Blog campur-campur

Kopdar sekaligus dapat ilmu dari pakar SEO

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Asiknya ketemu pakar SEO sekaligus kopi darat dengan para blogger

Halo sobat semua, sabtu lalu tanggal 21 Maret 2009, aku menghadiri acara talk-show pakar SEO, mas Ali Akbar di toko buku Leksika, gedung Giant lantai 4 dekat terminal Rawamangun. Acara talk-show ini dilakukan setiap hari sabtu dengan tema SHARING INTERNET for MONEY. Seharusnya dari sabtu minggu lalunya aku datang, tapi anakku masuk rumah sakit.

Acaranya seperti kursus tapi asik, dan menurutku sih acaranya bagus banget, para sobat blogger pasti suka. Dapat ilmu gratis sambil silaturrahmi bikin suasana hidup jadi semakin hidup.

Acara ini jadi semakin asik dengan dihadirkannya para tamu pengusaha-pengusaha web yang sukses dan mereka dengan sangat gamblang berbagi pengalaman mereka. Rencananya minggu depan atau tiga minggu lagi akan dihadirkan the Wonderboy of Amazon, Habibie Afsah, tergantung waktu luangnya.

Mr. Dedi Bharos, fotografer profesional

Untuk sobat-sobat blogger yang hari sabtu sorenya tidak ada acara, datang yuk ke acara ini. Kita kopi darat sambil mendapat ilmu yang sangat berguna.

Cheers, frizzy.

Orang Pesimis Lebih Cepat Mati

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

ORANG yang optimistis hidup lebih lama, bahkan lebih sehat dibandingkan orang yang pesimistis. Demikian kata beberapa peneliti AS, dalam sebuah studi.
Para peneliti di University of Pittsburgh mengkaji angka rata-rata kematian dan kondisi kesehatan kronis di kalangan pasien dalam studi Women’s Health Initiative—yang telah mengikuti perkembangan lebih dari 100.000 perempuan yang berusia 50 tahun ke atas sejak 1994.

Perempuan yang memiliki sifat optimistis—orang yang memperkirakan sesuatu yang baik dan bukan hal buruk yang akan terjadi— sebanyak14 persen kurang mungkin untuk meninggal akibat penyebab apa pun dibandingkan dengan orang yang pesimistis, dan 30 persen kurang mungkin untuk menghembuskan napas akibat sakit jantung setelah delapan tahun pengamatan dalam studi tersebut.
Orang yang optimistis juga kurang mungkin untuk menghadapi tekanan darah tinggi, diabetes, atau menghisap rokok. Tim yang dipimpin oleh Dr Hilary Tindle itu juga meneliti perempuan yang sangat tak percaya kepada orang lain—satu kelompok yang mereka sebut "bermusuhan sangat sinis"—dan membandingkan mereka dengan perempuan yang lebih memercayai orang lain.

Perempuan di dalam kelompok bermusuhan secara sinis cenderung untuk setuju dengan pertanyaan, seperti "Saya sering kali harus menerima perintah dari seseorang yang tak mengetahui sebanyak yang saya ketahui" atau "Paling aman tak memercayai seorang pun", kata Tindle dalam suatu wawancara telepon dengan wartawan kantor berita Inggris, Reuters.

"Pertanyaan ini membuktikan rasa tak percaya umum kepada orang lain," kata Tindle yang menyajikan studinya pada Kamis dalam pertemuan tahunan American Psychosomatic Society di Chicago. Pola berpikir semacam itu merenggut korban.
"Perempuan yang bermusuhan secara sinis 16 persen lebih mungkin untuk meninggal (selama masa studi) dibandingkan dengan perempuan yang tak terlalu bermusuhan secara sinis," kata Tindle. Mereka juga sebanyak 23 persen lebih mungkin menemui ajal akibat kanker.

Tindle mengatakan, studi itu tak membuktikan sikap negatif mengakibatkan dampak kesehatan negatif, tapi ia mengatakan semua temuan tersebut benar-benar akan memperlihatkan keterkaitan pada suatu hari nanti.
"Saya kira kita benar-benar memerlukan penelitian lebih lanjut guna merancang pengobatan yang akan ditujukan kepada sikap manusia guna melihat apakah semua itu dapat diubah dan apakah perubahan itu bermanfaat bagi kesehatan," katanya.
Tindle mengatakan, meskipun seorang pesimitis mungkin berpendapat, "Takdir saya sudah diputuskan. Tak ada yang dapat saya lakukan, saya tak yakin itu benar. Kita ’kan tidak tahu."

by Kompas, ABI
Sumber : Ant

Cheers, frizzy.

Adamo, notebook super tipis

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Akhirnya Dell membuka cadar rahasianya mengenai Adamo secara resmi dengan mengumumkan produk pertama di Dell untuk kalangan high class.

Adamo, yang berasal dari bahasa Latin, berarti "jatuh cinta dengan" dan apa yang ingin Anda Dell untuk melakukan - jatuh cinta dengan mewah baru daripada persembahan dari Apple, Macbook Air. Diperuntukkan untuk segmentasi high class.

Masalahnya adalah dengan kualitas yang tidak datang dengan cara murah, yang berarti bahwa Anda membayar premi untuk under-powered sistem. Tetapi jika dari gaya yang diinginkan, Anda mendapatkan dalam spades dengan Adamo.

Mengambil sistem terlihat pada gambar di atas. $ 1999 Anda membeli aluminium shell melibat 1.2ghz Intel Core 2 Duo dengan sistem atau 2GB RAM DDR3, 128GB SSD dan 13,4 "ujung-ke-tepi 720p layar kaca (Anda juga mendapatkan N WiFi, Bluetooth, USB dan 2x USB / eSATA port, dan DisplayPort Gigabit Ethernet port). Sistem ini dilengkapi dengan 64-bit Vista Home Premium dan menawarkan hingga 5 jam dan baterai. Oh, dan ia memiliki backlit keyboard. Anda bisa mendapatkan lebih banyak fitur untuk $ 2000, tapi sulit untuk menemukan sesuatu yang lebih gaya.

Cheers, frizzy.

Ngebayangin duit 1 Triliun Dollar, penting gak sih???

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Yaa namanya juga ngebayangin, gak usah pusing lah.

Mulai dari $100 sebagai denominasi tertinggi
Menuju ke ikatan terbesar, $10,000
Menanjak ke jumlah $1,000,000

Lanjut ke $100,000,000

Mulai menarik di $1,000,000,000

Akhirnya sampai juga di $1,000,000,000,000

Ini adalah rencana anggaran bailout pemerintah USA untuk mengatasi krisis global.

Cheers, frizzy.

Mari bermain Micro Emulator

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Buat para sobat blogger yang ingin mencoba-coba aplikasi java micro yang biasanya dimainkan di handphone. Berikut ini aku berbagi micro emulator yang mampu bekerja sempurna menjalankan aplikasi, games misalnya, layaknya di handphone.
Aku juga sertakan contoh aplikasi berupa opera mini 3 dan opera mini 4. Seperti yang kita ketahui, browsing internet menggunakan opera mini mempunyai pengalaman unik yang berbeda dibandingkan bila kita menggunakan browser biasa seperti firefox, iexplorer, dan opera.
Silahkan download micro emulator dan opera mininya.

