Blog campur-campur

Why to Invest in Indonesia?

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

taken from The Embassy of Indonesia in Ottawa

This chapter provides you with everything about investment in Indonesia. Some supporting data provided at origin website.

Reason #1
With a total population of 210 million persons, which was just reached in the early 1997, and a fast-growing middle class (totaling around 35 millions), Indonesia is indeed a huge, potential market. As the people welfare improved, demands for goods and services do not merely rely on quantity, but quality, variability, and on-time availability.

Reason #2
The abundance of Indonesia's natural resources is evident in all sectors, particularly land resources, mines & minerals, agriculture/plantation, marine & fishery, forestry, and natural scenery. Utilization of the natural resources along with maintenance of their long-terms benefits has fueled the national development in all sectors during the last few decades. Processing industries for estate crops, horticultural crops, industrial plantation forest, mineral deposits, brackish water culture are among other of promising business in the country.

Reason #3
The Government of Indonesia pays special attention to the development of human resources, including the productivity of workers. During the period of PELITA VI (1994/1995 - 1998/1999), value added per worker is expected to grow - on the average - by 3.3% annually. The increase of workers' value added for three major sectors are 2.4%/year for agriculture, 3.7%/year for industry, and 1.9%/year for services.
The World Competitiveness Report (1995) revealed that percentage of 20-24 year olds enrolled in higher education of Indonesia is about 10%, which is higher than those of Malaysia (7.0%), India (6.0%), and China (2.0%). You may have a look at the Indonesia's laborforce profiles.
Although the UMR (Upah Minimum Regional - Regional Minimum Standard Wage Rates) have been increasing from year to year as the people's standard of living is better-off through time, it is however still quite competitive compared to those of other Asian countries.

Reason #4
Indonesia is undergoing a transformation from agricultural-base economy to an industrial-base economy. Manufacturing industry has become the backbone of Indonesia's export drive. Changes in composition of GDP by sectors during the 1980s and 1990s showed that such situation is true. Ever-increasing volume and value of industrial products have made the national economy not depended merely on oil & gas exports. Since mid-1980s, non-oil & gas export revenues have been jumping up beyond the oil & gas exports; and during the last-few year oil & gas export revenues constitute even less than a quarter of the total export income.

Cheers, frizzy.

Shoutmix Premium Account

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Shoutmix, I really love it, kenapa? menurutku si asik aja, apalagi kalo dipake blogwalking. Sudah itu mempermudah aku memonitoring aktifitas trafik sepanjang hari melalui handphone atau blackberry, jadi aku bisa makin lengket ma sobat2 blogger yang aku sayangi dan cintai.
Karena kecintaanku inilah mulai hari ini Februari 22, 2009 aku upgrade account shoutmixku. Apa sih keuntungan upgrade shoutmix silahkan lihat di sini.

Fitur yang paling berharga adalah daftar link dan pesan yang sobat berikan untuk diriku, atau kadang2 juga untuk orang lain buat sobat yang suka berpromosi lewat blogku. It's okay no problemo gak masalah nothing to loose etc. Pokoke aku senang aja rumahku banyak kawan dan aku dengan senang hati tulus ikhlas datang berkunjung balik ke rumah sobat semua melalui link yang menempel di shoutmix ini.
Fitur lainnya yang bikin aku senang adalah kemampuan pengarsipan dan bisa download pesan2 sobat jadi bisa aku simpan ke dalam hatiku dengan penuh kebahagiaan.

Akhir kata, mari kita sambung tali silaturrahmi secara terus menerus, kalo perlu sampai kakek nenek atau di saat kita semua sudah berada di titik yang lemah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk semuanya...

Cheers, frizzy.

Bukan Indonesia untuk pariwisata, tetapi pariwisata untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat Indonesia

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Indonesia Jadi Tujuan Wisata Spa Terbaik Dunia

Indonesia terpilih menjadi tujuan wisata spa terbaik di dunia melalui penghargaan yang akan dianugerahkan International Wellness Awards kepada Indonesia dalam International Travel Bourse di Berlin, Jerman.

"Mengapa Indonesia? Sebab Indonesia mampu mempertahankan warisan budaya leluhur dikombinasikan dengan hasil riset terbaru," kata Pimpinan Selected Hotel Promotion Inc (organisasi pariwisata internasional ternama), Frank Pfaller, dalam siaran pers, Rabu (18/2).
Bali dinilai merupakan kawasan wisata spa terbaik karena mampu memelihara kebudayaan asli leluhur, termasuk warisan raja-raja kuno. Bahkan, terminologi khas Bali dalam kaitannya dengan spa seperti boreh dan lulur telah diakui secara internasional.

Indonesia melalui Bali telah terpilih sebagai "The Best Spa Destination in The World". Penghargaan tersebut akan diserahkan dalam rangka penyelenggaraan pameran pariwisata tahunan yang bergengsi, yaitu International Tourism Bourse (ITB) di Berlin, Jerman, awal Maret 2009. Hal itu karena kegiatan ITB merupakan pameran terbesar yang melibatkan ribuan pelaku bisnis di dunia pariwisata internasional. Penghargaan tersebut rencananya akan diterima secara langsung oleh Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, Jero Wacik, yang akan hadir dalam kegiatan ITB di Berlin tersebut.

Pada kesempatan yang sama, Raja Denpasar IX Ida Tjokorda Ngurah Jambe Pamecutan juga akan dianugerahi penghargaan Senses Wellness Award 2009 dari organisasi yang sama.

