Fahmi Rizwansyah says:
SEORANG pria bersenjata melancarkan tembakan ke sebuah SMA di Jerman selatan, Rabu (11/3). Inilah daftar insiden penembakan paling mematikan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir.
23 September 2008 :
Matti Saari (22) menembak mati sembilan teman sekolahnya dan seorang guru sebelum bunuh diri di sekolah di Kauhajoki, Finlandia.
14 Februari 2008 :
Mantan siswa Steven Kazmierczak (27) melancarkan tembakan di sebuh hall kampus di Northern Illinois University di DeKalb, menewaskan lima siswa dan melukai 18 lainnya sebelum pelaku bunuh diri.
7 November 2007 :
Pekka-Eric Auvinen (18) menembak mati delapan orang dan dirinya sendiri di SMA di Tuusula, Finlandia.
16 April 2007 :
Cho Seung-Hui (23) menembak mati 32 orang di sebuah dome dan kelas di Virginia Tech di Blacksburg, kemudian bunuh diri.
20 November 2006 :
Sebastian Bosse (18) menembaki bekas SMA-nya di Emsdetten, Jerman, dekat perbatasan Belanda, melukai empat siswa. Polisi kemudian menemukan Bosse tewas.
26 April 2002 :
Robert Steinhaeuser (19) sebelumnya dikeluarkan dari sekolah di Erfurt, Jerman, menewaskan 13 guru, dua mantan teman sekolahnya, dan seorang polisi, sebelum bunuh diri.
20 April 1999 :
Dua siswa Eric Harris dan Dylan Klebold menembaki Columbine High School di Littleton, Colorado, menewaskan 12 rekannya dan seorang guru serta melukai 26 lainnya sebelum bunuh diri di perpustakaan sekolah.
13 Maret 1996 :
Thomas Hamilton (43) membunuh 16 siswa TK dan guru mereka di Dunblane, Skotlandia, kemudian bunuh diri.
Sumber kompas.com/AP
Cheers, frizzy.
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Unimportant Tips in blogspot
Fahmi Rizwansyah says:
Unimportant tips
Buat yang mau lihat atom/rss feeds untuk postingan, begini caranya:
Buat yang mau lihat atom/rss feeds untuk komentar, begini caranya:
Cara di atas secara default akan menghasilkan 25 feed terbaru.
Untuk merubahnya menjadi kurang atau lebih dari 25 feeds begini caranya:
What for?
Yaa kali aja perlu untuk audit trail postingan atau komentar dari blog kita atau sekedar senang-senang membaca pakai metode rss feed. Nggak haram kok baca blog pakai cara gini, lha wong hampir semua blogger menawarkan berlangganan rss feed, iya toh?!
Additional tips
Unimportant tips
Buat yang mau lihat atom/rss feeds untuk postingan, begini caranya:
Buat yang mau lihat atom/rss feeds untuk komentar, begini caranya:
Cara di atas secara default akan menghasilkan 25 feed terbaru.
Untuk merubahnya menjadi kurang atau lebih dari 25 feeds begini caranya:
What for?
Yaa kali aja perlu untuk audit trail postingan atau komentar dari blog kita atau sekedar senang-senang membaca pakai metode rss feed. Nggak haram kok baca blog pakai cara gini, lha wong hampir semua blogger menawarkan berlangganan rss feed, iya toh?!
Additional tips
Script untuk memodifikasi recent comments, begini caranya:
Terima kasih untuk anda yang telah meluangkan waktu membaca tips yang gak penting ini.
Cheers, frizzy.
// ----------------------------------------Bisa diletakkan di postingan sehingga tidak mengganggu performance frontpage yang berguna juga untuk meningkatkan performance alexa rating kita.
// ----------------------------------------
// This functions takes a blogger-feed in JSON
// format and displays it.
// ----------------------------------------
function showrecentcomments(json) {
for (var i = 0; i < entry =" json.feed.entry[i];" i ="=" k =" 0;" rel ="=" alturl =" entry.link[k].href;" alturl =" alturl.replace(" postlink =" alturl.split(" postlink =" postlink[0];" linktext =" postlink.split(" linktext =" linktext[5];" linktext =" linktext.split(" linktext =" linktext[0];" posttitle =" linktext.replace(/-/g," posttitle =" posttitle.link(postlink);" commentdate =" entry.published.$t;" cdyear =" commentdate.substring(0,4);" cdmonth =" commentdate.substring(5,7);" cdday =" commentdate.substring(8,10);" monthnames =" new" comment =" entry.content.$t;" re =" /<\S[^">]*>/g;
comment = comment.replace(re, "");
if (showcommentdate == true) document.write((i+1)+' . Date: ' + cdday + ' '+ monthnames[parseInt(cdmonth,10)] + ' ' + cdyear + ' ');
document.write('' + entry.author[0].name.$t + ', commented');
if (showposttitle == true) document.write(' on: ' + posttitle);
if (comment.length <>' + comment + '
document.write(''+ comment.substring(0, numchars) + '...