Oh ya, hampir lupa kalo prasyarat menggunakan micro emulator adalah kita harus menginstal Jave run time, bisa anda ambil di sini.

Apa sih asiknya?
Buat anda para blogger yang suka mengeluh alexanya lambat naik peringkat, opera mini dapat membantu. Karena opera mini bekerja menggunakan proxy dengan alamat ip address norwegia dan selalu berubah-ubah tiap kali kita load tanpa perlu pusing putus-sambung koneksi.
Contoh pengalaman:
  1., mulai tanggal 4 juli 2008 sekarang alexa di bawah 85ribu
  2., mulai tanggal 1 februari 2009 sekarang alexa di 505ribu
Kurang seru ah?
Iya memang lebih seru datang ke bazaarnya nokia dengan discount 80% kalau ada sih.
Mumpung ingat, micro emulator bisa kita load banyak sekaligus, secukup memori komputer kamu mampu dan berjalan bersama-sama. Klik aja berulang ulang microemulator.jar, paling-paling muncul lagi, muncul lagi. Yach, lumayan aja buat meningkatkan trafik yang gak jelas.

Kalo teknologi sudah tersedia dan gak ada larangan apa-apa, kenapa juga ngeluh ini-itu.
Kill them all, buddy!!!

Cheers, frizzy.

Take ellipticals-machines for smooth fitness

You want to maintain the ideal body shape and healthy should be a regular practice and programmed of exercise. There are many place you can do exercise for health, like at home or in a fitness gym. Comfort in the sport can help you get maximum results. And good exercise machines that can deliver you to the ideal body is also available, all at Smooth Fitness.

Smooth Fitness provides a variety of ellipticals-machines that can help you exercise comfortably. The elliptical-machine is a combination of stair-climbing and a treadmill that is very safe to use and work in silent mechanisms and ultra-smooth ride. Also can even work well on your body that has a high specific, high or short. Design seems simple but elegant, equipped with features that are useful and appropriate for maintaining stable ideal body. Smooth Fitness spoil you with the tools to provide high quality and works very well without the noisy disrupt.

Whether the elliptical-machine is boring?
Of course not! The tool is equipped with various training programs that challenge you and work perfectly. You can organize them according to the target time, target distance, target calories, random, fat burning, automatic interval, endurance, WATT Control, target heart rate and many more. You can also put it all in a comfortable room in your home.

Smooth Fitness has become the number 1 leader in providing technology tools Treadmill and elliptical trainer for last 10 years. Available that include exercise machines, treadmills, exercise bikes, ellipticals-machines and advanced dynamic motion Agiles that can be bought directly from manufacturer by online, and even discount your interest has been waiting for. Smooth Fitness also provide warranty service and satisfaction with a 30-day "No Questions Asked - Money Back Guarantee.

Let's check out the Smooth Fitness' ellipticals-machines and others.

Gavikal sudah pulang, terima kasih semuanya...

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Dear sobat blogger,
Hari ini, Senin, 16 Maret 2009 pukul 13:00WIB anakku, Gavikal Hanif Pasopati sudah diperbolehkan pulang. Dirawat selama tiga hari di Rumah Sakit Harapan Kita di bawah pengawasan Dr. Eva J. Soelaiman, ahli gastro anak.
Adapun diagnosanya adalah adanya radang di saluran telinga akibat influenza dan gejala tifus.

Kami sekeluarga sangat terharu dan tak henti mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua sobat blogger yang telah memberi simpati, empati serta doa yang ikhlas, yang insya Allah didengar oleh Yang Maha Kuasa dan diberi balasan berupa kebaikan pula.

Demikian, si Vikal sudah langsung bisa bermain-main setelah terkulai lemas beberapa hari di tempat tidur rumah sakit.

Salam, frizzy.

Anakku Gavikal, lagi sakit...

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Sudah sejak hari rabu si vikal panas turun naik, hari ini, pagi-pagi muntah banyak so aku dan si bunda bawa dia ke rumah sakit Harapan Kita. Masuk UGD terus cari kamar perawatan, akhirnya aku putuskan untuk di rawat aja di sana, biar tuntas kesembuhannya.
Ini dia:

Mohon doa kesembuhan dari para sobat blogger, maaf aku belum bisa online secara intensif dulu.

Cheers, frizzy.

Mari bermain Lightbox 2.0

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Menampilkan image atau gambar menggunakan lightbox membuat website kita terlihat keren (menurutku lho...!). Untuk itu aku share aja ma sobat-sobat bloggerku tercinta.

Tambahkan beberapa kode javascript pada html blogspot kamu, caranya tinggal buka edit html di tab layout setup, cari/search kata "/head", kemudian sisipkan kode script dibawah ini di atas tag penutup tersebut.

<$Script src='' type='text/javascript' /$>
<$Script src=',builder' type='text/javascript' /$>
<$Script src='' type='text/javascript' /$>
<$link href='' media='screen' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' /$>
*Jangan lupa untuk menghilangkan tanda dolarnya yach

Selanjutnya tambahkan attribut rel="lightbox" pada image link yang mau kamu buka.
<$a href="images/image-1.jpg" rel="lightbox" title="my caption">image #1<$/a>
*Sekali lagi hapus tanda $-nya yach

Tarrraaaa, jadi dech
Lihat contohnya:

Kalo mau buat slide show, ini contoh scriptnya:
<$a href="images/image-1.jpg" rel="lightbox[roadtrip]">image #1<$/a>
<$a href="images/image-2.jpg" rel="lightbox[roadtrip]">image #2<$/a>
<$a href="images/image-3.jpg" rel="lightbox[roadtrip]">image #3<$/a>
*Sekali lagi aku mohon dengan sangat, hapus tanda $-nya yach

Semoga berguna,
Cheers, frizzy.

Online Universities

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Online Universities
Students choose to further their education for many reasons, though until a few years ago, online universities weren't an option for a lot of people. Whether you are a high school graduate, want to accelerate or change your career, or have job or family commitments, a degree from an accredited online university is a convenient way to achieve your goals.
Whatever your future plans, Online Degree Universities can help you find top online universities with degree programs that fit your needs. Search by program or by degree level (associate's, bachelor's, master's, or PhD).

Why Online University

Who Should Opt For The Online Route?
If attending a university program has become tough for you due to a full-time job and other commitments then online universities can help you immensely. An online university degree offered by the online universities is as good and legitimate as compared to a traditional one. The good thing about online university degree is that you can organize your study on the basis of your schedule.
With online university degree, you decide your own timetable. Even better, it’s totally up to you where you want to study. In some cases, classroom environment can intimidate some students. These kinds of students prefer studying in their own room in peace rather than in the presence of thirty odd other students and teachers.

