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Showing posts with label tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tips. Show all posts

Cold & Flu Remedies, Naturally

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

It’s no wonder natural cold and flu remedies are popular – modern medicine has yet to offer a cure for these age-old ailments. While some antiviral drugs can prevent and shorten the flu’s duration, most medications only offer temporary relief of symptoms. Many natural remedies provide temporary relief as well, and a few may actually help you get better. See which cold and flu remedies show the most promise.

Echinacea is an herbal supplement that can boost immune system activity. But it’s unclear whether this boost helps fight off colds or flu. Some researchers have reported no benefits, but at least one recent study paints a more positive picture. Participants who took echinacea shortened their colds by an average of 1.4 days. Still, experts remain skeptical, and it’s best to check with a doctor before trying this or other herbal remedies.

Some studies show that Zinc appears to have antiviral properties. There is some evidence the mineral may prevent the formation of certain proteins that cold viruses use to reproduce themselves. Whether this translates to an effective treatment may depend on how the zinc is taken. A review of published studies suggests zinc lozenges have no effect on the length of a cold. Zinc nasal gel appears promising, but more research is needed.

Vitamin C
The cold-fighting prowess of vitamin C remains uncertain. Some studies suggest it can help shorten the duration of the common cold very slightly. Other studies show that it may help prevent colds. In one large study, people recovered from colds more quickly after taking a megadose (8,000 milligrams) on the first day of the cold. But taking more than 2,000 milligrams of vitamin C per day may cause kidney stones and diarrhea.

Chicken Soup
Grandma was onto something. Chicken soup may help cold symptoms in more than one way. Inhaling the steam can ease nasal congestion. Sipping spoonfuls of fluid can help avoid dehydration. And some advocates say the soup may soothe inflammation. Researchers have found chicken soup has anti-inflammatory properties in the lab, though it’s unclear whether this effect translates to real-world colds.

Hot Tea
Drinking hot tea offers some of the same benefits as chicken soup. Inhaling the steam relieves congestion, while swallowing the fluid soothes the throat and keeps you hydrated. Black and green teas have the added bonus of being loaded with disease-fighting antioxidants.

Hot Toddy
The hot toddy is an age-old nighttime cold remedy. Since you won’t want to drink black tea before bed, make a cup of hot herbal tea. Add a teaspoon of honey, a small shot of whiskey or bourbon, and a squeeze of lemon. This mixture may ease congestion, soothe the throat and help you sleep. Limit yourself to one hot toddy. Too much alcohol can affect the immune system.

Garlic has long been touted for legendary germ-fighting abilities. While there is not enough research to recommend it as a cold remedy, garlic is very nutritious. In addition, it can help spice up your meals when a stuffy nose makes everything taste bland.

Horseradish Gargle
Horseradish is a folk remedy for breaking up mucus in the breathing passages. One option is to mix ground-up horseradish and honey into a glass of water, then gargle.

For a heavy dose of steam, use a room humidifier – or simply sit in the bathroom with the door shut and a hot shower running. Breathing in steam can break up congestion in the nasal passages, offering relief from a stuffy or runny nose.

Saline Drops
Dripping saltwater into the nose can remove virus and bacteria particles, while reducing congestion. Try over-the-counter saline drops, or make your own by mixing 8 ounces of warm water with 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon baking soda. Use a bulb syringe to squirt the mixture into one nostril while holding the other one closed. Repeat 2-3 times and then do the other side.

Neti Pot
For a more systematic nasal rinse, the neti pot is an option. This small ceramic pot is used to flush out the nasal passages with a saltwater solution – a process known as nasal irrigation. The result is thinner mucus that drains more easily. Research suggests neti pots are useful in relieving sinus symptoms, such as congestion, pressure, and facial pain, particularly in patients with chronic sinus troubles.

Menthol Ointment
Days of wiping and blowing your nose can leave the skin around your nostrils sore and irritated. A simple remedy is to dab a menthol-infused ointment under the nose. Menthol has mild numbing agents that can relieve the pain of raw skin. As an added benefit, breathing in the menthol aroma can help open clogged passages.

Saltwater Gargle
For a sore throat, the traditional saltwater gargle has merit. Gargling warm water with a teaspoon of salt four times daily can help keep a scratchy throat moist.

Nasal Strips
Another strategy for relieving nighttime congestion is to try over-the-counter nasal strips. These are strips of tape worn on the bridge of the nose to open the nasal passages. While they can’t unclog the nose, they do create more space for airflow.

Let Your Fever Work
A fever is the original natural remedy. The rise in temperature actively fights colds and flu by making your body inhospitable for germs. Endure a moderate fever for a couple of days to get better faster. Just be sure to stay well hydrated. Call your doctor right away if the fever is over 105, unless it comes down quickly with treatment. In infants 3 months or younger call your doctor for any fever greater than 100.4. Children with a fever of less than 102 usually don’t require treatment unless they’re uncomfortable.

Bed Rest
With our busy lives, most of us loathe to spend a day or two under the covers. But getting plenty of rest lets your body direct more energy to fighting off germs. Staying warm is also important, so tuck yourself in and give your immune cells a leg up in their noble battle.

by webMD.
Cheers, frizzy2008.

Selamatkan Indonesia dari cengkraman HIV/AIDS

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Artikel menyambut hari AIDS sedunia, 1 Desember
Perkembangan epidemi HIV dan AIDS di Indonesia meningkat cepat beberapa tahun terakhir ini. Hal ini terutama didorong oleh penggunaan narkoba suntik dan akibat hubungan seks berisiko yang sangat tinggi terutama di kota-kota besar. Saat ini Indonesia menghadapi epidemi ganda, yaitu epidemi HIV dan epidemi pengguna narkoba suntik. Ini adalah ancaman yang serius yang harus dihadapi bersama-sama antara pemerintah dan seluruh masyarakat.

Saran-saran untuk ODHA:
1. Melakukan positive prevention yaitu, upaya untuk menyetop penularan HIV hanya pada diri mereka, sehingga tidak menulari orang-orang yang dicintai seperti istri dan anak-anak.
2. Merubah perilaku berisiko agar tidak terjadi re-infeksi virus HIV yang bisa memperparah kondisi kesehatannya.
3. Memanfaatkan semaksimal mungkin kesempatan untuk bisa sehat dan produktif dengan kegiatan yang berguna untuk keluarga dan masyarakat, serta ikut aktif dalam melakukan kampanye, penyuluhan tentang HIV/AIDS di masyarakat.

*Sumber dari press release Depkes RI

Indonesia masuk kategori the fastest growing epudemic in Asia...serem banget yaaa.
Pengidap HIV/AIDS yang tercatat dan melapor saat ini berjumlah 21.151 orang. Namun diperkirakan jumlah pengidap seluruh Indonesia berkisar 200.000 orang.
*Sumber Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS (KPA)

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Stress Relief and Relaxation

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Stress is a fact of life. Although some stress is normal and even needed, too much of it can affect your quality of life and your health. There are simple things you can do to help relieve stress.

When you feel stressed, you can:
* Take slow, deep breaths.
* Soak in a warm bath.
* Listen to soothing music.
* Take a walk or do some other activity.
* Meditate or pray.
* Take a yoga class.
* Have a massage or back rub.
* Have a warm drink that doesn't have alcohol or caffeine.

You also can make some changes in your everyday habits to reduce and relieve stress.
  • Get plenty of sleep.
  • Stay connected to your family, friends, and other caring people in your life.
  • Get regular exercise. It can help you clear your mind and work off feelings of frustration and anxiety.
  • Don't drink or eat anything that has caffeine in it. Caffeine can make you feel "wound up" and more stressed.
  • Don't smoke or use tobacco. Nicotine can make you feel more anxious.
  • Don't drink alcohol. It can cause sleep problems and depression.
by WebMD
Cheers, frizzy2008.

Mari kita menangis, karena memang ada manfaatnya

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Menangislah bila harus menangis
Karena kita semua manusia
Manusia bisa terluka manusia pasti menangis
dan manusia pun bisa mengambil hikmah

Kapan terakhir kali Anda menangis? Saat menonton film sedih, saat bertengkar dengan kekasih, atau sudah lama tidak menangis? Seharusnya Anda tak perlu takut mencucurkan air mata. Seperti sepenggal lirik dari lagu Air Mata yang dinyanyikan oleh grup band Dewa ini di atas. Sebagai manusia, wajar jika kita menangis, baik pria mau pun wanita. Apalagi, menangis banyak manfaatnya.

Menurut penelitian, perempuan menangis sekitar 47 kali dalam setahun, sedangkan laki-laki hanya tujuh kali. Tingginya hormon prolaktin dalam tubuh wanita diduga jadi penyebabnya.

Sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan para ahli di Amerika Serikat menyebutkan sembilan dari sepuluh orang mengaku merasa lebih lega setelah menangis. Bahkan para ahli juga percaya kalau menangis bisa menyembuhkan sakit dan meningkatkan kadar hormon adrenalin.

"Menangis adalah pelepasan emosi yang paling tepat saat kita tak bisa mengungkapkannya lewat kata-kata," kata Dr Simon Moore, psikolog dari London Metropolitan University. Menurut Profesor William Frey, ahli tangis dari AS, air mata yang dikeluarkan saat kita sedang emosional mengandung hormon endorphin atau stres, sehingga bisa membuat perasaan lebih plong. Menangis juga diketahui bisa menurunkan tekanan darah dan denyut nadi.

Bila ada yang masih takut disebut cengeng karena menangis, sebaiknya simak manfaat dari mencucurkan air mata berikut ini.

* Minta tolong
Tak semua hal bisa diungkapkan lewat kata-kata. Demikian juga saat kita sedang membutuhkan bantuan orang lain. Saat air mata mengalir, ini bisa jadi tanda Anda butuh dibantu. Tangisan juga kerap menimbulkan rasa iba orang lain.

* Melepas stres
Setelah menangis hati yang sesak pun langsung terasa lega. Penelitian pun menunjukkan bahwa air mata yang keluar bisa melegakan rasa stres.

* Meredakan sakit
Sebuah studi yang dilakukan di Jepang menunjukkan orang yang lebih sering menangis lebih jarang mengalami sakit encok. Para ahli menduga hal ini berkaitan dengan dikeluarkannya hormon endorphins atau hormon anti sakit, saat kita menangis.

