Blog campur-campur

Inspiring story, A Pramono, Dari Office Boy Jadi Miliarder

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

another story from zero to hero

Kisah perjalanan hidup A Pramono (34) mirip cerita sinetron. Belasan tahun lalu, ketika pria kelahiran Madiun ini mengadu nasib ke Ibu Kota Jakarta, ia memulainya dengan menjadi office boy di sebuah perusahaan swasta. Lalu ia beralih menjadi pedagang ayam bakar di pinggir jalan. Ternyata sukses. Kini Pramono sudah menjadi miliarder yang memiliki banyak usaha. Siapa yang tidak ngiler?

"Kalau cerita saya dibikin sinetron mungkin akan menarik," kata pria pemilik usaha Ayam Bakar Mas Mono ini ketika bercakap cakap dengan Warta Kota di salah satu kedainya di Jalan Tebet Raya No 57, Jakarta Selatan, baru-baru ini.

Namun, ayah satu anak yang akrab dipanggil Mas Mono ini buru buru menambahkan bahwa sukses bisa diraihnya setelah melewati proses yang cukup panjang. la meyakini, dalam hidup ini tidak ada sesuatu yang instan. Artinya, kalau ingin sukses mesti lewat perjuangan.

"Orang tidak tahu dan mungkin tidak mau tahu, ketika memulai usaha ini saya harus ke pasar jam tiga dinihari. Jam empat subuh sudah menyalakan kompor, ketika kebanyakan orang masih tidur," ujar Pramono.

Awalnya, suami Nunung ini berjualan ayam bakar di pinggir Jalan Soepomo, Jakarta Selatan, persisnya di seberang Universitas Sahid. Di tempat itu, setiap hart-kecuali hari libur dia menggelar tenda, bangku dan meja untuk berdagang.

Dengan memakai kaus, celana gombrang dan sandal jepit, dia setia melayani pembeli yang datang dari pagi sampai pukul 14.00. Sebagian pembelinya adalah mahasiswa dan orang kantoran yang bekerja di wilayah tersebut.

"Tapi ya namanya dagang kaki lima, ada gilirannya. Saya dagang dart pagi sampai siang. Dagangan habis nggak habis saya harus tutup. Lalu, jam 14.00 diganti pedagang lain yang menjual nasi goreng, pecel lele dan seafood," tutur Pramono sambil memperlihatkan foto lamanya di laptop.

Pria yang menamatkan S3 (maksudnya tamat SD, SMP, SMA) di Madiun ini belakangan akrab dengan laptop karena dia menjadi salah seorang mentor nasional dari Entrepreneur University (EU). Foto-foto lamanya itu menjadi salah satu bahan presentasinya ketika membawakan materi tentang wirausaha.

Menurut Pramono, sejak dulu dia. suka fotografi tapi hanya sebatas hobi. Bukan karena dia tahu akari sukses. Jika diamati, foto Pramono saat masih berjualan di pinggir jalan dan saat ditemui Warta Kota beberapa hari lalu, memang berbeda jauh. Dulu dia terlihat kurus, sekarang tampak macho dan keren.

"Ya, bedalah Mas. Dulu tidak terawat, sekarang terawat. Dulu nggak punyatabungan,sekarang tabungan banyak di bank," ujarnya sambil menunjukkan tabungannya yang pernah mencapai persis Rp 1 miliar.

Senang belajar

Salah satu kebiasaan positif yang dimiliki Pramono dan sangat memberi inspirasi adalah kesenangannya belajar sesuatu yang baru untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidupnya. Tahun 1999, ketika menjadi office boy di sebuah perusahaan swasta, Pramono selalu memanfaatkan,waktu luangnya dengan belajar komputer. Bukan bermain bermain game seperti kebanyakan orang. Sebab dia tahu, dengan menguasai keterampilan itu kariernya bisa naik dan gajinya juga akan lebih besar.

