Blog campur-campur

Info yang mungkin berguna

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

  • Karbon atau arang kayu yang biasa digunakan untuk memasak sate adalah media yang baik untuk memurnikan air dari pencemar logam seperti zat besi yang biasa mencemari air di perkotaan, karena arang kayu memiliki pori-pori yang mampu mengadsorpsi ion logam yang terdapat dalam air.
  • Pengolahan air minum dengan cara dimasak hanya cocok untuk air minum dari sumber yang belum tercemar, sedangkan untuk daerah perkotaan dan industri dimana airnya telah tercemar, pengolahan air minum dengan cara dimasak hanya dapat membunuh kuman tapi tidak menghilangkan bahan kimia berbahaya yang terdapat didalamnya, perlu pengolahan lebih lanjut agar air yang tercemar dapat dimunum, seperti dengan cara destilasi, adsorpsi, penukar ion atau menyaringnya dengan menggunakan membran semipermiable.
  • Mercury adalah logam yang berbentuk cair pada temperatur kamar, mercury akan menjadi padat bila diberi tekanan sebesar 7.640 atm atau 7,7 juta milibar.
  • Sejak zaman Belanda para petani kita sudah mengenal pupuk Z.A. (zwavelzuur amonium) yang tiada lain adalah amonium sulfat, (NH4)2 SO4. Pupuk Z.A. hanya mengandung 21 % berat nitrogen. Akan tetapi harganya lebih murah dari urea, serta dapat menyumbangkan unsur S (belerang) yang juga esensial bagi tumbuh-tumbuhan. Hanya penggunaan pupuk Z.A. yang terlalu banyak akan menyebabkan tanah bersifat asam.
  • Alkohol dapat bersifat sebagai asam. Alkohol mirip air dalam hal bersikap sebagai suatu basa dan menerima sebuah proton (menghasilkan suatu alkohol terprotonkan, ROH2+). Seperti air pula, suatu alkohol dapat bersikap sebagai asam dan melepaskan sebuah proton (menghasilkan ion alkoksida, RO-). Seperti air, alkohol adalah asam atau basa yang sangat lemah, untuk alkohol murni atau alkohol dalam air, kesetimbangan ionisasi terletak di sebelah kiri (di daerah alcohol takterionkan).
    Dalam larutan encer dalam air, alcohol mempunyai pKa yang kira-kira sama dengan pKa air. Namun dalam keadan murni (tak ada air) alkohol-alkohol jauh lebih lemah daripada air. Nilai pKa methanol murni sekitar 17, dan alkohol-alkohol lain lebih lemah lagi. Sebagai perbandingan untuk air murni pKa = 15,7 (bukan 14, yakni pKw).
    Satu alasan mengapa alkohol murni mempunyai keasaman yang lebih rendah adalah karena alkohol mempunyai tetapan dielektrik yang lebih rendah. Karena mereka kurang polar, alcohol kurang mampu mendukung ion dalam larutan daripada molekul air. Dalam larutan-air yang encer, alkohol mempunyai nilai pKa yang kira-kira sama seperti air.
  • Sabun dapat bereaksi dengan ion logam seperti ion besi, ion kalsium, ion magnesium dan lainnya, sehingga sifat sabunnya berkurang, yaitu tidak dapat mengikat lemak.Oleh sebab itu sabun tidak cocok digunakan dengan menggunakan air sadah dan air yang tercemar ion logam seperti besi. Untuk air yang banyak mengandung ion logam sebaiknya digunakan ditergent.
  • Cell bahan bakar hidrogen, menggunakan hidrogen sebagai anode dan oksigen sebagai katoda. Elektron dalam fuel cell berasal dari hidrogen yang mengalir dari anoda menuju katoda sehingga dihasilkan arus listrik. Oksigen bereaksi dengan hidrogen yang kekurangan elektron menghasilkan air. Cell bahan bakar hidrogen merupakan penghasil listrik yang rendah polusi karena produk akhirnya adalah air, yang bukan zat pencemar.
  • Gas alam dapat disimpan dalam bentuk cairan dengan cara diberi tekanan tinggi. Gas alam dalam bentuk cair 600 kali volumenya lebih kecil dibandingkan dalam bentuk gas. Jadi dengan tempat yang sama dalam bentuk cairan, gas alam 600 kali lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan bentuk gas dengan volume yang sama.
  • Helium adalah salah satu unsur gas mulia yang digunakan untuk menggantikan udara pada pernafasan penyelam atau orang lain yang bekerja dibawah tekanan tinggi, dengan campuran helium 80 % dan Oksigen 20 %. Terlalu lama terkena udara yang dimampatkan dapat menimbulkan narkose nitrogen, yang salah satu efeknya adalah halusinasi, yang oleh penyelam dikenal sebagai pesona bawah laut, para penyelam yang terpesona demikian tak mampu memperhatikan tindakan-tindakan pengamanan dan mungkin akan tenggelam. Helium disarankan sebagai pengganti nitrogen karena helium kurang larut dalam darah dibandingkan nitrogen. Selagi penyelam kembali ke tekanan atmosfer, melarutnya gas nitrogen akan membentuk gelembung-gelembung gas yang sangat kecil dalam darah, yang menimbulkan “ tekukan” yang terasa nyeri dan berbahaya.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

