Blog campur-campur

IP Address Location Check

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Have you ever wondered "what is my IP address"?
Or thought about IP block addresses that belong to a specific country?

Maybe you are Looking for IP Address Locations or simple try to find easy way and learn more about protocols and TCP IP?
Have you ever used a web-based IP address lookup tool to find the geographical location of an IP address?
Maybe you are looking for an IP address location or you simply wish to learn more about how networking protocols, like UDP and TCP/IP, work?
We can help with all of this and more.

Using IP Address Location is free. It is the fastest, easiest and most precise way to search and find the exact location of any IP address, OS, DNS, country, country code and contry flag. Furthermore, we have integrated Geolocator and a world map to display your results by city and country. Our IP database is updated every 48 hours so you can be sure the information we provide is up to date.

Our web based IP Lookup tool has analyzed your IP address and and detected next informations about your computer:
My IP Address

My Host Address (DNS Lookup)
Proxy Server Detection:
No Proxy detected or you use High Anonymous Proxy

Country - Flag - Code Country
Indonesia ID

Guessed City

English (United States)

Operating System
NT 5.1 (Windows XP)
Cheers, frizzy2008.

Waroeng Unagi

Diceritakan oleh Nanik

Aku gak pernah tau tempat makan ini sampe suatu hari temenku, Atik, ngajakin ke sini. Sebenernya dia juga gak tau persis lokasinya. Tapi, berbekal alamat dan beberapa kali nanya orang, dengan bonus kebablasan ampe Dago Pakar, akhirnya ketemu juga deh tempatnya.

Namanya kedengeran kejepang-jepangan gitu ya? Hmm, emang bener ternyata, menurut Atik, unagi itu bahasa Jepang-nya belut. Gak tau apa yang membuat dia pengen banget ke sini. Entah ngidam ato karena abis baca review tentang Waroeng Unagi di tabloid Saji.

Sampe sana jam 11-an. Kebetulan emang dah laper. Jadi cocoklah, pas laper, pas di tempat makan. Warungnya gak begitu luas, tapi terdiri dari dua lantai, di lantai dua dan tiga. Lante dua diramaikan ama tampang-tampang mahasiswa, lengkap dengan laptopnya. Emang di sini ada fasilitas hotspot. Standar kafe-kafe masa kini gitu loh. Kalo lante tiganya enggak begitu rame. Di sini menurutku lebih asik karena bisa melihat pemandangan di sekeliling warung dari ketinggian, meski pemandangannya gak begitu istimewa. Ada rumah2 penduduk di satu sisi, dan ada view kos-kosan di sisi laen. Sisi laennya lagi, kita bisa sedikit lebih jauh memandang...halah....

Karena gak ada ide tentang menunya, kami pesen menu yang paling direkomendasikan ajah. Atik pesen Godzilla Egg Rice dan aku pesen Unagi Rice Burger. Untuk minum, es teh lemon dan Mix Berry. Kami harus menunggu cukup lama untuk makanannya. Untung tingkat laperku belom terlalu parah, jadi masih bisa nunggu dengan sabar.
Unagi Rice Burger itu burger nasi dengan isian daging belut dan atasnya ditaburi rumput laut. Beras dan belutnya konon dari Jepang. Belutnya empuk dengan rasa dominan manis.Nasinya biasa aja, lembek2 gitu deh. Sebenernya gak ada bedanya ma makan makan nasi belut. Kek makan pecel lele ala Jawa Timur di warung tenda itu loh. Hehe. Seumur-mur baru kali ini aku makan belut selain dibikin kripik. Pesen menu ini juga karena penasaran aja, bukan karena doyan. Dan pertama kali menyuapkan irisan belut ke mulut, agak-agak gimana gitu.

Untuk Godzilla Egg Rice, tampilannya cantik banget. Intinya nasi goreng yang dibentuk bola, kira-kira seukuran bola tenis. Tekstur kulitnya seperti kroket, dibungkus tepung roti. Di dalemnya ada telur bulet. Nasi gorengnya kerasa banget saus tomat. Manis. Terlalu manis malahan. Menurutku, akan lebih nendang kalo ada rasa pedes-pedesnya.

Mix Berry, jus stroberi campur bluberi yang aku pesen, terlalu dominan stroberinya. Secara keseluruhan, boleh lah ide dan inovasi Waroeng Unagi. Kapan-kapan bisa datang lagi buat nyobain menu yang laen.

Waroeng Unagi
Jalan Bukit Dago Selatan No 4 Bandung

Cheers, frizzy2008.