Pramono benar, karena kariernya terus meningkat hingga akhirnya diangkat menjadi supervisor. Meski jabatannya cukup tinggi tapi dia terus tertantang untuk meningkatkan taraf hidupnya. Cita-citanya cuma satu, bagaimana caranya lebih membahagiakan orang-orang yang dicintai, keluarga dan orangtuanya.

Akhirnya, tahun 2001 dia keluar dart perusahaan tersebut dan memulai usaha dengan berjualan gorengan keliling di seputar,wilayah Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan. Langkahnya rada ekstrem. Sebab, bagi Pramono, untuk memulai usaha tidak perlu banyak berpikir, apalagi menghitung rugi laba. Yang terpenting adalah melakukan action.

"Banyak saudara saya yang tidak terima dengan keputusan itu. Apalagi pada awal-awal berdagang, omzetnya baru Rp 15.000 sampai Rp 20.000 per hari," ujarnya.

Meski menghadapi banyak tantangan, Pramono tidak mau mundur. Sampai akhirnya dia mendapat lapak kosong di seberang Universitas Sahid. Dengan modal Rp 500.000 untuk membeli gerobak dan peralatan lainnya, termasuk ayam lima ekor, Pramono membuka lembaran barunya dengan menjual ayam bakar. Namun karena belum mahir mendorong gerobak, pernah suatu ketika ayam dagangan jatuh ke pasir. Terpaksa ayam tersebut harus dibersihkan dulu.

"Kalau orang lain mungkin sudah mikir macam-macam. Wah ini tanda sepi, nggak laku, karena baru mau jualan ayamnya sudah jatuh, sial. Namun, kalau saya justru berpikir lain. Wah, ini pertanda bagus, dagangan saya bakal laku. Sebab, saya menggunakan otak kanan. Selalu optimis dan percaya dirt," tegas Pramono.

Terlepas dart peristiwa itu, beberapa tahun kemudian usaha Ayam Bakar Mas Mono berkembang pesat. Dia mempunyai 13 cabang dan dalam satu hari bisa menjual 1.000 ekor ayam. "Sampai sekarang saya merasa seperti mimpi. Kok bisa ya," kata Pramono. (hes/Warta Kota)
Diambil dari
Cheers, frizzy.

Laporan hasil Pemilu Indonesia 2009

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Jumlah Kursi: 560
Jumlah Caleg: 11.000
Caleg Gagal: 10.440

Jumlah Kursi: 132
Jumlah Caleg: 1.000
Caleg Gagal: 868

Jumlah Kursi: 2.000
Jumlah Caleg: 112.000
Caleg Gagal: 110.000

Jumlah Kursi: 15.000
Jumlah Caleg: 1,5 juta
Caleg Gagal: di atas 1,4 juta orang

sumber: Bang One, tvOne
Cheers, frizzy.

Mari bermain Tag Clouds

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Menjawab permintaan beberapa teman blogger untuk membuat Tag Clouds seperti My Blog Categories. Silahkan lihat informasi di bawah ini.

Untuk implementasinya, para sobat harus menghilangkan tanda $ (dolar). Ini aku pakai agar bisa tampil dalam posting, secara aku gak tau cara lain menampilkannya.

<b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='My Blog Categories' type='Label'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:title'>
<h2 align='center' style='font-size:98%;'><data:title/></h2>
<div align='center' class='widget-content'>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<div id='flashcontent'>Blogumulus by <a href=''>Roy Tanck</a> and <a href=''>Amanda Fazani</a></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var so = new SWFObject(&quot;;, &quot;tagcloud&quot;, &quot;260&quot;, &quot;200&quot;, &quot;7&quot;, &quot;#ffffff&quot;);
// uncomment next line to enable transparency
//so.addParam(&quot;wmode&quot;, &quot;transparent&quot;);
so.addVariable(&quot;tcolor&quot;, &quot;0x333333&quot;);
so.addVariable(&quot;mode&quot;, &quot;tags&quot;);
so.addVariable(&quot;distr&quot;, &quot;true&quot;);
so.addVariable(&quot;tspeed&quot;, &quot;100&quot;);
so.addVariable(&quot;tagcloud&quot;, &quot;<tags><b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'><a expr:href='data:label.url' style='15'><></a></b:loop></tags>&quot;);
so.addParam(&quot;allowScriptAccess&quot;, &quot;always&quot;);
<b:include name='quickedit'/>

