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Showing posts with label Indonesia Cries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indonesia Cries. Show all posts

2000 Pulau di Indonesia Terancam Hilang, haruskah???

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Mengajak kepada seluruh blogger Indonesia untuk turut menyuarakan keprihatinan serta meningkatkan persatuan dalam wacana Bhineka Tunggal Ika.

Kutipan dari Antara.
Sedikit-dikitnya 2000 pulau kecil terancam hilang akibat produksi penambangan yang belebihan dan kegiatan lain yang tidak ramah terhadap lingkungan laut dan daratan.

"Tapi herannya kenapa semua pada diam termasuk perguruan tinggi baik negeri maupun swasta yang jumlahnya ratusan ini tidak melakukan apa-apa untuk menghentikan kegiatan yang bisa menghilangkan pulau-pulau kecil itu," kata Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Freddy Numberi di Malang, Sabtu. Selengkapnya

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Selamat buat Depag dan Depkes RI...Guys, please dong ah!

CFahmi Rizwansyah says:

Pemerintah melalui Menteri Keuangan meminta 4.127 rekening sejumlah Kementerian dan Lembaga (K/L) senilai Rp 1,17 triliun dan US$ 9,3 juta dibekukan. Rekening yang berada di sejumlah perbankan itu dianggap tidak sesuai dengan aturan atau dinamakan rekening liar.

Demikian disampaikan Irjen Depkeu Hekinus Manao ketika ditemui di Gedung MPR/DPR, Jakarta, Kamis (18/12/2008).

"Menkeu sebagai Bendahara Umum negara telah meminta hal ini pada tanggal 16 Desember lalu. Rekening ini akan terus dibekukan, kalau lewat satu bulan dan tidak ada pemiliknya yang protes, maka rekening itu akan ditutup. Dan uangnya masuk ke kas negara," katanya.

Selain pembekuan rekening, Hekinus juga mengatakan Depkeu meminta sejumlah Dirjen di 57 kementerian dan lembaga untuk menyelidiki 4.085 rekening senilai Rp 1,32 triliun dan US$ 10,28 juta.

"Depkeu meminta mereka menyelidiki mengenai keabsahan rekening tersebut." ujarnya.

Hekinus mengatakan, dari 4.085 rekening yang minta diselidiki tersebut, paling banyak terdapat di Departemen Agama. Jumlahnya mencapai 479 rekening dengan nilai Rp 32,4 miliar.

"Tapi kalau dari segi jumlah yang paling banyak Departemen Kesehatan. Jumlah rekeningnya 37, tapi nilainya Rp 480,4 miliar," katanya.

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Another sad story of our forestry

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Nomor: S.632/PIK-1/2008

POHON KI TENJO (Anisoptera costata Korth) TERANCAM PUNAH

Pohon Ki Tenjo yang dalam bahasa latinnya disebut Anisoptera costata (Korth) tumbuh alami di Cagar Alam Leuwi Sancang dan Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon. Menurut hasil penelitian Pusat Litbang Hutan dan Konservasi Alam Bogor, di habitat alam aslinya pohon Ki Tenjo tinggal satu batang, dan tidak ditemukan anakannya.

Eksplorasi yang dilakukan oleh Titi Kalima pada tahun 2008 di Kawasan TN Ujung Kulon hanya menemukan satu batang Anisoptera costata Korth yang berdiameter 121 cm. Pohon tersebut masih berdiri tegak pada ketinggian 80 m di atas permukaan laut. Keberadan spesies pohon tersebut sangat rawan punah. Dari pohon yang tersisa tersebut tidak ditemukan anakan. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa A. costata Korth di tempat tersebut tidak dapat melanjutkan keturunan.