<#$>var numcomments = 50;
var showcommentdate = true;
var showposttitle = true;
var numchars = 150;
var standardstyling = true;
<#$ src="http://frizzy2008.blogspot.com/feeds/comments/default?alt=json-in-script&callback=showrecentcomments&max-results=50">
*#$--> diganti dengan tag script yach.
Terima kasih untuk anda yang telah meluangkan waktu membaca tips yang gak penting ini.
Cheers, frizzy.
Ratapan Blogger, pengguna internet di Indonesia
Fahmi Rizwansyah says:
Ratapan Blogger, pengguna internet di Indonesia
Ya Tuhanku berilah hidayah kepada para pemilik internet provider di Indonesia
Semoga mereka tidak selalu menyombongkan diri untuk menjadikan kami sebagai prestasi mereka
Sementara kami menderita menggunakan produk mereka
Ya Tuhanku berilah hidayah kepada para pemilik internet provider di Indonesia
Untuk selalu menepati janji pelayanan produk yang kami pakai sesuai dengan iklan mereka
Mereka selalu berkelit dengan alasan ini dan itu seolah-olah kami bodoh
Padahal mereka menyerap uang kami tanpa malu-malu
Ya Tuhanku berilah hidayah kepada para pemilik internet provider di Indonesia
Dan beri juga hidayah kepada pemberi ijin mereka yaitu Pemerintah kami
Yang selalu mendapat komisi dari provider dan menghisap kami dari pajak penjualan
Wahai pemilik internet provider
Kami butuh koneksi internet
Kami mendatangi anda dengan harapan yang baik dan besar dari iklan anda
Namun sayang, anda menempatkan customer service yang bodoh namun merasa paling pintar di antara kami
dengan kemampuan eskalasi terbatas yang cukup membuat kami berhenti mengeluh karena bingung mau gimana lagi
Wahai pemilik internet provider
Belajarlah akan teknologi yang benar
Implementasikanlah teknologimu dengan benar
Dan hargailah konsumenmu dengan benar
Berilah kami produkmu dengan kejujuranmu
Berilah kami pelayananmu dengan keinginan maju bersama-sama
Cintailah kami sebagai loyalismu, karena kami tidak akan kemana-mana
Karena kami tidak punya daya sepertimu
Karena kami ingin maju
Karena kami...
Cheers, frizzy.
Ya Tuhanku berilah hidayah kepada para pemilik internet provider di Indonesia
Semoga mereka tidak selalu menyombongkan diri untuk menjadikan kami sebagai prestasi mereka
Sementara kami menderita menggunakan produk mereka
Ya Tuhanku berilah hidayah kepada para pemilik internet provider di Indonesia
Untuk selalu menepati janji pelayanan produk yang kami pakai sesuai dengan iklan mereka
Mereka selalu berkelit dengan alasan ini dan itu seolah-olah kami bodoh
Padahal mereka menyerap uang kami tanpa malu-malu
Ya Tuhanku berilah hidayah kepada para pemilik internet provider di Indonesia
Dan beri juga hidayah kepada pemberi ijin mereka yaitu Pemerintah kami
Yang selalu mendapat komisi dari provider dan menghisap kami dari pajak penjualan
Wahai pemilik internet provider
Kami butuh koneksi internet
Kami mendatangi anda dengan harapan yang baik dan besar dari iklan anda
Namun sayang, anda menempatkan customer service yang bodoh namun merasa paling pintar di antara kami
dengan kemampuan eskalasi terbatas yang cukup membuat kami berhenti mengeluh karena bingung mau gimana lagi
Wahai pemilik internet provider
Belajarlah akan teknologi yang benar
Implementasikanlah teknologimu dengan benar
Dan hargailah konsumenmu dengan benar
Berilah kami produkmu dengan kejujuranmu
Berilah kami pelayananmu dengan keinginan maju bersama-sama
Cintailah kami sebagai loyalismu, karena kami tidak akan kemana-mana
Karena kami tidak punya daya sepertimu
Karena kami ingin maju
Karena kami...
Cheers, frizzy.
Online Degree
Fahmi Rizwansyah says:
Online Degrees
The term online degrees refers to college degrees (sometimes including high school diplomas and non-degree certificate programs) that can be earned primarily or entirely through the use of an Internet-connected computer, rather than attending college in a traditional campus setting. Improvements in technology and the increasing use of the Internet worldwide have led to a proliferation of online colleges that award associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees.
Perceived quality of online degrees
The recognition of the quality of online degrees compared to on-campus degrees varies. While most major online colleges are regionally accredited, the public perception of their quality is in dispute. Some experts argue that degrees in certain fields are more accepted online than in others, while some programs are less suited for online-only schools.
Online Degrees
The term online degrees refers to college degrees (sometimes including high school diplomas and non-degree certificate programs) that can be earned primarily or entirely through the use of an Internet-connected computer, rather than attending college in a traditional campus setting. Improvements in technology and the increasing use of the Internet worldwide have led to a proliferation of online colleges that award associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees.