*Thanks to marcellino agatha for the encode/decode tips
Tulisan warna biru adalah kode asli widget label dari blogger, sedangkan tulisan warna hijau adalah kode tambahan untuk membuat Tag Clouds.
Sekali lagi, harap para sobat menghilangkan tanda $ (dolar) sebelum menyisipkan di kode html blog anda.

Cheers, frizzy

52 relaxing, stress-free ideas

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

52 relaxing, stress-free ideas

When did everyday life become so hard? Between work or school, household chores, typical errands, raising a family and maintaining general sanity, days are packed to the gills with more than even Wonder Woman could handle! To combat all those days brimming with things to do, people to see and places to be, we have some ideas for fun, relaxing and enjoyable ideas for you. These calming activities might give you the peace of mind and solace your life is missing.
Rent DVDs of a TV series

1. Play catchup: Rent DVDs for a whole season of a hit show you've missed out on to catch up on the buzz.

2. Buy yourself a bouquet of your favorite flowers and have them delivered.

3. Go to the park and swing. See how high you can go.

4. Take a nap or go to bed early. No lie -- if you are feeling completely zonked from a tough week, your body will love you for it.

5. Brew a cup of tea and drink it out of a proper teacup with saucer.

6. Make some popcorn and have a themed mini-movie marathon. Watch five or six flicks starring your favorite actor, set in a special city, or with a storyline that always makes you smile.

7. Take your car to be detailed -- inside and out -- while you read or listen to music in the waiting area.

8. Buy a cool colored lightbulb and really view the world -- or the room at least -- with a rose-colored (or blue, or purple) tint.

9. Take a long bath with an gloriously indulgent and fragrant bubble bath.

10. Determine a maximum amount of money that you are "allowed" to spend and go shopping for new shoes. And a purse. And clothes...

11. Listen to soft, soothing music... or, if you really need to get out some frustration, make that rock 'n' roll or hard core. Loud.

12. Make some "comfort food." Cupcakes, cookies, cakes, pies... anything sweet and scrumptious is fair game!

13. Take an entire night to be a complete couch potato. Have take-out delivered, walk around in your PJs, and just enjoy having nothing to do.

14. Make a gratitude list. Think of the many people, things and life happenings for which you're really grateful.

15. Go on a boat ride. Canoe, sailboat, yacht, kayak -- it matters not the kind of boat, but that you have a nice, relaxing time on the water.

16. Do something small that will make your life simpler. Make a duplicate set of keys so you don't have to panic if you lose them during the morning rush. Buy a pen on a cord and stick it on your fridge so it won't disappear. Get rid of all the lingerie you never wear so you don't have to sift through it every day.

17. Give yourself a nice pedicure to pamper yourself and to get your toes in shape for sandals.

18. Go get two coffees: one for you, and one to be hand-delivered to a friend or co-worker.

19. Put on comfy clothes and snuggle up with a stack of good books.

20. Download some of the favorite songs from your youth, and see if you can still remember the lyrics well enough to sing along.

21. Stop and smell the roses. Or the laurel, freesia, primroses, daphne.

22. Look through old photo albums to remember where you've been and all you've done. Explore your artistic side

23. Exercise! Go for a run, walk, jog, ride your bike, use a hula hoop or any other athletic activity that's fun and rewarding to you.

24. Add a little comfort to your life -- whether that means faux-sheepskin covers for your car or a big, soft bath towel for you.

25. Enjoy a candlelit three-course meal, with your best china, a placemat and a cloth napkin.

26. Go on vacation. Whether you leave for a week or you actually only take a fifteen-minute walk around the block without your cell phone, sometimes an escape from reality is all it really takes to re-energize and rejuvenate yourself.