Ancaman yang paling mengkhawatirkan adalah penebangan yang dilakukan oleh perambah hutan. Aktivitas perambahan yang makin mendekati lokasi pohon ini sangat mengancam percepatan kepunahannya. Pada tahun 2005 Titi Kalima mencatat bahwa di Cagar Alam Leuwi Sancang terdapat masyarakat yang berkebun sayur mayur, kelapa, coklat, karet, dan lain-lain. Pada saat itu masih ditemukan pohon-pohon A. costata Korth, D. gracilis, D. hasseltii, dan D. littoralis. Satu tahun kemudian (2006) banyak pohon-pohon tersebut yang ditebang. Pada tahun 2007 ditemukan pohon-pohon D. Littoralis, D. gracitis, dan D. Hasseltii yang berdiameter 76 cm, 58 cm, dan 64 cm telah ditebang. Saat itu masih tersisa satu batang A. costata berdiameter 105 cm pada ketinggian 560 m di atas permukaan laut.

Jakarta, 16 Desember 2008
Kepala Pusat Informasi Kehutanan,
NIP. 080062808

Cheers, frizzy2008.

Selamatkan Indonesia dari cengkraman HIV/AIDS

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Artikel menyambut hari AIDS sedunia, 1 Desember
Perkembangan epidemi HIV dan AIDS di Indonesia meningkat cepat beberapa tahun terakhir ini. Hal ini terutama didorong oleh penggunaan narkoba suntik dan akibat hubungan seks berisiko yang sangat tinggi terutama di kota-kota besar. Saat ini Indonesia menghadapi epidemi ganda, yaitu epidemi HIV dan epidemi pengguna narkoba suntik. Ini adalah ancaman yang serius yang harus dihadapi bersama-sama antara pemerintah dan seluruh masyarakat.

Saran-saran untuk ODHA:
1. Melakukan positive prevention yaitu, upaya untuk menyetop penularan HIV hanya pada diri mereka, sehingga tidak menulari orang-orang yang dicintai seperti istri dan anak-anak.
2. Merubah perilaku berisiko agar tidak terjadi re-infeksi virus HIV yang bisa memperparah kondisi kesehatannya.
3. Memanfaatkan semaksimal mungkin kesempatan untuk bisa sehat dan produktif dengan kegiatan yang berguna untuk keluarga dan masyarakat, serta ikut aktif dalam melakukan kampanye, penyuluhan tentang HIV/AIDS di masyarakat.

*Sumber dari press release Depkes RI

Indonesia masuk kategori the fastest growing epudemic in Asia...serem banget yaaa.
Pengidap HIV/AIDS yang tercatat dan melapor saat ini berjumlah 21.151 orang. Namun diperkirakan jumlah pengidap seluruh Indonesia berkisar 200.000 orang.
*Sumber Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS (KPA)

Cheers, frizzy2008.

I cry for these sad news...

Fahmi Rizwansyah says:

Indonesian workers facing massive layoffs

By Andi Abdussalam
(ANTARA News) - Hundreds of thousands of Indonesian workers at home and abroad are facing the threat of losing their jobs as a result of the global financial crisis. At home about 200,000 will likely be laid off shortly. In Malaysia, the main destination of Indonesian migrant workers, at least 300 thousands are facing the same fate, while hundreds of others are waiting repatriation from Kuwait.

"We have to make all-out efforts to prevent massive layoffs," General Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Ms Hidayat said on Monday. He said he had witnessed that the economic recession in the United States had really taken place. Thus, labor intensive industries at home need to make all-out efforts in order to prevent massive layoffs.

In Malaysia about 3,000 Indonesian migrant workers are facing the same fate. According to Indonesian Ambassador to Malaysia Dai Bachtiar, about 300 thousand Indonesian workers (TKIs) would likely face layoffs due to the on-going global economic recession.

"I am concern with Indonesian workers employed in Malaysian companies whose number reaches 300 thousands," the ambassador said. According to him, the impact of the global economic crisis has not yet been felt by most of Indonesian migrant workers who are bound with work contracts. But workers at Malaysian companies will face the impact if demand for the companies` production fall.

