The Indonesian archipelago which consists of over 17,000 islands, is inhabited by two distinct types of fauna and flora of different origins. The west belongs mainly to the Indo-Malayan realm, while the east to the pacific and Australian realms. Although the country covers just 1,3 per cent of the Earth's land surface, it is home to some of the most spectacular and unusual wildlife - both plant and animal. Indonesia also owns a breathtaking level of biodiversity: ten per cent of the worlds flowering species, 12 per cent of the worlds mammal species, 16 per cent of all reptile and amphibian species, 17 per cent 2008of all bird species and more than 25 per cent of known fish species.
A feature that makes Indonesian wildlife so interesting is the high degree of endemism. Many of the country's islands have been isolated for long periods of time, resulting in the evolution of new species different from those on other islands.
by wwf.
Cheers, frizzy2008.