Blog campur-campur

Indonesia Official Sites

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Indonesia Official Sites

Lembaga-Lembaga Negara

Komisi-Komisi Negara


Kementerian/Lembaga Setingkat Menteri


Bank Indonesia

Lembaga-Lembaga Pemerintah Non-Departemen

Pemerintah-Pemerintah Propinsi:

Dicopas dari aslinya
Peace Pak Presiden, tujuan saya sih sekedar menyebarluaskan saja.
Cheers, frizzy2008.

Tatkala Orang Kaya Malu Bermewah-mewah, katanya...shhh

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

"Hidup boros terlihat kuno sejak 6 Oktober 2008 manakala CEO Lehman Brothers, Richard Fuld, tampil memalukan selama dengar pendapat dengan Kongres AS menyusul bangkrutnya Lehman dengan meninggalkan utang 600 miliar dolar AS (setara dengan Rp7.200 triliun).

Orang-orang seperti David Koch, yang punya harta 16 miliar dolar AS (Rp192 triliun) dan Ron Perelman yang kekayaannya ditaksir 9,5 miliar dolar AS (Rp114 triliun) adalah anggota kelompok 10,1 juta manusia HNWI (high net worth individuals, berkekayaan pribadi bersih) yang ada di seluruh dunia.

Berdasarkan perhitungan Merrill Lynch dan Capgemini dari Paris, total kekayaan bersih kelompok ini mencapai 40,7 triliun dolar AS (Rp488.400 triliun) atau 113 kali produk domestik bruto (PDB) Indonesia tahun 2007 yang mencapai Rp3.957 triliun.

"Jika salah seorang dari mereka kehilangan 100 juta dolar AS (Rp1,2 triliun) di pasar modal, itu tak akan membuat gaya hidup mereka berubah. Mereka selalu menginginkan apa yang mereka inginkan, kapanpun mereka inginkan," katanya."

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Photo Tag

Fahmi Rizwansyah says: it from Wee - Sweety

This is the rules :

1. Take a recent photo of yourself OR take a picture of yourself RIGHT NOW
2. DON'T change your cloth. DON'T fix your hair, just take a picture
3. Post that picture with NO editing
4. Post this instruction with your picture
5. Tag 10 people to do this

ini poto yg paling recent yg diambil webcam notebook,..
Kiss warm for all of you guys...

well sambitan berikutnya :
1. Memi - Imoet
2. Srie so Cute
4.Deny Rendra
5. Delia, bukan Delima
6. Ocim
7. Sanny - Architectural Corner
8. Milla Schumacher
9. Bunda Alya
10. Lyla

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Visa to Norway

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Schengen Visa

Norway is part of the Schengen area which includes the following countries: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden. A visitor's visa for one of the Schengen countries will be valid for travelling to all the other Schengen countries during the period for which the visa is valid. Over a period of six months, you are not permitted to spend more than three months in the Schengen area.

You may apply for a Schengen visa at the Norwegian Embassy if Norway is your main destination within the Schengen area. If you do not have a main destination, you must apply for a visa at the foreign mission of the Schengen country where the initial entry is to take place. The processing time of visa depends on each individual case, but normally you will receive an answer within 2 weeks. The Embassy urges applicants to apply well in advance of planned travel dates.

A visitor's visa is valid for a maximum of three months. The current visa fee is EUR. 60 (approximately IDR. 830.000). In order to be able to process the application, the Embassy will need the following documents:

* A passport or travel document valid for at least three months beyond the date of return from Norway
* A duly filled and signed application form
* Two photocopies of the personal data page of the passport, as well as all previous stamps and visas existing in the passport. Accompanying children over 18 years of age must submit their own applications The Embassy will accept passports and travel documents including more than one person. However, each person travelling over the age of 18 years has to present his/her own travel documents.
* Proof of funds (bank book, other savings, investments etc.) in cases where expenses for the visit are going to be covered by the applicant himself.
* Invitation from the host, explaining the purpose of the visit. When travelling to Norway, and expenses for the visit are to be covered by the host, a "Guarantee form for visits" has to be filled in by the host and certified by the local police authorities in Norway.
* Two passport photographs (background must be white), size 4x6 mm.
* When a visa is granted, the applicant must present a return ticket and travel insurance covering medical expenditures (miniumum coverage of USD 42.500,-) before the visa will be issued.

Royal Norwegian Embassy
Menara Rajawali Building, 25th floor
Mega Kuningan
Jakarta 12950
Republic of Indonesia
Tel: + 62 21 576 1523/24. Fax: + 62 21 576 1537
Embassy opening hours: Monday to Friday 09.00 - 15.00. The visa section is open 09.00 - 12.00 Monday to Thursday. Friday the visa section is closed.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Selamatkan Indonesia dari cengkraman HIV/AIDS

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Artikel menyambut hari AIDS sedunia, 1 Desember
Perkembangan epidemi HIV dan AIDS di Indonesia meningkat cepat beberapa tahun terakhir ini. Hal ini terutama didorong oleh penggunaan narkoba suntik dan akibat hubungan seks berisiko yang sangat tinggi terutama di kota-kota besar. Saat ini Indonesia menghadapi epidemi ganda, yaitu epidemi HIV dan epidemi pengguna narkoba suntik. Ini adalah ancaman yang serius yang harus dihadapi bersama-sama antara pemerintah dan seluruh masyarakat.

Saran-saran untuk ODHA:
1. Melakukan positive prevention yaitu, upaya untuk menyetop penularan HIV hanya pada diri mereka, sehingga tidak menulari orang-orang yang dicintai seperti istri dan anak-anak.
2. Merubah perilaku berisiko agar tidak terjadi re-infeksi virus HIV yang bisa memperparah kondisi kesehatannya.
3. Memanfaatkan semaksimal mungkin kesempatan untuk bisa sehat dan produktif dengan kegiatan yang berguna untuk keluarga dan masyarakat, serta ikut aktif dalam melakukan kampanye, penyuluhan tentang HIV/AIDS di masyarakat.

*Sumber dari press release Depkes RI

Indonesia masuk kategori the fastest growing epudemic in Asia...serem banget yaaa.
Pengidap HIV/AIDS yang tercatat dan melapor saat ini berjumlah 21.151 orang. Namun diperkirakan jumlah pengidap seluruh Indonesia berkisar 200.000 orang.
*Sumber Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS (KPA)

Cheers, frizzy2008.