Fahmi Rizwansyah says:


Category: Books
Genre: Reference

Buku terlaris bagi orang-orang yang menginginkan KEKUASAAN, mengamati KEKUASAAN atau ingin mempersenjatai diri mereka untuk melawan KEKUASAAN. Hasil karya yang tajam ini menyaring tiga ribu tahun sejarah kekuasaan ke dalam empat puluh delapan hukum yang dipaparkan dengan baik.

Dengan desain dan isi yang menarik, buku yang berani ini menggambarkan garis besar hukum-hukum kekuasaan dengan intisari yang sesungguhnya, menggabungkan filsafat Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, Carl von Clauserwitz dan para pemikir besar lainnya.

Adapun ringkasan dari 48 Hukum Kekuasaan dimaksud adalah :
1. Jangan pernah terlihat lebih baik dari atasan anda;
2. Jangan pernah terlalu mempercayai teman, tetapi pelajarilah cara memanfaatkan musuh;
3. Sembunyikan niat anda;
4. Senantiasalah bicara lebih sedikit daripada yang diperlukan;
5. Begitu banyak hal tergantung dari reputasi - jagalah reputasi anda dengan nyawa anda;
6. Carilah perhatian berapapun harga yang harus dibayar;
7. Mintalah orang lai bekerja keras bagi anda, tetapi senantiasalah terima pujian atas kerja-keras mereka;
8. Usahakan agar orang lain mendatangi anda - pergunakanlah umpan bila perlu;
9. Raihlah kemenangan lewat tindakan anda, jangan pernah menang lewat perdebatan;
10. Infeksi : Hindarilah orang-orang yang tidak bahagia dan sial;
11. Usahakan agar orang lain tetap tergantung kepada anda;
12. Pergunakanlah kejujuran dan kemurahan hati selektif untuk memperdayakan korban anda;
13. Saat meminta bantuan, pancinglah kepentingan orang lain, jangan pernah pancing belas kasihan atau rasa syukur mereka;
14. Berperanlah sebagai seorang teman, bekerjalah sebagai seorang mata-mata;
15. Hancurkan musuh anda secara total;
16. Pergunakan ketidak-hadiran anda untuk meningkatkan respek dan penghormatan;
17. Usahakan agar orang lain selalu merasakan teror, kembangkan aura tak bisa ditembak;
18. Jangan bangun benteng untuk melindungi diri anda sendiri, isolasi adalah sesuatu yang berbahaya;
19.Ketahuilah siapa yang anda hadapi, jangan singgung perasaan orang yang salah;
20. Jangan berkomitmen kepada siapapun;
21. Berpura-puralah menjadi orang yang tolol untuk menangkap seseorang yang tolol - berilah kesan bahwa anda lebih bodoh dari sasaran anda;
22. Manfaatkan taktik menyerah, ubah kelemahan menjadi kekuasaan;
23. Himpun kekuatan anda;
24. Berperanlah sebagai seorang penghuni istana yang sempurna;
25. Ciptakan kembali diri anda sendiri;
26. Jagalah agar kedua tangan anda tetap bersih;
27. Permainkan kebutuhan orang lain untuk mempercayai sesuatu, untuk menciptakan pengikut setia;
28. Bertindaklah dengan berani;
29. Buatlah rencana hingga tuntas;
30. Berilah kesan bahwa prestasi anda tampaknya mudah sekali dicapai;
31. Kendalikan pilihan-pilihan anda : suruhla orang lain bermain dengan kartu yang anda bagikan;
32. Bermainlah sesuai dengan fantasi orang lain;
33. Ketahuilah kelemahan setiap orang;
34. Jadilah seorang bangsawan dengan cara anda sendiri - bersikaplah bak seorang raja agar diperlakukan seperti seorang raja;
35. Kuasailah seni memilih waktu yang tepat;
36. Sepelekan hal-hal yang tak bisa anda miliki : mengabaikan mereka adalah pembalasan dendam terbaik;
37. Ciptakan tontotan yang memikat;
38. Berpikirlah sesuka anda, tetapi bersikaplah seperti orang lain;
39. Aduk aduk air untuk menangkap ikan;
40. Bencilah segala hal yang diperoleh dengan cuma-cuma;
41. Hindarilah mengambil alih posisi seseorang yang hebat;
42. Serang si gembala, maka domba-dombanya pasti berhamburan;
43. Kenalilah hati dan pikiran orang lain;
44. Perdaya dan pancing amarah orang lain dengan efek cermin;
45. Sampaikan ceramah tentang kebutuhan untuk berubah , tetapi jangan pernah lakukan reformasi dalam terlalu banyak bidang kehidupan dalam waktu singkat;
46. Jangan pernah terlihat terlalu sempurna;
47. Jangan melebihi sasaran yang telah anda tentukan, dalam hal kemenangan, belajarlah untuk tahu kapan anda harus berhenti;
48. Jadilah seperti uap yang terbentuk.