* Lebih kuat
Selama dan setelah menangis, kita akan menarik napas dalam, sehingga kadar oksigen dalam darah meningkat. Hal ini akan membuat mental dan fisik terasa lebih kuat.

Melihat banyaknya manfaat dari tangisan, para peneliti di AS kini merekomendasikan terapi menangis untuk orang-orang tertentu, terutama mereka yang punya kesulitan dalam mengekspresikan emosinya.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

General travellers' tips

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Use for bahasa

The following general tips on laws and customs can help you stay out of trouble while you are abroad.

Obey the law

  • Find out about local laws and customs;
  • There may be very serious penalties for breaking a law which might seem trivial to you or for doing something which may not be illegal in the UK;
  • Do not overstay your visa or work illegally – you may be fined or sent to prison;
  • Hobbies that involve using cameras and binoculars, such as bird watching or plane spotting, may be misunderstood (particularly near military sites). If in doubt, don’t do it.

  • Be aware of what may happen if you become involved with drugs overseas. Not only are there health risks, but there may also be severe penalties for any association with drugs;
  • Never carry packages through customs for other people and be cautious about accepting gifts;
  • Pack your own baggage, fasten it securely and do not leave it unattended;
  • If you are driving, do not lend your vehicle to other people and do not sit in someone else’s vehicle when going through customs or crossing borders – get out and walk.

  • Be aware of local attitudes to alcohol and know your own limit. Remember that drinks served overseas are often stronger than those served in the UK;
  • Keep your drinks with you at all times as drinks can be spiked with drugs to make you more vulnerable to assault or rape;
  • Be aware that accidents are more likely to happen after drinking alcohol or taking drugs. Avoid swimming or fooling around on balconies or other high places. If you have an accident or injure yourself while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, it is unlikely that your insurance policy will cover you.

  • Never drink and drive;
  • If you are planning to drive, make sure your UK driving licence is current and valid;
  • Make sure you know the driving laws, licence requirements and driving conditions in the country you are visiting;
  • In some countries you will need to have an international driving permit as well as your UK licence;
  • Be aware that in many countries there are on-the-spot fines for traffic offences.

  • Be aware of security and take sensible precautions;
  • Leave your jewellery and valuables at home if you can. Only carry as much money as you need for the day. Leave the rest, and at least one credit card, in the hotel safe if one is available;
  • Keep copies of your passport, insurance details and other important travel documents separate from the originals. It is useful to always have some form of identity on you, such as a driving licence or a photocopy of your passport;
  • Stay aware of what is going on around you and keep away from situations where you do not feel comfortable;
  • Find out from your guidebook or tour guide about any local scams;
  • Keep up to date with local and regional events in the media;
  • Don’t take risks on holidays that you wouldn’t take at home. If a situation looks dangerous, it probably is.

Major catastrophes
  • Some catastrophes have advance warning, such as hurricanes. If you have any warning, contact family and friends to let them know your plans;
  • Do this even if you are not near the area – remember family and friends will not know exactly where you are but they will worry if they think you are in potential danger;
  • If you are living overseas, you should also tell neighbours your plans. This helps us to confirm quickly if you are safe, allowing us to concentrate on offering support to those most in need after any catastrophe;
  • It may take some time to get help to you if the infrastructure has been affected by the catastrophe (for example, if telephone lines are down, roads inaccessible or bridges have collapsed). Access may also be impossible if the local authorities have sealed off the area where you are.

Money & Credit Cards
  • Only carry as much money as you need for the day. Leave the rest, and at least one credit card, in the hotel safe if one is available;
  • Take enough money for your trip and some back-up funds, such as traveller’s cheques, some cash (sterling or US dollars) or credit cards;
  • Before you leave, check that your cards are valid, and find out how you can replace them and your traveller’s cheques if they are lost or stolen. Keep a separate note of their numbers and of the number you would need to ring to stop any credit cards if they are lost or stolen.

Travel documents
  • Keep your passport in the hotel safe and carry a photocopy with you;
  • Keep your travel tickets in a safe place.

If you have anything stolen
  • If your money, passport or anything else is stolen abroad, report it to the local police immediately and get a statement about the loss (you will need one to claim against your insurance);
  • You will need to cancel any credit cards or traveller’s cheques. You may also want to have money transferred to you either by your bank or by a relative using a reliable money transfer company. Our staff can give you information about this if you need it.

Lost or stolen passports
  • If your passport is lost or stolen abroad and you urgently need to travel, we can issue a replacement travel document once we are satisfied of your identity and that you are a British national. You will need to produce a police report, fill in an application form and pay a fee;
  • Depending on the country you are in and the circumstances, the emergency travel document may be: - an emergency passport, which is valid for a single journey with no journeys through third countries; - a temporary one-year passport (not available in all of our offices); or - a standard passport.

To issue a passport, we need to make checks, which may take time and could mean you have to delay your travel arrangements;
  • If our staff have to issue an emergency travel document outside normal office hours, you will have to pay an extra fee. Before making any arrangements with our staff, consider whether you also need an exit visa from the local immigration authorities as some countries do not issue these visas outside normal office hours or at weekends.

Respect the local Environment
  • Help to protect local wildlife and habitats by respecting rules and regulations (including how to get rid of rubbish properly);
  • Be aware that buying any wildlife products is risky. Customs departments throughout the world confiscate illegal souvenirs, and in the UK you could face a criminal prosecution and fines;
  • Check that what you are bringing back to the UK is legal. You can get more information on bringing back meat, animal products or plants from the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. You can get information about banned and restricted goods, and your customs allowances, from HM Revenue and Customs.

Cultural Awareness
  • Buy a good travel guide that includes basic information on local laws and customs;
  • Respect local customs and behave and dress appropriately, particularly when visiting religious sites, markets and rural communities;
  • Travel guidebooks, tour operators and hotel staff are all useful sources of information;
  • In some places, behaviour that would be acceptable elsewhere can lead to serious trouble.
  • In some countries, it can also be worth asking for permission before taking any photographs so as not to cause offence.
by UK in Indonesia
Cheers, frizzy2008.

Jenis-jenis kayu untuk furnitur di rumah

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

SEMAHAL apapun harganya, furnitur kayu masih tetap menjadi primadona. Material alami ini dapat memberikan kesan natural. Terlebih jika desainnya menarik, tentu furnitur semakin menarik.

Memang banyak orang yang begitu menggemari furnitur kayu. Namun, tak banyak yang tahu jenis-jenis kayu yang digunakan sebagai material utamanya.

1. Kayu Solid
Kayu utuh yang tidak dibentuk dari sambungan atau gabungan, itulah yang disebut dengan kayu solid. Ada juga sebagian orang yang menyebutnya dengan kayu Jepara. Harga kayu solid cenderung mahal. Yang termasuk kayu solid antara lain, kayu jati, sungkai, nyatoh, dan jati belanda.

2. Kayu Lapis (plywood)
Kita juga mengenal kayu lapis dengan sebutan tripleks atau multipleks. Sesuai dengan namanya, kayu lapis terbentuk dari beberapa lapis lembaran kayu. Lembaran-lembaran tersebut direkatkan dengan tekanan tinggi dan menggunakan perekat khusus. Kayu lapis yang terdiri dari tiga lembar kayu disebut tripleks. Sedangkan yang terdiri dari lebih dari tiga lembar kayu, disebut multipleks.

Ketebalan kayu lapis bervariasi, mulai dari 3mm, 4mm, 9mm, dan 18mm. Sedangkan ukuran penampangnya adalah 120cmx240cm. Kayu lapis bisa digunakan sebagai material untuk kitchen set, tempat tidur, lemari, atau meja.

3. Kayu partikel (particle board)
Jenis kayu olahan yang satu ini terbuat dari serbuk kayu kasar yang dicampur dengan bahan kimia khusus. Campuran tersebut kemudian disatukan dengan lem dan dikeringkan dengan suhu tinggi.

Kayu partikel banyak digunakan sebagai material untuk berbagai furnitur. Namun, kayu partikel tergolong jenis kayu yang tidak tahan lama. Dalam kurun waktu tertentu, kayu partikel bisa berubah bentuk, terutama jika terkena air dan menahan beban terlalu berat.

4. MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard)
MDF adalah kayu yang terbuat dari campuran bubur kayu dengan bahan kimia tertentu. Cara pembuatannya mirip dengan kayu partikel. Kayu MDF merupakan material kayu olahan yang tidak tahan terhadap air dan kelembapan. Untuk daerah-daerah yang memiliki kelembapan tinggi, sebaiknya tidak menggunakan kayu MDF.

Kayu MDF memiliki berbagai jenis finishing yang bisa Anda pilih. Anda bisa melapisinya dengan irisan kayu tipis (veneer), atau pelapis kertas. Berbagai jenis finishing untuk kayu MDF juga tersedia dalam berbagai warna dan tekstur. Tersedia motif tekstur kayu alami, atau tekstur lainnya sesuai selera.

5. Blockboard
Jenis kayu olahan lainnya adalah blockboard. Balok-balok kayu berukuran 4cm-5cm dipadatkan menggunakan mesin. Setelah itu diberi pelapis, sehingga hasil akhirnya berupa lembaran seperti papan kayu. Blockboard memiliki dua pilihan ketebalan, 15mm dan 18mm. Harganya cenderung lebih murah dibandingkan kayu solid.

Tambahan dari Selaras Furniture
Bahan partikel board (PB) umumnya memiliki ketebalan 9 mm, 12 mm dan 15 mm. Untuk lemari besar menggunakan PB 15. Sedangkan PB 9 untuk ambalan rak TV. PB diberi lapisan paper, PVC, maupun HPL. Lapisan corak kayu yang seragam dan tanpa mata susah didapat kayu asli. Keunggulan PB adalah harganya yang sangat terjangkau. Oleh karena itu saat ini material ini paling populer, banyak digunakan untuk furniture. Banyak model dan aplikasi, untuk meja belajar, lemari pakaian, lemari dapur, dsb.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Plastic Surgery for You

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Cosmetic surgery is any surgery that is done to improve the appearance rather than to improve the function of a body part. Improving the way you look can boost your morale and your self-esteem. And, if you think that you look older than you feel, plastic surgery can help revitalize and refresh your appearance.
Although there are many types of plastic surgery procedures for almost every part of the body, the most popular are liposuction, cosmetic breast surgery, tummy tuck, facial plastic surgery, and rhinoplasty. Cosmetic surgery is also growing in popularity among men, with procedures tailored toward their needs. Click on the links below or on the buttons above to learn more about each procedure.

