Blog campur-campur

Mega Bazaar 2009

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Mega Bazaar 2009, Pameran optimisme di tengah krisis yang meningkat.

Cheers, frizzy.

Pemilu 2009 salah satu cara mendobrak persoalan

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Terus terang aku kagum dengan seluruh bangsa Indonesia, meskipun kita bukanlah orang-orang kaya/mapan dengan berlimpah uang milyaran. Namun kita tetap bersemangat bersatu untuk terus bersama menuju hari esok yang kita semua gak ngerti mau dibawa kemana oleh pemimpin-pemimpin kita.
Meski banyak kita dengar isak dan jerit tangis saudara kita akibat bencana yang melanda, baik segi ekonomi, politik, hukum dan bencana alam, namun di sisi lain kita tetap bersemangat untuk mencoba memperbaiki hal-hal tersebut.
Mungkin kita memang ditakdirkan harus seperti ini yaa. Dari Sabang sampai Merauke punya keanekaragaman yang tidak dapat terbantahkan. Kesamaan kita, menurut alasan para founding father adalah sama-sama dijajah Belanda dan Jepang, yang mungkin hal ini bagi sebagian orang adalah alasan aneh tapi ajaibnya kita tetap bersatu hingga hari ini.
Saat ini semua rakyat Indonesia berharap ada sebuah figur pemimpin yang bukan pemimpi. Gak perduli dari suku mana, silahkan, semua diberi kesempatan yang sama. Semua mempunyai tekad yang sama juga memajukan Indonesia meski dari perspektif masing-masing.
Dalam kesempatan ini aku tidak akan memaki, tidak akan melontarkan kritik pesimisme, tidak akan mengeluh, tidak mau menyalahkan, tidak mau juga hanya diam. Kenapa? karena aku adalah Manusia Indonesia. Manusia yang mempunyai sifat unik di dunia ini. Manusia yang menghargai tetangganya jika berbeda pendapat. Manusia yang sempat dibentuk oleh balutan pendidikan Pancasila yang berulang-ulang dan berlapis-lapis. Terkadang malas berikutnya berapi-api.
Aku ingin turut berpartisipasi menentukan arah tujuan bangsa kita dengan bersedia menyukseskan Pemilu 2009. Sikap politikku adalah floating mass berdasarkan Pancasila. Aku gak perduli kamu wakil dari partai mana selama sesuai dengan tujuan baikku pasti aku dukung seobyektif mungkin. Aku buat sesederhana itu, karena aku tidak mengerti hal-hal yang komplikatif. Aku hanya ingin berbuat yang aku bisa, aku tidak bisa berlagak peduli terhadap yang aku tidak mengerti. Aku ingin ada progress meskipun sedikit dan sangat pelan. Aku cinta Indonesiaku, gak perduli kalian memakiku sebagai bangsa yang rendah atau menghinaku dengan kata-kata kotor dan melemahkan.
Kalian bisa melihat sendiri banyak achievement yang didapat meski kekurangan sering kami lupakan untuk menambalnya. Hanya ini yang bisa aku lakukan, dan inilah yang pasti aku lakukan.
I love you, Indonesia dan seluruh tumpah darahnya...

Cheers, frizzy.

Beautiful house with stainless steel

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Own a house that looks tidy is everyone's desire. Not excluded men, women, teenagers who have already established and the direction to get there. Studiousness election materials into high-quality obligations which can not be avoided. All household's living room, family room, bedroom and kitchen decorated with accessories need a good, high quality but simple and practical that can describe the effect of elegant modern houses.

Indoor and outdoor accessories with a stainless steel material can strengthen the character as a home owner is smart, elegant and intellectual level. Clean the house so impressive but has a powerful enchantment to say, see myself, I can become a reliable and perfect choice of accessories you won't be disappointed.