Before opting for any online university degree program, make sure that it matches your requirement. There are number of online universities that provide students with real-time instruction through World Wide Web. In other words, you can listen to a lecture in an online university degree program, as is the case with attending a conventional classroom lecture. Before enrolling in any online degree program, review the syllabus of the course.
Fees structure is also quite an important factor in the online university degree. Before enrolling, see how much money you are going to spend during the course, including university taxes and books. Most of the online universities provide books and course material for free. If the online university you have chosen is not offering you all this, it is recommended that you stay away from that particular university. You can ask previous students regarding the hidden taxes that university charges to their students.

Online University Degree Advantages:

Find below some of the advantages associated with online university degree:
  • First and foremost, you can attend classes in online university degree program on the basis of your convenience.
  • You can access all the study material of your course through the Internet. It also includes all the administrative aspects.
  • As soon as you finish your assignments, you will get the degree. In an ideal scenario, you can get the online university degree in a matter of two or three years.
  • You can get online bachelor degree quickly at online universities as compared to conventional bachelor degree program.
  • Online university degree program offers your more flexibility as compared to conventional bachelor degree program.
  • Online degrees offered by accredited online universities are recognized all around the world.

Best Online University
One of the most convenient ways to further your education while keeping a job and home is registering for an online degree. With online courses you will have interactive classes via the net, will receive course work online, have an advisor who will guide you 24/7, and you can at your own convenience complete assignments from home.
There are many online universities, and many of them have unique advantages. But which will be the Best Online University for me? With online universities sprouting up everywhere it becomes difficult to determine which schools offer the best package for which individuals. To assist you there we have taken three criteria; marketability, usability, and class quality.

There is little question that among online universities, which university carries the best reputation. Employers consistently regard the students coming out of reputed universities as prepared for the job market and as a result, a degree from a reputed university, more than any other online university, confers marketability. There are hundreds of small universities spread throughout the country which offers very less online programs and as a result they are not that much confers marketability.

Students consistently report good experiences with the guided notes of online universities. As it has replaced the tedious classroom chat room and malfunctioning web cams of old. Students like to prefer using online systems which have been perfected for many years.

Class Quality:
Students consistently report quality teaching in every department. There are universities like Phoenix which offers wide array of class choices.

There are many online universities which are reputed. Some of them are University of Phoenix Online, Colorado Online Technical University, Devry Online University, Boston Online University and Kaplan Online University.

University of Phoenix Online:
The University of Phoenix Online is the most widely recognized online university in the world. But beyond job opportunities, Phoenix also excels above most of its competitors with respect to teaching.

Colorado Online Technical University:
Colorado Technical University is suitable for high school graduates and adult working class professionals. Their convenient online and on ground classes will help adults build their schedules around their profession. At Colorado Technical University you will gain inspiration and an increased desire for gaining more education throughout your life time.

Devry Online University:
Devry University is one of the oldest and most widely recognized online universities. DeVry students have the unique opportunity to choose to take courses online or opt to take some in live physical classrooms. The school is uniquely able to provide many students with employment as they proceed through their education.

Boston Online University:
An online degree from Boston University represents achievement of a high academic standard. At Boston University Online, you can earn your degree during the hours and in the location that work best for youwithout settling for anything less than the resources and distinction of a great university.

Kaplan Online University:
Kaplan University focuses on adding a human touch to the high technology of learning online. The flexibility and dynamic interaction of online education at Kaplan University also allows for innovative learning opportunities.

There are many good universities out there. But according to your needs and requirements in your education, you must have to choose the best online university.

taken from
Cheers, frizzy.

Daftar Penembakan Paling Mematikan di Sekolah

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

SEORANG pria bersenjata melancarkan tembakan ke sebuah SMA di Jerman selatan, Rabu (11/3). Inilah daftar insiden penembakan paling mematikan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir.

23 September 2008 :
Matti Saari (22) menembak mati sembilan teman sekolahnya dan seorang guru sebelum bunuh diri di sekolah di Kauhajoki, Finlandia.

14 Februari 2008 :
Mantan siswa Steven Kazmierczak (27) melancarkan tembakan di sebuh hall kampus di Northern Illinois University di DeKalb, menewaskan lima siswa dan melukai 18 lainnya sebelum pelaku bunuh diri.

7 November 2007 :
Pekka-Eric Auvinen (18) menembak mati delapan orang dan dirinya sendiri di SMA di Tuusula, Finlandia.

16 April 2007 :
Cho Seung-Hui (23) menembak mati 32 orang di sebuah dome dan kelas di Virginia Tech di Blacksburg, kemudian bunuh diri.

20 November 2006 :
Sebastian Bosse (18) menembaki bekas SMA-nya di Emsdetten, Jerman, dekat perbatasan Belanda, melukai empat siswa. Polisi kemudian menemukan Bosse tewas.

26 April 2002 :
Robert Steinhaeuser (19) sebelumnya dikeluarkan dari sekolah di Erfurt, Jerman, menewaskan 13 guru, dua mantan teman sekolahnya, dan seorang polisi, sebelum bunuh diri.

20 April 1999 :
Dua siswa Eric Harris dan Dylan Klebold menembaki Columbine High School di Littleton, Colorado, menewaskan 12 rekannya dan seorang guru serta melukai 26 lainnya sebelum bunuh diri di perpustakaan sekolah.

13 Maret 1996 :
Thomas Hamilton (43) membunuh 16 siswa TK dan guru mereka di Dunblane, Skotlandia, kemudian bunuh diri.

Cheers, frizzy.

Unimportant Tips in blogspot

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Unimportant tips
Buat yang mau lihat atom/rss feeds untuk postingan, begini caranya:

Buat yang mau lihat atom/rss feeds untuk komentar, begini caranya:

Cara di atas secara default akan menghasilkan 25 feed terbaru.
Untuk merubahnya menjadi kurang atau lebih dari 25 feeds begini caranya:

What for?
Yaa kali aja perlu untuk audit trail postingan atau komentar dari blog kita atau sekedar senang-senang membaca pakai metode rss feed. Nggak haram kok baca blog pakai cara gini, lha wong hampir semua blogger menawarkan berlangganan rss feed, iya toh?!

Additional tips
Script untuk memodifikasi recent comments, begini caranya:
// ----------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------
// This functions takes a blogger-feed in JSON
// format and displays it.
// ----------------------------------------

function showrecentcomments(json) {
for (var i = 0; i < entry =" json.feed.entry[i];" i ="=" k =" 0;" rel ="=" alturl ="[k].href;" alturl =" alturl.replace(" postlink =" alturl.split(" postlink =" postlink[0];" linktext =" postlink.split(" linktext =" linktext[5];" linktext =" linktext.split(" linktext =" linktext[0];" posttitle =" linktext.replace(/-/g," posttitle =";" commentdate =" entry.published.$t;" cdyear =" commentdate.substring(0,4);" cdmonth =" commentdate.substring(5,7);" cdday =" commentdate.substring(8,10);" monthnames =" new" comment =" entry.content.$t;" re =" /<\S[^">]*>/g;
comment = comment.replace(re, "");
if (showcommentdate == true) document.write((i+1)+' . Date: ' + cdday + ' '+ monthnames[parseInt(cdmonth,10)] + ' ' + cdyear + ' ');
document.write('' +[0].name.$t + ', commented');
if (showposttitle == true) document.write(' on: ' + posttitle);
if (comment.length <>' + comment + '

document.write(''+ comment.substring(0, numchars) + '...