Liposuction and body contouring can help you remove those pockets of fat that you can’t seem to get rid of. They are not substitutes for diet and exercise and you should be within 20 to 30 pounds of your healthy weight.

How Liposuction Surgery is Performed
The first step in liposuction is usually infusing the area to be treated with a fluid containing the drugs lidocaine (a local anesthetic) and epinephrine (a vasoconstrictor that helps reduce bleeding). The surgeon then uses a thin tube called a cannula that is attached to a suction device. He or she inserts the cannula into the area of fat to be removed through a small incision. The cannula is moved back and forth in a fan pattern to break up the fat, which is then drawn out by the suction device. The surgeon may use several small incisions as insertion sites for the cannula, which are placed so that they will be hidden in natural folds of skin. There are several different liposuction techniques, with variations in the amount of fluid infused and whether other techniques are used to break up the fat, such as ultrasound.

Liposuction is generally done under intravenous sedation or general anesthesia as outpatient surgery and you go home a few hours after the end of the procedure. It can be performed in a hospital or in a surgical center.

The majority of liposuction procedures are done on the body and thighs, but liposuction can be performed on the neck and chin area to remove small amounts of fat there. Liposuction can also be combined with other cosmetic surgeries, such as breast augmentation or a tummy tuck.

Liposuction Recovery and Results
Recovery after liposuction takes a couple of weeks. There is some swelling and discomfort, but most people are able to control it with pain relievers. Most people return to work about 2 weeks after having liposuction, but this depends on the size of the area being treated and how active they are on their job. You are usually asked to refrain from active sports for at least 6 weeks.

Another type of problem after liposuction is that you are just unhappy with the results. You may have some ripples or uneven texture in the areas that were treated and need further liposuction.

Most swelling resolves within a week or two, but final results may not be seen for a few months. You can usually get a good idea of your new look after about 2 weeks.

Other Procedures of Body Contouring
Other forms of body contouring include lift procedures, such as arm lift, thigh lift or body lift. A lift procedure is often done after weight-loss surgery to remove excess skin that hangs loosely after a great deal of weight is lost. In an arm lift, a surgery removes the excess skin on the upper arm. In a thigh lift, excess skin and some fat are pulled up and removed. With a body lift, an incision is made around the body just above the hips. Excess skin and tissue is removed and pulled upward and the incision is closed. Lift procedures are serious surgery, but they can be a big help for people who have lot large amounts of weight and are left with loose sagging skin.

Liposuction Risks
Liposuction and body contouring procedures are not without some risks. There is the chance of serious bleeding, infection, and reaction to the anesthetic. A serious complication of liposuction is the formation of embolisms, or bits of matter that get into the bloodstream and cause a clog in an artery or vein. An embolism could lodge in the lungs, heart, or brain and cause breathing problems, heart attack, stroke, or death.

Cosmetic breast surgery is not just breast augmentation. It includes breast lift procedures that help lift and restore breasts to their more youthful position and breast reduction surgery as well.

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, can give you the flat stomach you once had by removing sagging skin and excess fat and by tightening abdominal muscles stretched out by pregnancy or weight gain.

Facial plastic surgery can help you revitalize and refresh your face. There are a variety of procedures including face lift, brow lift, eyelid surgery, and even implants to give more prominence to a receding chin or jaw.

Male plastic surgery is growing in popularity. Men are enjoying the benefits of face lifts, liposuction, and more.

Rhinoplasty or a nose job can remove a hump or bump on the nose or straighten what nature or an accident made.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

10 Surprising Health Benefits of Sex

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Ditranslasi menggunakan google translator.

Turns out sex is good for you in ways you may never have imagined.
Ternyata seks adalah baik untuk Anda dalam cara Anda mungkin belum pernah membayangkan.

By Kathleen Doheny
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

When you're in the mood, it's a sure bet that the last thing on your mind is boosting your immune system or maintaining a healthy weight .
Bila Anda sedang dalam suasana hati, dia adalah bertaruh yakin bahwa hal terakhir di pikiran Anda adalah penguat sistem kekebalan tubuh Anda atau mempertahankan berat sehat.

Yet good sex offers those health benefits and more.
Namun baik seks yang menawarkan manfaat kesehatan dan banyak lagi.

That's a surprise to many people, says Joy Davidson, PhD, a New York psychologist and sex therapist.
Itu adalah kejutan untuk banyak orang, kata Joy Davidson, PhD, seorang psikolog New York dan dokter seks.

"Of course, sex is everywhere in the media," she says.
"Tentu saja, seks adalah di mana-mana media," ujarnya.

"But the idea that we are vital, sexual creatures is still looked at in some cases with disgust or in other cases a bit of embarrassment. So to really take a look at how our sexuality adds to our life and enhances our life and our health, both physical and psychological, is eye-opening for many people."
"Tetapi kami ide yang sangat penting, makhluk seksual masih pada beberapa kasus dengan Rahmat atau dalam kasus lain sedikit malu. Jadi untuk benar-benar melihat bagaimana kami menambahkan seks kami untuk kehidupan dan meningkatkan kehidupan kami dan kami kesehatan , Baik fisik dan psikologis, adalah untuk membuka mata banyak orang. "

Sex does a body good in a number of ways, according to Davidson and other experts.
Seks tubuh yang tidak baik dalam beberapa cara, menurut Davidson dan tenaga ahli lainnya.

The benefits aren't just anecdotal or hearsay -- each of these 10 health benefits of sex is backed by scientific scrutiny.
Manfaat tidak hanya anekdotal atau didengar - tiap 10 manfaat kesehatan dari seks adalah didukung oleh keterbukaan ilmiah.

Among the benefits of healthy loving in a relationship:
Di antara manfaat sehat penuh kasih dalam hubungan:

1. Sex Relieves Stress
Seks Melegakan stress

A big health benefit of sex is lower blood pressure and overall stress reduction, according to researchers from Scotland who reported their findings in the journal Biological Psychology. They studied 24 women and 22 men who kept records of their sexual activity.
Kesehatan yang besar manfaat dari seks lebih rendah tekanan darah dan keseluruhan stres pengurangan, menurut peneliti dari Skotlandia yang melaporkan temuan di jurnal Biologi Psikologi. Mereka belajar 24 perempuan dan 22 laki-laki yang dipelihara catatan aktivitas seksual mereka.

Then the researchers subjected them to stressful situations -- such as speaking in public and doing verbal arithmetic -- and noted their blood pressure response to stress.
Kemudian para peneliti sasaran mereka untuk situasi stress - seperti berbicara di depan umum dan melakukan aritmatika lisan - dan mencatat tekanan darah mereka menanggapi stres.

Those who had intercourse had better responses to stress than those who engaged in other sexual behaviors or abstained.
Orang-orang yang mempunyai hubungan yang lebih baik untuk stres tanggapan dari orang-orang yang terlibat dalam perilaku seksual atau lain abstained.

Another study published in the same journal found that frequent intercourse was associated with lower diastolic blood pressure in cohabiting participants. Yet other research found a link between partner hugs and lower blood pressure in women.
Studi lain yang dipublikasikan di jurnal yang sama menemukan bahwa hubungan ini sering dikaitkan dengan tekanan darah diastolic lebih rendah di cohabiting peserta. Namun penelitian lain menemukan hubungan antara Tuhan dan mitra menurunkan tekanan darah dalam perempuan.

2. Sex Boosts Immunity
Seks mendorong imunitas

Good sexual health may mean better physical health.
Baik kesehatan seksual mungkin berarti lebih baik kesehatan fisik.

Having sex once or twice a week has been linked with higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A or IgA, which can protect you from getting colds and other infections.
Hubungan seks sekali atau dua kali seminggu telah terhubung dengan tingkat yang lebih tinggi dari yang disebut antibodi immunoglobulin A atau Iga, yang dapat melindungi Anda dari mendapatkan angin dan infeksi lain.

Scientists at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., took samples of saliva, which contain IgA, from 112 college students who reported the frequency of sex they had.
Ilmuwan di Universitas Wilkes di Wilkes-Barre, Pa, mengambil sampel air liur, yang berisi Iga, dari 112 mahasiswa yang dilaporkan frekuensi seks mereka.

Those in the "frequent" group -- once or twice a week -- had higher levels of IgA than those in the other three groups -- who reported being abstinent, having sex less than once a week, or having it very often, three or more times weekly.
Mereka yang di "sering" grup - sekali atau dua kali seminggu - telah Iga lebih tinggi daripada yang lain dalam tiga kelompok - yang dilaporkan sedang berpuasa, hubungan seks kurang dari sekali seminggu, atau memiliki itu sangat sering, tiga kali atau lebih mingguan.

3. Sex Burns Calories
Seks Membakar Kalori

Thirty minutes of sex burns 85 calories or more.
Tiga puluh menit dari seks luka bakar 85 kalori atau lebih.

It may not sound like much, but it adds up: 42 half-hour sessions will burn 3,570 calories, more than enough to lose a pound.
Mungkin tidak seperti suara banyak, tetapi menambahkan up: 42-setengah jam sesi akan membakar 3.570 kalori, lebih dari cukup untuk kehilangan setengah kilo.

Doubling up, you could drop that pound in 21 hour-long sessions.
Domplengan, Anda dapat drop yang setengah kilo dalam 21 jam-lama sesi.

"Sex is a great mode of exercise ," says Patti Britton, PhD, a Los Angeles sexologist and president of the American Association of Sexuality Educators and Therapists.
"Sex merupakan modus latihan," kata Patti Britton, PhD, yang Los Angeles sexologist dan presiden American Association of Seksualitas Pendidik dan Therapists.

It takes work, from both a physical and psychological perspective, to do it well, she says.
Memerlukan waktu bekerja, baik dari sebuah perspektif fisik dan psikologis, dengan baik, ujarnya.

4. Sex Improves Cardiovascular Health
Seks meningkatkan kesehatan kardiovaskuler

While some older folks may worry that the efforts expended during sex could cause a stroke , that's not so, according to researchers from England.
Sementara beberapa lama kepengurusan Mei khawatir bahwa upaya dihabiskan selama seks dapat menimbulkan stroke, yang tidak demikian, menurut peneliti dari Inggris.

