 18 tahun.

KESEMBILAN, produsen, pengedar, dan pengguna narkoba. Tingkat keterlibatan Indonesia bukan pada pengedar dan pengguna saja, bahkan kini sampai pada derajat produsen dunia. Enam juta anak muda Indonesia terperangkap dan ratusan ribu menjadi korbannya.

KESEPULUH, pabrikan, pengiklan, dan pengisap nikotin. Korban racun nikotin 57.000 orang per tahun, maknanya setiap hari 156 orang mati, atau setiap sembilan menit seorang pecandu rokok meninggal. Pemasukan pajak Rp 15 trilyun (1996), tapi ongkos pengobatan berbagai penyakit akibatnya Rp 30 trilyun.

Mengapa alkohol, narkoba, dan nikotin termasuk dalam kategori kontributor arus syahwat merdeka ini? Karena sifat adiktifnya, kecanduannya, yang sangat mirip, begitu pula proses pembentukan ketiga adiksi tersebut dalam susunan saraf pusat manusia. Dalam masyarakat permisif, interaksi antara seks dan alkohol, narkoba dan nikotin, akrab sekali. Interaksi ini kemudian berlanjut dengan tindak kriminal berikutnya: pemerasan, perampokan, sampai ke titik puncaknya pembunuhan.

KESEBELAS, pengiklan perempuan dan laki-laki panggilan. Dalam masyarakat permisif, iklan semacam ini menjadi jembatan komunikasi yang diperlukan.

KEDUA BELAS, germo dan pelanggan prostitusi. Apabila hubungan syahwat suka-sama-suka yang gratis tidak tersedia, hubungan dalam bentuk perjanjian bayaran merupakan jalan keluarnya. Dalam hal ini, prostitusi berfungsi.

KETIGA BELAS, dokter dan dukun praktisi aborsi. Akibat kombinasi berbagai faktor di atas, kasus pemerkosaan dan kehamilan di luar pernikahan meningkat drastis.

Seorang peneliti dari sebuah universitas di Jakarta menyebutkan bahwa angka aborsi di Indonesia 2,2 juta setahun. Maknanya setiap 15 detik seorang calon bayi di suatu tempat di negeri kita meninggal akibat dari salah satu atau gabungan faktor-faktor di atas. Inilah produk akhirnya.

Luar biasa destruksi sosial yang dilakukan Gerakan Syahwat Merdeka ini, yang ciri kolektifnya adalah budaya malu yang telah kikis nyaris habis dalam diri mereka.

Taufiq Ismail
Penyair, budayawan
Cheers, frizzy2008

Koran Indonesia (Indonesian Newspaper)

  • Analisa

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    - malware

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    - no longer exist

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    - no longer exist

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  • Media Indonesia

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    - malware

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    - no longer exist

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    - malware

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  • Timika Post - malware

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  • Waspada

  • Wawasan Digital

  • Kualitas tidur

    Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

    Dulu aku pernah mendengar kata-kata quality of sleep atau kualitas tidur, seingatku artikelnya ditulis dari berbagai nara sumber langsung. Ada profesional, kyai/ulama, dokter dll. Trus iseng-iseng nyari artikel mengenai ini lagi trus nemu yang seperti ini.

    1. Yang terbaik, delapan jam setiap hari.
    Sebenarnya tak ada yang spesial dari angka delapan. Menurut psikolog dari New York University, Joyce Walsleben, Ph.D., penulis A Woman's Guide to Sleep, setiap orang punya kebutuhan yang berbeda dan Anda akan menyadari cukup tidur ketika tak merasa mengantuk berat di siang hari.

    2. Jika bisa mendapatkannya, tidur lebih banyak biasanya lebih sehat.
    Kenyataannya tidak demikian. Sejumlah riset mengungkap orang yang tidur lebih dari delapan jam semalam meninggal dalam usia lebih muda ketimbang mereka yang tidur selama enam hingga delapan jam. Apa yang belum dapat diungkap para ilmuwan adalah : apakah tidur lebih lama menyebabkan pengaruh buruk bagi kesehatan atau menimbulkan gejala seperti itu, kata Najib Ayas, M.D., MPH, asisten profesor medis di University of British Columbia. Yang jelas, orang yang kebanyakan tidur biasanya disebabkan beberapa gangguan kesehatan seperti sleep apnea, depresi, diabetes yang tak terkendali.

    3. Ada orang yang cukup tidur empat jam saja.
    Tokoh legendaris yang dikenal biasa tidur singkat — seperti Bill Clinton, Madonna, dan Margaret Thatcher — ternyata tidak selalu dapat mengatasi masalah kurang tidur. "Mereka sebenarnya hanya tak sadar betapa besar rasa kantuk yang dirasakan," ungkap Thomas Roth, Ph.D., peneliti dari Henry Ford Hospital di Detroit.

    Tidur yang terlalu sedikit jelas dapat memberi pengaruh negatif bagi kesehatan selain juga citra Anda. Kurang tidur membuat aktivitas Anda menjadi terganggum tidak efektif, menyebabkan sakit (memperlemah sistem imun), dan memicu obesitas.

    4. Bangun tengah malam menyebabkan Anda lemas seharian.
    Kenyataannya bisa sebaliknya. Bangun di tengah malam bisa menjadi siklus alami seseorang. Tak sedikit binatang yang tidur dengan cara seperti ini dan banyak indikasi bahwa nenek moyang kita juga melakukannya, seperti terjaga di malam hari untuk melakukan seks, kata Thomas Wehr, M.D., ilmuwan dari National Institute of Mental Health.

    5. Anda butuh obat resep jika menderita insomnia setiap malam
    Obat tidur didesain untuk gangguan tidur sementara atau jangka pendek, yang disebabkan stress seperti dipecat dari pekerjaan atau melakukan penerbangan transatlantik. Pasien yang mengalami gangguan tidur jangka panjang biasanya ditangani melalui cognitive behavioral therapy. Terapi ini dilakukan dengan cara melatih kembali persepsi tentang tidur dan belajar membiasakan tidur yang baik seperti pergi ke kamat tidur pada jam yang sama setiap malam, menghindari tayangan TV dan komputer sebelum tidur dan tak minum kafein setidaknya enam jam sebelum tidur, dan perubahan gaya hidup lainnya

    6. Anda bisa membayar tidur pada akhir pekan.
    Membayar kekurangan tidur pada akhir pekan karena sering begadang — apa yang disebut ahli tidur dari Harvard Robert Stickgold, Ph.D., sebagai "sleep bulimia" — dapat mengejutkan ritme biologis Anda dan membuat lebih sulit untuk mencapai tidur yang menyegarkan. Tidur hingga siang bolong pada hari Minggu bisanya dapat mencegah Anda kembali tertidur pada jam 10 malam hari tersebut. Oleh sebab itu, alih-alih membayar kekurangan tidur dari pekan sebelumnya, Anda justru menyetel atau menciptakan siklus tanpa tidur untuk sepekan ke depan. "Tubuh kita mencintai konsistensi," kata Donna Arand, Ph.D., jurubicara American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Jadi, yang terbaik adalah bangun pada jam yang sama setiap hari, bahkan di akhir pekan sekalipun.

    dari WebMD dan beberapa sumber.
    Cheers, frizzy2008.

    The world factbook -- Indonesia by CIA

    Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

    Indonesia factbook by CIA:

    Cheers, frizzy2008.