<#$>var numcomments = 50;
var showcommentdate = true;
var showposttitle = true;
var numchars = 150;
var standardstyling = true;
<#$ src="">
*#$--> diganti dengan tag script yach.
Bisa diletakkan di postingan sehingga tidak mengganggu performance frontpage yang berguna juga untuk meningkatkan performance alexa rating kita.
Terima kasih untuk anda yang telah meluangkan waktu membaca tips yang gak penting ini.

Cheers, frizzy.

Ratapan Blogger, pengguna internet di Indonesia

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Ratapan Blogger, pengguna internet di Indonesia

Ya Tuhanku berilah hidayah kepada para pemilik internet provider di Indonesia
Semoga mereka tidak selalu menyombongkan diri untuk menjadikan kami sebagai prestasi mereka
Sementara kami menderita menggunakan produk mereka

Ya Tuhanku berilah hidayah kepada para pemilik internet provider di Indonesia
Untuk selalu menepati janji pelayanan produk yang kami pakai sesuai dengan iklan mereka
Mereka selalu berkelit dengan alasan ini dan itu seolah-olah kami bodoh
Padahal mereka menyerap uang kami tanpa malu-malu

Ya Tuhanku berilah hidayah kepada para pemilik internet provider di Indonesia
Dan beri juga hidayah kepada pemberi ijin mereka yaitu Pemerintah kami
Yang selalu mendapat komisi dari provider dan menghisap kami dari pajak penjualan

Wahai pemilik internet provider
Kami butuh koneksi internet
Kami mendatangi anda dengan harapan yang baik dan besar dari iklan anda
Namun sayang, anda menempatkan customer service yang bodoh namun merasa paling pintar di antara kami
dengan kemampuan eskalasi terbatas yang cukup membuat kami berhenti mengeluh karena bingung mau gimana lagi

Wahai pemilik internet provider
Belajarlah akan teknologi yang benar
Implementasikanlah teknologimu dengan benar
Dan hargailah konsumenmu dengan benar

Berilah kami produkmu dengan kejujuranmu
Berilah kami pelayananmu dengan keinginan maju bersama-sama
Cintailah kami sebagai loyalismu, karena kami tidak akan kemana-mana
Karena kami tidak punya daya sepertimu
Karena kami ingin maju
Karena kami...

Cheers, frizzy.

Online Degree

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Online Degrees

The term online degrees refers to college degrees (sometimes including high school diplomas and non-degree certificate programs) that can be earned primarily or entirely through the use of an Internet-connected computer, rather than attending college in a traditional campus setting. Improvements in technology and the increasing use of the Internet worldwide have led to a proliferation of online colleges that award associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees.

Perceived quality of online degrees
The recognition of the quality of online degrees compared to on-campus degrees varies. While most major online colleges are regionally accredited, the public perception of their quality is in dispute. Some experts argue that degrees in certain fields are more accepted online than in others, while some programs are less suited for online-only schools.

A survey by the Distance Education and Training Council found that 100 percent of employers who responded felt that distance education program graduates performed better on the job as a result of their degree (as compared to their previous performance). Additionally, employers felt that an employee receiving a distance education degree compared favorably, in terms of knowledge learned, to someone with a resident degree. On the other hand, The Chronicle of Higher Education reported in January 2007 on a Vault Inc. survey that found 55 percent of employers preferred traditional degrees over online ones. 41%, however, said they would give "equal consideration to both types of degrees."

The Sloan Consortium, an organization funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to maintain and improve the quality of distance education, publishes regular reports on the state of distance education in the U.S. In its 2006 report "Making the Grade: Online Education in the United States, 2006," it stated that "[i]n 2003, 57 percent of academic leaders rated the learning outcomes in online education as the same or superior to those in face-to-face. That number is now 62 percent, a small but noteworthy increase."

In some instances, an online degree may be no different than a degree earned in a campus-based program. The instruction is often exactly the same, and the online degree contains no special designation. An example of this is the degree offered to Columbia University students who earn a degree through the Columbia Video Network (CVN) versus the campus-based program.

Interesting article from Wikipedia
Cheers, frizzy.

Top 5 Reasons for Skipping Sex

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Too Tired, Sick Are the Most Common Reasons, Poll Shows
By Miranda Hitti
WebMD Health News
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

Being tired or needing sleep are the top reasons for skipping sex, a new poll shows.

The national poll, conducted by phone in January by the Consumer Reports National Research Center, included 1,000 adults 18-75. Women made up 52% of the group. Most participants, 57%, were married or living with a partner, and 48% have kids younger than 18 living at home.

Most participants, 81%, said they sometimes avoided sex last year. Here are their top five reasons for not having sex, along with the percentage of participants who chose that reason (they could choose more than one reason for not having sex):

1. Too tired or need sleep: 53%
2. Not feeling well or health reasons: 49%
3. Not in the mood: 40%
4. Taking care of children and/or pets: 30%
5. Work: 29%

The flagging economy wasn't one of their reasons. Of the 595 participants who reported being sexually active in 2008, 78% said that the economy hadn't affected how often they have sex.

Other findings from the survey include:

* 45% of sexually active participants say they've ever planned a time to have sex with their partners, but only 7% schedule sex on their calendar or PDA.
* 56% of men said they think about sex daily, compared to 19% of women
* People who rate their health as "poor" are less likely to have sex, but they're not less likely to think about sex.
* Parents of kids younger than 18 were more likely to report having sex in 2008 than people not living with children.

Cheers, frizzy.

Enterprise Network Security

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:


The effectiveness of enterprise network security in an organization becomes very clear after web-based attacks. Firewalls and antivirus software alone cannot protect a network against complex malicious code that threatens the IT infrastructure. Firewalls can detect web traffic, but most do not include a method to monitor the specific information in transfer. Most antivirus solutions are only effective against specific threats after they have occurred. These reactive solutions are insufficient because they do not protect against unknown future attacks.

Unfortunately, organizations cannot predict when or where the next threat will strike. The solution to this shortfall is to plan ahead to protect against new and emerging threats. Organizations need to enhance their existing security defenses with a solution that offers true content management. Security software complements firewalls and antivirus solutions by providing the most comprehensive enterprise network security solution. The three points of policy enforcement -- at the internet gateway, on the network, and on the desktop — create the multilayered, content-level protection required for the employee computing environment.

Web Security Gateway
Secure Web traffic while enabling the Web-based tools and applications.
Web 2.0 threat protection
Visibility and control with Web-based GUI
Real-time threat detection and site categorization
Enterprises with 500+ employees.

Web Security
Web security, reputation, and filtering protects against known and new Web threats.
Real-time protection against spyware, malicious mobile code, and other threats
Instantly actionable data with an intuitive dashboard
Web-based GUI reduces management costs
Enterprises up to 250,000+ users, with networks of virtually any configuration.