In a study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health , scientists found frequency of sex was not associated with stroke in the 914 men they followed for 20
Dalam sebuah studi yang diterbitkan dalam Jurnal Epidemiologi dan Kesehatan Masyarakat, ilmuwan ditemukan frekuensi seks tidak terkait dengan stroke pada 914 laki-laki mereka diikuti selama 20 tahun.

And the heart health benefits of sex don't end there. Dan kesehatan jantung manfaat seks tidak ada akhir. The researchers also found that having sex twice or more a week reduced the risk of fatal heart attack by half for the men, compared with those who had sex less than once a month.
Para peneliti juga menemukan bahwa hubungan seks dua kali atau lebih seminggu mengurangi risiko fatal serangan jantung setengah untuk laki-laki, dibandingkan dengan mereka yang hubungan seks kurang dari sekali sebulan.

5. Sex Boosts Self-Esteem
Seks mendorong percaya diri

Boosting self-esteem was one of 237 reasons people have sex, collected by University of Texas researchers and published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior.
Penguat diri merupakan salah satu dari 237 alasan orang berhubungan seks, dikumpulkan oleh peneliti Universitas Texas dan dipublikasikan dalam Archives dari Perilaku Seksual.

That finding makes sense to Gina Ogden, PhD, a sex therapist and marriage and family therapist in Cambridge, Mass., although she finds that those who already have self-esteem say they sometimes have sex to feel even better.
Menemukan yang masuk akal untuk Gina Ogden, PhD, seorang dokter seks dan perkawinan dan keluarga dokter di Cambridge, Mass., walaupun dia menemukan bahwa orang-orang yang telah memiliki diri berkata mereka kadang-kadang melakukan hubungan seks untuk merasa bahkan lebih baik.

"One of the reasons people say they have sex is to feel good about themselves," she tells WebMD.
"Salah satu alasan orang mengatakan mereka berhubungan seks adalah untuk merasa baik tentang sendiri," dia memberitahu WebMD.

"Great sex begins with self-esteem, and it raises it. If the sex is loving, connected, and what you want, it raises it."
"Great seks diawali dengan diri, dan menimbulkan itu. Jika seks adalah penyayang, terhubung, dan apa yang Anda inginkan, ia menimbulkan itu."

6. Sex Improves Intimacy
Seks meningkatkan keintiman

Having sex and orgasms increases levels of the hormone oxytocin, the so-called love hormone, which helps us bond and build trust.
Hubungan seks dan orgasms kenaikan tingkat dari hormon oxytocin, yang disebut hormon cinta, yang membantu kami membangun kepercayaan dan obligasi.

Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh and the University of North Carolina evaluated 59 premenopausal women before and after warm contact with their husbands and partners ending with hugs.
Peneliti dari University of Pittsburgh dan University of North Carolina dievaluasi 59 premenopausal perempuan sebelum dan setelah hangat kontak dengan suami dan mitra berakhir dengan Tuhan.

They found that the more contact, the higher the oxytocin levels.
Mereka menemukan bahwa lebih banyak kontak, semakin tinggi tingkat oxytocin.

"Oxytocin allows us to feel the urge to nurture and to bond," Britton says.
"Oxytocin memungkinkan kami untuk merasakan menyegerakan untuk mendidik dan obligasi," ujar Britton.

Higher oxytocin has also been linked with a feeling of generosity.
Tinggi oxytocin juga telah terhubung dengan rasa hati.

So if you're feeling suddenly more generous toward your partner than usual, credit the love hormone.
Jadi jika anda merasa tiba-tiba lebih murah terhadap pasangan Anda dari biasanya, kredit kasih hormon.

7. Sex Reduces Pain
Seks mengurangi rasa sakit

As the hormone oxytocin surges, endorphins increase, and pain declines.
Sebagai hormon oxytocin surges, endorphins meningkatkan, dan nyeri berkurang.

So if your headache , arthritis pain, or PMS symptoms seem to improve after sex, you can thank those higher oxytocin levels.
Jadi jika Anda sakit kepala, arthritis sakit, atau PMS gejala tampaknya untuk meningkatkan setelah seks, Anda dapat terima kasih oxytocin tingkat yang lebih tinggi.

In a study published in the Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 48 volunteers who inhaled oxytocin vapor and then had their fingers pricked lowered their pain threshold by more than half.
Dalam studi yang dipublikasikan dalam Buletin eksperimental Biologi dan Kedokteran, 48 relawan yang dihidu oxytocin uap dan kemudian mereka telah menurunkan tusuk jari mereka sakit ambang batas oleh lebih dari setengah.

8. Sex Reduces Prostate Cancer Risk
Seks mengurangi risiko kanker prostat

Frequent ejaculations, especially in 20-something men, may reduce the risk of prostate cancer later in life, Australian researchers reported in the British Journal of Urology International. When they followed men diagnosed with prostate cancer and those without, they found no association of prostate cancer with the number of sexual partners as the men reached their 30s, 40s, and 50s.
Sering ejaculations, khususnya dalam sesuatu-20 laki-laki, dapat mengurangi risiko kanker prostat nanti dalam kehidupan, Australia dilaporkan peneliti di British Jurnal Urologi Internasional. Ketika mereka diikuti manusia didiagnosis dengan kanker prostat dan orang-orang, mereka tidak menemukan asosiasi prostat kanker dengan jumlah mitra seksual sebagai laki-laki mereka mencapai 30-an, 40-an, dan 50s.

But they found men who had five or more ejaculations weekly while in their 20s reduced their risk of getting prostate cancer later by a third.
Tetapi mereka menemukan laki-laki yang mempunyai lima atau lebih ejaculations mingguan sementara mereka dalam 20-an mengurangi risiko mereka mendapatkan kanker prostat nanti oleh ketiga.

Another study, reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association , found that frequent ejaculations, 21 or more a month, were linked to lower prostate cancer risk in older men, as well, compared with less frequent ejaculations of four to seven monthly.
Studi lainnya, yang dilaporkan dalam Jurnal American Medical Association, yang sering ditemukan ejaculations, 21 atau lebih satu bulan, yang terkait untuk menurunkan resiko kanker prostat pada laki-laki tua, juga, dibandingkan dengan ejaculations sering kurang dari empat sampai tujuh bulanan.

9. Sex Strengthens Pelvic Floor Muscles
Seks memperkuat otot panggul lantai

For women, doing a few pelvic floor muscle exercises known as Kegels during sex offers a couple of benefits.
Untuk perempuan, melakukan beberapa latihan otot panggul lantai dikenal sebagai Kegels selama seks menawarkan beberapa keuntungan.

You will enjoy more pleasure, and you'll also strengthen the area and help to minimize the risk of incontinence later in life.
Anda akan menikmati lebih senang, dan Anda juga akan memperkuat kawasan dan membantu untuk meminimalkan risiko sifat tdk bertarak nanti dalam hidup.

To do a basic Kegel exercise , tighten the muscles of your pelvic floor, as if you're trying to stop the flow of urine.
Dasar untuk melakukan latihan Kegel, kencangkan otot yang Anda panggul lantai, seperti jika Anda mencoba untuk menghentikan aliran air seni. Count to three, then release. Hitungan ke tiga, kemudian lepaskan.

10. Sex Helps You Sleep Better
Seks membantu Anda tidur lebih baik

The oxytocin released during orgasm also promotes sleep , according to research.
Oxytocin yang dilepaskan selama Memang juga mempromosikan tidur, menurut penelitian.

And getting enough sleep has been linked with a host of other good things, such as maintaining a healthy weight and blood pressure.
Dan mendapatkan cukup tidur telah terhubung dengan sejumlah lainnya baik-baik, seperti menjaga berat badan yang sehat dan tekanan darah.

Something to think about, especially if you've been wondering why your guy can be active one minute and snoring the next.
Berpikir tentang sesuatu, terutama jika Anda telah heran mengapa penjahat Anda dapat aktif satu menit dan keruh berikutnya.

by WebMD
Cheers, frizzy2008.

Facts about Executive Search Firms and Health Care Recruiters

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

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1) If you are job hunting, you should send your resume to recruiters.

Different recruiters know about different positions. They do not usually know about the same ones. This is particularly true with retained firms. By sending your resume out widely, you will be placed in many different confidential databases and be alerted of many different positions. If you send your resume to only a few, it may be that none you send to will be working with positions which are suited for you. Throw your net widely. If you change jobs, it is also wise to send follow-up letters to the recruiters and alert them of your new career move. Many search firms follow people throughout their careers and enjoy being kept up-to-date. It is a good idea to have your resume formatted in plain text so you can copy and paste it into email messages when requested to do so. Then, follow up with a nicely formatted copy on paper by postal mail.

Some people estimate that only 1% to 3% of all resumes sent will result in actual job interviews. So, if you only send 50 resumes, you may only have less than 2 interviews, if that many. Send your resume to as many recruiters as you can. It is worth the postage. Generally, recruiters will not share your resume with any employer or give your name to anyone else without obtaining your specific permission to do so. The recruiter will call first, talk to you about a particular position and then ask your permission to share your resume with that employer.

2) Your resume will be kept strictly confidential by the executive search firm.

Recruiters are professionals. They recognize that in order to assist job seekers and professionals in their career development, they will need to ensure the professional of strict confidentiality. What this means is that the recruiter will hold all of your information confidential at all times. It is, in fact, safe to submit your resume to a search firm and not worry that the search firm will let it leak out that your are job searching. Recruiters will call you each and every time they wish to present you to an employer in order to gain your permission. Only after they have gained your permission will they submit your name or resume to the identified employer. The wonderful aspect of working with search firms is that you can manage your career and your job search in confidence and privacy. Also, keep in mind that recruiters know about your industry and they know about job openings that you may never hear about on your own. Pick a handful of trusty recruiters whom you will allow to follow you throughout your career. They can also be good confidantes, sounding boards and advisors, whether or not you are contemplating a job change.

3) Fees are always paid by the employer, not the job candidate.

Recruiters and search firms work for the employer or hiring entity. The employer pays them a fee for locating the right individual for the job opening. This is important to remember, in that when you interact with executive recruiters, you are essentially interacting with an agent or representative of the employer. Recruiters are more loyal to employers than they are to job candidates because they work for the employer. This should not present a problem, but, should cause you to develop your relationship with the recruiter with the same integrity and professionalism that you would with the employer.