Catatan :
Walau buku ini terlaris. Namun ada beberapa hukum dalam buku ini perlu pemikiran ulang dari kita secara pribadi, apakah dapat diterapkan atau tidak. Simak baik-baik, cernati tapi JANGAN DITERIMA BULAT-BULAT. Pikirkan ulang. Oce ?


Cheers, frizzy2008.

SOA Services are much more than a technical artifact

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

SOA Services are much more than a technical artifact. They are a solution to a business architecture requirement for shared services, and the business architecture needs to exist first, or at least be tacitly understood and described, in order for the service to have any lasting value.
So, first step in designing a SOA Service is to refer to the business process diagrams that your business architect has produced. For each interaction between roles, look for the data needed to make decisions. For example, if you are looking at the process flow for a new purchasing agreement, you may see steps where three different collaborating systems need data. Consider, for each system, what data they have and what data they need to get, from the flow, in order to do their work. Consider the timeliness of the connection, the direction of the flow (event-push, or call-pull).

You are collecting data for your service contract. Before you write the contract, however, you need to write out the "high level service design." This design starts with some key design questions that you must answer:

  • What is the responsibility of the service? This provides the basic description of WHY the service should exist. Services are expensive. If you cannot stand in front of an executive and make a purely business-oriented case for the existence of a service, you need to rethink it. You are doing something wrong.
  • What rules does the service own? This provides the basic scope of the service. In a well devised, Enterprise SOA, you will have a rule implemented in a relatively small number of services (hopefully in one service) which makes it easier to change that rule. This means that you need to describe the collection of rules owned by a service.
  • What style of EAI are you implementing? I've written about trusted services in the past, which is part of the "Messaging" style of loosely coupled services. The alternative is the "RPC (Remote Procedure Call)" style. If you are passing a block of self-describing and complete data to a service, and all that returns is "thanks... got it," then you are using the messaging style. If you are passing a command (with or without parameters) and are expecting either a set of data in response or an "OK... operation complete" message back, then you are using the RPC style. Note that RPC style services are more typical but, IMHO, less powerful because they assume a real-time binding between the interacting systems. In other words, with an RPC style interaction, if either system is unavailable, then the channel is not useful. With messaging style, both systems do not have to be running at the same time. Let me be clear on this point: it matters! If you are presenting an RPC-style service, you are not achieving the full benefits of loose coupling because of the real-time binding between systems.
  • Is the service itempotent? In other words, if a call to the service is duplicated, and instead of being called once, the service is called twice with identical parameters/payload, will the service detect the duplication and prevent any effects on the underlying systems? This is very important in messaging style services, but it turns up in RPC services as well. A service that provides idempotency is more loosely coupled than one that does not, but it also adds to the complexity of the service implementation.
  • What preconditions and postconditions apply to this service? Just as in use case development, you must be able to describe the factors that must be in place for this service to be used. Unlike typical use case development, however, you must describe the behavior of the service when these preconditions are not met. You also must describe the limitations and constraints of the service. For example, if a service is designed to be used only during a specific business process, then this must be described and included in the service design.
  • What actors may use this service and how will they be authenticated? There are two questions here. First question: define the actors and/or roles that a calling system may play or represent when calling this service. This is an optimistic statement, because you (a) may not know, and (b) may not want to limit your implementation. However, you need to consider all of the actors who can use the business rule that you are encapsulating. If one of those actors cannot use your service, you need to either find a suitable interaction where that actor can use the rule, or create another service that meets that actors needs (I prefer the former).
  • The second question above: "how will your actors be authenticated," must be answered. Too few people will take this into consideration in service design and that is a huge mistake. Even within the firewalls of the data center, it is imperative that the communications between systems be understood to be secure from mal-intentioned people. If your answer is "pray," then you may want to consider a new line of work.
  • What data elements will be required in order to call the service? Do not define the format of the calling sequence. Define the semantics of the data element itself. Is there an Enterprise-wide Unique identifier for the data item you are submitting? If there is a numeric value, what does it mean? At what point in a process is it meaningful?
  • What data elements will be returned by the service in its acknowledgement / receipt / return? Answer the same questions as the preceding question. Think of these questions as the services "data dictionary" but with more constraints. Data dictionaries describe data a rest. These points describe data in process. It's tougher.