Web Filter
Improves productivity, reduces legal liability, and optimizes IT resources while allowing flexible Internet use policies.
Control Internet access
Prevent inappropriate content from entering the network
Limit bandwidth-intensive sites and applications
Enterprises from 50 to 250,000+ users, with networks of virtually any configuration.

Cheers, frizzy.

Lamps and lamp Shades at Farreys

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Home decoration lamps is without regard to the ancient. Beautiful house and beautiful decorations that require scattered light form the awe. Wow, that's a good home with beautiful lighting decoration, very cool.

Decorating is not the case that need not be considered but this is a trend that continues the long sought by those who have taste. Various kinds of decorative lights can be offered to strengthen the personal illustration of those who have a beautiful home. Often we have to roam from one shop to another shop only to find the right choice with our taste. It's the nuances classical, traditional, art, contemporary and modern at the same time can take a long debate with the election by the husband and wife. I have like that happen.

Farreys options provide different types of lamps from many top factories, of course, offer the high quality design that make you feel comfortable to select. Lamps and lamp Shades are offered, such as table lamps, floor lamps, desk lamps, torchieres and other elected and can be easily adjusted to the design of your home. You can set the selection based on brand, style, application and also price range of available lamps. Supported by a sophisticated search tool, to help you quickly find the dream you desire.

Well, if you have any requirement about lamps, just find them at

Cheers, frizzy.

Aneka Promo di Mega Bazaar 2009

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Telkom Speedy
Free Aktifasi
Free Abonemen Bulan Pertama
Diskon Abonemen s/d 56% untuk bulan ke 2 s/d Mei 2009.

Telkom Flexi
Hp keren hanya Rp199.000 dapat nomor gratis.
Nelpon Puas, Pulsa Aman.

Flexi Conference, inovasi baru dari Flexi yang memberi anda kemudahan dan kenyamanan untuk nelpon ke 200 nomor dan SMS hingga ke 1000 nomor yang berbeda operator secara bersamaan melalui internet di PC.

HP, Hewlett Packard
Promo!!! Mega Cash Back
Rp500.000 - Rp1.000.000 untuk Notebook
Rp200.000 - Rp300.000 untuk Software

Rupiah Sensation!!
Rp300.000 untuk Notebook Aspire
$40 untuk Netbook
Rp999.000 untuk Notebook TravelMate

Rp880.000 untuk Microsoft Ofice Home & Student 2007
Harga khusus pameran untuk semua keyboard dan mouse

Free Telkomsel Flash Connection, quota 777MB for 5 months!!!

Smart Jump
Gratis Modem 3.5G CDMA
Rp189ribu/bulan untuk unlimited quota

Sumber: brosur-brosur dan penjelasan sales promotion
Cheers, frizzy.

Mega Bazaar 2009

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Mega Bazaar 2009, Pameran optimisme di tengah krisis yang meningkat.

Cheers, frizzy.

Pemilu 2009 salah satu cara mendobrak persoalan

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Terus terang aku kagum dengan seluruh bangsa Indonesia, meskipun kita bukanlah orang-orang kaya/mapan dengan berlimpah uang milyaran. Namun kita tetap bersemangat bersatu untuk terus bersama menuju hari esok yang kita semua gak ngerti mau dibawa kemana oleh pemimpin-pemimpin kita.
Meski banyak kita dengar isak dan jerit tangis saudara kita akibat bencana yang melanda, baik segi ekonomi, politik, hukum dan bencana alam, namun di sisi lain kita tetap bersemangat untuk mencoba memperbaiki hal-hal tersebut.
Mungkin kita memang ditakdirkan harus seperti ini yaa. Dari Sabang sampai Merauke punya keanekaragaman yang tidak dapat terbantahkan. Kesamaan kita, menurut alasan para founding father adalah sama-sama dijajah Belanda dan Jepang, yang mungkin hal ini bagi sebagian orang adalah alasan aneh tapi ajaibnya kita tetap bersatu hingga hari ini.
Saat ini semua rakyat Indonesia berharap ada sebuah figur pemimpin yang bukan pemimpi. Gak perduli dari suku mana, silahkan, semua diberi kesempatan yang sama. Semua mempunyai tekad yang sama juga memajukan Indonesia meski dari perspektif masing-masing.
Dalam kesempatan ini aku tidak akan memaki, tidak akan melontarkan kritik pesimisme, tidak akan mengeluh, tidak mau menyalahkan, tidak mau juga hanya diam. Kenapa? karena aku adalah Manusia Indonesia. Manusia yang mempunyai sifat unik di dunia ini. Manusia yang menghargai tetangganya jika berbeda pendapat. Manusia yang sempat dibentuk oleh balutan pendidikan Pancasila yang berulang-ulang dan berlapis-lapis. Terkadang malas berikutnya berapi-api.
Aku ingin turut berpartisipasi menentukan arah tujuan bangsa kita dengan bersedia menyukseskan Pemilu 2009. Sikap politikku adalah floating mass berdasarkan Pancasila. Aku gak perduli kamu wakil dari partai mana selama sesuai dengan tujuan baikku pasti aku dukung seobyektif mungkin. Aku buat sesederhana itu, karena aku tidak mengerti hal-hal yang komplikatif. Aku hanya ingin berbuat yang aku bisa, aku tidak bisa berlagak peduli terhadap yang aku tidak mengerti. Aku ingin ada progress meskipun sedikit dan sangat pelan. Aku cinta Indonesiaku, gak perduli kalian memakiku sebagai bangsa yang rendah atau menghinaku dengan kata-kata kotor dan melemahkan.
Kalian bisa melihat sendiri banyak achievement yang didapat meski kekurangan sering kami lupakan untuk menambalnya. Hanya ini yang bisa aku lakukan, dan inilah yang pasti aku lakukan.
I love you, Indonesia dan seluruh tumpah darahnya...

Cheers, frizzy.

Beautiful house with stainless steel

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Own a house that looks tidy is everyone's desire. Not excluded men, women, teenagers who have already established and the direction to get there. Studiousness election materials into high-quality obligations which can not be avoided. All household's living room, family room, bedroom and kitchen decorated with accessories need a good, high quality but simple and practical that can describe the effect of elegant modern houses.

Indoor and outdoor accessories with a stainless steel material can strengthen the character as a home owner is smart, elegant and intellectual level. Clean the house so impressive but has a powerful enchantment to say, see myself, I can become a reliable and perfect choice of accessories you won't be disappointed.

Blomus stainless steel mailboxes as outdoor accessories to help us save the letters received from the mail delivery, protect it with a strong impression. Stainless steel mailboxes based material that is very strong, form a functional and elegant minimalist design but with a mature and classy. All friends and relatives you certainly impressed, and of course the postman very grateful to you because it's easier to send their work, to protect the mail to you with hands still intact.

Blomus stainless steel fireplace accessories able to enhance your living room, family room, dining, bedroom and dining as indoor equipment that supports the activities you maintain comfort in the home. All options stainless steel fireplace accessories designed with the full taste and is kept to maintain the tradition as the right choice for everyone.

Every stainless steel you need for household is The Stainless Steel Store.

Cheers, frizzy.