Therefore the ambassador expressed concern over Indonesian workers at Malaysian companies. Those working as domestic helpers and are bound by work contracts will not be much affected. "But this all will depend on the policy of the Malaysian government," the ambassador said.

In the meantime, at least 380 Indonesian migrant workers are facing repatriation in Kuwait. They are now placed at the Indonesian embassy. They are among Indonesian problematic workers in that country.

In order to help their repatriation, Moh Jumhur Hidayat, Head of National Workers Protection and Placement Overseas (BNP2TKI), flew to Kuwait to meet the problematic TKIs.

Luckily, the Kuwait Union of Domestic Labor Office (KUODLO) has promised to help repatriate about 380 problematic Indonesian workers now being placed at the Indonesian Embassy.

KUODLO chairman Fadel Mohammed Al Sharaf said it was ready to help. "We are ready to provide assistance," Al Sharaf said in a meeting with Jumhur in Kuwait on Monday night.

In the January-July 2008 period, according to the Indonesian embassy, 12,205 Indonesian workers had been placed in Kuwait, the third biggest after Saudi Arabia which has 75,770, and the United Arab Emirates 14,191 in the same period.

At home, Indonesian companies have begun entering the difficult phase. Kadin chairman for fiscal and monetary affairs Bambang Soesatyo said on Tuesday that about 200,000 workers will be laid off in the coming six months in Indonesia as a result of the financial crisis. Many businesses in December 2008 are likely to announce minus profits.

Kadin General Chairman MS Hidayat said that labor-intensive companies had sent signals of layoffs. "This begins with placing workers at home because demand for products had been declining. This trend will increase next January where labor intensive industries have to be safeguarded," Hidyat said.

Attention must also be given to exporter companies as the main foreign exchange earners so that they would not be affected by the rupiah depreciation and would survive the 2009 crisis.

One of the factors that had begun to affect businesses is the depreciation of the rupiah against foreign currencies, the US dollar in particular. The rupiah has fallen to Rp12,000 per US dollar, even it happened to touch the Rp13,200 level.

The depreciation of the rupiah to the Rp13,200 per US dollar was the weakest one since the 1998 financial crisis when it was recorded at Rp16,800 per US dollar.

On the layoff issue, Bambang said the weakening of the rupiah hampered companies to boost their production. At the same time, demand for goods abroad was also declining.

Bambang said goods purchase contracts were to expire in December and many of them were not likely to be extended. Therefore, the number of trade contracts next year was expected to decline. As a result, production of goods at home would also drop.

The solution that could be made, he sad, was to generate infrastructure development to accommodate workers. The funds for infrastructure development are however taken from the state budget, whose absorption is rather slow.

"Up to November 2008, the absorption of the state budget was only 60 percent. About 90 percent of the state budget is kept in banks," he said.

The other solution, he said, was to increase cuts in the price of premium gasoline from Rp500 per liter to Rp1,500 per liter. The diesel oil price also needed to be cut by Rp1,000 per liter. "A cut to that extent will be significant in raising the purchasing power of the people," he added

Even though many workers are facing layoffs, those working with crude palm oil industries still could breathe fresh wind. Palm oil industry workers could still be safeguarded from layoffs despite the fact that demand for crude palm oil (CPO) has been declining since the second semester of 2008.
"I don`t think it is that easy for industries to lay off their workers because it would neither that easy for them to find suitable workers when the economic crisis has recovered," General Chairman of the Indonesian Oil Palm Businessmen Association (Gapki), Akmaluddin Hasibuan said.

He said that industries needed to carry out capital restructuring if they lay off their workers. Over the past few months, CPO industries have been facing difficulties due to the global financial crisis that had spread to various parts of the world.

Hasibuan said that layoffs is possible if the capital structure of industries was not strong. He said that factors in other countries should also be taken into account. "If the composition of the funds is 90 percent from banking credits, the industries concerned will face problems because they would bear a too heavy burden," he said.

Cheers, frizzy2008.