Perceived quality of online degrees
The recognition of the quality of online degrees compared to on-campus degrees varies. While most major online colleges are regionally accredited, the public perception of their quality is in dispute. Some experts argue that degrees in certain fields are more accepted online than in others, while some programs are less suited for online-only schools.
A survey by the Distance Education and Training Council found that 100 percent of employers who responded felt that distance education program graduates performed better on the job as a result of their degree (as compared to their previous performance). Additionally, employers felt that an employee receiving a distance education degree compared favorably, in terms of knowledge learned, to someone with a resident degree. On the other hand, The Chronicle of Higher Education reported in January 2007 on a Vault Inc. survey that found 55 percent of employers preferred traditional degrees over online ones. 41%, however, said they would give "equal consideration to both types of degrees."
The Sloan Consortium, an organization funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to maintain and improve the quality of distance education, publishes regular reports on the state of distance education in the U.S. In its 2006 report "Making the Grade: Online Education in the United States, 2006," it stated that "[i]n 2003, 57 percent of academic leaders rated the learning outcomes in online education as the same or superior to those in face-to-face. That number is now 62 percent, a small but noteworthy increase."
In some instances, an online degree may be no different than a degree earned in a campus-based program. The instruction is often exactly the same, and the online degree contains no special designation. An example of this is the degree offered to Columbia University students who earn a degree through the Columbia Video Network (CVN) versus the campus-based program.
Interesting article from Wikipedia
Cheers, frizzy.
The Sloan Consortium, an organization funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to maintain and improve the quality of distance education, publishes regular reports on the state of distance education in the U.S. In its 2006 report "Making the Grade: Online Education in the United States, 2006," it stated that "[i]n 2003, 57 percent of academic leaders rated the learning outcomes in online education as the same or superior to those in face-to-face. That number is now 62 percent, a small but noteworthy increase."
In some instances, an online degree may be no different than a degree earned in a campus-based program. The instruction is often exactly the same, and the online degree contains no special designation. An example of this is the degree offered to Columbia University students who earn a degree through the Columbia Video Network (CVN) versus the campus-based program.
Interesting article from Wikipedia
Cheers, frizzy.
Top 5 Reasons for Skipping Sex
Fahmi Rizwansyah says:
Too Tired, Sick Are the Most Common Reasons, Poll Shows
By Miranda Hitti
WebMD Health News
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD
Being tired or needing sleep are the top reasons for skipping sex, a new poll shows.
The national poll, conducted by phone in January by the Consumer Reports National Research Center, included 1,000 adults 18-75. Women made up 52% of the group. Most participants, 57%, were married or living with a partner, and 48% have kids younger than 18 living at home.
Most participants, 81%, said they sometimes avoided sex last year. Here are their top five reasons for not having sex, along with the percentage of participants who chose that reason (they could choose more than one reason for not having sex):
1. Too tired or need sleep: 53%
2. Not feeling well or health reasons: 49%
3. Not in the mood: 40%
4. Taking care of children and/or pets: 30%
5. Work: 29%
The flagging economy wasn't one of their reasons. Of the 595 participants who reported being sexually active in 2008, 78% said that the economy hadn't affected how often they have sex.
Other findings from the survey include:
* 45% of sexually active participants say they've ever planned a time to have sex with their partners, but only 7% schedule sex on their calendar or PDA.
* 56% of men said they think about sex daily, compared to 19% of women
* People who rate their health as "poor" are less likely to have sex, but they're not less likely to think about sex.
* Parents of kids younger than 18 were more likely to report having sex in 2008 than people not living with children.
Cheers, frizzy.
Too Tired, Sick Are the Most Common Reasons, Poll Shows
By Miranda Hitti
WebMD Health News
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD
Being tired or needing sleep are the top reasons for skipping sex, a new poll shows.
The national poll, conducted by phone in January by the Consumer Reports National Research Center, included 1,000 adults 18-75. Women made up 52% of the group. Most participants, 57%, were married or living with a partner, and 48% have kids younger than 18 living at home.
Most participants, 81%, said they sometimes avoided sex last year. Here are their top five reasons for not having sex, along with the percentage of participants who chose that reason (they could choose more than one reason for not having sex):
1. Too tired or need sleep: 53%
2. Not feeling well or health reasons: 49%
3. Not in the mood: 40%
4. Taking care of children and/or pets: 30%
5. Work: 29%
The flagging economy wasn't one of their reasons. Of the 595 participants who reported being sexually active in 2008, 78% said that the economy hadn't affected how often they have sex.
Other findings from the survey include:
* 45% of sexually active participants say they've ever planned a time to have sex with their partners, but only 7% schedule sex on their calendar or PDA.
* 56% of men said they think about sex daily, compared to 19% of women
* People who rate their health as "poor" are less likely to have sex, but they're not less likely to think about sex.
* Parents of kids younger than 18 were more likely to report having sex in 2008 than people not living with children.
Cheers, frizzy.
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