Travel to Alaska, Denali Park

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Travel Alaska

Fill your leisure or adventure with the roads to Alaska. A very beautiful country that is located close to the polar north, protected by wide oceans, mountains decorated beautiful rivers, crystal clear. With snow cover lasting peace to the impression that arouse in the breasts in the most praise for the greatness of God.

What's in Denali Park? You will get the natural beauty of the amazing Mount McKinley, Alaska wild animal life is unique and amazing as Grizzly bears, Caribou, wolves, Dall sheep and moose can be enjoyed without interference with the perfect noisy city.
All this will not make you hesitate to take the decision to come there, because Alaska natures that has many mountains and national parks invite you directly.

Weather in Alaska can change quickly, often without warning. Prepare for the sun, strong winds, rain and cloud all occur on the same day. However, all these features add adventure becomes more interesting, of course you have to prepare all the necessary equipment for the natural mountain environment and winter.

Did you know that Denali National Park and preserve is home to both black bears and Grizzly bears? Black bears inhabit the forested areas of the park, while Grizzly bears mainly live on the open tundra and all bears seen by visitors along the Park Road. Alaska Travel is Very cool indeed!

Cheers, frizzy.

Why to Invest in Indonesia?

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

taken from The Embassy of Indonesia in Ottawa

This chapter provides you with everything about investment in Indonesia. Some supporting data provided at origin website.

Reason #1
With a total population of 210 million persons, which was just reached in the early 1997, and a fast-growing middle class (totaling around 35 millions), Indonesia is indeed a huge, potential market. As the people welfare improved, demands for goods and services do not merely rely on quantity, but quality, variability, and on-time availability.

Reason #2
The abundance of Indonesia's natural resources is evident in all sectors, particularly land resources, mines & minerals, agriculture/plantation, marine & fishery, forestry, and natural scenery. Utilization of the natural resources along with maintenance of their long-terms benefits has fueled the national development in all sectors during the last few decades. Processing industries for estate crops, horticultural crops, industrial plantation forest, mineral deposits, brackish water culture are among other of promising business in the country.

Reason #3
The Government of Indonesia pays special attention to the development of human resources, including the productivity of workers. During the period of PELITA VI (1994/1995 - 1998/1999), value added per worker is expected to grow - on the average - by 3.3% annually. The increase of workers' value added for three major sectors are 2.4%/year for agriculture, 3.7%/year for industry, and 1.9%/year for services.
The World Competitiveness Report (1995) revealed that percentage of 20-24 year olds enrolled in higher education of Indonesia is about 10%, which is higher than those of Malaysia (7.0%), India (6.0%), and China (2.0%). You may have a look at the Indonesia's laborforce profiles.
Although the UMR (Upah Minimum Regional - Regional Minimum Standard Wage Rates) have been increasing from year to year as the people's standard of living is better-off through time, it is however still quite competitive compared to those of other Asian countries.

Reason #4
Indonesia is undergoing a transformation from agricultural-base economy to an industrial-base economy. Manufacturing industry has become the backbone of Indonesia's export drive. Changes in composition of GDP by sectors during the 1980s and 1990s showed that such situation is true. Ever-increasing volume and value of industrial products have made the national economy not depended merely on oil & gas exports. Since mid-1980s, non-oil & gas export revenues have been jumping up beyond the oil & gas exports; and during the last-few year oil & gas export revenues constitute even less than a quarter of the total export income.

Cheers, frizzy.

Shoutmix Premium Account

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Shoutmix, I really love it, kenapa? menurutku si asik aja, apalagi kalo dipake blogwalking. Sudah itu mempermudah aku memonitoring aktifitas trafik sepanjang hari melalui handphone atau blackberry, jadi aku bisa makin lengket ma sobat2 blogger yang aku sayangi dan cintai.
Karena kecintaanku inilah mulai hari ini Februari 22, 2009 aku upgrade account shoutmixku. Apa sih keuntungan upgrade shoutmix silahkan lihat di sini.

Fitur yang paling berharga adalah daftar link dan pesan yang sobat berikan untuk diriku, atau kadang2 juga untuk orang lain buat sobat yang suka berpromosi lewat blogku. It's okay no problemo gak masalah nothing to loose etc. Pokoke aku senang aja rumahku banyak kawan dan aku dengan senang hati tulus ikhlas datang berkunjung balik ke rumah sobat semua melalui link yang menempel di shoutmix ini.
Fitur lainnya yang bikin aku senang adalah kemampuan pengarsipan dan bisa download pesan2 sobat jadi bisa aku simpan ke dalam hatiku dengan penuh kebahagiaan.

Akhir kata, mari kita sambung tali silaturrahmi secara terus menerus, kalo perlu sampai kakek nenek atau di saat kita semua sudah berada di titik yang lemah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk semuanya...

Cheers, frizzy.

Bukan Indonesia untuk pariwisata, tetapi pariwisata untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat Indonesia

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Indonesia Jadi Tujuan Wisata Spa Terbaik Dunia

Indonesia terpilih menjadi tujuan wisata spa terbaik di dunia melalui penghargaan yang akan dianugerahkan International Wellness Awards kepada Indonesia dalam International Travel Bourse di Berlin, Jerman.

"Mengapa Indonesia? Sebab Indonesia mampu mempertahankan warisan budaya leluhur dikombinasikan dengan hasil riset terbaru," kata Pimpinan Selected Hotel Promotion Inc (organisasi pariwisata internasional ternama), Frank Pfaller, dalam siaran pers, Rabu (18/2).
Bali dinilai merupakan kawasan wisata spa terbaik karena mampu memelihara kebudayaan asli leluhur, termasuk warisan raja-raja kuno. Bahkan, terminologi khas Bali dalam kaitannya dengan spa seperti boreh dan lulur telah diakui secara internasional.

Indonesia melalui Bali telah terpilih sebagai "The Best Spa Destination in The World". Penghargaan tersebut akan diserahkan dalam rangka penyelenggaraan pameran pariwisata tahunan yang bergengsi, yaitu International Tourism Bourse (ITB) di Berlin, Jerman, awal Maret 2009. Hal itu karena kegiatan ITB merupakan pameran terbesar yang melibatkan ribuan pelaku bisnis di dunia pariwisata internasional. Penghargaan tersebut rencananya akan diterima secara langsung oleh Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, Jero Wacik, yang akan hadir dalam kegiatan ITB di Berlin tersebut.

Pada kesempatan yang sama, Raja Denpasar IX Ida Tjokorda Ngurah Jambe Pamecutan juga akan dianugerahi penghargaan Senses Wellness Award 2009 dari organisasi yang sama.

Raja Denpasar IX juga akan menerima The Five-star-Diamond Lifetime Achievement Award yang akan diberikan oleh Presiden American Academy of Hospitality Sciences Joe Cinque atas sumbangsih dan pengabdiannya dalam hal hubungan pertukaran dan perkembangan kebudayaan internasional. "Kami mewakili masyarakat spa yang ada di Bali akan berangkat dalam acara tersebut di samping karena tahun ini Bali terpilih menjadi tujuan spa terbaik dunia," kata Raja Denpasar IX Ida Tjokorda Ngurah Jambe Pamecutan.