Recruiters are paid fees in one of two ways - retainer fees or contingency fees. This is an important distinction and will affect your process with both the employer and the recruiter. Some employers prefer working with contingency firms and some with retained firms. Both are respected by employers and useful in your job search, but, the two types of firms will not be handling the same positions with the same employers simultaneously. The "retained" recruiter has entered an exclusive contract with an employer to fill a particular position. The retained recruiter, then, is likely to advertise a position, sharing the specifics of the position, location and employer openly. The retained firm feels a great obligation to fulfill the contract by finding the best person for the job. The contingency recruiter, on the other hand, usually does not have an exclusive relationship with the employer, and is only paid a fee if the job search is successful. Often, if the employer uses contingency firms, there will be more than one contingency firm competing to fill a certain position. As a job hunter, if you are sent to an interview by a contingency firm, you may find that you are competing with with a larger number of applicants for a position. Generally, retained firms only send in from 3 to 5 candidates for a position.

Recruiters will be paid fees equal to about 25% to 35% of the resulting salary of the successful candidate plus expenses. This does not come out of the job candidate's salary. This is paid to the recruiter through a separate relationship between the employer and the search firm. These may seem like large fees to you, but, keep in mind that recruiters incur a great many expenses when searching for successful job candidates. They spend enormous amounts of money on computer systems, long distance calls, mail-outs, travel and interviews. Recruiters work very hard for these fees. Employers recognize the value of using recruiters and are more than willing to pay recruiters the fees. All you have to do is contact the recruiter to get the process moving.

4) Not all healthcare recruiters work only in healthcare.

Some search firms work exclusively in healthcare, while others may work in several fields at once. Some of the larger generalist firms will have one or more search consultants that specialize in healthcare. It is important for you, as a job hunter, to assess the recruiters' knowledge of your field. If you use industry buzz words in describing your skills, experience or career aspirations, you may or may not be talking a language the recruiter understands fully. It is wise to explore fully with the recruiter his understanding of your field and area of specialization. For a list of recruiters with experience in healthcare, you may wish to consult the Directory of Healthcare Recruiters.

5) Recruiters and search consultants move around.

Recruiters, like many professionals, move to new firms during their careers. Often you will find that recruiters will work at several firms during their careers. Since it is much more effective to address your letters to a person rather than "to whom it may concern", it is smart for job hunters to have accurate and up-to-date information about who is who and where, since this can change frequently. Search firms also move their offices, sometimes to another suite, street or state. If you have a list of recruiters that is over one year old, you will certainly waste some postage in mailing your resumes and cover letters. Many of your mail-outs will be returned to you stamped "non-deliverable", unless you obtain an up-to-date list. The Directory of Healthcare Recruiters is updated very frequently, usually monthly. If you ordered a Directory in years past, it is wise to order another one. The money saved on postage will pay for the Directory. Also, keep in mind that money spent on materials such as postage, resume paper and resources like the Directory are tax deductible if you are job hunting.

6) Most search firms work with positions all over the country.

If you are from a particular state, and want to remain in that state, don't make the mistake of only sending your resume to recruiters in your state. Often the recruiters in your state are working on positions in other states, and recruiters in other states are working on positions in your state. This is usually the case. Very few recruiters in our Directory work only in their local area, most work all around the US and some internationally. Regardless of your geographic preference, you should still send your resume to all the healthcare recruiters. Our own search firm, although located geographically in Kansas, is a national firm. We place candidates all over the US. For more information about us, go to About Us. If you really only want to remain in your area, you can specify that preference in your cover letter. Do keep in mind, however, that by stating your geographic preference, you may be eliminating yourself from the running for a dream job somewhere else.

7) Recruiters primarily work with hard to fill positions or executive positions.

Some recruiters specialize in managed care executive positions, healthcare financial positions or health administration positions. Others may specialize in finding doctors, nurses or physical therapists. Generally, an employer does not engage a recruiter's assistance in filling a position unless it is hard to fill. Sometimes employers will engage search firms to save them the valuable time of advertising or combing through dozens of resumes. Contingency recruiters tend to work with more mid-level management and professional positions, but, this is not always the case. Retained firms generally work with the higher level clinical or administrative positions. One thing you will be assured of is that if a recruiter is working on a position, that means that the employer is willing to pay a fee. That usually means that the position is a valued position and one worth closer inspection on your part. Our economy is an "Employer's Market". This means that employers receive a deluge of resumes for their open positions. Increasingly, employers are using recruitment firms to handle their openings and schedule the interviews because employers simply do not have the manpower or time to handle the many resumes they receive. Therefore, if a job hunter is submitted by a recruiter, that job hunter has a great advantage over all other applicants.

by Pam Pohly's Net Guide.
Cheers, frizzy2008.

CEK DARAH ANDA, Normalkah...?

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Normalkah ……?
• Kolesterol
• Fungsi Hati
• Fungsi Ginjal
• Kadar Gula Darah Saya …..?

Kolesterol yang tinggi dalam darah (Dislipidemia) merupakan factor yang berperan sebbagai penyebab aterosklerosis yang akhirnya dapat menyebabkan Penyakit Jantung Koroner ( PJK ) dan stroke. Setiap orang dewasa berumur > 20 Tahun dianjurkan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan kadar kolesterol darah secara berkala.
Perkiraan Biaya
Pemeriksaan Kolesterol Lengkap Rp 170.500,-
Pemeriksaan terdiri dari :
1. Kolesterol Total
2. Kolesterol HDL
3. Kolesterol LDL
4. Trigliserida

Diabetes Melitus adalah penyakit menahun yang ditandai dengan kadar glukosa darah yang melebihi nilai normal akibat kekurangan hormone insulin terganggu. Kadar gula darah yang tinggi lama – kelamaan dapat menyebabkan kerusakan dan gangguan fungsi berbagai jaringan dan organ tubuh. Penelitian terbaru menyebutkan penyebab DM terbanyak pada saat ini adalah karena gaya hidup yang tidak sehat.
Perkiraan Biaya
Pemeriksaan Kadar Gula Darah Rp 213.000,-
Pemeriksaan terdiri dari :
1. Gula Darah Puasa
2. Gula Darah 2 jam setelah makan
3. HbAIC

Liver/Hati adalah organ tubuh yang bila kerusakannya tidak parah tidak akan menimbulkan gejala. Untuk mengetahui adanya gangguan fungsi hati harus dilakukan pemeriksaan panel fungsi secara berkala.
Perkiraan Biaya
Pemeriksaan Fungsi Hati Rp 127.000,-
Pemeriksaan terdiri dari :
3. Gamma GT
4. Fosfatase Alkali

Ginjal merupakan organ penting yang menyaring darah dan membuang zat-zat sisa dan racun dari dalam tubuh. Infeksi ginjal dan gangguan fungsi ginjal bila tidak ditangani cepat dan tepat dapat menyebabkan kerusakan organ dan gagal ginjal.
Perkiraan Biaya
Pemeriksaan Fungsi Ginjal Rp 125.500,-
Pemeriksaan terdiri dari :
1. Ureum
2. Creatinine
3. Asam Urat
4. Urine Lengkap

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Layanan Western Union

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Kini layanan pengiriman dan penerimaan uang dari luar negeri ke Indonesia sudah semakin mudah. Western Union (WU) memberikan keuntungan bagi anda dalam melakukan transaksi pengiriman dan penerimaan uang untuk/dari keluarga maupun kerabat anda.

Keuntungan bertransaksi WU
  1. BEBAS BIAYA. Bebas biaya materai dan administrasi untuk setiap transaksi penerimaan uang.
  2. CEPAT. Uang anda dapat segera diterima di tempat tujuan setelah pengiriman berhasil dilakukan.
  3. MUDAH. Anda dapat melakukan transaksi penerimaan hanya dengan menunjukkan KTP dan mengisi aplikasi tanpa harus memiliki rekening bank.
  4. AMAN. Hanya penerima yang ditunjuk yang dapat menerima kiriman uang anda dan setiap pengiriman dilindungi sistem keamanan kelas dunia dengan adanya Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN), yang berlaku sebagai nomor identitas transaksi anda.
Cara Pengiriman Uang
  1. Datang ke bank yang berafiliasi dengan WU terdekat dan melengkapi formulir Pengiriman Uang.
  2. Menyerahkan formulir Pengiriman Uang yang sudah dilengkapi, kartu identitas asli yang masih berlaku, beserta uang yang akan dikirim kepada petugas Bank Danamon.
  3. Anda akan mendapatkan tanda terima pengiriman uang yang dilengkapi dengan MTCN.
  4. Pengirim harus segera memberitahukan kepada Penerima perihal nomor MTCN, jumlah uang yang dikirim, dan informasi bahwa uang tersebut dapat diambil di lokasi layanan WU terdekat.
Cara Penerimaan Uang
  1. Penerima mendapatkan informasi dari Pengirim perihal: MTCN dan jumlah uang yang akan diterima.
  2. Silahkan datang ke kantor bank yang berafiliasi dengan WU terdekat sebagai salah satu pilihan lokasi layanan WU.
  3. Penerima melengkapi formulir Penerimaan Uang serta menunjukkan kartu identitas yang masih berlaku. Kemudian petugas bank akan memproses transaksi.
  4. Penerima akan menerima uang tunai berikut bukti tanda terima penerimaan uang.
Mudah bukan?

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Ten Smart Travel Packing Tips

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

1. Plan ahead. Know what weather to expect and what your activities might be, then pack the right clothes for the climate and your events. Ignore the urge to add in “but what if…” items.

2. Pack less. Pack only 3 pair of quick-drying underwear that can be washed out and dried overnight: one to wear, one to wash, and a spare. Expect to wear each outer clothing item more than once. Choose versatile pieces that can be worn in different combinations.

3. Pack a “go-anywhere” wardrobe. Take clothes that blend in with the local population and provide safety from those who target tourists. For instance: modest necklines for women, long pants or skirts, and shirts with a collar and sleeves.

4. Pack easy-care clothes that you love. To ensure that you will look and feel great on your trip, choose clothes from your closet that still appear fresh at the end of a long day. If things wrinkle at home, they will surely wrinkle while traveling.

5. Take comfortable shoes. You will not have a good time if your feet hurt. Three pairs of shoes are the maximum for most trips: one to wear and two to pack.