At CERN, computers to tackle the Big Bang

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

GENEVA--The CERN Computer Center is the number-crunching hub that powers the physics research lab's quest to discover the nature of the universe.

A formidable 8,000 servers housing 40,000 Intel processor cores provide the grunt to help crack the petabytes of data spewed out from CERN's cutting-edge particle accelerators, based here. Editors' note: This story was originally published on as a photo gallery. Click here to see all the images.)

About half of these cores will be used to deal with data from the 17-mile-long Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which will generate about 15 petabytes of data by colliding protons with protons.

The computer center will provide only about 20 percent of the processing power used to examine the LHC data, with the rest coming from the LHC Computing Grid, a dedicated network of more than 100,000 processors.

Scientists hope the LHC will offer a "glimpse" at the Higgs Boson, a particle thought to give mass to the universe.

The LHC will produce up to 600 million particle collisions per second. To store the huge amount of data the LHC produces, the center houses 8 petabytes of hard disks and 18 petabytes of magnetic tapes. This will increase to 16 petabytes of disc and 30 petabytes of tape by the end of the year.

Even this is insufficient to store the vast amounts of the raw data produced by the LHC, so its four detectors--which each look for different particles and energy signatures--have built-in electronics and smaller computer centers that analyze petabytes of data per second they collect and that throw away the bulk of the information not of interest to the physicists.

The data that's left is sent on to the computer center and its racks of servers.

"A lot of processors are devoted to data processing for physics. We are collecting a tremendous amount of data from the collision points," said Jean Michel Jouanigot, head of network services at CERN.

CERN switching points.

The computing center holds 1,500 10-gigabit ports for data exchange and 70,000 1-gigabit ports for information flow among CERN sites. These are just some of the switching points.
(Credit: CERN)
Once the data arrives at the center it is immediately stored and reprocessed before being made available to 7,000 physicists in 33 countries via the LHC grid.

The grid is linked to the center through dedicated 10-gigabit-per-second connections. It can handle about 50,000 users at once, sharing out bandwidth and processing power between scientists.

"The grid is a worldwide collaboration through many hundreds of sites and will get information through very powerful networks," Jouanigot said.

CERN serves as an Internet exchange point and is one of the oldest in Europe.

Within the computing center itself, the data exchange is handled by 1,500 10-gigabit ports, while information flow within CERN's various sites is handled by 70,000 1-gigabit ports.

by Nick Heath of reported from London.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

The emotional effects of acne

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

You've been anticipating — and possibly dreading — the "big day" for weeks. The nature of the event isn't important; it may be a first date, an important job interview, or your own birthday party. You try to hide behind hair or heavy make-up. But you can't ignore the face in the mirror.

Sound familiar? For acne sufferers all over the world, these scenarios are all too common. Even routine social interactions — a day at the office, a trip to the market — can be a nightmare of stress and self-loathing. Yet, due to the "merely cosmetic" nature of acne vulgaris, these very real emotions are widely dismissed as oversensitivity. Clear-faced friends and co-workers say, "Really, it looks worse to you."

And they're probably right. But they're missing an important point: Acne is as much about how you feel as how you look. Over the years, the research methods and medical treatments may have changed, but the answers to the question "how does your acne make you feel?" have remained alarmingly constant: Ugly. Angry. Dirty. Depressed. These answers are consistent across gender lines, age barriers and national borders.

What is being done?