Raja Denpasar IX juga akan menerima The Five-star-Diamond Lifetime Achievement Award yang akan diberikan oleh Presiden American Academy of Hospitality Sciences Joe Cinque atas sumbangsih dan pengabdiannya dalam hal hubungan pertukaran dan perkembangan kebudayaan internasional. "Kami mewakili masyarakat spa yang ada di Bali akan berangkat dalam acara tersebut di samping karena tahun ini Bali terpilih menjadi tujuan spa terbaik dunia," kata Raja Denpasar IX Ida Tjokorda Ngurah Jambe Pamecutan.

Ia berharap penerimaan penghargaan tersebut dapat lebih memperkenalkan pariwisata Indonesia kepada dunia internasional. Raja Denpasar IX rencananya akan berangkat dan membawa rombongan misi kebudayaan yang terdiri dari 80 raja dan sultan seluruh Indonesia yang tergabung dalam Forum Silaturahmi Keraton se-Nusantara.

"Kami juga akan membawa tim kesenian Bali klasik dan kesenian dari seluruh Nusantara untuk mempromosikan adat tradisi budaya kita kepada dunia. Prinsipnya bukan Indonesia untuk pariwisata, tetapi pariwisata untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat Indonesia," katanya.

Cheers, frizzy.

Contract Management Software

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Contract Management Software allows organizations to effectively manage the various types of contracts they engage in, including: buy side, sell side, and non monetary.

In general, the benefits of implementing Contract Management Software are seen in the reduction in time and effort and improvements in the contracting process. Specific areas that see improvement are:

* Improved information related to contracts and the activities governed by those contracts - better information and more of it.
* Streamlined processes that result in reduced operating expenses.
* Maximum realization of revenue and/or cost savings potential by maximizing the benefits of each contract through event management and performance and compliance monitoring.
* Maximum involvement of stakeholders through an online, paperless contracting process.
* Improved relationships with all stakeholders including staff, customers and suppliers.
* Strategic sourcing benefits - maximize buying power through better managed contracts.
* Business Intelligence through proper analysis of information about contracts and contracted activities.
* ensure visibility is available across all contracts to the authorized people,
* notify stakeholders of impending trigger points ensuring that contract management is pro-active, not re-active,
* validate payments, deliverables, commitments and compliance terms that are established in the actual contract, and
* ensure compliance to negotiated terms and conditions including rates, discounts, and rebates.

It delivers extensive benefit in each of these areas out of the box, but when coupled with business process improvement that is aimed at maximizing the functionality of the contract management process, organizations further improve their strategic benefits significantly.

Contract management software suppliers include: Accruent, Advanced Software Concepts, ARM Group, Blueridge Software, Capterra, CMSI, CobbleStone Systems, Covigna, Determine, diCarta, Ecteon, Exari, FieldCentrix, I-many, Ketera, Omniware, Open Windows Contracts, Procure,, SAP and UpsideSoft.

General Features
* End-to-end Contract Management Solution
* Extremely flexible with user defined business rules and customized workflow
* Ability to manage various types of contracts
* Corporate repository of clauses, templates, and management indicator
* Completely Web-based
* Ensures contract and RFx (i.e. RFP, RFI, RFQ, etc.) visibility, monitoring, & reporting for all stakeholders
* Personal 'Dashboard'
* User-role-based functional view and navigation control

Advanced Workflow Management
* Template-based (static), business rules-based (dynamic) and organizational hierarchy-based workflow determination capabilities are supported
* Workflow determination and management can be applied in most modules of the system

Procurement Management
* Template-based RFx creation
* Dynamic workflow to manage RFx creation
* Structured RFx management
* Vendor access and participation

Request Processing
* Highly configurable, ‘wizard-like’ interface to capture user requests for:
o new RFXs and associated procurement activities
o new contracts,
o change orders,
o supplements,
o renewals, and
o terminations.

Contract Creation
* Template-based contract creation
* Dynamic workflow to manage contract creation
* Related documents can be scanned and attached
* Online negotiation
* Contract calculations
* PDF support
* Rich text editor

Contract Management
* Notification and alerts for required tasks and events
* Performance monitoring
* Compliance monitoring
* Renewal, amendments and change management

Financial & Budget Monitoring and Management
* Manage contract commitments
* Automate payments
* Manage holdbacks
* Integration with UpsideBilling

Integration with Other Systems
* Interface with any ERP/Financial system
* Fills in the gap between ERP and CRM systems
* Integrates other systems used in business processes

Management Information
* Business Intelligence Support
* Management Reporting
* Ad Hoc Reporting

Reports can also be provided in Crystal Web format and includes the data dictionary so that external reporting using Crystal Reports can be performed.

2000 Pulau di Indonesia Terancam Hilang, haruskah???

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Mengajak kepada seluruh blogger Indonesia untuk turut menyuarakan keprihatinan serta meningkatkan persatuan dalam wacana Bhineka Tunggal Ika.

Kutipan dari Antara.
Sedikit-dikitnya 2000 pulau kecil terancam hilang akibat produksi penambangan yang belebihan dan kegiatan lain yang tidak ramah terhadap lingkungan laut dan daratan.

"Tapi herannya kenapa semua pada diam termasuk perguruan tinggi baik negeri maupun swasta yang jumlahnya ratusan ini tidak melakukan apa-apa untuk menghentikan kegiatan yang bisa menghilangkan pulau-pulau kecil itu," kata Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Freddy Numberi di Malang, Sabtu. Selengkapnya

Cheers, frizzy2008.