6. Choose the right bag for the trip. Structured bags with wheels protect the contents and offer independence in airports, while unstructured bags without wheels are generally easier to squish into small places, as in the trunk of a car.

7. Know the current airline luggage rules. To avoid additional fees and confusion at the airport, understand how many pieces of luggage may be checked, plus the maximum dimensions and allowable weight for each bag. Call your airline or check for the latest information.

8. Pack smart. Use smart packing tricks to fit items into your luggage in the most space-efficient way, and to provide easy visibility during security checks. For example, group small items in see-through containers or in self-sealing plastic bags. Pack less to speed the security check process—an over packed bag takes longer to manually inspect and is more difficult to repack.

9. Travel light. Wheels are helpful on smooth terrain, but you must still be able to carry your bag on rough streets and up and down stairs. Two smaller bags are easier to manage than one larger bag, although changing airline checked baggage rules might make this cost more. Lighten up cosmetics and toiletries; these often make up half of the bag weight. Travel and sample-sized items are a good trick, as is transferring the amount needed into a small container. Dual duty products such as moisturizer plus sunscreen eliminate one entire bottle.

10. Use or pack a lock. Today’s airport security requires luggage to be unlocked, but pack a lock so you can secure your bag at your destination. Or purchase a new TSA-approved lock—a combination lock that is set by the owner with TSA holding the master key—and lock while traveling.

The moral to the story is if you follow these simple guidelines, you will have the freedom to go everywhere — independently and comfortably — and travel will indeed be the relaxing break you anticipate.

©2008 Susan Foster, Smart Travel Press, P.O. Box 25514, Portland, OR 97298-0514,

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Travel Essentials in Indonesia

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

How to get in and get out of Indonesia


The principal gateways for entry to Indonesia are Jakarta and Bali. Flights from neighbouring countries also stop in several Indonesian cities. Singapore has some of the cheapest flights to Indonesia and is a major travel hub in the region, so it may be cheaper to fly to Singapore, from where you can enter Indonesia by air or ship. From Penang in Malaysia, you can take a short flight or ferry to Medan in Sumatra.

The number of carriers servicing Indonesia has waned over the past few years. Nevertheless the glut of alliances between carriers means there are still enough options.
Air France,
Air New Zealand,
Air Paradise,
Australian Airlines,
ANA (All Nippon Airways),
Cathay Pacific,
China Airlines,
China Southern Airlines,
Eva Airlines,
Garuda Indonesia,
JAL (Japan Airlines),
KLM (Royal Dutch Airlines),
MAS (Malaysia Airlines),
Northwest Airlines,
Philippine Airlines,
Singapore Airlines,
Silk Air,
Thai Airways,

Jakarta’s Soekarno-Hatta International Airport is spacious, modern and efficient, but only has a few good and shopping outlets. Bali’s smaller Ngurah Rai International Airport is slightly more interesting. Shopping is also overpriced here but more varied than at Soekarno-Hatta. In peak tourist seasons when a few jumbos land, it is standing room only and queues are long. Standard duty-free items are on sale at both airports.

Bali is the major gateway to Australia, with almost all flight to/from Indonesia routed via Denpasar. Direct flight connect Denpasar with Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Darwin. Garuda and Qantas used to be the only carriers competing on most of these runs, but a couple of new outfits strated in 2003. Air Paradise flies from Melbourne and Perth, and Australian Airlines (operated by Qantas) from Sydney and Melbourne. Other direct flights to Indonesia are Perth – Jakarta and Sydney – Jakarta (both Australian Airlines).

If your tourist pass is running out and you’d like to return to Indonesia, Darwin is not your only Australin short-hop destination option. Christmas island in Australia’s Indian ocean Territories is only 360 km away from Jakarta, and there’s a weekly return charter-flight, which at the time of research departed Saturday from both Jakarta and Christmas island.

There are no direct flight between Indonesia and New Zealand; however, Air New Zealand, Garuda and Qantas connect Auckland with Denpasar via Sidney, Melbourne or Brisbane.

Flight Centre (0800 243 544; has an office in Auckland and many branches throughtout the country. Also checkout deals in the travel section of the New Zealand Herald.

There are no direct flights from the USA, but there are plenty of options that involve a stopever in another Asian destination, such us Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore or Malaysia. If you are traveling from east coast USA, it’s better to travel via either Frankfurt or Amsterdam.

If you are also visiting others parts of Asia, some good deals can be organized (eq, there are cheap tickets between the US west coast and Singapore with stopovers in Bangkok for very little extra money). However, be careful during the peak travel seasons (June to August, and Chinese New Year) because seats will be hard to come by unless reserved months in advance.

US websites worth checking out for lowcost flight include, and .

Getting discount tickets in Canada is much the same as in the USA – shop around until you find a good deal. Again, you’ll probably have to fly into Hong Kong or Singapore (or Europe from the east coast) and carry on from there to Indonesia.

The UK
There are no direct flights to Indonesia from the UK; however, there are plenty of airlines offering services via Europe, Asia and/or the Middle East. Discount air travel is big business in London. Advertisements for many agencies appear in the travel pages of weekend broadsheet newspapaer, in Time Out, the Evening Standard and in the free managazine TNT.

There are plenty of travel agencies worth checking for fares. STA Travel (0870 - 160 0599; has branches across the country. Other reputable agencies are Trailfinders (0207 – 938 3939;; Flight Centre (0870 – 890 8099; and ebookers (0870 – 010 7000;

STA Travel has offices throughout the region. Check out its website at for office locations and contact details. Nouvelles Frontieres ( also has branches throughout Europe.

France has a network of travel agencies that can supply discount tickets. OUT Voyages (08 20 81 78 17; and Voyageurs du Monde (01 42 86 16 40, 08 25 30 02 90; have branches throughout the country and offer some of the best services and deals.

Recommended travel agencies in Germany include STA Travel (01805-456 422; which has branches in major cities across the country.

In Italy, CTS Viaggi (840-501 150; is a student and youth specialist with branches in major cities.

In Spain, recommended agencies include Usit Unlimited (902 252 575; and Barcelo Viajes (902 116 226;, both with branches in major cities.

In the Netherlands, NBBS Reizen (0900-10 20 300; is a stalwart agent.

All the following air fares are for one-way travel.

The most popular flight is from Penang to Medan in Sumatra with Malaysia. Malaysia Airlines also flies Medan – Kuala Lumpur and Pontianak – Kuching.

Bouraq and Merpati both have flights from Manado to Davao in the Philippines, but you need an onward or return ticket to enter the Philippines. Philippine Airlines flies Manila – Jakarta.

Silk Air flies into several cities including Medan, Padang, Pekanbaru, Palembang, Manado, Makassar, Mataram, Balikpapan and Solo.


Most sea links are between Malaysia and Sumatra. Confortable, high-speed ferries between Penang (Malaysia) and Belawan (near Medan, Sumatra) are one of the most popular ways to reach Indonesia. The other main ferry connection is between Dumai (Sumatra) and Melaka (Malacca). From Johor Bahru in southern Malaysia, daily ferries run to Batam and Bintan islands in Sumatra’s Riau islands. From east-coast Kalimantan, speedboats depart every morning from Tarakan to Nunukan and from Nunukan to Tawau.

A popular way to reach Indonesia is via the Riau islands in Sumatra. The main stepping stones are the islands of batam and Bintan, both only a short high-speed ferry ride from Singapore. From Batam, speedboats travel through ro Pekanbaru on the Sumatran mainland. From Bintan, Pelni ships run to Jakarta and other destinations, and other ships go from Bintan to Jakarta.


There are three possible land crossings into Indonesia. It’s possible to cross by road at Entikong, between Kalimantan and Sarawak (eastern Malaysia); get your visa in advance.

The border crossing between West and East Timor at Motoain was open at the time of research; a visa in required when traveling from East to West Timor.

The road from Jayapura of Sentani in Indonesia to Vanimo in Papua New Guinea can be crossed, depending on the current political situation. A visa is required if traveling into Indonesia.

by Indonesia Trekking

Whatever you bring, make sure you to pack light & within the baggage restrictions on your air ticket. Airlines are becoming more stringent & do impose hefty charges for excess baggage!

  • Passport valid for at least 6 months from date of departure and must have at least 1 completely blank page (no stamps, nothing) upon arrival in Indonesia for Indonesian Immigration to attach the visa on arrival. Otherwise, you will be denied entry into Indonesia
  • Tickets, itinerary, travel insurance policy and any travel vouchers
  • Visa (if necessary) – for most countries including Australia, NZ and USA a US$25 30-day tourist visa is issued on arrival into Indonesia, payable in most currencies, or by credit card.
  • Money – change some cash into Indonesian Rupiah before you leave home or at the airport when you arrive in Indonesia. There are ATM’s at all airports, cities and main towns in Indonesia. Change AU$400 minimum per two weeks stay, less for boat trips. Travellers cheques are becoming more and more difficult to change outside major centres, so cash, preferably new 50 or 100 dollar notes and a credit or cash card enabling you use ATM’s are the go. Make sure you have RP 100,000 left over at the end of your trip for airport departure tax when leaving Indonesia.
  • Ticket or document wallet to store you valuables.
  • A sense of humor and an open mind – Indonesia has a very different culture to us and things don’t always go to plan. These two qualities will ensure you get the most from your travel experience and they don’t weigh anything!