Ia berharap penerimaan penghargaan tersebut dapat lebih memperkenalkan pariwisata Indonesia kepada dunia internasional. Raja Denpasar IX rencananya akan berangkat dan membawa rombongan misi kebudayaan yang terdiri dari 80 raja dan sultan seluruh Indonesia yang tergabung dalam Forum Silaturahmi Keraton se-Nusantara.

"Kami juga akan membawa tim kesenian Bali klasik dan kesenian dari seluruh Nusantara untuk mempromosikan adat tradisi budaya kita kepada dunia. Prinsipnya bukan Indonesia untuk pariwisata, tetapi pariwisata untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat Indonesia," katanya.

Cheers, frizzy.

Contract Management Software

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Contract Management Software allows organizations to effectively manage the various types of contracts they engage in, including: buy side, sell side, and non monetary.

In general, the benefits of implementing Contract Management Software are seen in the reduction in time and effort and improvements in the contracting process. Specific areas that see improvement are:

* Improved information related to contracts and the activities governed by those contracts - better information and more of it.
* Streamlined processes that result in reduced operating expenses.
* Maximum realization of revenue and/or cost savings potential by maximizing the benefits of each contract through event management and performance and compliance monitoring.
* Maximum involvement of stakeholders through an online, paperless contracting process.
* Improved relationships with all stakeholders including staff, customers and suppliers.
* Strategic sourcing benefits - maximize buying power through better managed contracts.
* Business Intelligence through proper analysis of information about contracts and contracted activities.
* ensure visibility is available across all contracts to the authorized people,
* notify stakeholders of impending trigger points ensuring that contract management is pro-active, not re-active,
* validate payments, deliverables, commitments and compliance terms that are established in the actual contract, and
* ensure compliance to negotiated terms and conditions including rates, discounts, and rebates.

It delivers extensive benefit in each of these areas out of the box, but when coupled with business process improvement that is aimed at maximizing the functionality of the contract management process, organizations further improve their strategic benefits significantly.

Contract management software suppliers include: Accruent, Advanced Software Concepts, ARM Group, Blueridge Software, Capterra, CMSI, CobbleStone Systems, Covigna, Determine, diCarta, Ecteon, Exari, FieldCentrix, I-many, Ketera, Omniware, Open Windows Contracts, Procure,, SAP and UpsideSoft.

General Features
* End-to-end Contract Management Solution
* Extremely flexible with user defined business rules and customized workflow
* Ability to manage various types of contracts
* Corporate repository of clauses, templates, and management indicator
* Completely Web-based
* Ensures contract and RFx (i.e. RFP, RFI, RFQ, etc.) visibility, monitoring, & reporting for all stakeholders
* Personal 'Dashboard'
* User-role-based functional view and navigation control

Advanced Workflow Management
* Template-based (static), business rules-based (dynamic) and organizational hierarchy-based workflow determination capabilities are supported
* Workflow determination and management can be applied in most modules of the system

Procurement Management
* Template-based RFx creation
* Dynamic workflow to manage RFx creation
* Structured RFx management
* Vendor access and participation

Request Processing
* Highly configurable, ‘wizard-like’ interface to capture user requests for:
o new RFXs and associated procurement activities
o new contracts,
o change orders,
o supplements,
o renewals, and
o terminations.

Contract Creation
* Template-based contract creation
* Dynamic workflow to manage contract creation
* Related documents can be scanned and attached
* Online negotiation
* Contract calculations
* PDF support
* Rich text editor

Contract Management
* Notification and alerts for required tasks and events
* Performance monitoring
* Compliance monitoring
* Renewal, amendments and change management

Financial & Budget Monitoring and Management
* Manage contract commitments
* Automate payments
* Manage holdbacks
* Integration with UpsideBilling

Integration with Other Systems
* Interface with any ERP/Financial system
* Fills in the gap between ERP and CRM systems
* Integrates other systems used in business processes

Management Information
* Business Intelligence Support
* Management Reporting
* Ad Hoc Reporting

Reports can also be provided in Crystal Web format and includes the data dictionary so that external reporting using Crystal Reports can be performed.

2000 Pulau di Indonesia Terancam Hilang, haruskah???

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Mengajak kepada seluruh blogger Indonesia untuk turut menyuarakan keprihatinan serta meningkatkan persatuan dalam wacana Bhineka Tunggal Ika.

Kutipan dari Antara.
Sedikit-dikitnya 2000 pulau kecil terancam hilang akibat produksi penambangan yang belebihan dan kegiatan lain yang tidak ramah terhadap lingkungan laut dan daratan.

"Tapi herannya kenapa semua pada diam termasuk perguruan tinggi baik negeri maupun swasta yang jumlahnya ratusan ini tidak melakukan apa-apa untuk menghentikan kegiatan yang bisa menghilangkan pulau-pulau kecil itu," kata Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Freddy Numberi di Malang, Sabtu. Selengkapnya

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Shopwiki for Video Games

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

For the needs of video games, you the game freak need not hesitate to visit the Shopwiki Video Games reach for trinkets of all equipment. Review all the shopping places easier you to determine where you can get your favorite items.

All types of favorite consoles, such as Nintendo Wii and Xbox 360 doesn't need to make a consideration because Shopwiki provides a very complete Buying Guide.

Shopwiki revolutionizes the way you spend on online shopping. Supported by 30,000 stores make you lucky goal in each of the deals and better with a cheaper cost.
So what are you waiting for, go Shopwiki ...

Cheers, frizzy.


Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Archiving, Backup, Backup & recovery, Backup Exec, Backup Exec 12, Backup servers, Backup software, Computer Associates, DASD, Defragmentation, Dell Storage, Disaster Recovery, Disk drives, Disk quota management, Email archiving, EMC, External hard drives, Fibre channel, Hard drives, iSCSI, LUN, Mirroring, NAS, NFS, NTBackup, NTFS, Partitioning, Partitions, RAID, RAID 1, RAID 5, RAID configuration, Replication, Restore, SAN, SATA, SCSI, Storage Area Networks, Storage management, Storage products and equipment, Storage servers, Storage strategy, Symantec Backup Exec 11D, Tape Backups, Tape drives, Tape drives/Libraries, Tape libraries, USB Flash drives, Veritas Backup Exec

Cheers, frizzy.