27. Buy a box of chocolates, and eat all your favorite ones first.

28. If you're home alone, close the blinds and walk around naked. No waistbands, no collars... it'll feel pretty good.

29. Go all day (or longer) without makeup. (Hey -- if celebrities can go out in public like that, you can, too.)

30. Get some friends together and play tennis or golf, toss the ball around or do something new and exciting in the world of sports.

31. Write down all the things on your mind that are stressing them out. Put the list away somewhere for later, and stop worrying about it for now.

32. Have a massage or another relaxing spa treatment or throw your own spa party.

33. Get together with your girlfriends to chat or to commiserate.

34. Try a brand new super-posh luxury shampoo and conditioner -- one that smells just heavenly.

35. Hire someone to come clean your home from top to bottom.

36. Upgrade something little but practical in your life. For example, swap your old scratched sunglasses for a stylish new pair or replace your faded, thinning bed sheets with some fabulous high-thread-count versions.

37. Imagine you won 10 million dollars, and write down all the delightful ways you'd spend it.

38. Take yourself on a picnic, complete with a blanket, a deli lunch and some fresh strawberries.

39. Find somewhere quiet and simply enjoy the silence.

40. Go outside, get comfortable on the ground or a chaise longue and just watch the sky go by.

41. Start making your dream real: Start researching hotels at an exotic destination, start checking out new kitchen countertop materials or test drive a fancy car.

42. Explore your artistic side: draw, paint, write or even make something out of paper maché.

43. Take a deep breath. Inhale slowly through your nose and fill your lungs (comfortably) as deeply as you can. Hold for about five seconds, and then exhale through your mouth. Repeat at least twice more.

44. Work on a challenging-but-still-fun jigsaw puzzle, preferably featuring a soothing scene.

45. Light some candles (including a couple with your favorite scent) and place them throughout the room. Give yourself a good giggle

46. Take yourself out to dinner at your favorite restaurant.

47. Visit a local body of water -- ocean, lake, reservoir or even a fountain -- and just chill out watching the water flow.

48. Meditate or try some calming visualization.

49. Go for a drive at dusk with the top down, sunroof open or windows down. Music optional.

50. Cross something niggling (but ultimately not vital) off your to-do list... even though you didn't get it done. Let it go.

51. Try one of the oldest de-stressing methods in the world: sex. The hormonal release can be profoundly relaxing.

52. Laughter is one of the best stress-busters of all. Whether by means of a movie, book or DVD of your favorite comedian, give yourself a good giggle!

No matter what types of activities – or lack thereof – refuel you and refresh you after a tough workday or workweek, remember that the best way to restore yourself and relax is only a good night's sleep away.

Cheers, frizzy

Acara Talk-Show Pakar Bisnis Internet

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Hari ini, sabtu tanggal 4 April 2009, bertempat di Toko Buku Leksika Gedung Giant Rawamangun, aku menghadiri lagi acara Talk-Show bersama Ali Akbar Pakar SEO dengan bintang tamu Peter Kohar, Jagoan Internet Joint Venture dan Habibie Afsyah, Jagoan Internet Marketing Affiliation. Acaranya semakin seru dengan dibukanya rahasia-rahasia kesuksesan sang pakar yang pengalamannya menambah inspirasi dan membuka intuisi bisnisku. Jadi makin semangat deh mengejar kesuksesan melalui internet.

I just wanna be better than now my friends...

Peter Kohar membeberkan rahasia kesuksesannya

Habibie Afsyah dan Sang Bunda yang selalu ditunggu-tunggu inspirasinya

Lihat rahasia lengkapnya dalam photo album di bawah ini:

Yang kepala botak ini numpang ngetop yaa...

Acara Talk-Show Internet for Money
Bersama Ali Akbar Pakar SEO
Setiap Hari Sabtu, pukul 16:00 - selesai
di Toko Buku Leksika
Gedung GIANT lantai 4 Rawamangun, Jakarta

Cheers, frizzy.