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Top digital camera - compact

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

1. Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T700 (silver)
Part smart-looking snapshot camera, part 4GB portable digital photo album, the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T700 will satisfy those who like showing off their pictures as much as they like taking them.
Review date: Aug 18, 2008
Overall score: 8.0 (4.0 stars) Excellent

2. Canon PowerShot SD870 IS (Black)
While the Canon PowerShot SD870 IS doesn't have an optical viewfinder or manual exposure controls, it captures beautiful images with its wide, 3.8x optical zoom lens and ranks among the top compact cameras we've seen.
Review date: Aug 29, 2007
Overall score: 8.0 (4.0 stars) Excellent

3. Canon PowerShot SD850 IS
The Canon PowerShot SD 850 IS has just about everything you'd want in a point-and-shoot.
Review date: Jun 5, 2007
Overall score: 8.0 (4.0 stars) Excellent

4. Canon PowerShot SD790 IS
For most people, the excellent photo quality of the Canon PowerShot SD790 IS will more than make up for any slight performance deficiencies or minor shortcomings.
Review date: Jul 8, 2008
Overall score: 7.8 (3.5 stars) Very good

5. Canon PowerShot SD950 IS
Canon's SD950 IS looks great and can take very nice images, but the digital camera's whopping 12 megapixels will leave you waiting between shots.
Review date: Sep 19, 2007
Overall score: 7.8 (3.5 stars) Very good

6. Canon PowerShot SD750 (silver)
The Canon PowerShot SD750 has an attractive design, large LCD, and excellent photo quality for an ultracompact.
Review date: Apr 4, 2007
Overall score: 7.8 (3.5 stars) Very good

7. Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T200 (black)
Though still a solid camera, the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T200's touch-sensitive LCD and lower image quality present a step back from its excellent predecessor.
Review date: Nov 12, 2007
Overall score: 7.7 (3.5 stars) Very good

8. Canon PowerShot SD1100 IS (Brown)
Canon's SD1100 IS adds optical image stabilization to last year's hit SD1000, while delivering just as impressive image quality.
Review date: Mar 5, 2008
Overall score: 7.6 (3.5 stars) Very good

9. Fujifilm FinePix F50fd
The Fujifilm FinePix F50fd should please most snapshooters and its above-average exposure controls should appeal to advanced photographers, too.
Review date: Oct 9, 2007
Overall score: 7.5 (3.5 stars) Very good

10. Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W130 (Black)
The W130's quick performance and decent image quality make it a solid follow-up to the W90, and a good choice for a pocket point-and-shoot camera.
Review date: Feb 21, 2008
Overall score: 7.4 (3.5 stars) Very good

11. Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T70 (Silver)
The ultracompact Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T70 packs impressive performance and image quality into a sexy little camera body, but its touchy touch screen left us a tad teed.
Review date: Feb 13, 2008
3 stars Overall score: 7.4 (3.5 stars) Very good

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Berpelukan yang bermanfaat

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Berpelukan....... (^_^)
Pernah dengar semboyan ini??? Bagi yg menonton Teletubies tak akan merasa janggal mendengarnya.
Ternyata berpelukan itu baik buat kesehatan....asal yg dipeluk org yg tepat yah........
Selamat membaca artikel kesehatan di bawah ini!

Seberapa sering anda memeluk suami, pacar, adik atau sahabat anda?
Sering, jarang atau malah tidak pernah. Hmmm, berpelukan itu ternyata penting lho. Sebuah penelitian menunjukkan stres bisa berkurang hanya dengan berpelukan. Masa sih?
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dikeluarkan oleh jurnal Psychosomatic Medicine, pelukan hangat dapat melepaskan oxytocin, hormon yang berhubungan dengan perasaan cinta dan kedamaian. Hormon tersebut akan menekan hormon penyebab stres yang awalnya mendekam di tubuh.

Untuk melakukan penelitian ini, Dr Karen Grewen, peneliti asal Universitas North Carolina mengumpulkan 38 pasangan dalam satu tempat.
Ke-38 pasangan tersebut diminta untuk membicarakan hal-hal bahagia yang pernah mereka alami. Mereka juga diminta untuk menonton sebuah film romantis selama lima menit kemudian berpelukan selama 20 detik.
Sebelum semua kegiatan di atas dilakukan, Dr Karen dibantu rekan-rekannya melakukan pengukuran terhadap tekanan darah, tingkat stres dan jumlah hormon oxytocin. Hasilnya, tingkat stres semua orang yang diteliti berkurang. Hormon penyebab stres, cortisol dan
norepinephrine, menurun jumlahnya karena tergantikan oleh hormon oxytocin. Dan hasil akhirnya bisa memberikan kontribusi untuk kesehatan jantung anda.
Penelitian tersebut juga menunjukan wanita lebih responsif untuk memeluk pasangannya. Menurut Dr Karen, hal itu terjadi karena oxytocin lebih memiliki hubungan dekat dengan hormon estrogen yang diproduksi wanita.

Dalam kehidupan nyata hormon oxytocin ini bisa tercipta di sebuah perkawinan yang sehat. Artinya pernikahan tersebut bukanlah pernikahan yang sering diwarnai percekcokan bahkan kekerasan.
"Tidak semua orang memiliki pernikahan yang membahagiakan. Tapi kualitas dari hubungan pernikahan itu bisa menjadi tolak ukur kesehatan seseorang," urai Grewen,

Seorang ahli jantung yang berasal dari American Heart Association, Dr. Nieca Goldberg menambahkan penjelasan Grewen di atas.
"Inti dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menunjukan bahwa dukungan secara emosional dan psikologis bisa berpengaruh pada kesehatan jantung dan pikiran," jelasnya.

"Wanita yang tidak bahagia dalam pernikahannya, memiliki kecenderungan lebih tinggi untuk terkena serangan jantung. Kurangnya dukungan terhadap mereka berdampak negatif untuk kesehatan," tambah Goldberg lagi.
Dari hasil penelitian Dr Karren kita juga jadi tahu berteman dengan orang yang memiliki jenis kelamin sama bisa mengurangi tingkat stres pikiran. "Teman, hewan peliharaan bisa meningkatkan jumlah hormon oxytocin dan ini tentu suatu hal yang positif," imbuhnya.
So, pelukan nggak selalu harus didapat dari pasangan. Buat anda yang jomblo alias single, pelukan dengan teman atau kucing kesayangan juga bisa mengurangi stres. Selamat berpelukan.

Cheers, frizzy2008.


Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah, seperti penyakit jantung koroner dan stroke, merupakan penyebab utama kematian dan kesakitan di Indonesia. Sejalan dengan perubahab gaya hidup dengan pola makanan yang cenderung cepat saji dengan kandungan lemak tinggi serta kurang olahraga, maka penderita penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah makin meningkat, dan bahkan dijumpai kecenderungan usia yang lebih muda.
Dibutuhkan pemeriksaan untuk menilai resiko penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah, yaitu pemeriksaan profil lipid, Lp(a) dan hsCRP. Di samping itu, apabila telah timbul gejala awal serangan jantung seperti nyeri dada, dapat dilakukan pemeriksaan Troponin T yang spesifik untuk kerusakan otot jantung. Selain itu, apabila dicurigai adanya sumbatan pembuluh darah, pemeriksaan D-dimer dapat membantu penegakan diagnosis.

Profil Lipid
Pemeriksaan Profil Lipid meliputi pemeriksaan trigliserida, kolesterol total, kolesterol HDL dan kolesterol LDL. Kadar Trigliserida dan kolesterol total serat LDL tinggi merupakan factor resiko terjadinya penyakit jantung dan pembilih darah, sedangkan kolesterol HDL merupakan pelindung terhadap penyakit tersebut. Pemeriksaan profil lipid dengan penerapan rekomendasi NCEP-ATP yang baru, dengan metode Glycerol-blanking untuk pemeriksaan kadar trigliserida, serta pemeriksaan kolesterol HDL dan LDL secara direk, sehingga diharapkan memberikan hasil yang akurat.

Lp (a)
Lp(a) atau Lipoprotein a merupakan zat yang dibuat oleh hati, dan dapat berikatan dengan reseptor kolesterol LDL. Lp(a) merupakan factor resiko tersendiri untuk penyakit jantung koroner. Kadar optimal Lp(a) adalah <> 20 mg/dl dianggap berisiko untuk terjadinya stroke dan jika kadarnya > 30 mg/dl dianggap berisiko untuk penyakit jantung koroner. Kadar Lp(a) yang tinggi juga merupakan salah satu penyebab kadar klesterol LDL meningkat dan sulit turun walaupun telah diobati.

CRP (C-reactive protein) merupakan protein fase akut yang diproduksi oleh hati sebagai respon terhadap infeksi atau peradangan. Peradangan juga berperan dalam patogenesis terjadinya aterosklerosis, dan telah dibuktikan bahwa pemeriksaan CRP, terutama dengan metode yang sangat sensitive (highly sensitive/hsCRP), mendukung dalam identifikasi resiko terjadinya penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah. Orang-orang dengan kadar CRP normal tinggi mempunyai resiko yang lebih besar untuk terjadinya sindrom koroner akut dibandingkan mereka dengan kadar CRP normal rendah.

Troponin T
Troponin T cardiac (cTnT) merupakan suatu protein yang berasal dari tropomiosin pada sel otot jantung. Saat ini , cTnT dan cTnl dinaggap terbaik untuk diagnosis dan stratifikasi risiko infark sehingga menjadi pemeriksaan standar, disamping pemeriksaan EKG dan gejala klinik.
D-dimer merupakan hasil pemecahan fibrin yang merupakan bukti terjadinya pembekuan darah (thrombus). Jika terjadinya pembekuan berlebihan dapat timbul sumbatan pembuluh darah, dan ini dapat dideteksidengan peningkatan kadar D-dimer.

Anak adalah buah hati orang tua dan harapan bangsa dimasa mendatang. Oleh karena itu kesehatan anak sangat penting, dan sudah dimulai sejak dalam kandungan. Lakukan pemeriksaan untuk deteksi infeksi pada ibu hamil yang mungkin menyebabkan cacat bawaan atau infeksi bawaan pada bayi yang dikandungnya (ToRCH-Toxoplasmosis, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus (CMV), dan Herpes, Simplex Virus (HSV-1 dan HSV-2). Pada pasangan orang tua juga dapat diperiksa adanya kelainan darah bawaan dengan pemeriksaan elektroforesis hemoglobin dengan metode high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
Disamping itu, juga terdapat program untuk penapisan hipotiroid congenital, untuk deteksi dini adanya gangguan hormone tiroid yang dapat menyebabkan hambatan pada perkembangan anak.

Kanker adalah penyakit yang sangat ditakuti karena rasa nyeri dan kesakitan yang ditimbulkannya. Deteksi dini terhadap kanker dapat mendorong pada tindakan yang lebih awal, sehingga dapat membatasi perkembangannya. Berbagai parameter pemeriksaan petanda tumor dapat diperiksa di laboratorium, yaitu AFP sebagai petanda tumor hati, PSA untuk kanker Prostat, CEA untuk kanker saluran cerna, Ca 125 untuk kanker ovarium serta Ca 15-3 untuk kanker payudara dll.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Your 12 Most Embarrassing Beauty Questions

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

WebMD Feature from "Redbook" Magazine
By Amy M. Keller.