OK. Now it is time to formalize your service contract. This is the more technically oriented part of the design. You will define the rules for interacting with the service. All of the points above were more concerned with the behavioral aspects of the service. Now you come to the technical aspects.
The data points you need for the service contract are:

  • What message format will the service use? Typical answers here include SOAP, Proprietary XML, and various RPC mechanisms.
  • What protocol will the caller use to communicate with the service? Typical answers here include HTTP and various RPC protocols.
  • What level of availability should the caller expect for the service? Will the service be available 24x7? Whats the service level agreement that the hosting team is willing to sign up for?
  • What is the expected interaction on the part of the caller when the service is not available? Should he call again later? Try again right away? Discard the call? Return an error to the calling system?
  • If the service call is part of an expected sequence of service calls, define the sequence. This may include call-back mechanisms. Note that call-back mechanisms require the reflected service to be as well defined as the initial service, using all of the rules described here.
  • What latency should the caller expect for the synchronous return from the service call? (In messaging systems, this is the time that the caller should expect to wait for the acknowledgement or receipt.)

These are the technical aspects of the service.
Once you have defined all of these points, you have the high level design of your service. You need to publish the service contract and all of the rest of the design elements above in a place where the calling systems (and their programmers / administrators / support teams) can get access to them.
And that's how you design a SOA Service.

by NickMalik
Cheers, frizzy2008.

Contraception Methods

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

There are two important reasons for choosing a contraception method. Usually patient choose a contraception which have less side-effect. Side-effects of using contraception are such as becoming fat, thin, got a headache and etc. These side-effects can happen to everyone but with less possibility which is about 2 - 3 %. There are some contraception methods such as sterilization, contraception pills, injection, IUD, contraception barrier method, another method and calendar method. The Rank of Failure Ratio of Contraception Methods sorted from less failure ratio to high failure ratio as below:

1. Sterilization.
This method have the least side-effect. The failure ratio of sterilization is about 2 - 6/100. 000 patient in a year.Sterilization on women is usually called MOW ( medis operatif wanita ) or tubectomy and on men is called MOP (medis operatif pria ) or vasectomy.Sterilization on men is done by making a blockage on the vasdeferens. By doing this, sperm route to the ovum is blocked, so the sperm won't be able to reach the ovum. Women and men can use this method. The blockage process is done outside the testicles so sterilization won't have a dangerous side-effect and safer.

2. Contraception pills.
Contraception Pills contain normal hormone in the women's body and this hormon make the condition of women's body similar to the condition of pregnancy. The failure ratio of contraception pills is about 1%.Pills method is intended for a neat person and someone who have a good memory.Patient must eat the pill regularly in order to make it work. There are many kind of pills such as pills which produced by BKBN, it's very cheap, pills with blue and gold square (lingkaran biru and emas) which is subsidized by the state, or pills with less doses and it's expensive. Don't use pills if the woman had abnormal bleeding. Someone who have a varices is also not permitted to use these pill because contraception pills can disturb the cycle of blood.

3. Injection.
There are many period of injection such as 1 month, 2 month or 3 month.Injection also contains sexual hormone of a woman, so it will disturb the cycle of menstruation but don't worry about that. Usually a woman thinks that menstruation blood is a dirty blood so she thinks that irregular menstruation can have bad effects or psychomatic disease such as headache.

4. IUD
IUD is similar to injection but have longer period of time.The period is about 1 year until 3 years. IUD is done by inserting a cylastic tube into the uterus. A cylastic tube must be taken out if the period is over. The side-effects of IUD is similar to the side-effects of injection.

5. Contraception barrier method (condoms or diaphragms)
The failure ratio of contraception barrier method is about 3 - 30 %.Condoms can be used for variations in sexual performance and can prevent sexual transmitted diseases. There are many kinds of condom. There is a condom which have texture for sexual variations or there is a condom which can be used as the extension of a penis.Diaphragm is a round elastic rubber which is inserted inside the vagina to prevent sperm from getting in the uterus.

6. Another method
Another method is using spermicyde to kill sperm so it can't fertilize the ovum. A spermicyde is chemical substance which can kill sperm. Women can use a vagina tablet, which have function similar to the function of a spermicyde.

7. Calendar method
This method have the biggest failure ratio. The manner of this method is by paying attention to the cycle of menstruation and the end of fertile period. Sometimes this method is used together with condom's method. Condom is used during the fertile period and calendar method is used during the infertile period. Calender method is intended for a woman who have a regular menstruation.

Cheers, frizzy2008.