IT Knowledges

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

, Development, Networking, Exchange, AS/400, DataCenter, Security, SQL Server, Database, Lotus Domino, Storage, SAP, Oracle, Outlook, Servers, DataManagement, Tech support, CIO, Exchange 2003, Windows Server 2003, Desktops, SQL, RPG, Hardware, Management, OS, Active Directory, Routers, Linux, Windows XP, Mobile, SQL Server 2005, DNS, Wireless, Lotus Notes, VPN, DB2, VoIP, CRM, Outlook 2003, iSeries, DHCP, Switches, Backup & recovery, RPGLE, Firewalls, Microsoft Excel, Cisco, Virtualization, Networking services, Visual Basic, Exchange 2007, Network security, Application development, Cabling, Microsoft Access, SQL Server 2000, Career development, Intrusion management, Windows, Incident response, Forensics, Software, SAP careers, Exchange security, Instant Messaging, Windows 2000 Server,

Microsoft Office, Hubs, DB2 Universal Database, Certifications, Outlook 2007, CLP, Help Desk, Encryption, ABAP, Printing, Basis, Backup, Network protocols, Web development, Disaster Recovery, Bandwidth, Availability, Application security, Data analysis, secure coding, Oracle 10g, CL, Network connectivity, Outlook Web Access, Compliance, Java, Policies, Network management software, OWA, Network monitoring, LotusScript, COBOL, Crystal Reports, IT careers, i5, Domain Controller, TCP, VB.NET, Single sign-on, Biometrics, Channel, AS/400 printing, VB, Software testing, Viruses, VMware, Identity & Access Management, provisioning, SAP development, OS/400, Security tokens, Exchange Server, Digital certificates, Risk management, ERP, Security Program Management, Desktop management applications, Oracle 9i, Installation, SAN, Spyware, Outlook calendar, Outlook error messages, Web security, SBS 2003, PC/Windows Connectivity, BlackBerry, Trojans, Lotus Notes 6.x, Project management, Hacking, Performance management, Security management, Vista, VBA, Group Policy, RPG/400, worms, SMTP, Email, configuration, R/3, User Permissions, Current threats, backdoors, Exchange 2000, human factors, Printers, Access, Software Quality Assurance, Browsers, Ethernet, Database programming, Network design, Access control, IT architecture, Patch management, SharePoint, Platform Security, SSL/TLS, patching, vulnerability management, Mainframe, PEN testing, Platform Issues, Remote management, VBScript, RPG ILE, Programming Languages, SQL Server errors, filtering, ASP.NET, Domino Designer, Stored Procedures, Oracle development, Spam, Network testing, Database Management Systems, Visual Basic 6, Migration, MySAP, C, XML, IBM, Lifecycle development, RAID, Networking Equipment, FTP, Web services, SBS, Storage products and equipment, Training, Ping, E-mail applications, JavaScript, Remote access, Excel 2003, LAN, Microsoft Word, SQL Query, Administration, Network, Excel macros, Exchange error messages, Vendors, Third-party services, MySQL, Windows Vista, Interoperability, Calendar, Business/IT alignment, Web site design & management, NetWeaver, CCNA, SQL Server database, V5R4, Oracle error messages, Systems management software, E-business, Vendor support, Oracle 8i, Lotus Notes 7.x, Network applications management, Networking certifications, NIC, Performance/Tuning, Router configuration, IP addressing, Unix, Microsoft Systems Management Server, IPv4, Public folders, .PST files, SAP certifications, Exchange migration, Query, Data warehousing applications, POP3, SQL Database, AS/400 Query, AS/400 backup, Spool files, Windows 2000 desktop, Lotus development, AS/400 errors, LDAP, Software testing tools, SAP HR, SAP BI, Domain management, Implementation, PHP, Storage management, Visual Basic for Applications, Wireless networking, Excel 2007, VMware ESX, Visual Basic .NET, PL/SQL, SAP BW, Access 2007, IFS, VB 6, Exchange 5.5, ISA Server, EDI, 390, Windows Security, IIS, T-SQL, Software Quality, GAL, VLAN, Outlook Express, Windows client administration and maintenance, Upgrades / implementations, Protocol analysis, Web development tools, RPGILE, Physical files, Windows Server 2008, GPO, Symantec, standards, Oracle administration, ODBC, Call Centers, Antivirus, V5R3, IT jobs, Hard drives, ASP, Virtual Machines, C#, SQL Server backup, Lotus Sametime, 3Com, Distribution Lists, SQL Server migration, Access 2003, Data center operations, Data center design, Security products, Wireless routers, HTML, Data mining/analysis, NAS, BlackBerry email, AS/400 administration, AS/400 security, Synchronization, Architecture/Design, Outlook contacts, Bind, SQL Server upgrades, CL/400, Lotus error messages, NetBIOS, Domain, Enterprise Desktop, Lotus Notes 8.x, Exchange administration, PDF, Tools, mySAP Financials, Cisco Routers, Global Address List, Oracle Forms, Careers, SQL Server performance, tips and tricks, Network administration, Auditing, iNotes, Scripting, Outsourcing, Outlook meetings, Exchange user settings, SAP FI, Subfile, Financials, SIP, Disk drives, Registry, Laws, Regulations, DB2/400, Email forwarding, Lotus Notes Database, Oracle Reports, IPv6, PTFs, J2EE, Network performance, Budgeting, Lotus Domino Server 6.x, SAP CRM, SAP APO, ED, SSIS, Password, Information risk management, TR, NFS, mySAP Human Resources, FI, CO, Microsoft Outlook, TCP/IP, CICS, SAP Transaction Codes, WAN, DDS, Cisco certifications, Domino 6.5, Workflow, Billing Support Systems, Business Information Warehouse, Lotus, Planning, Address book, Billing and customer care, WINS, Shared folders, Backup Exec, RAID 5, SAP MM, Delphi, Application software, Dell, Operating system platforms, Fault isolation, SQL Server stored procedures, SharePoint 2007, Lotus Notes 6.5, AS/400 development, SQL Server 2008, SQL Server tables, Veritas, Lotus email, mySAP Accounting, SQL Server administration, Service and support, Tape Backups, ECC6, MCSE, AS/400 FTP, Database connectivity, IP address, SAP FICO, Cisco switches, ROI & cost justification, VB.NET 2005, Avaya, z/OS, Benchmarking, CLLE, Internet Explorer, Oracle import/export, AS/400 performance, Subnets, Arrays, MPLS, Frame Relay, Windows Mobile, CSV, Mapped drives, BES, Non-Delivery Reports, Office 2003, iSCSI, BlackBerry Enterprise Server, Lotus Notes Calendar, Power management, mySAP Enterprise, zSeries, General Directories, Vulnerability Assessment & Audit, Hewlett-Packard, Wireless Access Points, EMC, Wi-Fi, Software development, SQL Server Reporting Services, SQL statements, Lotus Domino Server 7.x, Vista compatibility, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, mySAP Application Link Enabling, SQL Server security, Network Interface Cards, Exchange Server ActiveSync, McAfee, ActiveX, PIX, SELECT statement, Ubuntu Linux, iSeries development, Routing and switching, BRMS, Oracle SQL, Lotus Agents, ComboBox, Visual Basic 2005, .NET, Computer Associates, Nortel, Mobile synchronization, Strategic Enterprise Management, Intel, Server management, Oracle Application Server, Juniper Networks, Domino Server, mySAP Supplier Relationship Management, AS/400 Client Access, AS/400 careers, V5R2, AS/400 user profiles, ISP, CL programming, Word 2007, Telecom, RPG IV, mySAP CRM, Integration/Connectivity, Novell NDS, JSP, Web, SCSI, User access, Exchange 2003 SP2, Access Database

Cheers, frizzy.


Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

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Cheers, frizzy.

Customer Relationship Management

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Cheers, frizzy.