Every year, millions of dollars are devoted to the medical study and treatment of acne; millions more are spent on the development and marketing of over-the-counter remedies. Comparatively little energy, however, has been spent determining the psychological and social effects of the condition. Consider the following statement:

There is no single condition which causes more psychic trauma, more maladjustment between parent and children, more general insecurity and feelings of inferiority and greater sums of psychic suffering than does acne vulgaris.1

Made by Sulzberger and Zaidems in a 1948 article, this statement rings true today. Despite acne's limited impact on overall patient health, several studies have concluded that it produces a similar degree of emotional stress to skin conditions causing significant physical disability. The implications are fairly obvious: Acne hurts more on the inside. So why is it so easy for people to dismiss these feelings as vanity?

The problem of measuring emotion.

The difficulty lies not in validating acne's negative affects, but in quantifying them. For years, researchers have been struggling to find an accurate means of measurement for this particular kind of study. Scientists use psychometrics to measure conditions of the mind, but have yet to develop a scale for evaluating the psychological effects of physical conditions such as acne. And the use of psychometric scales for evaluating acne patients has been largely inconclusive.

Why? Emotional symptoms — depression, anger, low self-esteem — are influenced by an incredible number of variables. So it's difficult to know for sure whether one's depression is caused by acne alone or a combination of factors, ranging from trouble in school to on-the-job stress. At the moment, the best way to understand the psychosocial effects of acne seems surprisingly simple: Listen.

The power of patient testimony.

Until science develops an accurate scale, the best way for us to learn about acne's emotional effects is from the patients themselves. The following passages are excerpted from verbatim quotes taken during a 1995 study in San Francisco.2 In dramatic contrast with the psychometric questionnaires used in the past, patients were asked open-ended questions and encouraged to answer at length.

It has been many years since I have looked in a mirror. I comb my hair using a silhouette on the wall to show the outline of my head. I have not looked myself in the eyes in years, and that is painful to not be able to do that, and that is a direct result of acne.

When my acne got more severe, I began to really examine more things, become more aware of social norms, what is acceptable, what is attractive. That is when I began to have lower self-esteem; it made me become more of an introvert. It made me want to avoid certain occasions. 'Ask her out? Well, maybe not. She won't be interested because of how I look.

It's associated with being dirty, and I hate that, because it's not at all like that. I inherited it from my mother, and she is always telling me that she had the exact same thing, and that it will go away. I am mad that I inherited it from her. My dad makes me feel bad because he never had bad skin when he was younger, so he doesn't understand.

My mother doesn’t know what she has done to hurt me. If I ate fatty foods, she would criticize. If I ate spicy food — which Thai food is, they are all spicy — she would say that because I ate spicy food, that was why I had pimples. She kept telling me how ugly my face was, and no one was going to marry me if I had bad-looking skin. And that really hurts me.

I know I am so insecure in this way — but if I go into a store, I won't buy candy, even if I really want it. I think in my mind that people are looking at what I am buying, and thinking, 'Oh, she eats junk. No wonder she has so many zits on her face.

From just this small sample, it's easy to see the wide-ranging emotional impact of acne on those who suffer from it. These accounts of family conflict, social withdrawal and deep private suffering are, according to the patients, the direct result of their acne.

While it's hard to measure the impact of this condition, the message within these testimonies is clear: Acne can cause profound emotional suffering. Of course, if you live with acne, this isn’t news — but it may be helpful to know you’re not alone.

And there’s good news, too. We now know more about the treatment of acne than ever before. There is a wide range of acne treatments available, and there’s a good chance you’ll be able to find a regimen that works for you. More about acne treatments.

1 Sulzberger MB and Zaidems SH, “Psychogenic factors in dermatological disorders,” Medical Clinicians of North America, 1948, Vol. 32, p. 669.

2 Koo, John, MD, “The psychosocial impact of acne: Patients’ perceptions,” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 1995, Vol. 32, p. 26–30.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

VoIP & 4G Wireless Legal Tanpa Perlu Pemerintah

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Sumber: Onno W. Purbo

VoIP atau di kenal sebagai internet telepon nampaknya merupakan momok bagi regulator & banyak operator telekomunikasi. Di satu sisi, harus di akui bahwa regulator & operator mengakui secara terselubung bahwa teknologi ini memungkinkan terbentuknya infrastruktur telekomunikasi yang murah. Di sisi lain, biasanya pemerintah & operator konvensional takut luar biasa tidak dapat memperoleh masukan pajak dan keuntungan karena pelanggan yang melarikan diri ke jasa VoIP.