When the normal bacteria on your feet interact with moisture trapped in your socks and shoes, they emit stinky sulfurous byproducts, says Doris J. Day, M.D., an assistant professor of dermatology at New York University.

1. What causes foot odor?
The fix: Since dry feet equals odor-free feet, wear absorbent cotton socks with shoes made from breathable materials, like canvas and leather, and sprinkle Zeasorb - an over-the-counter drying powder - into your shoes every morning. Three nights a week, pour a pot of tea made with several regular (not herbal) tea bags into a basin, then soak your feet for five to 10 minutes. The tannic acid in tea temporarily inhibits sweat production. See your doctor if your feet are also red, swollen or scaly to make sure a bacterial or fungal infection isn't causing the smell.

2. Why does my breath smell despite constant brushing?
Although brushing will help prevent cavities (so don't stop scrubbing), it can only mask bad breath, since the problem really lies within your throat and tongue, not your teeth. When the bacteria in your mouth lose access to oxygen (which can happen when you use alcohol-based mouthwashes, take certain prescription medications for depression or high blood pressure or simply sit with your mouth shut for a long time), they emit smelly sulfur compounds, says Harold Katz, D.D.S., founder of The California Breath Clinic in Los Angeles; this is the same principle at work with foot odor. Eating garlic and onion also makes your breath stink because they contain - surprise - those same sulfur compounds.

The fix: Contrary to popular belief, a tongue scraper won't banish bad breath - sulfur compounds cannot be removed manually. Instead, keep your mouth oxygenated by drinking water throughout the day and using an over-the-counter oral rinse with chlorine dioxide in both the A.M. and the P.M. to neutralize sulfur compounds. (Try TheraBreath Oral Rinse.) Chewing on oxygen-rich vegetables, like parsley and celery, can also diminish odors. If these tricks don't work, see your dentist.

3. I've started to sweat through my blouses. Should I be worried?
Most likely there's nothing to fear, says Joseph L. Jorizzo, M.D., chairperson of dermatology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, NC. You probably just have a benign, hereditary tendency toward excessive sweating that can crop up at any age. But see your doctor to rule out an overactive thyroid, a low blood-sugar level and a number of other problems that can cause continual heavy sweating.

The fix: Before bed, towel-dry your armpits and apply the prescription antiperspirant solution Drysol (it contains a higher percentage of aluminum chloride - a drying agent - than regular deodorants do). Wash the solution off in the A.M. and don't reapply any deodorant. Repeat nightly. Still not satisfied? Ask your doctor about Botox injections - one treatment ($800 to $1,500) can paralyze sweat glands for six months to a year.

4. Every time I shave, I get a bumpy rash along my bikini line -- what's causing it?
A too-close shave or waxing can make hairs split and loop around just under the surface of the skin. As these off-kilter hairs grow, they push up against your skin, causing inflammation and redness, says Lawrence Moy, M.D., chief of dermatology at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center.

The fix: Put down your loofah; dermatologists now agree that rubbing the bumps to free trapped hairs will only make the problem worse. Instead, apply an OTC acetylsalicylic acid (a.k.a. aspirin) solution twice a day for two to seven days to gently exfoliate the top layer of your skin. (Try Soft Cell.) Once you shed this layer, the looped hairs will be able to poke through. A cortisone injection, administered by your dermatologist, will decrease inflammation in bigger bumps. If ingrown hairs are a persistent problem, you may want to consider laser treatment, which damages the hair follicles and prevents hair growth. You'll need about three treatments (each around $350) followed by a touch-up every six months to a year.

5. I've heard that spider veins are hereditary. My mom doesn't have them, so why do I?
Genetics isn't the only cause of these unsightly blue veins. Pregnancy and trauma to the leg (like bumping into something) can bring them on, says Esta Kronberg, M.D., a Houston, TX, dermatologist.

The fix: Though vitamin K cream has been touted by some as the next big thing in spider-vein treatment (possibly because of its ability to constrict blood vessels, which supposedly makes veins less visible), there's no way the molecules in the cream can penetrate the skin on your legs and be absorbed into your veins, says Jorizzo. The best option - with 95 percent of patients seeing improvement after one to three treatments (up to $300 per treatment, per leg) -- is still sclerotherapy, tiny injections of saline solution, which irritates veins and causes them to swell shut.

6. Are the bumps on my butt and on the backs of my arms pimples?
No. They're actually called keratosis pilaris - the cause is unknown, but some claim that it's a hereditary condition.

The fix: You can soften and help slough off bumps by rubbing them with a mixture of equal parts petroleum jelly and either water or cold cream. If that doesn't work, prescription Retin-A probably will, but it can irritate the surrounding skin. A better alternative: prescription LactiCare-HC Lotion 2 1/2%, which contains lactic acid to dissolve dead skin cells and hydrocortisone to soothe any acid-induced irritation. Rub lotion onto bumps twice a day until they clear up.

7. What's causing my toenail fungus?
Toenail fungus is actually athlete's foot (often picked up from shared showers or borrowed shoes) that has spread into your toenails.

The fix: The most effective treatment is a prescription antifungal pill like Lamisil or Sporanox, but be warned: These treatments are only 70 to 80 percent effective at best, and even when they work it takes nearly a year and a half for the toenail to fully grow out, says Day. Prevent a recurrence by wearing shower slippers every time you rinse off at the gym and by not borrowing shoes.

8. Why do my teeth look so dingy?
Smoking and excessive consumption of dark beverages (like coffee, tea, soda and red wine) are the main causes of stained teeth, says Lana Rozenberg, D.D.S., founder of the Rozenberg Dental Day Spa in New York City.

The fix: As with clothing stains, the longer discolorations remain on your teeth, the harder they are to remove - so keep up those twice-a-year dental visits. You can lighten your teeth several shades with a whitening toothpaste that contains carbamide peroxide, but use it only once a day to avoid drying out gum tissue. (Try Rembrandt Plus with Peroxide toothpaste.) Floss treated with the whitening agent silica has also been proven to polish away stains, which often form between teeth. (Try Johnson & Johnson Reach Whitening Floss.) For more dramatic results, your dentist can bleach your teeth up to eight shades brighter with a highly concentrated peroxide gel administered via laser ($800 to $1,500) or in a custom-fitted mouthpiece ($600 to $1,000) that you wear an hour a day for about 10 days, says Rozenberg. (Though drugstore bleaching kits are much less expensive, they aren't quite as effective -- the gel isn't as strong, and since the mouthpieces aren't created specifically for you, the gel can drip out of them and inflame your gums.)

9. Why do I have stretch marks?
You may suspect that the marks on your tummy, thighs or hips were caused by pregnancy or significant weight fluctuations. What you may not know, though, is that hormonal changes that occur during normal growth spurts can also cause your skin to stretch and scar, says Lawrence Moy, M.D. Red marks appear when your skin stretches and thins so much that you can see your blood flowing through the skin's thinned outer layers, says Joseph L. Jorizzo, M.D., When your skin stretches minimally or the stretched skin is thick, white marks result.

The fix: No treatment is guaranteed to remove stretch marks, but you can make them less noticeable. Try twice-daily applications of OTC Striae Stretch Mark Creme - several studies have confirmed that it can reduce red or white marks in about four weeks. Or ask your doctor about laser therapy ($450 to $700 per treatment), which can tone down the brightness of recently acquired red marks, or microdermabrasion ($50 to $150 per session), which can diminish the appearance of white marks.

10. Could there be a serious underlying cause for excess facial hair?
If you fight your follicles on a daily basis or sprout lots of hairs on your chin, see your doctor. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (a disorder characterized by high levels of male hormones) or an adrenal gland problem could be to blame. If you're moderately hairy (you tidy up your brows or upper-lip area once a month), you've probably just got your genes to thank.

The fix: Vaniqa - a new, odorless prescription cream- has recently been approved by the FDA to decrease light to heavy hair growth anywhere on the face ($50 for a two-month supply). Though it doesn't yield immediate results (you'll need to keep using your regular hair-removal methods at first), the cream blocks one of the enzymes responsible for hair growth, gradually slowing it down as long as you continue to use it, says Ken Washenik, M.D., director of dermatopharmacology at New York University School of Medicine. For those who don't respond to Vaniqa, six laser hair treatments ($150 each) can significantly decrease hair growth for months. A monthly electrolysis session for up to a year ($60 to $100 each) can remove hair permanently.

11. Why is my face so shiny?
If you are also losing hair and have stopped getting your period, a hormonal imbalance could be the culprit, and you should see your doctor. If not, your skin is just oversensitive to your male hormones (we all have them) - and this is triggering the production of excess oil. Another possibility: a too-harsh cleansing routine (some of you have written to us saying you use rubbing alcohol to nix shine!). Many derms believe that alcohol-based toners and gritty scrubs can overdry and irritate your skin and make it produce extra oil to compensate, says Doris J. Day, M.D.

The fix: Your best bet is to regulate oil without overdrying your skin. So in the morning, wash your face with an oil-free lotion cleanser, then rub on an alcohol-free toner. (Try Cetaphil Daily Facial Cleanser for Normal to Oily Skin and Bath & Body Works Bio Face Oil-Control Facial Toner.) Top with the OTC oil-absorbing gel Clinac OC. Sop up shiny spots throughout the day with blotting papers. (Try Hard Candy Shiny Sheets.) Repeat your A.M. routine - minus the gel - before bed. If you continue to shine, ask your dermatologist about Retin-A Micro. Less irritating than regular Retin-A, this prescription cream was created to treat acne but has also been proven effective against oiliness.

12. What causes hand warts?
The human papilloma virus is responsible for warts - but to get them you have to be both genetically predisposed and in close contact with an infected person, says Doris J. Day, M.D.

The fix: With a clean nail file, gently slough off the top layers of your warts daily to remove dead skin, says Day. (Do not use this nail file for anything but wart removal.) Then rub on over-the-counter Occlusal HP - its highly concentrated salicylic acid dissolves warts. If warts remain after several months, consult your dermatologist about other remedies, including laser therapy and liquid nitrogen treatments. Despite treatment, however, warts can come back. A warning: Be careful when engaging in sexual activity - though it's unlikely, hand warts can spread to your (or your partner's) genitals.

Taken from WebMD
Cheers, frizzy2008