Blomus stainless steel mailboxes as outdoor accessories to help us save the letters received from the mail delivery, protect it with a strong impression. Stainless steel mailboxes based material that is very strong, form a functional and elegant minimalist design but with a mature and classy. All friends and relatives you certainly impressed, and of course the postman very grateful to you because it's easier to send their work, to protect the mail to you with hands still intact.

Blomus stainless steel fireplace accessories able to enhance your living room, family room, dining, bedroom and dining as indoor equipment that supports the activities you maintain comfort in the home. All options stainless steel fireplace accessories designed with the full taste and is kept to maintain the tradition as the right choice for everyone.

Every stainless steel you need for household is The Stainless Steel Store.

Cheers, frizzy.

Travel to Alaska, Denali Park

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Travel Alaska

Fill your leisure or adventure with the roads to Alaska. A very beautiful country that is located close to the polar north, protected by wide oceans, mountains decorated beautiful rivers, crystal clear. With snow cover lasting peace to the impression that arouse in the breasts in the most praise for the greatness of God.

What's in Denali Park? You will get the natural beauty of the amazing Mount McKinley, Alaska wild animal life is unique and amazing as Grizzly bears, Caribou, wolves, Dall sheep and moose can be enjoyed without interference with the perfect noisy city.
All this will not make you hesitate to take the decision to come there, because Alaska natures that has many mountains and national parks invite you directly.

Weather in Alaska can change quickly, often without warning. Prepare for the sun, strong winds, rain and cloud all occur on the same day. However, all these features add adventure becomes more interesting, of course you have to prepare all the necessary equipment for the natural mountain environment and winter.

Did you know that Denali National Park and preserve is home to both black bears and Grizzly bears? Black bears inhabit the forested areas of the park, while Grizzly bears mainly live on the open tundra and all bears seen by visitors along the Park Road. Alaska Travel is Very cool indeed!

Cheers, frizzy.

Why to Invest in Indonesia?

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

taken from The Embassy of Indonesia in Ottawa

This chapter provides you with everything about investment in Indonesia. Some supporting data provided at origin website.

Reason #1
With a total population of 210 million persons, which was just reached in the early 1997, and a fast-growing middle class (totaling around 35 millions), Indonesia is indeed a huge, potential market. As the people welfare improved, demands for goods and services do not merely rely on quantity, but quality, variability, and on-time availability.

Reason #2
The abundance of Indonesia's natural resources is evident in all sectors, particularly land resources, mines & minerals, agriculture/plantation, marine & fishery, forestry, and natural scenery. Utilization of the natural resources along with maintenance of their long-terms benefits has fueled the national development in all sectors during the last few decades. Processing industries for estate crops, horticultural crops, industrial plantation forest, mineral deposits, brackish water culture are among other of promising business in the country.

Reason #3
The Government of Indonesia pays special attention to the development of human resources, including the productivity of workers. During the period of PELITA VI (1994/1995 - 1998/1999), value added per worker is expected to grow - on the average - by 3.3% annually. The increase of workers' value added for three major sectors are 2.4%/year for agriculture, 3.7%/year for industry, and 1.9%/year for services.
The World Competitiveness Report (1995) revealed that percentage of 20-24 year olds enrolled in higher education of Indonesia is about 10%, which is higher than those of Malaysia (7.0%), India (6.0%), and China (2.0%). You may have a look at the Indonesia's laborforce profiles.
Although the UMR (Upah Minimum Regional - Regional Minimum Standard Wage Rates) have been increasing from year to year as the people's standard of living is better-off through time, it is however still quite competitive compared to those of other Asian countries.

Reason #4
Indonesia is undergoing a transformation from agricultural-base economy to an industrial-base economy. Manufacturing industry has become the backbone of Indonesia's export drive. Changes in composition of GDP by sectors during the 1980s and 1990s showed that such situation is true. Ever-increasing volume and value of industrial products have made the national economy not depended merely on oil & gas exports. Since mid-1980s, non-oil & gas export revenues have been jumping up beyond the oil & gas exports; and during the last-few year oil & gas export revenues constitute even less than a quarter of the total export income.

Cheers, frizzy.