Kalau kita buka-bukaan, pemerintah & operator sudah banyak kecolongan oleh jasa VoIP gratisan yang di operasikan oleh Anton Raharja cs di VoIP Rakyat Teknologi yang digunakan jauh di atas operator telekomunikasi Indonesia karena mengadopsi protokol SIP yang merupakan basis Next Generation Network (NGN)& 4G. Hanya XL yang hari ini menggunakan NGN kepada corporate customer XL. Jasa Anton cs di VoIP Rakyat telah berhasil mengkaitkan banyak corporate untuk dapat saling menelepon melalui Internet, hal ini cukup mudah di deteksi dari Online Phone yang terpampang di, ada PT. Lippo Cikarang, CGD IT Solutions, Zyrex Computer, PT. UFOAkses, ITENAS, PT. Berkat Usaha Jaya, PT. BITA, PT. TEL PP, PT. Agung Raya, dan masih banyak lagi karena nomor VoIP yang terdaftar sudah mendekati 50.000 nomor. Seorang Rakyat biasa Anton Raharja telah berhasil memberikan solusi murah bagi bangsa ini, tanpa bantuan pemerintah.

Integrasi VoIP Rakyat ke saluran telkom dan selular pun telah mulai dilakukan di bantu oleh beberapa pihak ke tiga, seperti, Tentunya telepon ke telkom dan selular tidak gratis, harus membayar ke pihak ke tiga tersebut.

Nokia Indonesia bahkan telah mengembangkan software untuk Nokia seri E agar dapat mengunakan jasa VoIP ini secara mudah pada Nokia E61, E61i, E65, E90 & E50. Teknik ini merupakan cikal bakal 4G yang berhasil dengan baik di Indonesia, tidak banyak negara yang berhasil menjalankan 4G seperti Indonesia. Software Nokia Indonesia pun di kembangkan oleh software house Indonesia seperti intouch. Teknik ini di kalangan awam di kenal dengan handphone tanpa SIM CARD karena memang kita dapat menelepon tanpa perlu SIM card sama sekali. Tidak ada pulsa yang perlu di bayar untuk itu.

Berbagai supplier peralatan VoIP seperti Linksys maupun peralatan Indonesia seperti NetPhonic mulai berkembang mensupply kebutuhan telekomunikasi masa mendatang ini. Industri software & telekomunikasi Indonesia justru menjadi berkembang karena inovasi-inovasi yang terjadi dikarenakan pemerintah tidak berhasil memberikan solusi telekomunikasi murah pada rakyat Indonesia.

Apakah semua ini melanggar hukum? jawab singkat-nya TIDAK! Ijin pemerintah hanya dibutuhkan jika kita memberikan layanan VoIP kepada masyarakat secara komersial dan tersambung ke jaringan telkom. Selama VoIP di gunakan dari rakyat, untuk rakyat, oleh rakyat secara gratis dan hanya tersambung ke PABX kantor maka pemerintah tidak dibutuhkan.

Indahnya, semua ilmu dan teknologi VoIP NGN & 4G ini dapat di peroleh dengan mudah di berbagai buku, termasuk buku 3G dan buku VoIP Cikal Bakal Telkom Rakyat yang di terbitkan oleh InfoKomputer dan majalah CHIP. Di dukung oleh berbagai roadshow dan seminar seperti di IndoComtech 2007.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

IP Address Location Check

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Have you ever wondered "what is my IP address"?
Or thought about IP block addresses that belong to a specific country?

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Maybe you are looking for an IP address location or you simply wish to learn more about how networking protocols, like UDP and TCP/IP, work?
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Using IP Address Location is free. It is the fastest, easiest and most precise way to search and find the exact location of any IP address, OS, DNS, country, country code and contry flag. Furthermore, we have integrated Geolocator and a world map to display your results by city and country. Our IP database is updated every 48 hours so you can be sure the information we provide is up to date.

Our web based IP Lookup tool has analyzed your IP address and and detected next informations about your computer:
My IP Address

My Host Address (DNS Lookup)
Proxy Server Detection:
No Proxy detected or you use High Anonymous Proxy

Country - Flag - Code Country
Indonesia ID

Guessed City

English (United States)

Operating System
NT 5.1 (Windows XP)
Cheers, frizzy2008.